An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday February 28, 2010
(Go beyond yourself to worship JESUS)
(Matthew 26:1-13, Mark 14:1-9 & John 12:1-11)
Matthew chapter 26, Mark chapter 14, & John chapter 12, all mark the beginning of the last week of JESUS’ life here on earth, during HIS first advent. It was now just six days before the Passover, and HIS mission here was almost complete. In just a few days, HE would begin HIS “passion”, and HE would suffer greatly for the likes of us. Salvation would soon be available, through HIM, to every man, woman, and child who would be born into this world, if they choose it. And we owe it all to GOD, WHO loves this world so much, that HE gave us the most precious part of HIMSELF, CHRIST JESUS.
The time schedule now became much more definite and critical. Here, the occasion finds JESUS at the home of a man named Simon, where HE is joined by HIS friends Lazarus, Mary, and Martha, and is being honored with a dinner that the women had so carefully and gratefully prepared. Lazarus, to whom JESUS had recently given a new lease on life, sat at the table with JESUS. It must have been a joyous time for the trio, and also for JESUS, as HE probably just wanted to spend a little quiet time with friends, before HE continued on along HIS journey to Jerusalem, and, to HIS appointment with death on a hill called Golgotha.
Then, all of a sudden, in the midst of the festive atmosphere of the moment, Mary walks in with an expensive bottle of precious ointment. She fell at the feet of JESUS and begin to anoint HIM with the aromatic fragrance of nard, that few Jews could afford at that time, without having to save for it for quite a while. It was usually sealed and imported from northern India in alabaster boxes or flasks, and was only opened on the most special of occasions. This lavish gift was perhaps, meant by Mary, to express her deepest thanks to JESUS for HIS restoring of her brother’s life, and also, for just simply being their friend and SAVIOR.
Unfortunately, one person’s joy can often be another person’s dislike, and now Judas the traitor shows us the first signs of his deceit and underlying greed. Judas was the treasurer of the group of the twelve disciples who regularly accompanied JESUS. And even though he speaks of using the proceeds from the sell of such a gift to feed the poor, the Apostle John, who was also present at the table, knew that Judas only wanted control of the money for himself. For, he had regularly pilfered from the contents of the twelve Apostles savings, and spent the money on himself (John 12: 4-6).
In all three Gospel accounts, we see JESUS stepping in to defend HIS friend Mary’s actions toward HIM, and HE rebuked Judas and the other dissenters saying, “Leave her alone. She did this in preparation for MY burial. You will always have the poor among you, but I will not be here with you much longer.” And while they were there at the house in Bethany, many people came to see JESUS, and the man called Lazarus, whom JESUS had raised from the dead. In fact, so popular had Lazarus become with the people after his resurrection, that, the Jewish hierarchy decided to kill him also. It was because of Lazarus, that many people had abandoned the Pharisees and leading priests, and began to believe on JESUS.
Mary’s extravagant act of worship stands out prominently in the annuals of New Testament recorded history. In fact, in this particular instance, Mary stands alone in her sensitivity regarding the certain doom that JESUS was now just two days away from experiencing. She exhibits a true sensitivity that embodied sorrow, thankfulness, and respect for what JESUS had done for her personally, and, for what HE was about to do for all mankind, who were willing to accept HIM in their hearts.
Mary’s gift of anointment, perhaps, represented her life savings, as Jewish tradition tells us that it was valued at around 500 denarii (Greek units of monetary measurement), a small fortune in those days. However, it also represents, and uncovers, Mary’s profound motive of wanting to give to JESUS, the very best that she had.
Lawrence O. Richards once wrote, “JESUS does not suggest that all will be saved, but that all humanity is invited to look to the cross and live”. So I guess when we look to the cross with our whole heart, as Mary did, we can’t help but want to give JESUS our very best and most extravagant worship of love, for what HE has done for us, and, at one and the same time, express our love for our FATHER GOD for sending HIM to us, to save us, from our sinful selves.
A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander
Friday, February 26, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday February 21, 2010
(Every Christian needs to have a mountaintop experience)
(Matthew 17:1-12)
In Matthew chapter 17, verses 1-12, the Apostle Matthew gives us a vivid description of his eye-witness account of JESUS’, now famous “Transfiguration”, which in all geographical likelihood, occurred on Mount Hermon, nearly two thousand years ago.
In the Greek, the word used for “affirmation” is “bebaiosis” (beb-ah-yo-sis), and it means “to be steadfast and sure in one’s assertions”. This event was intended by GOD to place “affirmation of JESUS’ majesty” on the hearts of men, for then, and, for all times. It was to be a mountaintop experience that could not soon be forgotten, particularly, by the three disciples, (Peter, James, And John) who were blessed enough to be called to be eye-witnesses.
GOD spoke from the clouds that day, to Peter, James, and John, to forever affirm that JESUS truly is HIS only begotten SON. And HE used the images of Moses and Elijah, “The Law” and “The Prophet”, two towering figures in Jewish history, each of whom, no man had seen die, and they were there, no doubt, to add to the affirming power of this divine event.
GOD already knew of the high GOD-like esteem that the Jews held for Moses and Elijah, and now, by showing them with JESUS and then removing them and leaving JESUS standing alone, it was HIS OWN special way of showing them that JESUS is the fulfillment of both, and in fact, is superior over all men, and that, “it is HE that they should listen to”. And so, as for Peter, James, and John, they, in a very special sense, had become witnesses to the Glory of CHRIST. And now, they had the story of that glory, embedded in their hearts, so that they may be able to go out and tell all men, that JESUS truly is the SON of the LIVING GOD.
We, as Christians, may never be blessed enough to be allowed to witness an event such as the one that occurred on a mountaintop overlooking Caesarea-philippi that day by Peter, James, and John. But certainly we can and will have an impacting experience that will change the course of our lives and convince us of our need for the salvation plan given to us by GOD, through CHRIST JESUS.
This chapter, in this book of Matthew, contains the last related miracles of our LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST during HIS three-year earthly ministry. It serves as final and definitive proof that JESUS is just who HE says HE is. And it is offered, not to the hordes of people who followed HIM around for selfish reasons, and nor is it offered to all of HIS hand-picked disciples, but rather, its offerings are only given to JESUS’ closest, most sincere followers, those whom HE knew HE could count on the most to continue GOD’s plan of salvation for the masses, even while under the distressful resistance and gravitational pull of this world.
This unique event of JESUS’ Transfiguration was restricted to those who already recognized HIM as GOD’s SON, in their hearts, not just with their lips. When we trust in CHRIST with our whole heart, we can expect to receive greater revelations of HIS presence and power, and greater help and blessings from HIS FATHER GOD, than those who have not completely given themselves over HIM.
On the way back down the mountain JESUS urged HIS three followers not to divulge what they had just witnessed until after HIS resurrection. HE knew that the disciples were already dealing with pride issues of wanting to hold the highest positions next to HIS in HIS coming Kingdom. And HE realized that the event that they had just witnessed could become a huge bragging point for the three of them. However, we can never become closer to GOD than anyone else simply through the things GOD has allowed us to see or do, along our Christian walk. Our calling is not to develop a settlement that encloses JESUS, but rather, our calling is to carry (our cross) “the message of a resurrected JESUS”, to the world.
A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander
“Home and Church Bible Commentaries from the Book of Hebrews” @
Larry D. Alexander's Storefront - Lulu.com
(Go to Larry D. Alexander’s storefront, Official Website, or order online through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Borders, or any of your favorite online book stores)
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Larry D. Alexander - http://larrydalexander.blogspot.com/index.html
An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday February 21, 2010
(Every Christian needs to have a mountaintop experience)
(Matthew 17:1-12)
In Matthew chapter 17, verses 1-12, the Apostle Matthew gives us a vivid description of his eye-witness account of JESUS’, now famous “Transfiguration”, which in all geographical likelihood, occurred on Mount Hermon, nearly two thousand years ago.
In the Greek, the word used for “affirmation” is “bebaiosis” (beb-ah-yo-sis), and it means “to be steadfast and sure in one’s assertions”. This event was intended by GOD to place “affirmation of JESUS’ majesty” on the hearts of men, for then, and, for all times. It was to be a mountaintop experience that could not soon be forgotten, particularly, by the three disciples, (Peter, James, And John) who were blessed enough to be called to be eye-witnesses.
GOD spoke from the clouds that day, to Peter, James, and John, to forever affirm that JESUS truly is HIS only begotten SON. And HE used the images of Moses and Elijah, “The Law” and “The Prophet”, two towering figures in Jewish history, each of whom, no man had seen die, and they were there, no doubt, to add to the affirming power of this divine event.
GOD already knew of the high GOD-like esteem that the Jews held for Moses and Elijah, and now, by showing them with JESUS and then removing them and leaving JESUS standing alone, it was HIS OWN special way of showing them that JESUS is the fulfillment of both, and in fact, is superior over all men, and that, “it is HE that they should listen to”. And so, as for Peter, James, and John, they, in a very special sense, had become witnesses to the Glory of CHRIST. And now, they had the story of that glory, embedded in their hearts, so that they may be able to go out and tell all men, that JESUS truly is the SON of the LIVING GOD.
We, as Christians, may never be blessed enough to be allowed to witness an event such as the one that occurred on a mountaintop overlooking Caesarea-philippi that day by Peter, James, and John. But certainly we can and will have an impacting experience that will change the course of our lives and convince us of our need for the salvation plan given to us by GOD, through CHRIST JESUS.
This chapter, in this book of Matthew, contains the last related miracles of our LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST during HIS three-year earthly ministry. It serves as final and definitive proof that JESUS is just who HE says HE is. And it is offered, not to the hordes of people who followed HIM around for selfish reasons, and nor is it offered to all of HIS hand-picked disciples, but rather, its offerings are only given to JESUS’ closest, most sincere followers, those whom HE knew HE could count on the most to continue GOD’s plan of salvation for the masses, even while under the distressful resistance and gravitational pull of this world.
This unique event of JESUS’ Transfiguration was restricted to those who already recognized HIM as GOD’s SON, in their hearts, not just with their lips. When we trust in CHRIST with our whole heart, we can expect to receive greater revelations of HIS presence and power, and greater help and blessings from HIS FATHER GOD, than those who have not completely given themselves over HIM.
On the way back down the mountain JESUS urged HIS three followers not to divulge what they had just witnessed until after HIS resurrection. HE knew that the disciples were already dealing with pride issues of wanting to hold the highest positions next to HIS in HIS coming Kingdom. And HE realized that the event that they had just witnessed could become a huge bragging point for the three of them. However, we can never become closer to GOD than anyone else simply through the things GOD has allowed us to see or do, along our Christian walk. Our calling is not to develop a settlement that encloses JESUS, but rather, our calling is to carry (our cross) “the message of a resurrected JESUS”, to the world.
A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander
“Home and Church Bible Commentaries from the Book of Hebrews” @
Larry D. Alexander's Storefront - Lulu.com
(Go to Larry D. Alexander’s storefront, Official Website, or order online through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Borders, or any of your favorite online book stores)
ON YOUTUBE!!! Click links below
Alexander Sunday School Lesson_This do in Rememberance of Me
YouTube - Alexander Sunday School Lesson 2_The Gospel of John
LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website
Larry D. Alexander-Christian Art
Larry D. Alexander - http://larrydalexander.blogspot.com/index.html
Friday, February 12, 2010
An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday February 14, 2010
(Take up your cross and follow JESUS)
(Matthew 16:13-27)
In Matthew 16:13-28, he writes of his account of the 25-mile walk, with JESUS and his other eleven comrades, from Galilee to Caesarea-Philippi. Now it is no accident that JESUS chose this particular time and area to pose the question to HIS chosen group of followers, “Who do men say that I am”? And subsequently, “Who do you say that I am”?
At that time, Caesarea-Philippi was notorious for “idol worship”. In fact, it was a “mecca” of assorted religions, as there were no less than fourteen temples of idol worship in this immediate vicinity. First of all, the Syrian Gods had their worship there. Then, there was also a mountain in Caesarea-Philippi, with a deep cavern that was said to be the birthplace of “Pan”, the “Greek God of Nature”. In fact, “Pan” is the source of Caesarea-Philippi’s former name of “Paneas”, which was changed to “Caesarea-Philippi”, by the son of King Herod the Great, Philip the Tetrarch, in honor of Caesar Augustus. King Philip had also constructed a huge white marble tower, the most imposing edifice in Caesarea-Philippi at that time, and dedicated it too to Caesar Augustus, who himself, was also considered to be a God. Caesarea-Philippi is also the place where the Jordan River begins. We all know of the Jordan River, as it is the place where John the Baptist did most of his baptizing. In fact, he even baptized JESUS there, at the beginning of HIS earthly ministry.
And so, it is against this backdrop of Greek and Syrian Gods, this place where the history of Israel also dominates men’ minds, that we see this amazing ex-carpenter from Nazareth, stand and pose the question to HIS disciples, “Who do men say that I am?” It is as if JESUS deliberately sets HIMSELF against the backdrop of all of the world’s religions, in all their history and splendor, and demands to be compared to them, and fully expect the verdict to be handed down in HIS favor! Nowhere else in Scripture does JESUS’ awareness of HIS own deity seem to shine through with a, more clear, and dazzling light.
In the Greek, the word used for “affirmation” is “bebaiosis” (beb-ah-yo-sis), and it means “to be steadfast and sure in one’s assertions”. When Peter pondered this question from JESUS, he knew that all human categories would fail to describe, just who JESUS was. This particular passage serves to show us that our discovery of JESUS must be a personal one, because JESUS also asks the question, “Who do Y-O-U say that I am?
It is an inquiry that hints that our knowledge of JESUS must never be “secondhand”, but rather, should always be “firsthand”. Christianity does not consist of knowing about JESUS, it consists of knowing JESUS personally, because JESUS always demands a personal verdict from each of us.
When JESUS asked this question, HE was not just asking it to Peter, Matthew, and HIS other Disciples. It is also a question that comes to us, from across the spans of time, in hopes that we too can answer it favorably.
JESUS CHRIST is the only true foundation, and clearly, in this passage, Peter is confessing CHRIST as such. Just like JESUS’ original disciples, all confessed Christians are commissioned to first, get to know JESUS, and then, confess JESUS before others. That confession, and, how others respond to it, is the key that unlocks the door to Heaven. A response of faith opens the door to a new life in CHRIST, while a rejection of JESUS closes the door to eternal life with GOD, and at one and the same time, confirms an ultimate judgment and eternal separation from GOD.
In verse 24 the cross does not symbolize suffering as much as it symbolizes the decision by one to do the will of GOD, no matter what the cost may be. When we deny our own selfish desires in order to choose the will of GOD, we, by doing so, are taking up our cross, the way JESUS demands to do, and personally did, HIMSELF. By making such a choice, we allow “self” to begin to wither away and die from our hearts, and begin walking in the newness of life, that is CHRIST JESUS, our LORD.
A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander
“Home and Church Bible Commentaries from the Book of Hebrews” @
Larry D. Alexander's Storefront - Lulu.com
(Go to Larry D. Alexander’s storefront, Official Website, or order online through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Borders, or any of your favorite online book stores)
ON YOUTUBE!!! Click links below
Alexander Sunday School Lesson_This do in Rememberance of Me
YouTube - Alexander Sunday School Lesson 2_The Gospel of John
LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website
Larry D. Alexander-Christian Art
Larry D. Alexander - http://larrydalexander.blogspot.com/index.html
An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday February 14, 2010
(Take up your cross and follow JESUS)
(Matthew 16:13-27)
In Matthew 16:13-28, he writes of his account of the 25-mile walk, with JESUS and his other eleven comrades, from Galilee to Caesarea-Philippi. Now it is no accident that JESUS chose this particular time and area to pose the question to HIS chosen group of followers, “Who do men say that I am”? And subsequently, “Who do you say that I am”?
At that time, Caesarea-Philippi was notorious for “idol worship”. In fact, it was a “mecca” of assorted religions, as there were no less than fourteen temples of idol worship in this immediate vicinity. First of all, the Syrian Gods had their worship there. Then, there was also a mountain in Caesarea-Philippi, with a deep cavern that was said to be the birthplace of “Pan”, the “Greek God of Nature”. In fact, “Pan” is the source of Caesarea-Philippi’s former name of “Paneas”, which was changed to “Caesarea-Philippi”, by the son of King Herod the Great, Philip the Tetrarch, in honor of Caesar Augustus. King Philip had also constructed a huge white marble tower, the most imposing edifice in Caesarea-Philippi at that time, and dedicated it too to Caesar Augustus, who himself, was also considered to be a God. Caesarea-Philippi is also the place where the Jordan River begins. We all know of the Jordan River, as it is the place where John the Baptist did most of his baptizing. In fact, he even baptized JESUS there, at the beginning of HIS earthly ministry.
And so, it is against this backdrop of Greek and Syrian Gods, this place where the history of Israel also dominates men’ minds, that we see this amazing ex-carpenter from Nazareth, stand and pose the question to HIS disciples, “Who do men say that I am?” It is as if JESUS deliberately sets HIMSELF against the backdrop of all of the world’s religions, in all their history and splendor, and demands to be compared to them, and fully expect the verdict to be handed down in HIS favor! Nowhere else in Scripture does JESUS’ awareness of HIS own deity seem to shine through with a, more clear, and dazzling light.
In the Greek, the word used for “affirmation” is “bebaiosis” (beb-ah-yo-sis), and it means “to be steadfast and sure in one’s assertions”. When Peter pondered this question from JESUS, he knew that all human categories would fail to describe, just who JESUS was. This particular passage serves to show us that our discovery of JESUS must be a personal one, because JESUS also asks the question, “Who do Y-O-U say that I am?
It is an inquiry that hints that our knowledge of JESUS must never be “secondhand”, but rather, should always be “firsthand”. Christianity does not consist of knowing about JESUS, it consists of knowing JESUS personally, because JESUS always demands a personal verdict from each of us.
When JESUS asked this question, HE was not just asking it to Peter, Matthew, and HIS other Disciples. It is also a question that comes to us, from across the spans of time, in hopes that we too can answer it favorably.
JESUS CHRIST is the only true foundation, and clearly, in this passage, Peter is confessing CHRIST as such. Just like JESUS’ original disciples, all confessed Christians are commissioned to first, get to know JESUS, and then, confess JESUS before others. That confession, and, how others respond to it, is the key that unlocks the door to Heaven. A response of faith opens the door to a new life in CHRIST, while a rejection of JESUS closes the door to eternal life with GOD, and at one and the same time, confirms an ultimate judgment and eternal separation from GOD.
In verse 24 the cross does not symbolize suffering as much as it symbolizes the decision by one to do the will of GOD, no matter what the cost may be. When we deny our own selfish desires in order to choose the will of GOD, we, by doing so, are taking up our cross, the way JESUS demands to do, and personally did, HIMSELF. By making such a choice, we allow “self” to begin to wither away and die from our hearts, and begin walking in the newness of life, that is CHRIST JESUS, our LORD.
A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander
“Home and Church Bible Commentaries from the Book of Hebrews” @
Larry D. Alexander's Storefront - Lulu.com
(Go to Larry D. Alexander’s storefront, Official Website, or order online through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Borders, or any of your favorite online book stores)
ON YOUTUBE!!! Click links below
Alexander Sunday School Lesson_This do in Rememberance of Me
YouTube - Alexander Sunday School Lesson 2_The Gospel of John
LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website
Larry D. Alexander-Christian Art
Larry D. Alexander - http://larrydalexander.blogspot.com/index.html
Friday, February 5, 2010
An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday February 7, 2010
(GOD tests and rewards our faith)
(Matthew 15:21-28 & Mark 7:24-30)
In the Greek, the word used for “longsuffering” is “makrothumia”, and “it describes a spirit that never grows irritated, never despairs, and particularly, in this lesson, never regards anyone as being beyond salvation”. In Matthew chapter 15, verses 21-28, and Mark chapter 7, verses 24-30, we are told of JESUS’ encounter, outside of Jewish territory (the region of Tyre and Sidon, about 35 miles north of Galilee) with a Syro-Phoenician woman, who, of course, is a Canaanite, one of the most hated enemies of the Jews in those days.
Here we find JESUS’ disciples in a “teachable moment” where HE demonstrates to them, by healing this Gentile’s woman’s daughter, because of her faith, that the Gospel HE was touting would be embraced, by both Jews and Gentiles alike. HE also sought to show them that prayer is made for all men, and, that for the Christian, there would no longer be any such thing as an enemy, except satan, in all the world. HE wanted it to be understood that, no one is to be considered “outside” of HIS love, and that no one is outside of the purpose of GOD. GOD wishes all mankind to be saved.
In the Old Testament, the prophets depicted a picture of the MESSIAH as one WHO would come and set up HIS messianic kingdom only for the Jews, who were considered to be the lost sheep of Israel. But, in reality, Israel was only to be given the first opportunity to respond positively to the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST. Apparently, this Gentile woman was ignorant of the Jewish interpretation of GOD’s plan, and she steadfastly appealed to JESUS for help in the healing of her demon-possessed daughter.
Here in this story, we see the woman addressing JESUS as the “Son of David”, a well recognized messianic title used by most people in those days, who wished to get the attention of our LORD and SAVIOR. When JESUS failed to answer her, she became very persistent in her appeal for help. Then JESUS reminded, both her, and, HIS disciples that HE had been sent to offer help to HIS OWN people first, who had inherited GOD’s promise to King David centuries earlier. She reasoned with JESUS, that, even the family dog was allowed to eat the crumbs from its master’s table.
JESUS seems to be deeply touched by the faith of this Gentile woman, especially on the heels of being rejected by HIS OWN people, twice in HIS OWN hometown, and, by the religious hierarchy at Jerusalem and other places. He knew that it would not be disobedient to HIS FATHER GOD if HE granted this faith-filled woman her request at this time. After all, the lady was not seeking to deprive Israel of its blessing, but rather, she was only asking that some of the blessings be extended to her in her time of need. And so JESUS granted her request, and her daughter was immediately healed.
The faith of this Syro-Phoenician woman was actually what JESUS was seeking from the Jewish populace of Palestine. However, it had been just the opposite, and this woman’s great faith, served to illustrate, first to the disciples, and then, to Israel at large, the great truth that they had all, to this point, missed.
This Canaanite woman, referred to as a “dog” by her Jewish enemies, was able to look through the garbage and take the leftovers from the great meal that the Israelites had squandered. JESUS’ use of this, then familiar term for the Jews enemies, was not meant to denigrate the woman, but rather, it was meant to show the disciples, that, from that day forward, they were to treat all mankind with the same compassion if they were to serve in the Christian movement to come. It was to be a movement that would eventually encompass all the nations of the earth, and present each one with the opportunity to receive the truth, grace, and reward of GOD’s wonderful Salvation through CHRIST JESUS, and, to be a part of GOD’s great work of the HOLY SPIRIT in the lives of all humanity, that chooses to participate.
A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander
An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday February 7, 2010
(GOD tests and rewards our faith)
(Matthew 15:21-28 & Mark 7:24-30)
In the Greek, the word used for “longsuffering” is “makrothumia”, and “it describes a spirit that never grows irritated, never despairs, and particularly, in this lesson, never regards anyone as being beyond salvation”. In Matthew chapter 15, verses 21-28, and Mark chapter 7, verses 24-30, we are told of JESUS’ encounter, outside of Jewish territory (the region of Tyre and Sidon, about 35 miles north of Galilee) with a Syro-Phoenician woman, who, of course, is a Canaanite, one of the most hated enemies of the Jews in those days.
Here we find JESUS’ disciples in a “teachable moment” where HE demonstrates to them, by healing this Gentile’s woman’s daughter, because of her faith, that the Gospel HE was touting would be embraced, by both Jews and Gentiles alike. HE also sought to show them that prayer is made for all men, and, that for the Christian, there would no longer be any such thing as an enemy, except satan, in all the world. HE wanted it to be understood that, no one is to be considered “outside” of HIS love, and that no one is outside of the purpose of GOD. GOD wishes all mankind to be saved.
In the Old Testament, the prophets depicted a picture of the MESSIAH as one WHO would come and set up HIS messianic kingdom only for the Jews, who were considered to be the lost sheep of Israel. But, in reality, Israel was only to be given the first opportunity to respond positively to the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST. Apparently, this Gentile woman was ignorant of the Jewish interpretation of GOD’s plan, and she steadfastly appealed to JESUS for help in the healing of her demon-possessed daughter.
Here in this story, we see the woman addressing JESUS as the “Son of David”, a well recognized messianic title used by most people in those days, who wished to get the attention of our LORD and SAVIOR. When JESUS failed to answer her, she became very persistent in her appeal for help. Then JESUS reminded, both her, and, HIS disciples that HE had been sent to offer help to HIS OWN people first, who had inherited GOD’s promise to King David centuries earlier. She reasoned with JESUS, that, even the family dog was allowed to eat the crumbs from its master’s table.
JESUS seems to be deeply touched by the faith of this Gentile woman, especially on the heels of being rejected by HIS OWN people, twice in HIS OWN hometown, and, by the religious hierarchy at Jerusalem and other places. He knew that it would not be disobedient to HIS FATHER GOD if HE granted this faith-filled woman her request at this time. After all, the lady was not seeking to deprive Israel of its blessing, but rather, she was only asking that some of the blessings be extended to her in her time of need. And so JESUS granted her request, and her daughter was immediately healed.
The faith of this Syro-Phoenician woman was actually what JESUS was seeking from the Jewish populace of Palestine. However, it had been just the opposite, and this woman’s great faith, served to illustrate, first to the disciples, and then, to Israel at large, the great truth that they had all, to this point, missed.
This Canaanite woman, referred to as a “dog” by her Jewish enemies, was able to look through the garbage and take the leftovers from the great meal that the Israelites had squandered. JESUS’ use of this, then familiar term for the Jews enemies, was not meant to denigrate the woman, but rather, it was meant to show the disciples, that, from that day forward, they were to treat all mankind with the same compassion if they were to serve in the Christian movement to come. It was to be a movement that would eventually encompass all the nations of the earth, and present each one with the opportunity to receive the truth, grace, and reward of GOD’s wonderful Salvation through CHRIST JESUS, and, to be a part of GOD’s great work of the HOLY SPIRIT in the lives of all humanity, that chooses to participate.
A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander
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