Friday, June 24, 2011

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday June 26, 2011

(Victory belongs to GOD)
(Joshua 6)

The Old Testament Jericho was a fortified city in Canaan that is located in the plains of the Jordan River Valley, near the foot of the Judean Mountains, and about five miles from the north end of the Dead Sea. It is one of the oldest continually inhabited cities in the world, and probably, only Damascus of Syria is considered to be older.
There has actually been three different eras of Jericho in its long history. First, there is the “Old Testament Jericho”, which we see here in this passage of scripture. Then, there is the “modern Jericho” that is located only a mile from the first, and some seventeen miles, northeast of Jerusalem. And finally, there is the “New Testament Jericho”, which is located a little more than a mile west of the modern Jericho, and just south of the Old Testament Jericho.
By far, the most imposing of the three Jerichos is the one that is referred to, here, in the book of Joshua. It actually appears for the first time in biblical records in the book of Numbers (Numbers 22:1 & 26:3). The next time we see it is in Joshua 2, and then here in Joshua 6. After Joshua and the Israelites destroyed Jericho, Joshua placed a curse on it that would affect anyone who tried to rebuild Jericho (Joshua 6:26). That curse was realized several hundred years later when a man from Bethel, by the name of Hiel, rebuilt Jericho, and thereby, caused the curse to fall upon his family, as his oldest and youngest sons both died during the process (1 Kings 16:34), which is just what the curse called for.
Here in Joshua 6, Joshua is told by GOD to lead the people in a silent circuit around Jericho for six consecutive days, once a day. Then, on the seventh day, they were to march around the walled city seven times, and altogether, on cue, shout with a loud shout, and the LORD promised, that the city walls would fall to the ground (Vs. 1-5).
The people followed these seemingly bazaar instructions, and on the seventh day the walls of the city really did fall. Modern archeologists date the ruins of the Old Testament Jericho at around 1400 B.C., which does fit the biblical timeline of the exodus from Egypt, and also, the weight of the evidence found on the site of the destruction of Jericho, clearly and firmly supports the chronology and account of the bible which states that it was destroyed by warfare.
The extermination of the people of Canaan has always been objected to, by those who fail to take the existence, power, and sovereignty of GOD into account. It is the same today when massive amounts of people die in a single disastrous incidence, who on most accounts, did not follow, believe in, or think they should obey the word of GOD, WHO is the sovereign ruler of the universe. However, one only needs to read the Holy Bible to see that, even in this case with the Canaanites, 400 years prior to their demise, GOD told Abraham that Israel could not have the land of Canaan yet, because the Canaanites sins had not yet reached their full measure (Genesis 15:16). You see, GOD’s punishment for our sins is often held back for years, giving us ample time to repent, and to turn our lives around. But biblical history, and world history, both teach us that nations seldom do turn from their sins, in the face of GOD’s warnings.
GOD will never allow HIS “grace” to trump the “truth of HIS Word”, and, HE will not wait forever before HE discipline those who are living in disobedience to HIS Word. With HIS powerful judicial acts of atoning retribution, HE will, in the process of time, put a halt to our foolishness. And when we continue down a road of indifference, and choose to continue on a gradual slide towards an unstructured existence, much like we’re living in today, disobeying and disrespecting the laws of GOD all along the way, HE will eventually, take us out.
And so, to those who are not trying to live within, or respect GOD’s Will, I say this, “Don’t come hollering “How come GOD allowed this to happen to me?”, when something goes wrong in your life, or, in the lives of those you love, when you know full well that you are not following GOD. Because the correct answer will be, “If you are not following GOD, then, your question should be addressed to whoever or whatever it is that you pledge your allegiance to. That is who, or what, allowed it to happen, not GOD”. In short, one should, first of all, look in the mirror, and then, examine the choices one made, that were contrary to the Will of GOD.
There is victory when we surrender to JESUS, but there is only defeat, when we surrender to the world. We can’t make the world a better place, no matter how hard we try, because the world is under the dominion of satan, and therefore, it can only breed evil. It is the exact opposite of GOD. That is why, our charge from JESUS, as Christians, is that we lead people out of this world, which is filled with death and decay, and into the life-giving knowledge and light of JESUS CHRIST, and then, to make them disciples along the way.
GOD does not want us to lose our hearts to the people, or the things, of this world. In the world, we can only taste defeat, because the world, itself, is lost. Man lost it to satan the very first time he ever disobeyed GOD, and let sin and death, enter into our existence.
Joshua and the Israelites (except for Achan- Joshua 7), at least on this occasion, all stuck to the plan of GOD, even though it may have seemed ridiculous to them when they first heard it. And because they were faithful, GOD gave them the victory, and HE even tolerated Achan,s sin and did not allow the whole nation of Israel to suffer defeat because of his disobedience and indiscretion.
And remember Rahab, the reformed prostitute who risked life and limb to conform to the agenda of GOD, when she aided and protected the Israelite spies in Joshua chapter 2? Here in chapter 6, we see her trust in the protection of GOD paying off, and biblical history would go on to record that she would find herself firmly implanted within the genealogy of CHRIST JESUS, (Matthew 1:5) WHO, would later come to extend an offer to save us all from the evil gravitational pull of this world, through HIS vicarious sacrifice on the cross.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

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Friday, June 17, 2011

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday June 19, 2011

(GOD makes a way for HIS people)
(Joshua 2)

The purpose of the book of Joshua is to give an official account of the fulfilling of GOD’s promise to the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, that HE would deliver their ancestors into the “promised land” of Canaan. Specifically, the “holy war” and subsequent conquest of Canaan, under the leadership of Joshua, is based solely on the “Abrahamic Covenant” that was originated between GOD and Abram (Genesis 15). However, GOD’s ultimate intention has always been, to reach the “lost world” through Abraham’s seed, which culminated with the first advent of JESUS CHRIST.
The Apostle Paul teaches us of the similarities in the exodus from Egypt, and the conquest of Canaan by Joshua in the 14th century B.C., and, that of the ministry of JESUS CHRIST in the first century A.D. In the biblical Greek, the name “Joshua” means “YAHWEH saves”, or “YAHWEH is salvation”, and the name “JESUS” means the same. Joshua led his people to a physical victory over their physical enemies in Canaan, the Promised Land, and he also interceded for them when they had sinned and been defeated. JESUS leads us to victory over our spiritual enemies, sin and death, and HE intercedes (Romans 8:34) to bring us into the “Promised Rest” (Hebrews 4:8-10) that GOD is offering us when we accept HIS “will” for our lives.
In Joshua chapter 2, two spies are sent by Joshua on a reconnoiter mission to scout out the city of Jericho, both its structure, and, the morale of its people. Jericho was a walled city that was the key citadel of the Jordan Valley and it controlled all roads leading up into the central highlands of Canaan. In order to be successful in their attack on Canaan, Joshua felt that he had to have as much information as possible before devising a strategic military offensive campaign against them, and this military offense had to start with the taking, or conquering of Jericho.
And so the two men set out from Shittim, about seven miles east of the Jordan River, and traveled north along the river before crossing and approaching Jericho from its west side. They soon were inside the gates of the city mingling with the people in the streets, and they eventually came across the house of a prostitute named Rahab.
No one really knows how the two spies came across the residence of Rahab, but one could probably attribute this chance rendezvous to the providence of GOD. A thinking Christian can most easily see GOD’s purpose and grace here at work to save a lost sinner from the coming divine judgment upon the city of Jericho. Oftentimes the LORD moves in mysterious and unexpected ways in order to achieve HIS divine agenda, and here in this passage we see just such a time. Here, two Israeli military spies are put together with a pagan harlot, to the ends that, first, would protect the representatives of GOD’s agenda, and then later, extend HIS grace and mercy to the likes of a repentant sinner who wished to convert her life, and the lives of her family, into the agenda of GOD. Rahab made the decision that day to trust in the divine protection of GOD, rather than to trust in the protection of the fortified cities of men. When we choose to honor GOD and HIS agenda above men, something wonderful always happens to our lives. William Barclay once wrote, “When history judges us, will its verdict be that we were “helpers”, or “hinderers” in the work of GOD? That is a question that every individual, and every nation must eventually answer”.
In the biblical Greek, the word used for “encourage” is “parakaleo” (par-ak-al-eh-o), and it means not only “to be a comfort to”, but also “to invoke, or call upon for support and inspiration”. Rahab made a decision to be a “comfort” to the spies, in their time of need, and, in return, she was able to call upon the spies for “support and inspiration” that would save her life, and the lives of her family, later on.
We, as Christians, must first be concerned with giving priority to GOD’s agenda, and then, trust that HE will always protect us when we do. In fact, the fundamental priority in life must always be GOD, and not, our own wishes and desires. And when we come to rest in the thought of “putting GOD first”, and trust in HIS protection, just like we see with the prostitute Rahab, suddenly, wrong things will no longer fascinate, and have power over us. Our relationship with GOD, through JESUS CHRIST, will grow to become our greatest asset, as we become more and more estranged from the love of the things of this world, and, from worldly behavior altogether.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

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Larry D. Alexander Weekly Sunday School Lesson

Friday, June 10, 2011

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday June 12, 2011

(Obeying GOD’s word lead to true success and prosperity)
(Joshua 1:7-16)

The invasion and conquest of Canaan most likely took place, according to the biblical timeline, between 1406 and 1399 B.C., with Joshua’s farewell speech (Joshua 24:1-28) being given at the “Covenant Renewal Ceremony” circa 1385 B.C. The events recorded in the book of Joshua take place almost entirely in the land of Canaan, west of the Jordan River. The Israelites crossed the Jordan River opposite of Jericho, a highly strategic city that controlled all roads leading up into the central highlands of Canaan. They set up a “base” camp at Gilgal, from which Joshua launched two major military campaigns. The first campaign focused south on a coalition of Amorite kings in Jerusalem, Hebron, Jamut, Lachish, and Eglon. The other focused north against the more powerful Canaanite forces in Hazor, Madon, and other northern cities. These two major campaigns all but ended any organized Canaanite resistance. However, the Israelites still had to drive out any remaining Canaanites as they sought to expand their territories in later years.
In Joshua chapter 1, verses 7-8, Joshua is commanded by GOD to be strong and courageous, carefully obeying all the laws that HE had given to Moses before him. It is a command that is based on GOD’s power through HIS Word, and it indicated that a greater strength of character would be needed to obey GOD’s Word faithfully, than would be needed to win any military battle that he would soon undertake. Here in this passage, we see one of scripture’s earliest indications that man had available to him, a list of written laws of GOD, beyond those ten commandments, that Moses delivered to the people from Mount Sinai.
In order to enjoy prosperity and be successful in their conquest of Canaan, Joshua and the Israelites had to do three things in regards to scripture. First, GOD’s expectation from them was that HIS Word, not depart, from the mouths of HIS people. In other words, they were to persistently and consistently talk about the word of GOD to each other, including, and especially, to their children. Secondly, they were to meditate on GOD’s Word day and night, consistently keeping GOD in their thoughts, and, on their hearts. And thirdly, GOD expected that they were to do all, which HIS Laws called for them to do, obeying HIM fully by acting upon HIS Word, and incorporating its power into their everyday lives.
Joshua was able to demonstrate in a practical way, with his own life, how we in this generation, can also live, according to the Word of GOD. The way he lived clearly explains the success he had in his career as a father, a military leader, and, as a judge over his people. And in his farewell address to the people of Israel, he sought to pass on the formula of his success to the next generation. He urged them to live in submission to GOD at all times. Sadly, just as it has been in every generation since the foundation of this world, man would soon again stray away, from the righteous path that GOD continuously lays out before us.
Whenever a man goes his own way, he automatically and inevitably, moves farther and farther away from GOD, and in the end, the rift between he and GOD becomes so wide, that GOD is reduced to this obscure figure of whom he once knew, and of whom, then, he seeks only to avoid.
It has been proven over and over again, throughout our history, in fact, since the very dawn of creation, that, without GOD, man can’t do anything right, for too long. And the truth of the matter remains, that, GOD expects way more from us, in the form of commitment to HIM, than we’ve ever been able to, or willing to, deliver.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

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Larry D. Alexander Weekly Sunday School Lesson

Friday, June 3, 2011

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday June 5, 2011

(GOD’s promises continue for all generations)
(Joshua 1:1-9)

The book of Joshua is the first book of what we now call, “the Historical Books” of the Holy Bible. The others are Judges, Ruth, 1&2 Samuel, 1&2 Kings, 1&2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther. The book of Joshua tells the story of how the Israelites conquered the land of Canaan under the spiritual and military leadership of Joshua, the man whom GOD choose to succeed Moses, and, who was charged by GOD to lead the Israelites across the Jordan River, and into the “Promised Land”. Joshua is also considered to be the first judge of Israel, as his appointment marked the beginning of a 450 year period during which a succession of judges would rule over GOD’s chosen people. This “period of the judges” would end with the prophet Samuel, who would appoint Saul as Israel’s first king, and then, subsequently, replace Saul with David, by a divine order from GOD.
The book of Judges introduces us to a new generation of Israelites who, for the most part, started out on the right foot, by trusting in, and were committed to obeying GOD. Through their obedience to GOD, they were able to win, by warfare, the land that had been promised to them by GOD, since the time of the towering and faithful patriarch, Abraham. The book of Joshua, reminds us most of all, of the faithfulness of GOD and how, through our obedience to HIM, we can claim HIS promises, and realize spiritual victory in our own lives, even in this day. It is appropriate that the book of Joshua opens up with a description of GOD’s preparation of this young leader for his role in HIS divine plan and strategy (vs. 1-5). Like all of GOD’s divine appointments, Joshua’s would call for him to be faithful, strong, and courageous. GOD’s promises can only be claimed by carefully following His laws and instructions (vs. 6-8), and as Joshua walks the path that GOD’s law defines, the LORD will be with him wherever he goes (v. 9).
Obeying the whole law of GOD is the dominant theological theme in the book of Joshua. It is a theme that is tightly woven into the annals of Israel’s history. Theologians have, over time, defined three great functions of Old Testament law. First of all, the law reveals to us, the character of GOD HIMSELF. Secondly, the law serves as a standard by which human behavior can be measured, and, by which all mankind can be judged. And finally, the law guides our choices, making it possible for us, as believers, to please GOD, and enjoy HIS blessings, while living out our lives, here on earth. It is primarily this third function that is highlighted in this passage.
Biblical history seems to demonstrate quite clearly, that, when GOD’s people keep HIS laws, HE invariably blesses and enables them to succeed. By contrast, when GOD’s people fail to obey HIM, or HIS law is abandoned, such disobedience is always followed by some sort of national disaster, or economic down turn.
The LORD’s promises are iron-clad, and we see, over time, just how those promises were passed on from generation to generation, because of HIS commitment, to allow for an inheritance to the faithful. Joshua was a model leader whose legacy will never embarrass his mentor, Moses. The mission of the Old Testament leader was to enable Israel to claim and hold to the promises of GOD. Their effectiveness depended upon the divine presence of the Almighty GOD, WHO is the only ONE able to provide HIS people with victory, then and now.
The prime responsibility of a GODly leader is that he must always maintain a commitment to carefully obey to the letter, the laws of GOD. This passage also tells us that the chief characteristic of the GODly leader is that he or she have strength and courage that can only come through one’s confidence and trust in GOD, and not in themselves. For there will be many times when it will seem risky to obey GOD completely, but it is in just such times, when a person’s faith can best be measured. When we believe in our hearts that GOD’s promises are true, we will always ultimately obey HIM, and GOD says, our obedience is always most essential to our success (v. 8).

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

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