Friday, December 28, 2012

An international Sunday school lesson commentary

For Sunday December 30, 2012

Over 38,000 readers worldwide

(Submitting to and caring for each other because of CHRIST)
 (Ephesians 5:21-6:4)

In Ephesians 5:21-6:4, the Apostle Paul teaches on how to be controlled by the HOLY SPIRIT at home as he turns his focus to the two most important family life relationships, “husband and wife”, and “parents and children”. Here he defines how we should all strive to live as children walking in the light of CHRIST at home, as well as in church. In fact, what we do Monday through Saturday in our homes, and on our jobs away from the church, is more of testament to how we love and worship GOD, than what we do in church on Sunday morning.
After Paul establishes the overriding principle of us all submitting to one another out of reverence for CHRIST JESUS (v.21), he moves on to the specifics of the spiritual responsibility of each family member toward each other, and, towards CHRIST. Wives are to submit to their husbands as they do to the LORD (v.22). Husbands are the head of the wife, as CHRIST is the head of the Christian Church, which is HIS body (v.23a). The husband should show love for his wife, and be willing to give his life for her, just as CHRIST was willing to give HIS life for the church that HE so loves (v.23b). Husbands ought to love their wives just as they love their own bodies. In fact, husbands actually show that they love themselves, when, they love their wives, who they are spiritually at one with, in the LORD (v.28).
GOD calls for us to have a united, GODly home front. The Christian family’s interactions with one another should reflect CHRIST and HIS interactions with the Christian Church, or, “Body of CHRIST”. GOD fully intends for us to enjoy a harmonious, SPIRIT-guided family relationship in submission to HIM first, and then, to each other, starting in our own homes (v.21).
In the New Testament Greek, the word used for “submit” is “hupotasso” (hoop-ot-as-so) and it means “to be under obedience to”. It is a word that carries a complex concept which needs to be defined by the context in which it is used. Here in this passage, there is no question of power, or position as it is in, say, Romans 13. In this particular passage, Paul calls for all believers to develop an attitude of submission, and a willingness to be responsive by yielding to each other, out of love for each other.
It would be remiss of us to read hierarchy into these verses, but rather, we should see this passage as a call for us to begin to develop a sensitivity toward each other that will help to extricate us from “pride”, and enable us to function at all times, in a more, loving and caring manner. 
Each partner in a marriage has a special “privilege”. A husband’s privilege is to put his wife first, after GOD, just as CHRIST did when HE was crucified for us on the cross by Roman method. The wife’s privilege is to set the tone of submission by being responsive and caring. And neither partner lords over the other, but rather, each partner ministers to the other in their own GOD-given, special ways, for that is the “responsibility” that comes with the privilege.
In Ephesians 6:1-4, Paul addresses the relationship between parents and children. In the Greek, the normal word used for “right” is “dexios” (dex-ee-os), and it means “being on the right side of”. Here in this passage, however, Paul uses the Greek term “dikaios” (dik-ah-yos) for “right”, which means “the proper course to follow”. Children are to submit themselves under the leadership and care of their parents until they move out and start a family of their own, or become responsible adults capable of making their own decisions, for it is the proper course to follow. However, GOD commands that children should always “honor” their parents. In fact, it is the first commandment of the Decalogue (Ten Commandments) that carries a promise from GOD, and that promise is one of a long life, filled with blessings.
Paul ends this passage with an admonishment to fathers not to anger their children with harsh worldly and un-GODly treatment, but rather, bring them up with the GODly discipline and instruction that can be found in the word of GOD. Here in verse 4a Paul uses the Greek term “parorgizo” (par-org-id-zo) in his original Greek writings, for “provoke”, and it means “to exasperate” or “make things worse” by what one does or says”. In the home, the father must present a picture of the LORD to his children, through his speech and behavior, to, and before them. How a child views his or her father has a profound effect on how they view GOD later in life. By provoking our children to anger through ungodly treatment, we will ultimately “make things worse” for them later on in life.
The command to “Honor your father and your mother” is the first commandment that parents can use to introduce their children to the ways of GOD. If children respect their parents, they will respond positively to their nurturing. Through GODly nurturing, it becomes easier for a child to see GOD in their parents, and come to know and show reverence to GOD after they become adults. When they come to know GOD, through a personal, experiential relationship with their parents, it becomes much easier for them to have and maintain that same kind of relationship with GOD later in life. And thus, they can enjoy a long life on earth, because we have passed on to them, a legacy of faith, were they will desire to continue walking in the light of CHRIST, and know the importance of passing that legacy on to their own children.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, December 21, 2012

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday December 23, 2012

Over 38,000 readers worldwide

(We should walk in the light that JESUS brought into the world)
(John 1:1-5 & Ephesians 5:1-14)

In the biblical Greek, the term used for “word” is “logos” (log-os), and it, more or less, emphasizes the message of that which is spoken. In John chapter 1, the apostle expresses to us that our LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST personifies the Word of GOD, in the flesh. Here he is trying to get us to understand that one of the key reasons for JESUS’ first advent, was, and is, for “communication”.
JESUS is the “Spoken Word”, and the “Living Expression” of all that which GOD ever sought to communicate to us about HIMSELF. Here John is saying, particularly in verse 1, that, JESUS is both, “identical” to the GOD of the Old Testament concept, and yet, HE is also distinct from HIM. One can imagine how stunning this must have been to the people of the first century. Even today, many people have a problem with embracing this concept, which has now become familiar, and yet still remains just as mysterious as it ever was. Here though, we can see that, while the concept may be difficult, John’s teaching seems to be very clear. He is saying here that JESUS existed eternally with GOD the FATHER, as one GOD, yet, with a distinct and separate personality. Those of us who understand the concept that unity in a family and marriage represents, can certainly grasp the concept of “unity as one” between the FATHER and the SON.
It is true that in human society, if someone hands someone else a gift, and that person doesn’t perceive that gift to be real, then they probably aren’t going to reach out and accept it. Our believing in GOD, in all of HIS fullness, can be likened to that. GOD is giving us the gift of eternal life through HIS only begotten SON, JESUS the CHRIST. Believing in HIM involves seeing HIM as real, and, as coming from GOD, and then, reaching out and accepting HIM. By accepting JESUS, one also accepts GOD the FATHER’s wonderful gift of eternal life in Heaven, and, at one and the same time, becomes what they weren’t before, and that is, quite simply, “a child of GOD”.
JESUS came into the world to teach us how to live our lives under GOD, and, to teach us how to die and live again, with GOD. HE taught us how to give and forgive, and, HE taught us how to love, and how to give thanks. John points to JESUS as being the “LIGHT of the world”, a true light for all people. In HIM we see exactly what GOD is like, and only HE can usher us into GOD’s OWN glorious presence, without fear, without guilt, and, without shame.
In Ephesians chapter 5, verses 1-14 the Apostle Paul relates to Christians about “living in the light” that CHRIST JESUS, our SAVIOR, brought into a world of darkness. Paul begins this chapter by urging us Christians to follow GOD’s example in everything that we do. We should live a life filled with love for one another, following the examples of CHRIST WHO loves us, and, WHO gave HIMSELF up as a ransom for us, to nullify our sins, through HIS death on the cross. It was a sacrifice that was like sweet perfume to GOD (Vs. 1-2).
With every ounce of “worldly success” comes an equal measure of “pride”. To the contrary, with every ounce of “GODly success” comes an equal measure of “humility”. Every professed Christian must strive to be an imitator of GOD, simply because they claim to be GOD’s Children. The more we conform to the world, the more prideful we become, but the more we are able to transform from the world’s ways, to the ways and examples of CHRIST, the more humble we become.
There should be a very distinct and clear difference between the lifestyle of a Christian, and that of one who desires to be like the world. Darkness and light cannot co-exist in the same space. When the people in the community of GOD compromise their ways with the ways of the world, the distinction between the two are soon lost, and professed Christians are no longer able to properly represent CHRIST to anyone with any accuracy.  
In Ephesians 5, verses 3-13, we see perhaps Scriptures greatest and clearest defining of the contrasting moral differences between “light” and “darkness, or “right” and “wrong” by GOD’s standards. The vices or sins mentioned in verses 3-4 (sexual immorality, impurity, or greed, even obscene talk and dirty jokes) portray self worship and a lack of concern for others.
Remember, a greedy person is nothing but an idolater, because they chase after and worship the things of this world. We should not be fooled by those who try to excuse such a sin as this. Those who desire to follow CHRIST should not have even a hint of these evil elements in his or her life. Anyone who practices such immoralities cannot expect to enter into the Kingdom of CHRIST (the Millennial Kingdom), and of GOD in Heaven (v.5).
People who are comfortable in their own sin, and, who are offended by those who try to rebuke, correct, or expose them, have themselves, a favorite “scripture-based saying” that they like to use. They love to tell people, “You can’t judge”. However, in the Christian bible there are three separate and distinct types of judgment. Two of them GOD expects all Christians to be able to do, and the third is one that only GOD HIMSELF can do. In fact, even if we wanted to do this third type of judgment, our mere mortality prevents us from being able to do it. There is a different Greek word that is used to describe each of them. They are;
·         Anakrino (judgment) – It is a self examination, using GOD’s standards to see if we ourselves are in line with HIS Word and Will at any given time.
·         Diakrino (judgment) – it is using GOD’s standards to examine anything, or anyone to determine, or discern, that which is right, from that which is wrong in that person, thing, or situation.
·         Krino (judgment) – it is a judgment of “condemnation”, a judgment that only our superior GOD can make. No human being can make this type of judgment, because we are all indeed ourselves, people under judgment from GOD at all times.  

In Ephesians 5:10-14, the Apostle alludes to the two, of the three judgments that GOD expects us to make. Here we see a clear example of our duty to judge ourselves (Anakrino Judgment), and others (Diakrino Judgment), by first, finding out what is pleasing to GOD, by closely examining HIS Word and Will for our lives (Vs.10-11).
By closely studying GOD’s Word and finding out what we ourselves are doing wrong (examining ourselves), we’ll be able to help others who are going astray to get themselves into line with GOD’s Word and Will also. Serious Christians should take no part in the worthless, evil deeds and darkness that now permeate and dominate this world. The Word of GOD says that Christians should instead, rebuke and expose such evil (v.11). In fact, we should not even talk about the shameful things that ungodly people do even in secret, but rather, we should let our light shine on them, through our GODly behavior, so that it can become clear that their way is not the way to go. And so our lifestyle and behavior can expose things that are not right with GOD better than anything we can ever say. And wherever the Christian light of CHRIST shines through us, it will automatically expose evil deeds and actions.     

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, December 14, 2012

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday December 16, 2012

Over 38,000 readers worldwide

(GOD’s gifts grows and matures the Body of CHRIST)
(Ephesians 4:1-16)

In Ephesians chapter 4, the Apostle Paul urges us to maintain attitudes that express love and unity within the Body of CHRIST, which is the Church. In the Greek the word Paul uses for “worthy” in verse 1 is “axious” and it literally means “to balance the scale”. Here Paul is saying that we must give “equal weight” to our calling and conduct. We must make an effort to practice what we preach, and our doctrine must be balanced with our lifestyle.
This passage, along with Romans 12:1 and 1 Corinthians 12 constitutes the Christian image of the holy Body of CHRIST. Whenever a person joins themselves to a society or faith, they must obligate themselves to change or adapt to a living style that is compatible in that society, or faith. People who choose to join the body of CHRIST must adapt their style of living into a way that is compatible with GOD’s Word. We must work on being “humble” and “gentle, and also be “patient” and “loving” to those who are our “neighbors”, who are also living in the “community of GOD” (v.2).
In verses 4-6 we find no less than seven theological elements of the Christian Church. There we see that;

·         We are all one body
·         We have the same SPIRIT
·         We have all been called to the same glorious future
·         There one LORD
·         There is one Faith
·         There is one Baptism
·         There is one GOD and FATHER over us all, in us all, and living through us all

JESUS, the ONE WHO descended from Heaven to this lowly earth in order to usher in to us, a brand New Covenant from GOD, is also the ONE WHO gives us all certain gifts that should be used to enhance, improve, nourish, and grow HIS Body, the Church. The apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers are responsible for equipping GOD’s people to do HIS work and build the Church to the point where we are unified in Faith and knowledge of JESUS CHRIST, and, are mature and full grown in the LORD. Our goal is to measure up to the example that CHRIST JESUS showed us as a 100% man, during HIS life here on earth (Vs.11-13).
GOD does not wish for us to continue to act like children who can’t make up their minds about what they believe. HE doesn’t wish for us to fall prey to the cleaver liars who make their deceitful words sound like the truth (v.14). And if we are able to hold fast to the truth, becoming more and more like CHRIST, the whole Body will be fitted together perfectly as each part (person) does their own specially assigned work. By performing our own special work assignment to the best of our GOD-given ability, we will also be helping the other parts of the Church to grow so that the whole Body is healthy and operational, and filled with love (v.15-16).
To waver back and forth like a ship lost at sea, is not the life of a true Christian. Each member of the Body of CHRIST must grow and mature and reflect GOD’s image to others through our own behavior, by standing firm in GOD’s Word. Satan will always plant people in the Church who will try to introduce his agenda through the things that are popular in the world, such as miming (witch craft), worldly music, trunk or treat, trunk fest, fall festivals and other things that parallel Halloween, etc., but serious, mature Christians must resist such influences in the Church, and, in their personal lives.
The Church must function like a body because it is a body, the Body of CHRIST. It needs all of its parts to be working properly, held together by “love” if it is to have a productive spiritual life, and grow by GOD’s standard of success, not the world’s standard. And we should always remember that, most importantly, the one thing that will keep the Church healthy and efficient, is by it maintaining an intimate and personal connection to JESUS CHRIST, WHO is the head, brains, mind, and SPIRIT of the Body. The Church has never needed our human ingenuity to operate successfully. It only needs us to share the gifts with the Church that GOD has so graciously given us, and it is incumbent upon us to know the difference. We don’t need to try and improve upon that which GOD has already perfectly set up. We just need to be obedient and do things the way GOD says do it. And when we take the time to study the plan of GOD, we’ll find that it is not open to our own personal interpretation, but rather, we’ll find that the Word of GOD interprets itself to us.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, December 7, 2012

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday December 9, 2012

Over 38,000 readers worldwide

(Oneness and peace in CHRIST)
(Ephesians 2:11-22)

In Ephesians 2, taking up at verse 12, the Apostle Paul talks about the state of the Gentile before CHRIST. Here Paul states five disadvantages of the pre-CHRIST Gentile and he doesn’t include “circumcision” in his list. Paul never considered circumcision to be a necessary act (Acts 15) for Gentiles to partake in, in order to become a follower of CHRIST JESUS. At least one of the items on this list are also shared by the Jewish believers. On Paul’s list of reminders to the Gentiles we find that before CHRIST:
·          * Gentiles, like Jews were living apart from HIM.

·         * Gentiles were excluded from GOD’s people, Israel.

·         * Gentiles did not share in the promises of GOD.

·         * Gentiles lived without knowledge of GOD’s Will.

·         * Gentiles were without hope.

GOD, through HIS wisdom, determined that HE would form HIS new Church out of flawed material (mankind), because HE loved us even as we were still sinners, deeply embedded in our own transgressions. HE began this process by recreating us, in and through, HIS SON, JESUS, and as a result, HE effectively closed the spiritual gap between the Jews and the Gentiles.
Before JESUS’ vicarious sacrifice on the cross redeemed all mankind in general and all Christians in particular, the Jews had enjoyed a special covenant relationship with GOD that the Gentiles were not privy to. JESUS came to usher in a “New Covenant” from GOD. It is a covenant that is far superior to any, before, or since that time. It is the duty of the Christian (Jews and Gentiles) to build his or her foundation on that “Most High Faith” (Christianity), learning to pray in the power of the HOLY SPIRIT, and never again forgetting the conditions of that covenant, under which the love of GOD has called us. And then, finally, we must all still wait on mercy from JESUS CHRIST unto eternal life.
By bringing Jews and Gentiles together through the cross, JESUS effectively settled the longstanding feud between the only two races that ever mattered. Now, both Jews and Gentiles are fellow citizens and members of GOD’s divine household and holy temple (the Christian Church). JESUS HIMSELF has made us all one people under GOD (V.14).
In verses 15-18 we see that CHRIST, the PEACEMAKER and Jew, died for the Gentile, and by doing so, HE removed the barrier that is Jewish Law, a barrier to both races of people that was mistakenly viewed as the way to GOD, by the Jews. HE opened up the way for both to be joined together as “one new man” in the body of CHRIST. Christianity serves as peace to anyone who wishes to become a living part of it. In it we can find peace with GOD, and, peace among each other.
The thought of being “built together for GOD’s dwelling” (v.22) is a wonderful one, and even though every believer is “saved” individually, each person also immediately becomes a part of a greater body in CHRIST JESUS, WHO is the Church. Together, Christians (Jews and Gentiles) are the people whom GOD indwells with HIS HOLY SPIRIT. Through us, HE is able to display HIS glory, and thereby, we possess the divine opportunity to show the whole world that Christianity really does produce the best men and women.
In the Christian Church, JESUS makes a place for all mankind to enter into the family of GOD. And the Church can only realize its unity when it understands fully that it cannot exist apart from CHRIST JESUS. It has to provide a home for the SPIRIT of CHRIST to dwell in, and an opportunity for every man, woman, and child to meet, in that SPIRIT.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, November 30, 2012

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday December 2, 2012

Over 37,000 readers worldwide

(JESUS redeemed us for HIS glory and purpose)
(Ephesians 1:1-14)

Paul’s letter to the Ephesians was written during his first imprisonment in Rome circa A.D. 60-61. It was one of three doctrinal “jailhouse letters” (the others were Colossians and Philippians) that were believed to be written by Paul while he was awaiting trial there.  He had earlier spent three years in Ephesus (probably A.D. 54-57) and had had a great impact on that city, and other communities throughout the Roman province of Asia. Thousands of people had converted to Christianity during Paul’s stay there, and thousands of dollars worth of books and paraphernalia on magic, were publicly burned.
At that time, Ephesus was the queen city of Asia. Unfortunately, it was also Asia’s center of the popular cult of Artemis. Artemis was the most popular of the many idol gods that found their home in Ephesus. In fact, the worship temple of Artemis was one of the great wonders of the world in the first century, and thousands of visitors traveled to Ephesus each year to get a glimpse of this imposing, and structurally beautiful edifice.
It was against this backdrop of religion and superstition that Paul now writes of the new Church that he had started there in Ephesus. Just as all Christian Churches should be, it was a church whose architect was GOD, whose builder was CHRIST JESUS, and whose temple was occupied daily by the divine presence of the HOLY SPIRIT.
The Christian Church is not one that is born of bricks and mortar, but rather, they are born of the living flesh of our LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST. Instead of being stocked with silver and gold, they are stocked with spiritual blessings from on High, and, instead of being overseen by an earthly priest; they are overseen and headed, by JESUS. They do not lie at the mercy of hostile spiritual forces, but rather, they are ultimately guarded and protected by a supreme and powerful GOD.
In Ephesians 1, verses 3-14, the Apostle Paul lays out three provisions of spiritual blessings by the GOD-head, (in one long sentence in the original Greek writing) that are bestowed upon those who belong to CHRIST JESUS. Here we see:

·         The selection of the FATHER (Vs. 3-6)
·         The sacrifice of the SON (Vs. 7-12)
·         The seal of the HOLY SPIRIT (V. 12-14)

These opening verses of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians gives us visions of a child who is surrounded by gifts at Christmas time. One can easily feel how GOD wishes to give us all the needed blessings that are promised to those who belong to HIS “adopted family” (the Gentiles). When we belong to the family of GOD, JESUS opens up the doors to HIS FATHER’s wealth and security, and helps us to fully understand HIS “house rules”, or, HIS will, and HIS ways.
Before GOD ever created the world, HE already had in place, special plans for those HE would later call to partake in HIS great and wonderful work. The rewards we receive at the end of our “Christian walk” are greatly increased in accordance to how close we walked in obedience to the MASTER. HIS secret plan (the church) has now been revealed to us, and it centers on CHRIST JESUS, HIS only begotten SON. And at the right time, HE will bring everything together under the authority of HIS SON, indeed, everything in Heaven, and, on earth.
It is because of CHRIST JESUS, that we have received an inheritance from GOD, and GOD chose us, from the beginning. All things happen now, just as GOD planned them long ago, and when we believe in CHRIST, GOD identifies us as HIS OWN. And HE lends us HIS HOLY SPIRIT to guide us and hold us by the hand, so that when we stumble, we will not fall. The HOLY SPIRIT is GOD’s guarantee that HE will grant us everything that HE has promised, and, that HE has purchased us at a high price to be in HIS family. This is just one more reason for us to praise GOD at all times, not just with our lips, but indeed, most importantly, through our daily behavior.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website