Friday, February 24, 2012

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday February 26, 2012

(When you live by the SPIRIT, your life bears fruit)
(Galatians 5:16-6:10)

In the biblical Greek, the word used for “world” is “kosmos”, and it is from that word that we derive our English word “cosmos”. In the spiritual sense, it is that complex intertwining of sinful desires that shape our world of “lost humanity”.
When we choose the “Christian Walk” we should automatically become strangers to worldly behavior. We are no longer permanent residents of this earth, but rather, we become citizens of Heaven, and therefore, the laws of GOD should become paramount to us. It is not until we fall in love with goodness that “wrong things” will no longer fascinate, and have power over us. Our relationship with GOD then becomes our greatest asset. By contrast, the person who loses his or her heart to the things of this world is the person most vulnerable to satan.
The end of all things earthly is near, for each of us, personally. For, that is the warning in the messages that the ancient prophets, and, the New Testament writers and thinkers, all leave us with. And those warnings are just as valid today as they ever were. In this day and age, both the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD, and the Bride (the true Christian Church) are beckoning us to come out of the world (Rev. 22:17), however, unfortunately, the lure of this world, and satan, are beckoning us to stay and indulge ourselves with our “sin nature”.
The HOLY SPIRIT in us will always seek to compel us towards CHRIST. However, the “sin nature” within us, will always try and tug us back toward the world. That battle that wages on inside of each of us, between “the reason to do right”, and “the passion to want to do wrong”, will continue to stay with us, long after we accept the gift of salvation. However, through our strength in CHRIST, we can ultimately overcome the gravitational pull of this world, just as CHRIST did, and find our place in “the ultimate happy ending” that has been prepared for us by GOD, since the foundation of this world.
In Galatians 5, verses 16-21, the Apostle Paul advises Christians to choose to live their new lives in the HOLY SPIRIT, as opposed to returning to their old life of doing what their sinful nature dictates to the flesh. Here Paul gives us a catalog of evil things that we are to have self-control against, while yet living in this world. While certainly we have to exist in the world physically, we don’t have to participate in its Luciferic agenda.
Contrary to the beliefs of most Christians, our call is not to try and make the world a better place, but rather, it is a call by GOD to, first, remove ourselves from the world spiritually, and then, help to extract others, leading them out of the darkness of this world and into the light of CHRIST. The world belongs to satan at this point, and this world, since the beginning has never improved from one generation to the next, not even during JESUS’ first advent.
The earth is where GOD planted HIS “vineyard”, and HE entrusted mankind by giving him dominion over it. Man ceded it over to satan in the Garden of Eden, and caused sin and death to enter into the world. Since then, all throughout scripture, the vineyard is never mentioned apart from the idea of “degeneration”, it has never gotten better, though many a man has tried. Down through the ages man has failed to recognize what his one assignment from JESUS is, and that is to draw men from the world that he gave over to satan, and make them disciples of JESUS, and JESUS HIMSELF will make the world a better place, when HE returns. That’s HIS job, not ours.
Back in verse 1 of this chapter of Galatians, Paul reminded us that our “Christian Freedom” does not mean that we have freedom in indulge in the trappings of the lower side of human life, but rather, it is freedom to walk in the true life that can only be found in CHRIST JESUS, and our reliance on the power of the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD to guide us. Here in this passage (Vs. 16-21), every word that Paul uses in his list of evil doings has a very vivid picture associated with it. “Adultery” and “fornication”, for instance, is quite literally the opposite of chastity, which true Christianity requires from all of us as people made in the spiritual image of GOD. “Uncleanness”; Here Paul uses the Greek word “akatharsia” which describes the pus of an unclean wound. “Lasciviousness”; from the Greek word “aselgeia”, which means, readiness for any immoral, lustful pleasures, or, to be sinfully out of control. Then there’s “Idolatry”, which is the worship of anything, or anyone, other than GOD”. “Witchcraft”; it literally means the use of drugs, which in ancient times was a necessary part of sorcery. “Enmity”, the complete opposite of love, it describes one who is characteristically hostile to someone else. All together Paul mentions no less than seventeen fruits of evilness that the human sin nature can easily cotton to. Anyone who chooses to indulge in any of these “works of the flesh”, without repent, can never, enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.
Starting in verse 22, the Apostle Paul shares with us a list of “lovely things” that characterize the “fruit of the SPIRIT”. The catalog includes Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Fidelity, Gentleness, and Self-control. The HOLY SPIRIT is the engine that drives the converted person’s “new self” in the opposite direction of their “old self”, away from their “sin nature”. HE also produces in the converted person’s personality, the “fruits of the SPIRIT” that are mentioned here by Paul. These GODly qualities replace the unGODly desires for the “fruits of evil” that had previously dominated the thought process and actions of the now converted person.
It then becomes the responsibility of that converted person to keep in step with the HOLY SPIRIT (Gal. 5:25). He or she must then “live by the SPIRIT”, and “be led by the SPIRIT” responding only to HIS promptings, as HE seeks to guide our decision-making in all areas of our lives. We must, in our hearts, show our reliance on HIM, and our confidence in doing what we know to be right. Our lives will then no longer be marked by our sinful acts, but rather, it will be marked by the deeds of one who is submissive to the SPIRIT of GOD.
As the believer becomes spiritually mature we are expected to then go out and help someone else guard against going astray (Gal. 6:1), or lead someone else out of the darkness of this world, by introducing them to the light of CHRIST. JESUS tells us that we will be judged according to our reaction to human need (Matt. 25:31-46), and the greatest human need is the need for man to obey GOD, and maintain an experiential, personal relationship with HIM at all times. We simply can’t ignore GOD and get away with it. We will always reap what we sew (Gal. 6:7). If we sew bad seeds we will reap a crop of bad fruit, but if sew good seeds, we will always reap “the fruit of the SPIRIT”, or, “a harvest of blessings” at the appropriate time (Gal. 6:8-10).

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander


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Friday, February 17, 2012

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday February 19, 2012

(We become GOD’s children through our faith in CHRIST)
(Galatians 3:15-4:7)

JESUS CHRIST is the one person in whom GOD’s covenant with Abraham was consummated. GOD told Abraham in Genesis 17:7-8 that “HE would establish HIS covenant between HIMSELF, Abraham, and his SEED” (seed being singular, not plural). Therefore, this “Abrahamic Covenant” is not consummated in a group of people (the Jews), who were descendants of Abraham, but rather, it was promised to CHRIST, WHO was GOD’s OWN SEED, through the genealogical line of Abraham.
In Galatians 3, taking up at verse 15, the Apostle Paul calls on his own Rabbinic training to get his point across to the Christian Church at Galatia. Jewish rabbis were proud of how they could base their arguments on the use of a single word, in this case “seed”. Part of a Rabbis training was in how to build their theological debates around a single word, and, here in this passage, Paul masterfully does just that. Paul goes on to explain how the agreement GOD made with Abraham could not be canceled 430 years later when HE gave the Law to Moses, because if GOD did that, HE would be breaking HIS OWN Covenant Promise (Vs.17-18).
The Law was given to us to show us how far we had strayed from the glorious standards that GOD instilled within us when HE shared HIS nature with us, creating us in HIS OWN spiritual image, way back in the beginning (Gen. 1:27). However, this divine system of law was to last only until the first advent of CHRIST JESUS, the SEED to whom the promise was made (Gal. 3:19).
There is no conflict between GOD’s Law and HIS promise. If the Law could have brought us new life, we could have been saved simply by just obeying it. However, since we are all prisoners of sin, the only way that we can receive GOD’s promise, is by believing in what CHRIST has done for us (Vs. 21-22). And so, actually, the Law was used by GOD to keep us in a sort of “protective custody” until the day when JESUS completed HIS unique earthly assignment, by way of HIS vicarious sacrifice on the cross (v. 23). And when that mission was completed, all who have sinned, and thereby, been cursed by the Law of GOD (Deuteronomy 27:26), can be removed from that curse, simply by believing in CHRIST JESUS.
All throughout Paul’s ministry he returned again and again to the same point; The solutions to the enigmas of human life has always been in having and maintaining an experiential relationship of friendship with GOD, and, in continued faith in GOD. GOD’s covenant with Abraham was made possible because of Abraham’s faith in GOD, as the Law, at that time, did not yet exist. The Law served only as our guardian and teacher, guiding us until CHRIST came, and now that HE has come, our salvation lies in our faith in HIM. We no longer need the Law as our guardian, now the HOLY SPIRIT guides those who believe in Christ JESUS (Vs. 24-25).
We are children of GOD, only through our faith in CHRIST. When we become one with CHRIST in baptism we are made like HIM, and are expected to emulate HIM through our behavior at all times. And weather we are Jew or Gentile, rich or poor, male or female, becomes irrelevant. Also, when we belong to CHRIST, we become the true children of Abraham, and the heirs to all of the promises that GOD gave to him (Vs. 26-29).
In Galatians chapter 4, verses 1-7, Paul continues to expound on his point that we are children of GOD only through our faith in CHRIST. In first century Israel, the process of growing up was far more definite than it has ever been in American life. Back then, on the twelfth birthday of a Jewish male, his father would take him into the synagogue, and on that day, the boy would become a “Son of the Law”, after certain religious oaths and rituals. He would then, quite literally, become responsible for his own actions before GOD. There was then established, a clear boundary line between the boy that was, and the man that now is. Literally overnight, the boy became a man.
When the male was under the age of twelve, he was a mere child in the eyes of the Jewish Law, and therefore, under the rule or dominion of the Law of his parents. But when he becomes of age, he is freed from under their rule and becomes fully responsible for making his own decisions and can also claim his inheritance from them. That’s how it was with us before CHRIST came. We were under the spiritual rule of this world, literally slaves to sin. But when GOD sent CHRIST to be born of woman into sin, and subject HIMSELF to the Law, HE also represented for us, the one and only chance we had to be freed from under the dominion of sin, death, and the Law. HE made it possible for all mankind to be adopted into the family of GOD as HIS OWN children, and thus, as heirs to everything that CHRIST HIMSELF has.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander


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Friday, February 10, 2012

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday February 12, 2012

(Pay close attention to what you put your faith in)
(Galatians 3:1-14)

In Galatians 3:1, the word Paul uses for “foolish” in the original Greek is “anoetos” (an-o-ay-tos), and it simply means “unintelligent”, or “unwise”. Here it is used to describe how he saw the people of the Church at Galatia when he first heard how they were falling away from the Gospel, and being duped by smooth-talking preachers with anti-CHRIST agendas. It is a word that challenged the Galatians’ power of perception and discernment, as they were obviously missing the true essence of the Good News about CHRIST JESUS.
Since Paul had last spoken with them they had taken on a direction that was contrary to what they had been taught earlier, and were actually violating their initial experience with GOD. After beginning their Christian lives in the SPIRIT, they were now trying to become perfect by their own human effort. Did they now believe that they were saved by their good works, and by keeping the law, instead of by faith? Who had duped them, Paul was now wondering. Seemingly for the Galatians, they believed faith was good enough to “save”, but not good enough to live their everyday lives by (Vs. 1-5).
The false teachers that had infiltrated the early Church had come to the people saying that Paul was not really an Apostle because he was not a member of the original twelve. They also pointed to Paul’s years of persecuting the Christian Church, up unto the death of Stephen in Jerusalem (Acts 7:57-60). Plus, Paul also had no official appointment from the head Church at Jerusalem.
Paul’s answer to these claims was not in the form of an argument, but rather, he simply issued a statement concerning his Damascus Road experience that was witnessed to, by many who were with him on his journey. Besides, no man can make another man into a minister for GOD anyway, for only GOD can do that. The real test of a true man of GOD is not that he has gone through certain rituals or ceremonies, and taken certain vows, but rather, it is that he has seen CHRIST for himself in his heart, and has received his orders from GOD to do HIS bidding.
Abraham is the human example to whom the Jews, and the Gentiles, look to, as a sort of prototype of one who had a personal relationship with GOD that was based solely on faith. Faith has to have a critical role in anyone’s relationship with GOD, be they Jew or Gentile. The scriptures always pointed to a time when GOD would accept the Gentile believer into HIS family, based on faith. GOD’s promise to Abraham stated that all nations would be blessed through him. Therefore, everyone who puts their faith in CHRIST JESUS, automatically shares the same blessings that Abraham received, because of his faith (Vs. 6-9).
Paul preached the gospel of the free grace of GOD. He believed with all of his heart, that, there was nothing that a man could do to merit the love of GOD. We, as sinners, can only throw ourselves at the foot of GOD in an act of faith, hoping that HE will show mercy on us when we do. It is only through faith that a righteous person is saved, or can have an eternal life in Heaven with GOD.
In the biblical Greek the word Paul uses in verse 13 for “redeemed” is “exagorazo” (ex-ag-or-ad-zo). It is one of only two times in scripture that this particular word appears. The other is in Galatians 4:5, and, in both places it means “to purchase out of slavery”, or “to rescue from loss, and thereby, improve the opportunity of”.
JESUS has rescued us from the curse of the law. When HE hung on the cross, HE took the curse of the Law upon HIMSELF and exhausted it. HE redeemed mankind when we couldn’t redeem ourselves. Through JESUS’ vicarious sacrifice, GOD has blessed all those who believe with the same blessing that HE promised to Abraham. And we can all receive the HOLY SPIRIT through faith, which has nothing to do, with how well we obey the Law (Vs 10-14). To be in CHRIST, is to be in the place of ultimate trust.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander


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Friday, February 3, 2012

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday February 5, 2012

(We are saved by believing in CHRIST)
(Galatians 2)

The Apostle Paul wrote his letter to the Galatians for the benefit of the churches that he founded in the district of Galatia very early in his ministry (circa A.D. 49-50). He had established Christian churches at that time in Derbe, Lystra, Iconium, and Pisidian Antioch, all located in southern Galatia. It was most likely written shortly after the famous (Acts 15) Jerusalem Council, which released Gentile Christian converts from any responsibility to keep the Jewish laws that GOD had given exclusively to them, such as, for example, circumcision.
This letter was written to rebuke the “faith/works” doctrine that the followers of Judaism, who trailed Paul from church to church, were trying to indoctrinate into the newly founded Christian churches (Galatians 1:6-10). They were also teaching that one must become a Jew first, by conforming to all Jewish laws, before one could be eligible to become a Christian. This seemed very logical to some new Christians since JESUS HIMSELF was a Jew, which meant that the roots of Christianity itself, was also Jewish. But Paul strongly objected to this kind of teaching and, here in this letter, he clearly explains why mixing works with faith actually robs the Gospel of CHRIST of its power to transform the lives of the new believers.
In Galatians chapter 2, fourteen years after Paul’s first visit with Peter in Jerusalem, he returned there, this time with Barnabas and Titus, after being led to do so by the LORD. He met privately with the leaders of the Church to tell them about what he had been preaching to the Gentiles over the years. He wanted to make sure that they did not disagree with his ministry, and of course, they did not. In fact, they didn’t even request that Titus, who was a Gentile, be circumcised, as some of the so-called Christians there were demanding (Vs 1-4). Instead, they welcomed Paul and Barnabas as co-workers, and had nothing further to add to what they had been teaching.
As pillars of the Church, Peter, James (JESUS’ brother), and John recognized GOD’s calling on Paul, and encouraged him to keep preaching to the Gentiles, while they themselves, kept preaching to the Jews. They only suggested to Paul, Barnabas, and young Titus, that they always remember to help the poor, something they were already more than willing to do (Vs. 6-10).
In those early days in the Christian Church, it became a custom of the congregation to gather together weekly for a common meal that they called “The Agape Feast”, or, “Love Feast”. This meal was made possible by a pooling together of various dishes that were provided by the church members who could afford it. For many of the poor members, this became the only descent meal that they would get all week. In a very special way, this meal represented a moment of togetherness and fellowshipping for Christians of all races, and on all social, and economic levels.
In Galatians 2:11-12, it was just such an occasion that Paul is speaking of, when he had to confront Peter and Barnabas about their hypocritical behavior and attitude toward Gentile Christians. Here Paul tells of a time when Peter, Barnabas, and some other Jewish Christians, even though they had dined with the Gentile Christians earlier, when their fellow Jewish Christian leaders arrived at the feast, they began to shun the Gentile Christians, for fear of what those fellow Jewish legalists might say about socializing with Gentiles.
This act by Peter, and by Barnabas, who were both leaders in the church, led other Jewish Christians to join them in their hypocrisy. Paul, seeing that Peter and the others were not following the truth of the Gospel of CHRIST, confronted Peter and rebuked him in front of all the others because he was the “ringleader”. In essence, Peter was guilty of rebuilding the old Jewish system of thinking (Judaism) that they had been trying desperately to move away from. They were becoming a light for those who were seeking something to believe in, and the new movement toward CHRIST JESUS was taking root all around the world as they knew it, at that time.
Paul understood early on, that a church will cease to be Christian if it contains class distinctions, or anything else, that was contrary to the actions and attitude of JESUS HIMSELF. In GOD’s presence, a man’s race is meaningless. He is neither regal, nor less-than, and he is neither rich nor poor, but rather, he is only a sinner for which CHRIST has died.
All but CHRIST has failed to reach the goal that GOD originally set for us when he made us in HIS OWN “spiritual image”, by giving us the attributes of HIS OWN nature. However, through HIS grace and mercy HE has since introduced us to a great and relatively easy way to get back into a relationship of friendship with HIM, whereby HE could adopt any man, woman, or child into the “Family of GOD”.
It is the blood of CHRIST that allows us to walk into the store of GOD and pick up a “free” bottle of “Faith”. And we can take it home and use it to spray some “Hope” on our unclean mirrors, and for the first time, begin to see ourselves as we really are. And with our newfound “Love”, we can turn ourselves around, and begin walking in the “newness of life” that can only be found, in CHRIST JESUS. And that is why Paul says that Faith, Hope, and Love are the three great enduring things, and of the three, Love is the greatest (1 cor. 13:13). And so, when we are seeking something to believe in, seek GOD, and GOD promises that if we do, we will certainly find HIM.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander


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