Friday, April 29, 2011

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday May 1, 2011

(Unity through humility)
(Philippians 2:1-11)

The city of Philippi was named after Philip II of Macedonia, who was the father of Alexander the Great. He captured this city from the Thracians in 358 B.C. Philippi is located about 10 miles northwest of the seaport of Neopolis. It was near Neopolis that Mark Anthony and Octavius, who later became Caesar Augustus, defeated Brutus and Cassius, who had murdered Julius Caesar in an attempt to takeover leadership of the Roman Empire. In 42 B.C., the city of Philippi became a part of the original Roman Empire, as a Roman colony.
In A.D. 52, Paul and Silas visited Philippi while on Paul’s second missionary journey. Philippi later became the first European city, in which a Christian church was established. Lydia and her family, as well as the Philippian jailer and his household, were all converted to Christianity by Paul and Silas, before, and during their incarceration there (Acts 16:6-40).
Ironically, Paul wrote this letter to the Philippian church while under house arrest in Rome, some 10 years later. It was written in response to the financial aid and generosity of the Philippian church, both during, and after his visit there in Macedonia. Paul says that they were the only church to respond in such a way to his delivering to them, the good news about CHRIST JESUS (Philippians 4:15-16).
“Fellowship with the SPIRIT” is a result of the SPIRIT’s permanent indwelling ministry, at work within us. GOD’s love in a person’s heart produces a spiritual unity that transforms the life of the recipient of HIS favor. In Philippians chapter 2, verses 1-11, Paul writes of how his joy in his fellowship with the Philippians could be even greater, if they would begin to exhibit more unity, by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, and loving one another, working together with one heart, and for one purpose.
This is perhaps scripture’s clearest portrait of the humility that is called for by CHRIST JESUS. It exhibits not a weak man’s surrender, but rather, it is a depiction of a strong man’s rejection of all things selfish. It paints a picture of one who has a desire to be actively and genuinely concerned with the needs of others.
This unity would be made possible because of the four qualities mentioned by Paul in verse 1. They are qualities that are very realistic, and do not lend themselves as goals that cannot be achieved. They are; Encouragement (that which comes as a result of being united with CHRIST), Comfort, (that which comes from GOD’s love), Fellowship (which comes from the indwelling HOLY SPIRIT), and of course, Tenderness and Compassion (that which comes as a result of experiencing the whole of GOD).
In the biblical Greek, the word used for “self-emptying” is “kenosis”, and it describes the attitude that CHRIST JESUS exemplified throughout HIS three-year earthy mission. In verses 6-11, Paul uses JESUS as the great example of what “true humility” in a Christian should look like. It is believed that these verses come from one of the great hymns of the early church. This particular passage also constitutes a grand statement on Christology, as we see how JESUS took the humble position of a slave, and appeared to us, in human form. During that time, even though HE was GOD, HE did not demand, or cling to HIS rights as GOD, but rather, HE obediently humbled HIMSELF even further, by allowing HIMSELF to die a criminal’s death on the cross, by Roman method, for our sake.
It is because of JESUS’ great sacrifice at Golgotha, that GOD raised HIM up to the heights of Heaven, and gave HIM the name that is above all other names. And it is at the very mention of HIS name, JESUS, that, one day, every knee will bow, and every tongue will have to confess, that JESUS CHRIST is LORD. And on that day, it will all be, for the glory of GOD the FATHER, WHO sent HIM, to save us from ourselves.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

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Friday, April 22, 2011

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday April 24, 2011

(Go and tell about the certainty of the resurrection of CHRIST JESUS)
(Matthew 28:1-1-8, Mark 16:1-8, Luke 24:1-12, & John 20:1-20)

In the biblical Greek the word used for “Resurrection” is “Anastasia”, and it is “a moral recovery of spiritual truth”. And it also means, “To stand up again”.
The sins of man brought physical death, and by contrast, the resurrection of CHRIST JESUS brought spiritual life. William Barclay once wrote, “cleverness can never be the basis of true religion, and true religion can never be the product of a man’s mind”. The resurrection of CHRIST is the essence of the Christian Faith, and is the core of all of the apostle’s teachings.
No man is capable of producing or concocting a “True Religion”, or Faith. Only GOD, the CREATOR of Heaven and Earth, is capable of meeting the qualifications necessary, and setting the examples that every man can benefit from, 100% of the time. Man, through his imperfections, will never be able to spiritually rule over another man. Christianity is the only true religion, simply because, it is the only religion that is a product of GOD’s mind.
In Matthew 28:1-8, Mark 16:1-8, Luke 24:1-12, and John 20:1-20, each author gives their respective accounts of the resurrection of our LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST. At dawn, on the morning of the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene, Salome, Joanna, and Mary, the mother of James and Joseph, all went to the tomb of JESUS. They already knew where the body of JESUS had been laid, because some of them were watching from a distance when Joseph of Arimathea, who owned the tomb, and Nicodemus placed JESUS’ body within, and then sealed it by rolling a large stone over its opening (Matthew 27:55-56). The women were returning the day after the Sabbath had ended so that they might anoint JESUS’ body with perfumes for burial (Mark 16:1-2).
In the Gospel account of Matthew, he reports that there was a great earthquake associated with the arrival of an angel who came down from Heaven and rolled away the stone that covered the entrance of JESUS’ tomb. The Roman soldiers who had been assigned to guard the tomb were so frightened by the angel that they fainted. The angel, who appeared like lightning, was garbed in clothing that was as white as snow. He proceeded to issue a proclamation to the women that, “JESUS has risen, just as HE said HE would”. He even invited them to come into the tomb and examine it for themselves, and then, he instructed them to go and tell JESUS’ disciples the good news of JESUS’ Resurrection, and to later, meet HIM in Galilee.
As the women were hurrying along to tell the disciples what had happened, JESUS suddenly appeared before them. Upon hearing HIS greeting, the women recognized JESUS and immediately fell at HIS feet and begin to worship HIM. It is all together fitting that these women would be the first to see the risen LORD. For, they had been faithfully there at the cross, when JESUS hung and died, and, they had also been faithfully there when HE was laid in the rich man’s tomb. And now, they were receiving love’s reward by becoming the first people on earth to experience the joy of being in the presence of the resurrected LORD and SAVIOR.
In the biblical Greek the word used for “greetings” is “chairo” (khah-ee-ro), and it means “be cheerful”, or “be glad and rejoice”. In Matthew chapter 28, verses 6-9, we see perhaps the three great imperatives that govern the Christian Faith. First we see the women being urged by the angel to “believe”, as he invites them to see the empty tomb where JESUS’ body had once lain. Secondly, in verse 7 the women are urged to “share”, as the angel instructs them to “go quickly and tell”, in this case, the disciples, about the good news of the risen LORD. And then finally, in verse 9, we see that, the first words that JESUS says to the women is, “all hail”, or “chairo”, which means “greetings”, which means, “rejoice everybody, and be glad”.
The person who has met and accepted the “Risen LORD” will be able to live forever in the joy of HIS presence. They will be able to come to rest in the knowledge that nothing can ever again separate them from HIS saving grace. And so we should be able to see quite clearly now, how no man, can give another man, that kind of religion. It is something that only GOD is capable of doing. That is why the Christian can “believe”, “share”, and “rejoice” in the saving power of GOD. Through the birth, ministry, passion, death, and resurrection of JESUS CHRIST, GOD is saying to us, as only HE can, that HE loves us with an everlasting love that can withstand all of the suffering that this world has to offer. With GOD, it is possible for us to make “a moral recovery of a spiritual truth” found only in HIM, and when we accept that TRUTH, we become fully able “to stand up again” and live forever in the presence of the ALMIGHTY GOD.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

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Friday, April 15, 2011

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday April 17, 2011

(Take a risk and welcome JESUS into your life)
(Mark 11:1-17)

Mark chapter 11 marks the beginning of the final week of JESUS’ life here on earth. Here John Mark opens up with a vivid description of our LORD and SAVIOR setting the stage for HIS triumphant final entry into Jerusalem. It is a fitting climax to the last leg of JESUS’ incredible journey to meet with HIS OWN execution, which was to be crucifixion on a cross by Roman method, on Calvary Hill.
As JESUS and HIS disciples neared Jerusalem and came to the towns of Bethphage and Bethany, on the Mount of Olives, HE sent two of them ahead into the village to retrieve a young colt that had never been ridden, and they were to bring it back to HIM. They were to tell the owner that the LORD needed it, and that they would return it soon.
The disciples followed JESUS’ instructions to the letter, and soon returned with the colt, throwing their garments over its back as a cushion for JESUS to sit on. As they came into Jerusalem, many in the crowd spread their coats on the road ahead of JESUS, and still others cut off leafy branches from the fields and spread them along the way. JESUS rode in the center of the procession as shouts of “Hosanna!” filled the air.
In the first century, if a king rode into a city on a steed, it would be for the purpose of war. However, by JESUS riding in on a donkey, HE was sending a clear signal to all, that HE would be a “King of Peace”. This was all, apparently, in sharp contrast to what the people had expected from JESUS in the end. In fact, here we see them greeting HIM as the “Son of David”, no doubt, expecting HIM to rush into Jerusalem that morning with fierce fighting, just as King David had done some 950 years earlier, and rescue them from their Roman oppressors.
And so we see that, even now, in the last week of HIS mission, people still didn’t seem to understand the whole purpose of why JESUS had came. Here we see in verses 8-10, the people thinking of JESUS’ kingship in terms of a physical conquest that some of them had waited all of their lives to experience. It is even suggested in their shouts of “Hosanna”, which is translated, “save us now”, what JESUS’ arrival really meant to them. It was a welcome that befitted, not a king of love and peace, but rather, it befitted one who was a conqueror that came to slay all of their enemies. They were looking for a physical savior, but instead, they would discover, in time, a spiritual one.
When JESUS first arrived in Jerusalem HE went straight to the temple, inspected it, and saw that it wasn’t being used at that time. No one was praying, and no one was being spiritually fed, because it was considered to be too late in the day. HE then left and went to Bethany with HIS disciples. On the way back from Bethany the following morning, JESUS felt hungry. Just then HE spotted a fig tree and went over to inspect it for figs. However, HE found none, because it was too early in the season for fruit. JESUS cursed the fig tree, and then, they continued on their journey back to Jerusalem. The uselessness of the fig tree, and its failure to provide physical food when needed, had brought “physical disaster” upon it from JESUS.
Upon arriving back at Jerusalem, JESUS again went directly into the temple. This time, instead of finding it not being used, HE found a “spiritual disaster” as it was now being misused. It was filled with crooked merchants and moneychangers, who were taking unfair advantage of the poor and out-of-town visitors who had come to Jerusalem to observe the Passover and worship GOD with animal sacrifices.
When JESUS saw what was going on HE immediately cleared the temple of all the unsavory characters that were there to exploit the needs of the righteous. In the biblical Greek the word used to describe GOD’s anger is “agathosune” (ag-ath-o-soo-nay). It is a word that is not found in secular Greek. In fact, it actually is defined as “GOD’s goodness”. It is the goodness and mercy by which GOD rebukes and disciplines HIS people for their acts of disobedience against HIM. Here in this passage, this word also applies to JESUS’ actions against the robbers and moneychangers who were desecrating GOD’s Holy Place, creating a spiritual disaster (Vs. 15-17).
Man’s exploitation of man will always provoke the wrath, or “agathosune” of GOD, especially when it is done under the guise of the Christian religion. By overcharging the people for animals to be used to give sacrifice to GOD at the temple, and, by charging exorbitant fees to convert their foreign money into the local currency, they were, in effect, blocking many people from worshiping GOD.
Here JESUS seeks to remind everyone that no one is to block another from the worship of GOD. And because people of many nations participated in the Passover, even in the first century, HE is also saying that GOD wants all people to be saved, not just the Jews, and not just the rich, but all mankind, for all time, would be covered by the blood of CHRIST, in just a few short days.
There is perhaps no other place in scripture where we feel more reminded that we need to make a more conscious effort to be fair in our dealings with one another. There were many crooked people in the temple court that day, but there were also many others whose hearts were fixed on GOD. The LORD will never hold blameless, those who make it hard or impossible for others to worship HIM. Sometimes even professed ministers of GOD are more concerned with imposing their own ways of doing things on their congregation than they are with adhering to the will and ways that GOD HIMSELF wants things to be done. But the worship of GOD and the disputes of men will never be compatible in GOD’s plan. Remember, Jesus didn’t send everyone away that day, only those who were blocking the worship of GOD the FATHER, by making it difficult, or impossible for the poorest among them to purchase the sacrificial animals to be used in worship of HIM.
Need, will never be sent away empty by JESUS CHRIST, and just like GOD the FATHER, HIS anger is never merely negative. It always goes to the heart of helping those who are in need of HIS assistance. And with that said, those who haven’t already, should, make every effort, to let JESUS make a triumphant, life-changing, heart-cleansing entry, into their personal existence.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

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Friday, April 8, 2011

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday April 10, 2011

(We should build each other up in the Most High Faith)

Peter C. Craigie once wrote, “When people cease to care, then religion, morality, social customs, and values, all cease to function as mortar that, holds together a society, and maintains ancient Faith”. In the terse epistle of Jude, the half-brother of JESUS challenges the people about their relationship and obedience to GOD. It is never an easy task to deal with indifference, or its consequences, or, a gradual slide towards an unstructured existence, not unlike the one we live in today.
Since the dawn of Christianity, it has been a faith at risk of being contaminated by the evil forces of satan. And many individual professed Christian churches have failed, simply because, its members failed, to get to know the word of GOD, well enough that, they would not be misled by the false teachers and preachers of their day. And even though Christianity must operate as a welcoming community, possessing the GODly fear necessary to allow us to love the sinner and hate the sin, we must also be able to avoid the pollution, of those whom we are seeking to save, by leading them to CHRIST.
In this difficult and often neglected epistle of Jude, Christians everywhere are urged to stand firm against false teachers and their philosophies, and strive to build each other up in the Most High Faith. Jude gives examples of GOD’s judgment on those vile people, who, past, and present, attempt to steer Christians away from their faith. He urges us to examine what people say, and, how they actually live their lives, so that we may be better able to determine, the difference between what is real, and, what is fake. And in today’s society, if we are not really, really tuned in to the word of GOD, we will be fooled.
King David warned us long ago, that, “The wicked walk on every side, when the vilest of men are exalted” (Psalm 12:8 – KJV). We, live in a nation, and world, where too many Christians continually exalt those men and women, who have even openly professed, to be anti-CHRIST in their doctrine and lifestyle. We buy their music for ourselves and our children, and we sing the lyrics of their anti-CHRIST Hip Hop doctrine. We buy their Hip Hop clothing lines, and dress our children in the “armor of satan” that they represent. Clothing that contains all sorts of demonic symbols as their logos, which are used to channel satanic spirits into our children, our homes, our churches, and, our lives, all for the sake of money and fame.
We spend billions of dollars each year going to, and or, sending our children to see their movies and attend their praise and worship concerts to satan. We buy their c.d.’s, and make sure we never miss one of their award shows. We live in a nation where more people call in to vote for the next American Idol, than has ever voted in any presidential election in the history of the United States of America.
So-called gospel singing Christian artists are mixing with professed anti-CHRIST secular artist, creating a vehicle of music that allows satan to enter into the Christian church and become a part of the worship service that has been preserved for GOD, by GOD HIMSELF. Don’t look now America, but we are no longer a Christian nation, and we haven’t been for a long, long, long time.
Jude’s powerful letter is directed at all of those whom GOD loves and has called to leadership, and, to all of those who are kept by the sacrifice of JESUS CHRIST. In other words, all professed Christians should take heed to keep themselves in the love of GOD by defending the gospel that was preached by CHRIST, and other men of GOD, building each other up in the Christian Faith, as we all wait on mercy from JESUS CHRIST, unto eternal life.
Jude may have started out wanting to write a positive treatise on salvation, but ultimately, he ended up writing, perhaps, the strongest condemnation of false teachers, and the most stern warnings against participating in perverted practices, that can be found anywhere else, in all of New Testament scripture.
His quotations and analogies of past events, vividly describe a day of a coming judgment that has already been substantiated and assimilated in the pages of Old Testament literature. We in America have become a community at risk who are in danger of the same kind of judgment that was delivered upon the people of Sodom and Gomorrah in days of old.
False teachers, and all those who promote the anti-CHRIST agenda through their works and lifestyle, will all have to make an account for their deeds in the end. And ultimately, all will receive their just due, via the judgment of CHRIST JESUS, in the much anticipated “Day of the LORD”. And so too, the same grim fate awaits those, who, through their own ignorance of GOD’s word, choose to follow and exalt those, who GOD says, are the vilest of men.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

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Friday, April 1, 2011

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday April 3, 2011

(An approved worker endures by faithfully following GOD’s word to the letter)
(2 Timothy 2:1-15)

A worldly person sees giving service to others as drudgery, or, as a burden. A GODly person sees service to others as a worshipful experience, and, as being, CHRIST-like.
After winning release from his first imprisonment in Rome circa A.D. 63, Paul went on to preach the Gospel in Spain for a short while. However, hostilities initiated by the Roman emperor, Nero, against the Christians in Rome, soon began to intensify. Nero, who was under suspicion at that time, of being involved in starting the historical fire that destroyed almost half of the city of Rome in A.D. 64, increased his local persecution of the Jews, in order to take the heat and focus off of himself, for his alleged crime against his own citizens. In fact, it was this round of persecution that eventually led to the deaths of both Paul and Peter, near the end of the reign of Nero, in A.D. 68, after which, the guidance of the Christian Church had to be passed on to the next generation, and the likes of Timothy and Titus, who, had by then, become proven leaders.
Paul’s bold return to Rome, during the great persecution, led to his final incarceration and death, and it was during the time of this imprisonment, that he wrote this second letter of instructions to his young protégé, Timothy. In fact, it is the last known written communication that can be accredited to the Apostle Paul.
In this letter, Paul looks back on his own life and service with a feeling of deep satisfaction. He has kept the faith, and he now looks forward to the rewards he is sure to claim at the end of his race. But he also offers words of encouragement and warning to Timothy, as he tells him to remain totally committed, and to be prepared for the mounting difficulties and new challenges that will certainly develop from within the new church. The values and commitments that Paul imparts to Timothy in his epistles, are something that, we today, can also readily adopt to enrich our lives.
In 2 Timothy 2:1-15, Paul stresses the importance of applying GOD’s word “the right way”, and “following GOD’s rules for doing GOD’s work”. In verses 1-2 we can readily see two things. First, we see “reception of faith”, which is based on “hearing the word of GOD”. And then we see, “transmission of faith”, which is based upon “spreading the word of GOD”.
Timothy had already received the truth of GOD’s word from Paul, and, from many other witnesses who had experienced how the truth of GOD’ s word had transformed their own lives. And so, it is through these encounters that young Timothy learned, that, although everyone who hears the word will not be able to teach the word in a formal setting, those who don’t have the gift of expression, can, nevertheless, become vital witnesses to the affects that GOD’s word can have on one’s personal life, when it is practiced.
In verses 3-4, Paul tells Timothy, that, as a soldier in CHRIST’ Army, he must be prepared to endure suffering just as CHRIST did, and just as he himself was doing, as he continued to fight to uphold the standards of GOD. He tells him that, if he becomes too involved in the pleasures of the world, he cannot possibly satisfy the ONE WHO enlisted him, which is CHRIST JESUS.
In verse 5, Paul shifts from using the analogy of the “soldier”, and engages the metaphor of an “athlete” to describe the discipline one has to have, in order to run the Christian Race. The Christian Race must be run by GOD’s rules at all times if one seeks to win GOD’s rewards at the finish line. A person (especially those who are called to be leaders) who aspires, or, is called to do GOD’s work, can only do that work properly, if they do it according to GOD’s rules. It can be a disturbing thing if a person crosses the finish line of a race, thinking they’ve won, only to find out later from the judge, that they have been disqualified because they didn’t follow the rules.
The final image, or, analogy, that Paul presents to us in this passage, is that of a “farmer” (v.6). The emphasis here is placed on the word “hardworking”, or, in the KJV, “laboureth”, which is, in the original Greek “kopiao” (kop-ee-ah-o) and it means simply “to work hard”. However, at the base of its meaning it describes “the fatigue one feels as a result of one’s toils”.
Clearly, the diligence that Paul describes in each instance will have its rewards at the end of the struggle. The soldier will win the praise of the commanding officer, CHRIST. The athlete, who runs by the rules, will win, and get to keep his prize. And finally, the hardworking farmer will be the first to enjoy his own crop. And so we see that, Christian success is achieved through discipline, hard work, and, by remaining undivided in one’s allegiance to GOD, and following GOD’s rules.
JESUS CHRIST is our great example of endurance, faith, and discipline, and HE is also the subject of the Good News that we preach and teach. We are responsible to HIM to make our lives conform more fully to the word of GOD, just as HE presented it to us, during HIS earthly ministry. We should work hard so that GOD will approve us in the way that we teach and preach HIS word, and we should strive to do HIS work, by HIS rules, not ours.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

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