An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday May 29, 2011
(Worshipping GOD face to face)
(Revelation 22)
In Revelation 22 the Apostle John is given a few more facts by an angel of GOD in his vision concerning the “New Jerusalem”. In this passage, John is shown the “river of the water of life” which will flow from the “Throne of GOD and the LAMB”. Here we see that, out of the throne, will flow a pure river of waters that will be symbolic of GOD and JESUS’ holiness and purity.
This reference of the river here in this passage should not be confused with that of the vision of the prophet Ezekiel in Ezekiel 47, nor, with that of the prophet Zechariah in Zechariah 14:8. Those rivers are literal rivers flowing out of the temple of Jerusalem in a future scene from CHRIST’s millennial rule, here on earth. The river here in John’s vision is a part of the new Jerusalem, on the new earth, that GOD will ultimately create after the millennial time of CHRIST’s rule, and, the final defeat of satan. It will course its way down the center of the main street in the new city, and on each side of it will be a “Tree of Life” that will bear 12 crops of fruit each year, one crop per month. Its leaves will have healing power, and will be used to cure all manner of sickness upon entry into the new kingdom of Heaven, where there can be no curse or illness of any kind.
All who exists will worship the FATHER and the SON, and GOD’s face will be seen by everyone for the very first time. GOD’s name will also be written on every forehead. In that time, night will cease to exist, and by day, there will be no need for the sun, because the LORD GOD will shine on everyone.
In verse 7, we find comprised, the sixth of the seven “beatitudes” that are found in this book of Revelations. The others can be found in chapter 1, verse 3, 14:13, 16:15, 19:9, 20:6, and 22:14. “Blessed are those who obey the prophecy written in this scroll” is the one seen here. The coming of CHRIST JESUS is always “soon”, in the minds of those who believe in HIM. A special blessing is added to the lives of those who obey, and heed to the prophecy of the book of Revelation, as well as the entire scripture itself. Indeed, one does not really love JESUS unless they are willing to obey HIM, take on HIS task, and, take up their own cross.
In Daniel 12:9, the prophet is instructed to seal up his prophecy until the time of the end. However, here in Revelation 22, verse 10, the Apostle John is instructed to do the opposite. Here he is told “not” to seal up the prophetic words that he has written, but rather, let them be made available to all who wish to know and hear.
In the exhortation that follows in verse 11, “let those who are doing wrong continue to do wrong” should not be taken as a condoning of evil by the LORD. The point of this passage does not serve to condone evil, but rather, it serves to point out the fact, that, if people do not heed the prophecies found here in the book of Revelation, they are only left with the choice of continuing on in their own wickedness. But, by contrast, those who do right will likely continue to do right, as GOD apparently expects no earth-shattering changes in the behavior of man, whether it be good, or evil, in the last days.
In verse 12, a promise of reward and punishment is declared by CHRIST JESUS upon HIS second coming. The ALPHA AND OMEGA will bring with HIM, both, rewards for the saints who have benefited HIS cause, and punishment for those who have hindered it.
In verse 14 we see the last of the seven beatitudes of this book of Revelation, “Blessed are those who wash their robes so that they can enter in through the gates of the city and eat the fruit from the “Tree of Life”. This is a phrase that simply describes the righteous, and their acts of obedience to the LORD’s commandments. They all started out “guilty”, but, through their acceptance of CHRIST JESUS, they are washed clean by HIS blood. Contrastingly, those who are described in verse 11 are the ones who refused to give up their acts of immorality, and are thus, forever characterized by their evil ways and practices.
In closing this study of the Apostle John’s revelation from CHRIST, I leave you with this thought.
The HOLY SPIRIT of GOD, and the bride (the true Christian Church) say, come! (v. 17) But unfortunately, the lure of this world, and satan, says the same. The HOLY SPIRIT within us will always seek to compel us toward CHRIST. However, the “sin nature” within us, will always try and tug us back toward the world. That battle that wages on inside of each of us, between “the reason to do right”, and “the passion to want to do wrong”, will continue, long after we accept the gift of salvation. However, through our strength in CHRIST, we can ultimately overcome the gravitational pull of this world, just as CHRIST did, and find our place in “the ultimate happy ending” that has been prepared for us by GOD, since the foundation of this world. That place that John, Luke, Paul, and other New Testament writers call, in the Greek, “paradeisos” (par-ad-i-sos), but we call, “The Kingdom of Heaven”.
A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander
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Larry D. Alexander Weekly Sunday School Lesson
Friday, May 27, 2011
Friday, May 20, 2011
An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday May 22, 2011
(We worship the GOD WHO makes all things new)
(Revelation 21)
The books of Isaiah (chapters 60 & 65) and Ezekiel (chapters 40-48) each contain parallels of the vision John shares here in Revelation 21, concerning the “new heaven”, the “new earth”, and, a new Jerusalem. The Israelites had long understood that the earthly Jerusalem was always intended to be the site for the temple of GOD. Since the days when King David first moved the Jewish worship center from Mount Gerizim to Jerusalem, he had in mind to build GOD’s temple there. Biblical history records, however, that the task of building that temple would be assigned to King Solomon, David’s son. The temple would be a symbol of GOD’s presence among HIS people, and would be a place where GOD could be approached in worship. Here in Revelation 21, the “new” Jerusalem fulfills the promise of the “old”, and we see GOD is present in reality, and, it is only HIS people who can worship him freely, for all eternity.
John’s vision of the new Jerusalem magnifies to a great degree, the visions of the Old Testament prophets that were expressed and depicted hundreds of years earlier. Isaiah, Haggai, and Ezekiel, all had visions of a “rebuilt” Jerusalem. When we consider those facts, it becomes increasingly easy to see that the idea of a “new” Jerusalem had been a constant dream of GOD’s faithful over the years. Here John pulls together these various visions and makes them his own, as a sort of verification to Christians, that, their earnest expectations will indeed be satisfied in GOD’s new Kingdom following the “White Throne Judgment”.
In the Greek, there are two words that are used for “new”. One is “neos”, and it is “a new version, or “type” of something that already exists, for example, a new car. We can build a new car, and in fact, new cars are constantly being built daily, however they are not new to the world, as cars have existed since the turn of the 20th century. The other Greek word used for “new” is “kainos”, and it is something that is new to the world, and has never existed before”, it is in this sense that the LORD is speaking in this passage, as in verse 5, HE says, “Behold, I make all things new”.
In verse 22, John reveals to us that there is no temple in this “new” Jerusalem. This may come as a surprise when we consider how precious the temple was to the Jews who lived in the current Jerusalem. However, the apostle’s description of the new city, as being in the shape of a cube 1400 miles in width, length, and height, suggests that Jerusalem itself is a temple, having GOD and the LAMB, both, eternally present within it. The city will need no physical edifice to serve as a temple, because, wherever JESUS is, there, the church will be also. And we should always remember, that, it is the presence of CHRIST JESUS that makes a gathering, a Church in the first place.
Furthermore, John reveals that there will be no need for light in the new Jerusalem, because the glory of GOD will provide ample illumination with JESUS the CHRIST being its lamp. John also sees a city whose gates will remain open forever, because there will be no night.
In verse 24 we see that, everyone who is saved will walk in the light of this wonderful city, and they will bring with them, the glory and honor that is uniquely their own.
From every nation of the earth, we have extracted some unique gift or talent, and our gifts and talents are our glory, given to us by GOD. To the Romans we owe for the ability to organize, formulate, and administer governmental law. And to the Greeks we owe for theology. But, on a smaller scale, every person that comes into the Church, for the purpose of serving, has talents and gifts that the LORD can use.
Shifting gears, in verse 27, John concludes this chapter of Revelation with a stern warning to those who refuse to discontinue in the evilness of their ways. Those who refuse to depart from evil will be forever barred from becoming citizens of this great community of GOD. It is not the “repentant sinner”, but rather, it is the “defiant sinner”, whose name will not be found in the LAMB’s Book of Life. All defiant sinners will be barred from entrance into the city of GOD.
All in all, it doesn’t really matter what we take away from this prophetic, mysterious account of the Apostle John’s revelation from CHRIST. And, in spite of what we think, its central focus will forever remain consistent as this book continues to pass down from generation to generation. The lingering message found within these pages, is one that is crystal clear despite its reputation of having enormous complexities. It simply serves to remind us that, in times of great conflict, GOD’s people must remain faithful, humble, and patient to the end.
The promise of victory through CHRIST, over the forces of the evil one, is something that is virtually assured. And to the unbeliever I have only this statement; “It is a life-changing thing, both, getting to know, and, becoming accustomed to practicing, the word of GOD. GOD’s word has already come, in fact, it has been with us since the beginning, and it simply cannot be, nor, will not be, disregarded. GOD’s word is synonymous with life, and therefore, it is effective and penetrating. It absolutely scrutinizes all of our thoughts, desires and intentions. All things lay naked before GOD, as HE simply sees all, hears all, and knows all that we do. And every one of us will have to make an account for the deeds done in our lifetime, and, whether or not we believe that HE exists, therefore, becomes totally irrelevant.
A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander
Larry D. Alexander - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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YouTube - Alexander Sunday School Lesson
Larry D. Alexander Weekly Sunday School Lesson
An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday May 22, 2011
(We worship the GOD WHO makes all things new)
(Revelation 21)
The books of Isaiah (chapters 60 & 65) and Ezekiel (chapters 40-48) each contain parallels of the vision John shares here in Revelation 21, concerning the “new heaven”, the “new earth”, and, a new Jerusalem. The Israelites had long understood that the earthly Jerusalem was always intended to be the site for the temple of GOD. Since the days when King David first moved the Jewish worship center from Mount Gerizim to Jerusalem, he had in mind to build GOD’s temple there. Biblical history records, however, that the task of building that temple would be assigned to King Solomon, David’s son. The temple would be a symbol of GOD’s presence among HIS people, and would be a place where GOD could be approached in worship. Here in Revelation 21, the “new” Jerusalem fulfills the promise of the “old”, and we see GOD is present in reality, and, it is only HIS people who can worship him freely, for all eternity.
John’s vision of the new Jerusalem magnifies to a great degree, the visions of the Old Testament prophets that were expressed and depicted hundreds of years earlier. Isaiah, Haggai, and Ezekiel, all had visions of a “rebuilt” Jerusalem. When we consider those facts, it becomes increasingly easy to see that the idea of a “new” Jerusalem had been a constant dream of GOD’s faithful over the years. Here John pulls together these various visions and makes them his own, as a sort of verification to Christians, that, their earnest expectations will indeed be satisfied in GOD’s new Kingdom following the “White Throne Judgment”.
In the Greek, there are two words that are used for “new”. One is “neos”, and it is “a new version, or “type” of something that already exists, for example, a new car. We can build a new car, and in fact, new cars are constantly being built daily, however they are not new to the world, as cars have existed since the turn of the 20th century. The other Greek word used for “new” is “kainos”, and it is something that is new to the world, and has never existed before”, it is in this sense that the LORD is speaking in this passage, as in verse 5, HE says, “Behold, I make all things new”.
In verse 22, John reveals to us that there is no temple in this “new” Jerusalem. This may come as a surprise when we consider how precious the temple was to the Jews who lived in the current Jerusalem. However, the apostle’s description of the new city, as being in the shape of a cube 1400 miles in width, length, and height, suggests that Jerusalem itself is a temple, having GOD and the LAMB, both, eternally present within it. The city will need no physical edifice to serve as a temple, because, wherever JESUS is, there, the church will be also. And we should always remember, that, it is the presence of CHRIST JESUS that makes a gathering, a Church in the first place.
Furthermore, John reveals that there will be no need for light in the new Jerusalem, because the glory of GOD will provide ample illumination with JESUS the CHRIST being its lamp. John also sees a city whose gates will remain open forever, because there will be no night.
In verse 24 we see that, everyone who is saved will walk in the light of this wonderful city, and they will bring with them, the glory and honor that is uniquely their own.
From every nation of the earth, we have extracted some unique gift or talent, and our gifts and talents are our glory, given to us by GOD. To the Romans we owe for the ability to organize, formulate, and administer governmental law. And to the Greeks we owe for theology. But, on a smaller scale, every person that comes into the Church, for the purpose of serving, has talents and gifts that the LORD can use.
Shifting gears, in verse 27, John concludes this chapter of Revelation with a stern warning to those who refuse to discontinue in the evilness of their ways. Those who refuse to depart from evil will be forever barred from becoming citizens of this great community of GOD. It is not the “repentant sinner”, but rather, it is the “defiant sinner”, whose name will not be found in the LAMB’s Book of Life. All defiant sinners will be barred from entrance into the city of GOD.
All in all, it doesn’t really matter what we take away from this prophetic, mysterious account of the Apostle John’s revelation from CHRIST. And, in spite of what we think, its central focus will forever remain consistent as this book continues to pass down from generation to generation. The lingering message found within these pages, is one that is crystal clear despite its reputation of having enormous complexities. It simply serves to remind us that, in times of great conflict, GOD’s people must remain faithful, humble, and patient to the end.
The promise of victory through CHRIST, over the forces of the evil one, is something that is virtually assured. And to the unbeliever I have only this statement; “It is a life-changing thing, both, getting to know, and, becoming accustomed to practicing, the word of GOD. GOD’s word has already come, in fact, it has been with us since the beginning, and it simply cannot be, nor, will not be, disregarded. GOD’s word is synonymous with life, and therefore, it is effective and penetrating. It absolutely scrutinizes all of our thoughts, desires and intentions. All things lay naked before GOD, as HE simply sees all, hears all, and knows all that we do. And every one of us will have to make an account for the deeds done in our lifetime, and, whether or not we believe that HE exists, therefore, becomes totally irrelevant.
A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander
Larry D. Alexander - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Larry D. Alexander's Storefront - Lulu.com
YouTube - Alexander Sunday School Lesson
Larry D. Alexander Weekly Sunday School Lesson
Friday, May 13, 2011
An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday May 15, 2011
(Perfect worship exalts the REDEEMER)
(Revelations 7:9-17)
The events of Revelations chapter 7 tell of the Apostle John’s vision of a period that we now know as the “Great Tribulation” period. Here, John is looking at a preview of the last terrible days here on earth that, inevitably, must come to pass, before CHRIST, can usher in HIS much anticipated, “Millennial Kingdom”.
The various chapters in the book of Revelations are not all in chronological order, or sequence of their occurrence. Here in this chapter, John is describing a scene in Heaven that actually precedes the “Second Coming” of Christ JESUS to earth. In verses 9-17, the people seen by John in his vision are said to be those who have “come out of”, or “survived” the “Great Tribulation Period” that will follow the “Rapture” of the Christian Church. This passage clearly indicates how these people will be marvelously blessed in Heaven after their trials and tribulations are over, here on earth.
This vast multitude from every nation, tribe, people, and language are seen standing before the Throne of GOD, dressed in white robes and holding palm branches. This is the same group of people that is mentioned by John in Revelation 6:9, whom he saw under the altar, and who had been martyred defending the Word of GOD during that Great Tribulation. The fact that they are now wearing white robes and holding palm branches signifies that they have been victorious, and are now, celebrating their righteous triumph, by giving thankful worship to GOD in Heaven.
As this victorious multitude boldly ascribes their salvation to GOD, and to CHRIST JESUS, the LAMB, all the angels, the 24 elders, and the 4 living creatures mentioned earlier, all join together in worship to GOD, with them. This passage answers the age old question that is raised in Revelation 6:17, as to whether, or not anyone who suffered through the Great Tribulation would be saved. John’s vision tells us that two specific groups will be saved. One group would be those who are saved in Israel, which are the 144,000, or, the members of the 12 tribes mentioned here in Revelations 7, verses 4-8. And the other group, those of the countless multitude who hail from every nation, people, and tongue, who, although they are spiritually saved, will remain during the Tribulation Period, and suffer persecutions in the name of JESUS, before being martyred into Heaven later on. They will be responsible for spreading the Gospel to the small remnant of people left in the world, who have not yet heard the gospel, so that they might make their choice of who they will serve.
In Revelations 7:1, the Apostle John writes of seeing “four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree”. In verse 2 he says that he saw a fifth angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the LIVING GOD. The fifth angel cried with a loud voice to the four angels who were given power by GOD to harm the earth and the sea. The angel goes on to say, in verse 3, “Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our GOD in their foreheads”. Here the four angels who have been given power by GOD to wreck punishing judgment on earth, now being told to withhold judgment until all of GOD’s servants have been identified and marked with GOD’s seal of approval. We can garner from this passage that, in the end, those who are not included in the “Rapture”, or, “First Harvest” of GOD’s people, will be protected during the Great Tribulation period, because, they too, have remained faithful to GOD.
It is in victory that the faithful stand before GOD in the end. And just like the faithful multitude mentioned in this passage, they won’t be weary from the rigors of the Great Tribulation. Instead, they will appear fresh as a daisy, dressed in white robes, looking like the victors that they truly are.
It is GOD, WHO will bring us through the trials and tribulations of this world, and, it is the true Christian who faithfully ascribes salvation to GOD. The salvation GOD gives us is not a deliverance of escape, but rather, it is a deliverance of conquest. When one escapes, he has to constantly look over his shoulder to see if what he escaped from is gaining on him. But when one is able to conquer that which bothers, threatens, or controls him, he becomes free from all such frets and worries. He can then have a measure of peace and protection that we all seek, really. And it is that kind of protection, a person can only receive through faith in, and obedience to, the Almighty GOD, our SAVIOR, through JESUS CHRIST.
A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander
Larry D. Alexander - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Larry D. Alexander's Storefront - Lulu.com
YouTube - Alexander Sunday School Lesson
Larry D. Alexander Weekly Sunday School Lesson
An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday May 15, 2011
(Perfect worship exalts the REDEEMER)
(Revelations 7:9-17)
The events of Revelations chapter 7 tell of the Apostle John’s vision of a period that we now know as the “Great Tribulation” period. Here, John is looking at a preview of the last terrible days here on earth that, inevitably, must come to pass, before CHRIST, can usher in HIS much anticipated, “Millennial Kingdom”.
The various chapters in the book of Revelations are not all in chronological order, or sequence of their occurrence. Here in this chapter, John is describing a scene in Heaven that actually precedes the “Second Coming” of Christ JESUS to earth. In verses 9-17, the people seen by John in his vision are said to be those who have “come out of”, or “survived” the “Great Tribulation Period” that will follow the “Rapture” of the Christian Church. This passage clearly indicates how these people will be marvelously blessed in Heaven after their trials and tribulations are over, here on earth.
This vast multitude from every nation, tribe, people, and language are seen standing before the Throne of GOD, dressed in white robes and holding palm branches. This is the same group of people that is mentioned by John in Revelation 6:9, whom he saw under the altar, and who had been martyred defending the Word of GOD during that Great Tribulation. The fact that they are now wearing white robes and holding palm branches signifies that they have been victorious, and are now, celebrating their righteous triumph, by giving thankful worship to GOD in Heaven.
As this victorious multitude boldly ascribes their salvation to GOD, and to CHRIST JESUS, the LAMB, all the angels, the 24 elders, and the 4 living creatures mentioned earlier, all join together in worship to GOD, with them. This passage answers the age old question that is raised in Revelation 6:17, as to whether, or not anyone who suffered through the Great Tribulation would be saved. John’s vision tells us that two specific groups will be saved. One group would be those who are saved in Israel, which are the 144,000, or, the members of the 12 tribes mentioned here in Revelations 7, verses 4-8. And the other group, those of the countless multitude who hail from every nation, people, and tongue, who, although they are spiritually saved, will remain during the Tribulation Period, and suffer persecutions in the name of JESUS, before being martyred into Heaven later on. They will be responsible for spreading the Gospel to the small remnant of people left in the world, who have not yet heard the gospel, so that they might make their choice of who they will serve.
In Revelations 7:1, the Apostle John writes of seeing “four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree”. In verse 2 he says that he saw a fifth angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the LIVING GOD. The fifth angel cried with a loud voice to the four angels who were given power by GOD to harm the earth and the sea. The angel goes on to say, in verse 3, “Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our GOD in their foreheads”. Here the four angels who have been given power by GOD to wreck punishing judgment on earth, now being told to withhold judgment until all of GOD’s servants have been identified and marked with GOD’s seal of approval. We can garner from this passage that, in the end, those who are not included in the “Rapture”, or, “First Harvest” of GOD’s people, will be protected during the Great Tribulation period, because, they too, have remained faithful to GOD.
It is in victory that the faithful stand before GOD in the end. And just like the faithful multitude mentioned in this passage, they won’t be weary from the rigors of the Great Tribulation. Instead, they will appear fresh as a daisy, dressed in white robes, looking like the victors that they truly are.
It is GOD, WHO will bring us through the trials and tribulations of this world, and, it is the true Christian who faithfully ascribes salvation to GOD. The salvation GOD gives us is not a deliverance of escape, but rather, it is a deliverance of conquest. When one escapes, he has to constantly look over his shoulder to see if what he escaped from is gaining on him. But when one is able to conquer that which bothers, threatens, or controls him, he becomes free from all such frets and worries. He can then have a measure of peace and protection that we all seek, really. And it is that kind of protection, a person can only receive through faith in, and obedience to, the Almighty GOD, our SAVIOR, through JESUS CHRIST.
A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander
Larry D. Alexander - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Larry D. Alexander's Storefront - Lulu.com
YouTube - Alexander Sunday School Lesson
Larry D. Alexander Weekly Sunday School Lesson
Friday, May 6, 2011
An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday May 8, 2011
(Perfect worship is always GOD-centered)
(Revelations 4)
The book of Revelations is the last book of the Christian bible to be written (circa A.D. 95-96). It is also rightfully positioned, as the final book of the New Testament, and, as the final book of the biblical assemblage in general. The second advent of CHRIST JESUS, and, those years that immediately follow, are much more vividly detailed than in the Old Testament book of Daniel. In Daniel’s book, he writes of a time that spans from the days of King Cyrus of Persia, up until the time of the first advent of CHRIST. He writes only briefly of the Tribulation Period, and of the time of CHRIST’ rule (Millennial Kingdom) here on earth.
The book of Revelations was written by the Apostle John after he received a vision from CHRIST, while he was still imprisoned on the Greek island of Patmos, during the reign of the Roman Emperor, Domitian. After a few challenges from the early Church leaders to gain acceptance into the biblical assemblage, John’s revelations were finally acknowledged as being divinely inspired. In fact, by the end of the third century, they were being widely quoted as scripture. GOD’s purpose for these revelations is to reveal those events which will take place before, during, and after the second coming of CHRIST JESUS.
In the opening chapters of the book of Revelations, John delivers both positive and negative messages to the seven churches that existed in the province of Asia at that time. Here in chapter 4, however, he paints for us, a depiction of what has come to be known by most scholars as “The vision of Heaven’s Throne Room”. And just as is with most of this fascinating book, there are also two basic interpretations of the visions seen here by John. In fact, the way a person views this book actually defines what group they would fall under, as most are either “premillennialist”, or “amillennialist” in their thinking.
The premillennialist sees the call for John to “come up”, in verse 1, as “the Rapture”, and therefore, everything that happens after that point, is considered by them, to be occurring in “the great Tribulation”. The amillennialist sees this call as a “call to worship”. They see the 24 elders mentioned in this chapter as representing the Old Testament, “Twelve Tribes of Israel”, and the New Testament, “Twelve Apostles”. But no matter what one’s interpretation may be, it is abundantly clear that these verses are focused exclusively on praising and worshipping the Almighty GOD.
In this spectacular vision, John sees GOD sitting on HIS throne, surrounded by 24 thrones with an elder seated on each throne. In front of GOD’s throne were seven lamp stands with flames burning inside them. They represent the seven spirits of GOD, and symbolize the perfection of the HOLY SPIRIT.
Also there in front of GOD’s throne was a shiny sea of glass, sparkling like crystal. In the center, and around the throne, were four living beings, each covered with eyes, both front and back. These four beings are reminiscent of the ones seen by Ezekiel, in Ezekiel 1:5-10, and they may symbolize various aspects of divine majesty. The lion, for instance, could be thought of as a symbol of “nobility”. The ox could represent “strength”, or even “faithfulness”. The human face of the third living being could symbolize “wisdom”, and the forth creature, the eagle, could represent “control”.
There is, however, another popular view among scholars concerning these living beings, and that is, that, they may represent JESUS in the four gospels. In Matthew, for example, the “lion” shows JESUS as “the lion of the tribe of Judah”. In Mark, the ox shows HIM as “the servant of GOD”. In Luke, JESUS is “incarnate” as a human being. And finally, in the gospel of John, the eagle represents the divine SON of the LIVING GOD.
However, in the end, I guess that’s neither here nor there, as some might say. And in the final analysis, we can certainly all agree that the worship by all beings who were present was attributed by them to the ONLY WISE, SOVEREIGN GOD, WHO created the universe and all that is within it. It is only through HIS will and purpose that all things exist, and only HE can make something out of nothing.
The great truth is, that, in every sense, everything in the world belongs to GOD, and absolutely everyone in this spectacular glimpse of the future, shown to us by the Apostle John’s shared vision, totally submitted themselves to GOD in worship, 24 hours a day. It has long been known, that, that’s just how everything all began, and now we see, through this wonderful passage in the book of Revelations, that, that’s just exactly how it all will end. Everyone, in the end, will consider it an honor and a privilege, to worship the Almighty GOD, on a continuous basis.
A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander
Larry D. Alexander - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Larry D. Alexander's Storefront - Lulu.com
YouTube - Alexander Sunday School Lesson
Larry D. Alexander Weekly Sunday School Lesson
An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday May 8, 2011
(Perfect worship is always GOD-centered)
(Revelations 4)
The book of Revelations is the last book of the Christian bible to be written (circa A.D. 95-96). It is also rightfully positioned, as the final book of the New Testament, and, as the final book of the biblical assemblage in general. The second advent of CHRIST JESUS, and, those years that immediately follow, are much more vividly detailed than in the Old Testament book of Daniel. In Daniel’s book, he writes of a time that spans from the days of King Cyrus of Persia, up until the time of the first advent of CHRIST. He writes only briefly of the Tribulation Period, and of the time of CHRIST’ rule (Millennial Kingdom) here on earth.
The book of Revelations was written by the Apostle John after he received a vision from CHRIST, while he was still imprisoned on the Greek island of Patmos, during the reign of the Roman Emperor, Domitian. After a few challenges from the early Church leaders to gain acceptance into the biblical assemblage, John’s revelations were finally acknowledged as being divinely inspired. In fact, by the end of the third century, they were being widely quoted as scripture. GOD’s purpose for these revelations is to reveal those events which will take place before, during, and after the second coming of CHRIST JESUS.
In the opening chapters of the book of Revelations, John delivers both positive and negative messages to the seven churches that existed in the province of Asia at that time. Here in chapter 4, however, he paints for us, a depiction of what has come to be known by most scholars as “The vision of Heaven’s Throne Room”. And just as is with most of this fascinating book, there are also two basic interpretations of the visions seen here by John. In fact, the way a person views this book actually defines what group they would fall under, as most are either “premillennialist”, or “amillennialist” in their thinking.
The premillennialist sees the call for John to “come up”, in verse 1, as “the Rapture”, and therefore, everything that happens after that point, is considered by them, to be occurring in “the great Tribulation”. The amillennialist sees this call as a “call to worship”. They see the 24 elders mentioned in this chapter as representing the Old Testament, “Twelve Tribes of Israel”, and the New Testament, “Twelve Apostles”. But no matter what one’s interpretation may be, it is abundantly clear that these verses are focused exclusively on praising and worshipping the Almighty GOD.
In this spectacular vision, John sees GOD sitting on HIS throne, surrounded by 24 thrones with an elder seated on each throne. In front of GOD’s throne were seven lamp stands with flames burning inside them. They represent the seven spirits of GOD, and symbolize the perfection of the HOLY SPIRIT.
Also there in front of GOD’s throne was a shiny sea of glass, sparkling like crystal. In the center, and around the throne, were four living beings, each covered with eyes, both front and back. These four beings are reminiscent of the ones seen by Ezekiel, in Ezekiel 1:5-10, and they may symbolize various aspects of divine majesty. The lion, for instance, could be thought of as a symbol of “nobility”. The ox could represent “strength”, or even “faithfulness”. The human face of the third living being could symbolize “wisdom”, and the forth creature, the eagle, could represent “control”.
There is, however, another popular view among scholars concerning these living beings, and that is, that, they may represent JESUS in the four gospels. In Matthew, for example, the “lion” shows JESUS as “the lion of the tribe of Judah”. In Mark, the ox shows HIM as “the servant of GOD”. In Luke, JESUS is “incarnate” as a human being. And finally, in the gospel of John, the eagle represents the divine SON of the LIVING GOD.
However, in the end, I guess that’s neither here nor there, as some might say. And in the final analysis, we can certainly all agree that the worship by all beings who were present was attributed by them to the ONLY WISE, SOVEREIGN GOD, WHO created the universe and all that is within it. It is only through HIS will and purpose that all things exist, and only HE can make something out of nothing.
The great truth is, that, in every sense, everything in the world belongs to GOD, and absolutely everyone in this spectacular glimpse of the future, shown to us by the Apostle John’s shared vision, totally submitted themselves to GOD in worship, 24 hours a day. It has long been known, that, that’s just how everything all began, and now we see, through this wonderful passage in the book of Revelations, that, that’s just exactly how it all will end. Everyone, in the end, will consider it an honor and a privilege, to worship the Almighty GOD, on a continuous basis.
A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander
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