An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday January 31, 2010
(As HIS disciples, we share in JESUS’ rejection)
(Matthew 13:54-58)
JESUS revealed many additional things about HIS millennial reign here on earth that had not previously been mentioned by Old Testament prophets. As resistance to HIS teachings hardened, particularly among the Pharisees and scribes, JESUS began to speak in “parables” that could only be understood by those who were open to HIS teaching. And even though HE came and offered up HIS Kingdom to the nations, many, even from among the Jews, chose instead, to reject HIM.
In Matthew 13:53-58, after JESUS had finished instructing HIS disciples on what the Kingdom of Heaven was like, HE returned to HIS hometown of Nazareth and began teaching the people in the local synagogue. The town of Nazareth had already rejected JESUS during an earlier visit, when they had attempted to throw HIM over a cliff, after HE had proclaimed HIMSELF as being the long-awaited MESSIAH (Luke 4:14-29).
Familiarity oftentimes breeds contempt, and on this second visit, even though they were impressed by HIS wisdom and miracles, the people still couldn’t wrap their minds around the fact that JESUS was truly the MESSIAH. They reasoned that, someone who had grown up right before their eyes, couldn’t possibly be anyone near as special as the much anticipated MESSIAH, the SAVIOR of the Jewish nation. For, they knew HIS earthly father Joseph, and they also knew Mary and all of JESUS’ brothers and sisters, and they were all just ordinary people. They asked themselves, “How can this man claim to be the MESSIAH, the SAVIOR of the world? In fact, here in Nazareth, the people were even offended by JESUS’ seemingly outrageous claims.
Even in today’s society the most difficult place for a preacher to preach is in the place where he or she grew up. The element of familiarity almost always places a barrier between people who know each other intimately, especially husbands and wives, and other family members. The closer they are, the more difficult it is to have a positive effect on their lives as a minister. The attitudes will either bring an atmosphere that has a barrier that cannot be penetrated, or, the high expectations of some will be too lenient, and they, as a result, will accept spiritual advice that sometimes cannot be endorsed by the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD.
There can be no effective preaching in the wrong atmosphere. Many a great message has fallen prey to the devil, simply because the hearer was prejudiced against messenger. We see here in this passage that it happened, even to JESUS, WHO was the greatest messenger that GOD ever sent. And so, those of us who are ministers in this day and time, should not be surprised when it happens to us, even in, and probably, especially in, our own hometowns, and even, in our own households.
Those who choose to follow JESUS will always inevitably experience the taste of the same bitter cup from which JESUS drank. But we must persist in sowing the seeds of the Good News of the Gospel among those whom we encounter on a daily basis, just as JESUS did. And remember, it is not our task to convert everyone that we meet, but rather, it is only those whose hearts have already been prepared by GOD to be receptive to the message.
When JESUS sent the disciples out to preach the Gospel to the nations, he told them to abide only in those places where they were welcome. And when they came across places that were unreceptive to their message of Good News, they were to shake the dust off their feet, and move on to the next town or city.
A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander
“Home and Church Bible Commentaries from the Book of Hebrews” @
Larry D. Alexander's Storefront - Lulu.com
(Go to Larry D. Alexander’s storefront, Official Website, or order online through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Borders, or any of your favorite online book stores)
ON YOUTUBE!!! Click links below
Alexander Sunday School Lesson_This do in Rememberance of Me
YouTube - Alexander Sunday School Lesson 2_The Gospel of John
LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website
Larry D. Alexander-Christian Art
Larry D. Alexander - http://larrydalexander.blogspot.com/index.html
Friday, January 29, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday January 24, 2010
(Share your burdens with JESUS)
(Matthew 11:25-30)
The Jewish religious leaders of the first century felt that everyone who wished to remain in a right relationship with GOD had to adhere strictly to the laws of Moses without fail. All Jews had to conform to their stern, sometimes legalistically ridiculous, interpretation of GOD’s word. Over the years, they imposed many added-on oral rules and regulations that were not at all biblical in their origins.
For the orthodox Jew, the Law meant two things. First of all, it meant the “The Ten Commandments”. Secondly, it meant “The Pentateuch”, the first five books of the bible, more commonly known to them as “The Law of Moses”. From these two documents, the Pharisees and Scribes formed a very complex, self-made, spoken set of rules and regulations that came to be known as “Oral Law”, or, “The Traditions of the Elders”. It was not until roughly 300 years after JESUS’ crucifixion that these oral laws were written down to form what we know today as the “Mishnah”.
In JESUS’ day, these scribal rules and regulations placed a heavy burden on the believer who wished to please GOD in their everyday living. Sometimes the burden became so heavy on some, that they became discouraged and left the Faith. It also deterred many, who were considering joining the Faith, from doing so. They considered that the weight of the world was a lighter burden than that of trying to carry the weight and restrictions of a believer.
To the prideful Scribes and Pharisees, these unwritten rules and regulations made up the very essence of their religion. In their minds, to observe them, was to please GOD. In the religious sense, the religious leaders and JESUS were miles apart in their thinking. In fact, we see quite vividly, throughout JESUS’ three-year ministry, a basic and fundamental contrast between those who see religion as ritual, and the MAN JESUS, WHO sees in religion, loving GOD, and also, loving HIS fellowman.
JESUS was constantly accusing the religious hierarchy of Israel of substituting the Laws of GOD with “human ingenuity”, through their own man-made laws. It is now a proven fact, that, the cleverness of man can never be the basis of true religion, and true religion can never be produced in the impure recesses of a man’s mind. That is why Christianity is the only true religion, and it is quite simply because, it is the only religion that is a product of the mind of GOD. It is based simply upon listening to, and accepting the word of GOD, on faith.
Man must forever be cognizant of the fact that, any rule that prevents us from helping our fellowman can never be a rule of GOD’s. And remember, GOD hid the truth from the cleaver Scribes and Pharisees, and HE reveals it only to those who are willing to humble themselves down to a childlike state, and be willing to start all over, in the newness of life, that is CHRIST JESUS.
In the biblical Greek, the word used for “promise” is “epaggelia” (ep-ang-el-ee-ah), and it is “an announcement of divine assurance of good”. Here in this passage, Matthew 11:25-30, JESUS announces a promise of divine assurance that anyone who chooses to come to HIM, from out of the world, will experience a lightening of their load, by way of the forgiveness of their sins, and the offering of eternal rest in HIS FATHER’s Kingdom. HE offers us to take HIS yoke instead, by receiving HIS humble and gentle teachings, which fits us perfectly, and is far lighter than the encumbrances of our own iniquities.
A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander
“Home and Church Bible Commentaries from the Book of Hebrews” @
Larry D. Alexander's Storefront - Lulu.com
(Go to Larry D. Alexander’s storefront, Official Website, or order online through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Borders, or any of your favorite online book stores)
ON YOUTUBE!!! Click links below
Alexander Sunday School Lesson_This do in Rememberance of Me
YouTube - Alexander Sunday School Lesson 2_The Gospel of John
LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website
Larry D. Alexander-Christian Art
Larry D. Alexander - http://larrydalexander.blogspot.com/index.html
An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday January 24, 2010
(Share your burdens with JESUS)
(Matthew 11:25-30)
The Jewish religious leaders of the first century felt that everyone who wished to remain in a right relationship with GOD had to adhere strictly to the laws of Moses without fail. All Jews had to conform to their stern, sometimes legalistically ridiculous, interpretation of GOD’s word. Over the years, they imposed many added-on oral rules and regulations that were not at all biblical in their origins.
For the orthodox Jew, the Law meant two things. First of all, it meant the “The Ten Commandments”. Secondly, it meant “The Pentateuch”, the first five books of the bible, more commonly known to them as “The Law of Moses”. From these two documents, the Pharisees and Scribes formed a very complex, self-made, spoken set of rules and regulations that came to be known as “Oral Law”, or, “The Traditions of the Elders”. It was not until roughly 300 years after JESUS’ crucifixion that these oral laws were written down to form what we know today as the “Mishnah”.
In JESUS’ day, these scribal rules and regulations placed a heavy burden on the believer who wished to please GOD in their everyday living. Sometimes the burden became so heavy on some, that they became discouraged and left the Faith. It also deterred many, who were considering joining the Faith, from doing so. They considered that the weight of the world was a lighter burden than that of trying to carry the weight and restrictions of a believer.
To the prideful Scribes and Pharisees, these unwritten rules and regulations made up the very essence of their religion. In their minds, to observe them, was to please GOD. In the religious sense, the religious leaders and JESUS were miles apart in their thinking. In fact, we see quite vividly, throughout JESUS’ three-year ministry, a basic and fundamental contrast between those who see religion as ritual, and the MAN JESUS, WHO sees in religion, loving GOD, and also, loving HIS fellowman.
JESUS was constantly accusing the religious hierarchy of Israel of substituting the Laws of GOD with “human ingenuity”, through their own man-made laws. It is now a proven fact, that, the cleverness of man can never be the basis of true religion, and true religion can never be produced in the impure recesses of a man’s mind. That is why Christianity is the only true religion, and it is quite simply because, it is the only religion that is a product of the mind of GOD. It is based simply upon listening to, and accepting the word of GOD, on faith.
Man must forever be cognizant of the fact that, any rule that prevents us from helping our fellowman can never be a rule of GOD’s. And remember, GOD hid the truth from the cleaver Scribes and Pharisees, and HE reveals it only to those who are willing to humble themselves down to a childlike state, and be willing to start all over, in the newness of life, that is CHRIST JESUS.
In the biblical Greek, the word used for “promise” is “epaggelia” (ep-ang-el-ee-ah), and it is “an announcement of divine assurance of good”. Here in this passage, Matthew 11:25-30, JESUS announces a promise of divine assurance that anyone who chooses to come to HIM, from out of the world, will experience a lightening of their load, by way of the forgiveness of their sins, and the offering of eternal rest in HIS FATHER’s Kingdom. HE offers us to take HIS yoke instead, by receiving HIS humble and gentle teachings, which fits us perfectly, and is far lighter than the encumbrances of our own iniquities.
A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander
“Home and Church Bible Commentaries from the Book of Hebrews” @
Larry D. Alexander's Storefront - Lulu.com
(Go to Larry D. Alexander’s storefront, Official Website, or order online through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Borders, or any of your favorite online book stores)
ON YOUTUBE!!! Click links below
Alexander Sunday School Lesson_This do in Rememberance of Me
YouTube - Alexander Sunday School Lesson 2_The Gospel of John
LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website
Larry D. Alexander-Christian Art
Larry D. Alexander - http://larrydalexander.blogspot.com/index.html
Friday, January 15, 2010
An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday January 17, 2010
(GOD is working, whether we see HIM or not)
(Matthew 9:27-38)
In the biblical Greek, the word used by the Synoptic Gospel writers (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) for “compassion” is “splanchnizomai” (splanckh-nid-zom-ahee) and it is a deep expression that quite literally means, “to yearn with pity for someone, even down to the depths of one’s bowels”. It is a deep feeling of sadness for the sufferings of others, not unlike the way JESUS feels compassion for us, and the way we should feel for each other.
Matthew chapter 9 concludes as JESUS continues to show HIS matchless compassion and concern for HIS people by opening the blind eyes of two men, and then, restoring the speech of another. However, HE is still unable to reach the hardened hearts of the religious hierarchy of Palestine, who now begin to blasphemingly ascribe JESUS’ miraculous healing power to satan.
In verses 27-30, two physically blind men call on the name of JESUS, and then, follow HIM into a little house in Capernaum where HE was staying, probably with Peter. There, they beseech our LORD and SAVIOR to restore their sight to them. JESUS asked them, “Do you believe that I can make you see?” and they both responded, “We do”. Then JESUS touched their eyes with HIS hands of compassion and told them, “It is by your faith that you are healed”. And immediately they were able to see.
When the two men left, a demon-possessed man was brought to JESUS who could not speak because of his spiritual infliction. JESUS once again shows HIS compassion by casting out the demon and immediately the man was able to speak again. The crowd of people, that surrounded the house, was marvelously astounded, by what they had just witnessed, for they had never seen anything like this before in their lifetimes. But the Pharisees who were also present, sought to stem the peoples’ excitement by telling them that JESUS’ power to heal came from the devil.
In verses 35-38, Matthew sums up JESUS’ three-fold ministry, which consisted of teaching, preaching, and healing. As JESUS traveled through the nearby towns and villages, HE taught in the synagogues and announced the Good News of the Kingdom, all the while, healing the afflicted of all sorts of illnesses.
JESUS felt great compassion for the throngs of people that pressed against, and sought after HIM, for HIS care and attention. They were like sheep without a shepherd, and this caused JESUS to turn to HIS disciples and remind them of the great need for workers who could dedicate themselves to the concerns of GOD. “The harvest is great”, HE told them, “But the workers are so few”. “So let us pray that the LORD GOD, WHO is in charge of the harvest, will send out more workers for HIS field”.
On this past Tuesday afternoon, January 12, 2010, there came a devastating earthquake that rocked Haiti, the poorest nation in the western hemisphere. It is a nation where 100% of the inhabitants have been introduced to, or, are part time practitioners of either, the Catholic, or Protestant versions of Christianity.
Sadly, however, they reduce themselves to the status of “Folk Christianity” as they also continue to practice VooDoo and ancient Taino religious practices (worship of the idol gods “zemis” and “yucahu”) right along side their Christian beliefs. However, true Christians know that GOD, the FATHER of our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST, is not a part time GOD. HE is the only true GOD and HE will not allow HIS confessed followers to share their affections with idol man-made gods.
In the biblical Greek the word New Testament writers use for “longsuffering” is “makrothumia”. It describes a spirit that never grows irritated, never despairs, and above all, never regards anyone, as being beyond salvation.
That is the attitude that JESUS exhibited towards the people of the first century whom HE personally ministered to despite their history of disobedience to the word of GOD. And that is also the attitude that FATHER GOD has toward us, who, throughout the history of HIS creation, has steadfastly rebelled against HIM. HE has always been, and continues to be, “longsuffering” with us, by putting up our sinful rebellions and weaknesses, billions of times each day, worldwide.
However, GOD reminds us from time to time of HIS displeasure with our behavior and HE uses HIS great power to shake us back into reality. Sadly many of us never seem to want to take heed to HIS warnings, and we continue to show our love for the sin we are involved in instead.
Its funny how the very people who refuse to serve GOD, also, always seem to blame GOD for the tragedies they find themselves in, basically, because they are out of the will of GOD. If tragedies befall a person while they’re earnestly trying to live within the will of GOD, then, it would be humanly understandable why that person would question GOD about their plight. But when we blatantly and defiantly deny GOD through our behavior, we must be prepared to suffer some degree of consequences for our indiscretions.
Thankfully, GOD will always forgive those who earnestly repent of their offenses against HIM, whether or not those offenses are by word, or by deed. And according to JESUS, as HE expressed it in HIS now famous, “Mount Olive Discourse”, concerning the final judgment (Matthew 25:31-47), we will be judged according to our reaction to human need.
In other words, when we see our fellowman in need of our compassionate assistance due to tragic circumstances, or, just by the everyday misfortunes and happenstances of life, GOD expects us to lend a hand just JESUS lends HIS hand to us in our time of need, especially when we believe on HIM. And when we respond positively to the needs of our fellowman, no matter where in the world they are, and irregardless to why we think they found themselves in their predicaments, we, in effect, are responding positively to GOD.
A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander
An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday January 17, 2010
(GOD is working, whether we see HIM or not)
(Matthew 9:27-38)
In the biblical Greek, the word used by the Synoptic Gospel writers (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) for “compassion” is “splanchnizomai” (splanckh-nid-zom-ahee) and it is a deep expression that quite literally means, “to yearn with pity for someone, even down to the depths of one’s bowels”. It is a deep feeling of sadness for the sufferings of others, not unlike the way JESUS feels compassion for us, and the way we should feel for each other.
Matthew chapter 9 concludes as JESUS continues to show HIS matchless compassion and concern for HIS people by opening the blind eyes of two men, and then, restoring the speech of another. However, HE is still unable to reach the hardened hearts of the religious hierarchy of Palestine, who now begin to blasphemingly ascribe JESUS’ miraculous healing power to satan.
In verses 27-30, two physically blind men call on the name of JESUS, and then, follow HIM into a little house in Capernaum where HE was staying, probably with Peter. There, they beseech our LORD and SAVIOR to restore their sight to them. JESUS asked them, “Do you believe that I can make you see?” and they both responded, “We do”. Then JESUS touched their eyes with HIS hands of compassion and told them, “It is by your faith that you are healed”. And immediately they were able to see.
When the two men left, a demon-possessed man was brought to JESUS who could not speak because of his spiritual infliction. JESUS once again shows HIS compassion by casting out the demon and immediately the man was able to speak again. The crowd of people, that surrounded the house, was marvelously astounded, by what they had just witnessed, for they had never seen anything like this before in their lifetimes. But the Pharisees who were also present, sought to stem the peoples’ excitement by telling them that JESUS’ power to heal came from the devil.
In verses 35-38, Matthew sums up JESUS’ three-fold ministry, which consisted of teaching, preaching, and healing. As JESUS traveled through the nearby towns and villages, HE taught in the synagogues and announced the Good News of the Kingdom, all the while, healing the afflicted of all sorts of illnesses.
JESUS felt great compassion for the throngs of people that pressed against, and sought after HIM, for HIS care and attention. They were like sheep without a shepherd, and this caused JESUS to turn to HIS disciples and remind them of the great need for workers who could dedicate themselves to the concerns of GOD. “The harvest is great”, HE told them, “But the workers are so few”. “So let us pray that the LORD GOD, WHO is in charge of the harvest, will send out more workers for HIS field”.
On this past Tuesday afternoon, January 12, 2010, there came a devastating earthquake that rocked Haiti, the poorest nation in the western hemisphere. It is a nation where 100% of the inhabitants have been introduced to, or, are part time practitioners of either, the Catholic, or Protestant versions of Christianity.
Sadly, however, they reduce themselves to the status of “Folk Christianity” as they also continue to practice VooDoo and ancient Taino religious practices (worship of the idol gods “zemis” and “yucahu”) right along side their Christian beliefs. However, true Christians know that GOD, the FATHER of our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST, is not a part time GOD. HE is the only true GOD and HE will not allow HIS confessed followers to share their affections with idol man-made gods.
In the biblical Greek the word New Testament writers use for “longsuffering” is “makrothumia”. It describes a spirit that never grows irritated, never despairs, and above all, never regards anyone, as being beyond salvation.
That is the attitude that JESUS exhibited towards the people of the first century whom HE personally ministered to despite their history of disobedience to the word of GOD. And that is also the attitude that FATHER GOD has toward us, who, throughout the history of HIS creation, has steadfastly rebelled against HIM. HE has always been, and continues to be, “longsuffering” with us, by putting up our sinful rebellions and weaknesses, billions of times each day, worldwide.
However, GOD reminds us from time to time of HIS displeasure with our behavior and HE uses HIS great power to shake us back into reality. Sadly many of us never seem to want to take heed to HIS warnings, and we continue to show our love for the sin we are involved in instead.
Its funny how the very people who refuse to serve GOD, also, always seem to blame GOD for the tragedies they find themselves in, basically, because they are out of the will of GOD. If tragedies befall a person while they’re earnestly trying to live within the will of GOD, then, it would be humanly understandable why that person would question GOD about their plight. But when we blatantly and defiantly deny GOD through our behavior, we must be prepared to suffer some degree of consequences for our indiscretions.
Thankfully, GOD will always forgive those who earnestly repent of their offenses against HIM, whether or not those offenses are by word, or by deed. And according to JESUS, as HE expressed it in HIS now famous, “Mount Olive Discourse”, concerning the final judgment (Matthew 25:31-47), we will be judged according to our reaction to human need.
In other words, when we see our fellowman in need of our compassionate assistance due to tragic circumstances, or, just by the everyday misfortunes and happenstances of life, GOD expects us to lend a hand just JESUS lends HIS hand to us in our time of need, especially when we believe on HIM. And when we respond positively to the needs of our fellowman, no matter where in the world they are, and irregardless to why we think they found themselves in their predicaments, we, in effect, are responding positively to GOD.
A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander
Friday, January 8, 2010
An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday January 10, 2010
(Knowing GOD’s word empowers us to resist evil)
(Matthew 4:1-11)
One of the great truths in life is that, after every great moment, there comes a moment of reaction, and it is in that moment of reaction that danger from satan most often lies. In Matthew 4:1, Mark 1:12-13, and Luke 4:1-2, the Gospel authors of GOD, all respectively express the immediacy of which the temptations of satan, followed the baptism of JESUS CHRIST, one of the greatest moments in human history.
More than a few times in Biblical history, we see a great moment of man being quickly followed by a great temptation from satan. In fact, the Scriptures are indeed rift with such incidents as these. We see it in Genesis 13, for example, when a very wealthy Lot is able to separate from Abram, and, for the first time in his life, is on his own in the world, free to make his own decisions. Surely that must have been a great moment in this young man’s life.
However, we see in chapter 14, that, no sooner than he had made his first big decision, which was to move into the area of Sodom and Gomorrah, after he was tempted by what he saw, that, he is drawn into a conflict with rival kings, and is captured, and loses everything that he owns.
In 2 Samuel 11, we see it again with King David, fresh off his big victory over the Ammonites, and deciding to skip the next battle and stay at home and bask in his own glory for a while. Here we see this glorious, victorious, legendary king waking up from his nap, and deciding to take a stroll on the rooftop of his palace. Then, all of sudden satan shows him this woman of unusual beauty, named Bathsheba, taking a bath, in the home of her husband Uriah, who was a member of David’s army. Giving way to the temptations of the flesh, David has her brought to him in his palace, where he has sex with her, and she, as a result, becomes pregnant with his child. David then tries to cover up his sin of adultery by murdering her husband, Uriah, by ordering him to be put on the front line in the heat of battle.
Then in Matthew 16:13-19, Matthew writes of JESUS and HIS Disciple’s visit to the area of Caesarea Philippi where HE poses the question to them, “Who do you say that I am?” When Simon Peter answers, “YOU are the MESSIAH, the SON of the LIVING GOD”, JESUS replies, “You are blessed, Simon son of John, because my FATHER in Heaven has revealed this to you. You did not learn this from any human. Now I say to you, that you are Peter, and upon this rock, I will build my Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. And I will give you the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven”.
Now surely this must have been a great moment in Peter’s life. But in verses 22-23, we see satan immediately attacking Peter spiritually, by using him to try and convince JESUS against GOD’s plan for HIS crucifixion and subsequent resurrection, by telling HIM “ Heaven forbid, LORD, this will never happen to YOU! JESUS turns to Peter and speaks to the spirit of satan who had entered into him, and says, “Get away from me satan”. And so yet another great moment is foiled by the ensuing temptation of satan.
Man must forever be on guard against the temptations of evil, especially in areas where we are most sure of ourselves, and especially following moments of great achievements and gains in our works for the LORD. With all great achievements, comes an equally great measure of human pride, and satan will often use that reactionary moment of pride, to enter into, and try to destroy our lives.
GOD has given everyone a gift of some sort, and everyone has to decide weather they’re going to be good stewards with those gifts, by using them to advance GOD’s work here on earth, particularly, by building on to the kingdom of GOD through our positive reaction to the needs of our fellowman. And we will be tempted all along the way, by satan, to try to get us to use our gifts and talents in selfish ways, apart from GOD.
And, even though we may not be able to escape such temptations 100% of the time, the more we abide in CHRIST JESUS by keeping our focus, the more we will be able to summon up the strength given to us, through HIM, by GOD. In other words, we can battle temptations more successfully when we understand and act upon the word of GOD. And we can be encouraged by the fact, that, JESUS met and overcame temptation, not as a GOD, but rather, as a man.
A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander
“Home and Church Bible Commentaries from the Book of Hebrews” @
Larry D. Alexander's Storefront - Lulu.com
(Go to Larry D. Alexander’s storefront, Official Website, or order online through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Borders, or any of your favorite online book stores)
ON YOUTUBE!!! Click links below
Alexander Sunday School Lesson_This do in Rememberance of Me
YouTube - Alexander Sunday School Lesson 2_The Gospel of John
LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website
Larry D. Alexander-Christian Art
Larry D. Alexander - http://larrydalexander.blogspot.com/index.html
An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday January 10, 2010
(Knowing GOD’s word empowers us to resist evil)
(Matthew 4:1-11)
One of the great truths in life is that, after every great moment, there comes a moment of reaction, and it is in that moment of reaction that danger from satan most often lies. In Matthew 4:1, Mark 1:12-13, and Luke 4:1-2, the Gospel authors of GOD, all respectively express the immediacy of which the temptations of satan, followed the baptism of JESUS CHRIST, one of the greatest moments in human history.
More than a few times in Biblical history, we see a great moment of man being quickly followed by a great temptation from satan. In fact, the Scriptures are indeed rift with such incidents as these. We see it in Genesis 13, for example, when a very wealthy Lot is able to separate from Abram, and, for the first time in his life, is on his own in the world, free to make his own decisions. Surely that must have been a great moment in this young man’s life.
However, we see in chapter 14, that, no sooner than he had made his first big decision, which was to move into the area of Sodom and Gomorrah, after he was tempted by what he saw, that, he is drawn into a conflict with rival kings, and is captured, and loses everything that he owns.
In 2 Samuel 11, we see it again with King David, fresh off his big victory over the Ammonites, and deciding to skip the next battle and stay at home and bask in his own glory for a while. Here we see this glorious, victorious, legendary king waking up from his nap, and deciding to take a stroll on the rooftop of his palace. Then, all of sudden satan shows him this woman of unusual beauty, named Bathsheba, taking a bath, in the home of her husband Uriah, who was a member of David’s army. Giving way to the temptations of the flesh, David has her brought to him in his palace, where he has sex with her, and she, as a result, becomes pregnant with his child. David then tries to cover up his sin of adultery by murdering her husband, Uriah, by ordering him to be put on the front line in the heat of battle.
Then in Matthew 16:13-19, Matthew writes of JESUS and HIS Disciple’s visit to the area of Caesarea Philippi where HE poses the question to them, “Who do you say that I am?” When Simon Peter answers, “YOU are the MESSIAH, the SON of the LIVING GOD”, JESUS replies, “You are blessed, Simon son of John, because my FATHER in Heaven has revealed this to you. You did not learn this from any human. Now I say to you, that you are Peter, and upon this rock, I will build my Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. And I will give you the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven”.
Now surely this must have been a great moment in Peter’s life. But in verses 22-23, we see satan immediately attacking Peter spiritually, by using him to try and convince JESUS against GOD’s plan for HIS crucifixion and subsequent resurrection, by telling HIM “ Heaven forbid, LORD, this will never happen to YOU! JESUS turns to Peter and speaks to the spirit of satan who had entered into him, and says, “Get away from me satan”. And so yet another great moment is foiled by the ensuing temptation of satan.
Man must forever be on guard against the temptations of evil, especially in areas where we are most sure of ourselves, and especially following moments of great achievements and gains in our works for the LORD. With all great achievements, comes an equally great measure of human pride, and satan will often use that reactionary moment of pride, to enter into, and try to destroy our lives.
GOD has given everyone a gift of some sort, and everyone has to decide weather they’re going to be good stewards with those gifts, by using them to advance GOD’s work here on earth, particularly, by building on to the kingdom of GOD through our positive reaction to the needs of our fellowman. And we will be tempted all along the way, by satan, to try to get us to use our gifts and talents in selfish ways, apart from GOD.
And, even though we may not be able to escape such temptations 100% of the time, the more we abide in CHRIST JESUS by keeping our focus, the more we will be able to summon up the strength given to us, through HIM, by GOD. In other words, we can battle temptations more successfully when we understand and act upon the word of GOD. And we can be encouraged by the fact, that, JESUS met and overcame temptation, not as a GOD, but rather, as a man.
A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander
“Home and Church Bible Commentaries from the Book of Hebrews” @
Larry D. Alexander's Storefront - Lulu.com
(Go to Larry D. Alexander’s storefront, Official Website, or order online through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Borders, or any of your favorite online book stores)
ON YOUTUBE!!! Click links below
Alexander Sunday School Lesson_This do in Rememberance of Me
YouTube - Alexander Sunday School Lesson 2_The Gospel of John
LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website
Larry D. Alexander-Christian Art
Larry D. Alexander - http://larrydalexander.blogspot.com/index.html
Friday, January 1, 2010
An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday January 3, 2010
(John announced, GOD confirmed, and now we proclaim who JESUS is)
(Matthew 3)
John the Baptist preached repentance in an effort to change man’s direction in life, away from sin, and towards the loving arms of the ALMIGHTY GOD in Heaven, WHO is the FATHER of our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST. He was the cousin of JESUS, and one who came bearing a strong message that smacked of the traditional Old Testament prophets in its deliverance.
And while his stern dress and warnings were familiar, his practice of baptizing those who were willing to repent, was something new, and it drew much excitement from the Jewish populace, as well as from some in the Jewish religious leadership.
Here in Matthew chapter three, the apostle deliberately skips over JESUS’ childhood, and picks up HIS story on the banks of the River Jordan where John the Baptist was engaging in his daily practice of baptizing converts and repenting backsliders.
In the New Testament Greek, the word used for “messenger” is “angelos”, and it describes one who brings news or tidings by divine order from GOD. John, the Baptist, was sent by GOD to warn and prepare HIS people for the imminent arrival of CHRIST JESUS, the long-awaited, MESSIAH. GOD was about to bless the world with another of HIS distinctive acts, and the people had to be ready to respond, by demonstrating their faith and repentance through a changed, more GODly behavior.
Their new commitment was to be initiated and verified with a water baptism that would symbolize their pledge to GOD to live a new life that would reflect the example of the coming CHRIST. John’s water baptism was not the ritual cleansing bath that had been traditionally practiced by the Jews for centuries, but rather, it was an innovative act that was to be distinct in both the literal, and figurative sense. First of all, it was a means by which a person could publicly identify themselves with the message of GOD through John. It also provided the repenting participant with a forum of public confession of their need for a change of heart, and into a lifestyle more representative of the GOD they claimed to wanted to serve. And finally, one could openly express their willingness to welcome CHRIST into their lives as their coming LORD and SAVIOR.
And even though John’s baptism is not the same as the “Christian baptism” we perform today, in its nature and intent, the commitment to accept CHRIST is the same. Their commitment was to accept CHRIST as the coming MESSIAH (HIS first advent), and our Christian baptism symbolizes our public commitment to a union with CHRIST in HIS death and resurrection (Romans 6:3-5), which encompasses HIS second coming.
Our baptism serves as an implicit admission of our sins before GOD, however, JESUS, WHO was sinless, was baptized to show us the truth of John and his message, as being from GOD. It was JESUS’ way of standing up for what is right and representative of the FATHER in Heaven. HE was standing up to fulfill the righteousness of GOD, and nothing more.
GOD, in turn, responded with a voice from Heaven, after HE had been silent for some 400 years (the time span between the end of the O.T. and the beginning of the N.T). And HE stood up for JESUS, just as JESUS had stood up for HIM, identifying JESUS as HIS beloved SON in a public announcement that served to usher in the “Messianic Age” (Matthew 3:17).
As Christians, the duty falls to us to take courage, and go out and share GOD’s wonderful Gospel with dignity and respect, declaring JESUS’ unique identity and “hypostatic union” to all who are willing to listen. And just as GOD empowered JESUS, and John the Baptist, similarly, HE will empower us with HOLY SPIRIT, and, in addition, HE will go before us to prepare the hearts of those to whom we may encounter along the way.
A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander
“Home and Church Bible Commentaries from the Book of Hebrews” @
Larry D. Alexander's Storefront - Lulu.com
(Go to Larry D. Alexander’s storefront, Official Website, or order online through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Borders, or any of your favorite online book stores)
ON YOUTUBE!!! Click links below
Alexander Sunday School Lesson_This do in Rememberance of Me
YouTube - Alexander Sunday School Lesson 2_The Gospel of John
LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website
Larry D. Alexander-Christian Art
Larry D. Alexander - http://larrydalexander.blogspot.com/index.html
An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday January 3, 2010
(John announced, GOD confirmed, and now we proclaim who JESUS is)
(Matthew 3)
John the Baptist preached repentance in an effort to change man’s direction in life, away from sin, and towards the loving arms of the ALMIGHTY GOD in Heaven, WHO is the FATHER of our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST. He was the cousin of JESUS, and one who came bearing a strong message that smacked of the traditional Old Testament prophets in its deliverance.
And while his stern dress and warnings were familiar, his practice of baptizing those who were willing to repent, was something new, and it drew much excitement from the Jewish populace, as well as from some in the Jewish religious leadership.
Here in Matthew chapter three, the apostle deliberately skips over JESUS’ childhood, and picks up HIS story on the banks of the River Jordan where John the Baptist was engaging in his daily practice of baptizing converts and repenting backsliders.
In the New Testament Greek, the word used for “messenger” is “angelos”, and it describes one who brings news or tidings by divine order from GOD. John, the Baptist, was sent by GOD to warn and prepare HIS people for the imminent arrival of CHRIST JESUS, the long-awaited, MESSIAH. GOD was about to bless the world with another of HIS distinctive acts, and the people had to be ready to respond, by demonstrating their faith and repentance through a changed, more GODly behavior.
Their new commitment was to be initiated and verified with a water baptism that would symbolize their pledge to GOD to live a new life that would reflect the example of the coming CHRIST. John’s water baptism was not the ritual cleansing bath that had been traditionally practiced by the Jews for centuries, but rather, it was an innovative act that was to be distinct in both the literal, and figurative sense. First of all, it was a means by which a person could publicly identify themselves with the message of GOD through John. It also provided the repenting participant with a forum of public confession of their need for a change of heart, and into a lifestyle more representative of the GOD they claimed to wanted to serve. And finally, one could openly express their willingness to welcome CHRIST into their lives as their coming LORD and SAVIOR.
And even though John’s baptism is not the same as the “Christian baptism” we perform today, in its nature and intent, the commitment to accept CHRIST is the same. Their commitment was to accept CHRIST as the coming MESSIAH (HIS first advent), and our Christian baptism symbolizes our public commitment to a union with CHRIST in HIS death and resurrection (Romans 6:3-5), which encompasses HIS second coming.
Our baptism serves as an implicit admission of our sins before GOD, however, JESUS, WHO was sinless, was baptized to show us the truth of John and his message, as being from GOD. It was JESUS’ way of standing up for what is right and representative of the FATHER in Heaven. HE was standing up to fulfill the righteousness of GOD, and nothing more.
GOD, in turn, responded with a voice from Heaven, after HE had been silent for some 400 years (the time span between the end of the O.T. and the beginning of the N.T). And HE stood up for JESUS, just as JESUS had stood up for HIM, identifying JESUS as HIS beloved SON in a public announcement that served to usher in the “Messianic Age” (Matthew 3:17).
As Christians, the duty falls to us to take courage, and go out and share GOD’s wonderful Gospel with dignity and respect, declaring JESUS’ unique identity and “hypostatic union” to all who are willing to listen. And just as GOD empowered JESUS, and John the Baptist, similarly, HE will empower us with HOLY SPIRIT, and, in addition, HE will go before us to prepare the hearts of those to whom we may encounter along the way.
A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander
“Home and Church Bible Commentaries from the Book of Hebrews” @
Larry D. Alexander's Storefront - Lulu.com
(Go to Larry D. Alexander’s storefront, Official Website, or order online through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Borders, or any of your favorite online book stores)
ON YOUTUBE!!! Click links below
Alexander Sunday School Lesson_This do in Rememberance of Me
YouTube - Alexander Sunday School Lesson 2_The Gospel of John
LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website
Larry D. Alexander-Christian Art
Larry D. Alexander - http://larrydalexander.blogspot.com/index.html
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