Friday, October 28, 2016

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday October 30, 2016

Over 114,000 readers worldwide

(Embracing and overcoming trials)
(Hebrews 12:1-13)

   In Hebrews chapter 12, the author of GOD gives us a remarkably vivid description and summary of the Christian life, and, shows us the attitude we should have, as we aspire to obtain our goal of becoming more like CHRIST. In the Greek, the word used for “discipline” is “paideia” (pahee-di-ah), and it is “education or training”. It also means “to nurture, instruct, or chasten”.
    The Christian life can be likened to a relay race. The people of faith, like the ones mentioned in Hebrews chapter 11, who have run before us, have passed on the baton, and now, they anxiously wait to see how we will carry on in the discipline that Christianity demands. As we run, we can look back and see how JESUS ran HIS race, and, at one and the same time, we can also look ahead, and see HIS exaltation at the finish line.
    JESUS, is our supreme example, and, HE is the “Author and Finisher” of our faith (Hebrews 12:1-2). A life that is void of testing from GOD is most likely going to be a life void of prayer, humility, holiness, and appreciation of what GOD has done for us. Tests from GOD are not made to make us fail, but rather, are made to make us better representatives of CHRIST, and Christianity, here on earth.
    Trials are what GOD uses to refine us, and prepare us for a life of eternity with HIM, in HIS kingdom. It takes a certain amount of discipline to become, and remain successful in the Christian race. When we take into account how much JESUS endured, we can realize that suffering and hardship are no excuse for us to give up and drop out of contention (Hebrews 12:3-15).
    If we fail to understand the love and purpose of GOD’s discipline, we are likely to become bitter, and miss out on GOD’s graceful intent. If we see our trials and difficulties in the perspective provided by GOD’s grace, we will be better able to understand and accept HIS discipline in our lives. Remember, Esau, who saw no value in spiritual things, ended up selling his birthright to GOD’s covenant promise, for a mere a bowl of stew. If we value only material things as he did, we too, are in danger of missing our blessings in the end (Hebrews 12:16-17).
    We, as Christians, are not people who meander along the paths of life in a totally oblivious manner. We are not like tourist, who, each night, return to the point where we started that previous morning. The Christian life is about going somewhere, and at the end of each day, we’ll do good to ask ourselves, “Have we gotten any closer to our goal of being more like CHRIST?” That should be the aspiration of every Christian, to, each day, become more and more like CHRIST.
    However, the Christian also has another inspiration. It is the inspiration of the “cloud of witnesses”, who have gone before us, and witnessed their confession to CHRIST, and now witness our performance from way on high. They are those people mentioned in Hebrews chapter 11, who personified faith during their Christian walk here on earth. They are those people like Moses, Abraham, and Noah, who have already claimed their crowns of victory.
    But, unfortunately, we Christians also have “a handicap”, and it is “the handicap and weight of our own sins”. It is very difficult to run a race, when you are carrying excess baggage. If we wish to travel far, it is much better to travel light. The burden of sin can weigh heavily on a person, who is trying to run the Christian race, or walk the Christian walk. It is paramount that we first discard the unnecessary things that hold us back, and what holds man back is sin. If we are to endure the Christian race to the finish, we must first learn to lighten our load of “sinful cargo” (behavior), and move away from our carnal desires (sin nature) (Hebrews 12:1).
    Our supreme example of faith and discipline is CHRIST JESUS HIMSELF. HE is also our companion along the way, and, HE is our goal at the end of the race. Remember, GOD’s kingdom will remain when the universe itself is shaken, and this old world itself will ultimately disappear. That is when one will truly appreciate how good it will be to be a citizen in the kingdom of Heaven.
    We should also remember that our trials, can and will, both refine us, and, help prepare us to dwell in eternity in the presence of THE ALMIGHTY GOD in Heaven, at the end of our Christian race. The motivation for pursuing holiness here and now, is the realization that, without it, no one can see GOD, or stand in the presence of GOD in the spiritual life that follows our stay here on earth. In other words, Christians must be, and will be, sinless when they see the LORD in Heaven.
    A person’s perception of GOD in this present life is the true measure of his or her holiness. In order to help us reach the state of holiness we need to achieve, GOD whips us into condition with his Holy discipline, and testing. When we fail to understand the love and purpose of GOD’s discipline, we are likely to become bitter towards HIM, and thereby, miss HIS unfailing grace. However, when we are able to see our trials and difficulties in the perspective of GOD’s grace, we are better able to accept HIS chastening, which will refine us.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, October 21, 2016

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday October 23, 2016

Over 113,000 readers worldwide

(JESUS represents a change from the Levitical priesthood)
(Hebrews 7)

   Way back in Genesis 14, after Abraham (then Abram) had defeated a band of armies led by King Kedorlaomer of Elam, and rescued his nephew Lot from certain doom, we are introduced to one of the most obscure, and yet, important figures in the annals of Old Testament history. Upon Abraham’s return from battle, he is met by a man named Melchizedek in the valley of Shaveh.
    Melchizedek was the King of Salem (now Jerusalem) and was also a priest of our GOD Most High. His name means “king of justice”, and the name of his kingdom, “Salem”, means “peace”. And so, by his very name and position he was both, “king of justice”, and, “king of peace”. He was high enough in stature and importance, that, he could both, bless Abraham, and, receive a tithe from Abraham.
    Here in Hebrews chapter 7, the author emphasizes the fact that JESUS’ priesthood does not derive from Aaron’s Levitical line of priests, but rather, it derives from the line of Melchizedek, a superior priesthood. Here in verses 1-10, the author establishes two things: First, the greater always blesses the lesser. Here the author is showing that, by blessing Abraham, Melchizedek was greater than Abraham. And secondly, Abraham, who was the great, great-grandfather of Aaron, the first of the Levitical line of priests, paid a tithe to Melchizedek, and thus personally acknowledged the superiority of his priesthood.
    As, it is written by king David in his prophetic Psalm 110:4, GOD’s ordaining someone as a “priest forever in the line of Melchizedek” is a clear indication that GOD always intended to make a change in the Aaronic priesthood. Such a change would also require a change in the whole system of the Mosiac Law, of which that priesthood was a part (Vs. 11-19).
    JESUS’ priesthood is better simply because it is flawless, and it is forever, or, eternal. In the Old Testament, you’ll find that, neither Melchizedek’s birth, nor his death, are recorded. There is no record of his father or mother or any of his ancestors, and no beginning or end to his life. He remains a priest forever resembling the SON of GOD. His priesthood is also permanent, just as JESUS lives eternally as our Heavenly priest, and, can save us continuously and completely.
    JESUS’ priesthood is able to meet our needs, by way of HIS vicarious sacrifice, which settles forever, the issue of our sins. HE is the only one WHO can speak for us, and intercede for us before GOD the FATHER. The priesthood of CHRIST differs dramatically from the Levitical priesthood in, that, it was instituted with an oath. By contrast, the descendants of Aaron assumed their jobs without any oath.
    In the Greek, the word used in Hebrews 7:22 for “surety” is “engyos”. This is the only time this particular word is used in New Testament scriptures. It is a legal term which identifies a bond or collateral. It means that the signer of the guarantee pledged his resources as security for the commitment that is made. JESUS is the living guarantee that the forgiveness GOD offers us under the New Covenant will surely be ours. In fact, because of HIS oath, HE became the guarantee of a better Covenant. With HIS OWN life, JESUS assured the superiority of the new order over the old, because HIS oath also secured HIS permanent installation in the priestly office of GOD.
    No Old Testament priest ever functioned in this permanent manner, simply because, all of them were subject to death and mortality. JESUS not only prays for us, HE also has empowered us to live a more righteous life here on earth, through HIS examples and gift of the HOLY SPIRIT. As an ever-living HIGH PRIEST, JESUS is always available to represent us before GOD, and thus, HE is able to save us completely.
    Remember, everyone who has been saved by CHRIST, was saved when they were still sinners. When we stumble after receiving salvation, JESUS remains there with us to keep us from falling, because HE is always holding us by the hand. HE remains committed to us so that HE can save us completely. If salvation depended on us, then, we would have a right to worry. But, because salvation depends on JESUS, we can be free from fret and worry, because our futures are completely secure, through HIM.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, October 14, 2016

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday October 16, 2016

Over 113,000 readers worldwide

(JESUS identifies with us and intercedes for us)
(Hebrews 4:14 – 5:10)

   In Hebrews chapters 4:14-5:10, the author of GOD seeks to show us how JESUS easily qualifies to fulfill the essentials of the priesthood, as they are defined by GOD. JESUS is our High Priest, WHO has gone to Heaven to intercede for us, and is the SON of GOD.
    Complying with all of GOD’s wishes, HE accepted the charge to come to earth and be born of woman into a 100% human being, so that HE could legitimately qualify to become a living sacrifice for all mankind in general, and all Christians in particular. As a human being, HE came to understand all of our weaknesses, and HE faced all of the temptations from satan that human beings have to face. That’s why we can now come boldly to the Throne of GOD, and there, we will find and receive HIS mercy, and all the grace we need to help us to overcome this world, just as JESUS did (4:14-16).
    In chapter 5, verses 1-5, the writer of Hebrews discloses to us, the three most essential qualifications that are required for one to be a priest, who serves the GOD in Heaven. An earthly High priest is a man chosen to represent other human beings in their dealings with GOD. One of his key roles is to present their gifts and their sacrifices for sin to GOD. However, because he is himself a sinful human being, he must first offer up sacrifices to GOD for his own sins.
    First of all, in this passage the writer gives us the attribute of “compassion” as a key qualification. The compassion of CHRIST is far richer than the gentleness that is ascribed to the earthly high priests. The High priest must be able to deal compassionately with people who are, for the most part, ignorant and wayward, and he himself is also subject to those same weaknesses.
    The Greek word used for “touched” in verse 4, “sumpatheo” (soom-path-eh-o), means “to have compassion for”. “Compassion”, in the Greek, “metriopatheo” (met-ree-op-eth-eh-o), is “a midpoint between two extremes”. That tells us that a priest must operate with his “emotions under control” at all times, and not be too light, nor too harsh, when dealing with the people he is interceding for before GOD. He must keep his feelings neutral, in the middle, where “virtue” can be found. That way he stays within the boundaries of the compassion that CHRIST exhibited, and won’t subject himself to being influenced by satan, through “out of control” emotions.
     And so the second qualification of the priest is that he must keep himself within the will of GOD by having “self control” over his own body. He must continually be concerned about his own spiritual life and personal relationship with GOD in Heaven, WHOM he labors for.
    GOD “declared and called CHRIST” to be a Priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek. Earthly Priests were from the Levite line of Aaron, the line that was “appointed by GOD” to serve in the priesthood here on earth. Thus the third and most important qualification is that the Priest must be, “called by GOD”, and not “just show up, and appoint himself”. The priesthood is “a call to glory” by GOD HIMSELF, and is not an office that is appointed by men. And so a priest of GOD must;

·         Have and show compassion
·         Keep himself within the Will of GOD, having self disciple
·         Most importantly, “be called by GOD”

    GOD speaks to us, through our many experiences in life. These experiences always, in some way, try our hearts and souls. We can only hear HIS voice when we tune our minds to HIM, with complete “reverence”. If we rebel against GOD, through our resentments, or “continuous sins”, our hearts will build up a resistance that will make us deaf, or, unable to hear the voice of GOD.
    JESUS, among HIS many roles, also serves as our “Eternal High Priest”. HE has been exalted above the Heavens, and has no need to make sacrifices for us from day to day, like the old line of Levitical Priests had to do. Because of HIS one-time-only, vicarious sacrifice for us on the cross, HE, through GOD’s grace, was able to cover all the sins of every human being, past, present, and future, with HIS “Eternal Life-giving Blood”. And HE now intercedes for us from a Heavenly vantage point, pleading our case before GOD, whenever we choose to accept HIS sacrificial rendering, giving HIM control over the throne of our lives.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, October 7, 2016

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday October 9, 2016

Over 113,000 readers worldwide

(We can be a part of GOD’s household if we choose to)
Hebrews 3:1-6 & Matthew 7:24-29

   The builder of the house is always greater than the house itself. In Hebrews chapter three, the author of GOD turns his focus to proving that JESUS is greater than GOD’s great servant Moses, who led the Israelites out of Egypt, during the great exodus. It is a call for faithfulness among the chosen people of GOD, as the writer now addresses his readers as “holy brothers” who share in the Heavenly calling.
    Here in this passage, the author is obviously thinking of the privilege of their own high calling of being able to participate in the future dominion of CHRIST JESUS in HIS coming earthly “Millennial Kingdom”. In this passage, Moses is praised for his faithfulness as an honored servant, who was himself, high above the status of a slave. But here he points out that JESUS too, was a faithful servant of HIS FATHER GOD, and was far superior to Moses in every respect.
    In relationship to GOD’s household, Moses was never more than a member of the family. However, JESUS is the architect, or builder of the family of GOD. HE deserves far more glory than Moses, just as a person who builds a house deserves more praise than the house itself.
    As far as roles in the house of GOD are concerned Moses was an important servant, however, JESUS is the SON and HEIR of the OWNER of the house, GOD. And even in relationship to ministry, Moses himself spoke of what would happen in the future, when he prophesied in Deuteronomy 18:15, to his fellow Israelites, that, “The LORD will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your fellow Israelites, and you must listen to that PROPHET”.
    In every way imaginable, JESUS was superior to Moses, who himself was a towering figure in Jewish history, and in fact, is one of the greater human beings in the annals of Scripture, who has ever lived. However, JESUS, the MAN WHO built the house of GOD on earth, and on a solid rock, I might add, is by far superior to Moses, who was only a servant in the house of GOD, just as many are, and will be in the future.
    When we as Christians begin to lay down our foundation of faith, on which we will build our legacy for the future of our children, we will do good to follow JESUS’ examples, teachings, and lifestyle to the letter, if we are to truly succeed in overcoming this world as JESUS did.
    In Matthew chapter 7, verses 24-29, JESUS concludes HIS, now famous, “Sermon on the Mount” with this warning for us to build our spiritual foundations on “the most high Faith”. There we see JESUS demanding two things. First, HE demands that we “listen” (hear), because the first step to living a Christian life calls for us to give JESUS a chance to be heard.
    Secondly, JESUS demands that we “do”. Knowledge does not become relevant until it is put into action. Knowledge must become action, while theory must become practice, and then, theology can become life. There is little point in going to see an expert if we are not prepared to act upon his advice. Millions of people go to church every weekend to listen to the teachings of JESUS, and some, as a result, have very good knowledge of what HE says about life. However, time and time again, we walk out of the doors of the church, and we fail to put that knowledge into action. If we are in any sense, to become followers of CHRIST, we must learn to, first “hear”, and then “do”.
    There is only one word that sums up “hearing and doing”, in both, the English and the Greek. In the Greek that word is “hupokoe” (hoop-ak-o-ay), and it means “to listen attentively, and to heed or conform to command or authority”. In the English, that word is “obedience”.
    It is JESUS’ claim that obedience to HIM is the only “true foundation”. “I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life” is what HE said to “a doubting Thomas” in John 14:6. In the final analysis, all man ever really seeks is life, for he never seeks knowledge just for knowledge sake, but rather, for what that knowledge can do to make his life more worth living. It is JESUS’ contention that, life through HIM is the only life worth living. No one goes to the FATHER in Heaven, but by JESUS. HE alone, is the way to GOD. In HIM, we see exactly what GOD is like, and only HE can usher us into GOD’s OWN glorious presence, without fear, without guilt, and, without shame.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander