Friday, March 30, 2012

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday April 1, 2012

(The truth must never be compromised)
(John 18:28-40)

JESUS’ second religious trial, the trial before Caiaphas, ended in the early morning hours of the day of JESUS’ crucifixion. HE was then taken to the headquarters of the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate. JESUS’ accusers, the Jewish religious leaders, did not enter into the governor’s headquarters, because they were self-forbidden to enter into the house of a Gentile, especially during Passover. So apparently they must have sent JESUS in alone, while they sat outside and awaited Pilate’s decision.
Pilate’s apparent wavering, during JESUS’ first civil trial, should not be mistaken for virtue. For a quick look at his personal history with the Jews will show us how he used the path of least resistance, in order to save himself from his own, self-imposed troubled career. When Pilate first entered into Jerusalem as Procurator, he got off to a very bad start with the Jews and their religious hierarchy by entering into the city wearing standards of the Roman Emperor on their helmets. The Jews considered these standards to be idolatrous, because the Romans worshiped the Caesars as Gods. Every Roman governor, before Pilate, had respected their wishes and removed these emblems from their headgear while they were in Jerusalem. Pilate, on the other hand, steadfastly refused to do so, despite being constantly dogged by the Jews.
Finally, in a showdown at the amphitheater, Pilate surrounded the Jews with armed soldiers and told them that if they didn’t put an end to their requests, they would be killed right there, on the spot. The Jews, however, called Pilate’s bluff, forcing him to reconsider. They knew that Pilate would come under fire from the Emperor, Caesar Tiberius, if he found out what Pilate was trying to do. And so Pilate, to his own dismay, had to buckle under and admit defeat.
A second incident involved Pilate’s taking of money from the temple treasury, in order to help finance a new aqueduct system for Jerusalem. When some of the angry Jews protested, Pilate planted some of his soldiers into the crowd, and upon his signal, they attacked the Jews, injuring, and even killing some innocent bystanders. It was these two incidents that the Jews used to blackmail Pilate into doing their desired will, of giving JESUS the death sentence. They knew, and Pilate knew, that if Tiberius found out about either one of these incidences, Pilate would be driven from office, or possibly, even killed.
One might ask himself, “Why didn’t the Jews just take JESUS out and kill HIM, themselves?” Well, the truth is, that, about forty years before the destruction of the temple by the Romans, Emperor Julius Caesar took away the right of the Jews to make decisions of judgment, involving the life and death of its citizens. At that time, only the Roman government could give a person a death sentence (John 18:31).
In addition, it was important to the Jewish religious hierarchy that JESUS, die, by Roman method, hanging from a cross, and here’s why. According to Deuteronomy 21:22-23, anyone who has committed a crime worthy of death, and is executed and hung on a tree, it is an indication that that person was cursed of GOD. Not only did the religious leaders want to show the people that JESUS was not the SON of GOD, as HE had claimed, they also wanted to send a message that HE was even cursed of GOD. In addition, from a GODly perspective, this manner of death would be in line with the prophetic statement of JESUS, where HE says, “When HE is raised up, HE will draw all men to HIMSELF”.
After Pilate’s questioning of JESUS had ended, he once again went out to the people and declared that he could find no fault in JESUS. He even tried to compromise the truth of his finding, by offering to release JESUS as a result of their customary rule, where they would release one prisoner from custody each year at the Passover. But instead of using that opportunity to free JESUS from custody, they chose instead, to release a convicted robber named Barabbas.
To compromise the truth means to not stand behind the truth at all. We either hold fast to the things of GOD, or, we allow ourselves to be deceived by satan. The Jews delivered JESUS into the hands of Pilate, and, in spite of his finding JESUS innocent, Pilate went on to try and compromise the truth of his findings. He convinced himself in the end, that he had done all he could, but actually, he knew deep in his heart that he had long ago, through his problems with the Jews, tossed away the option to do the right thing.
The “permissive will” of GOD, allows for man to do many things, and ultimately, through JESUS’ death, we also receive GOD’s wonderful and abounding grace. However, GOD, through HIS infinite wisdom, will never allow “grace” to trump “truth”. The “TRUTH” presented itself to Pilate that day, in the person of JESUS CHRIST, and he decided to put TRUTH to death. And as for the Jews, in order to carry out the death of JESUS, they abandoned every principle that they ever had. Especially on this day, when they uttered these infamous words to Pilate, as they are recorded in John 19:15, where they state, “We have no king but Caesar”.
That put the final brush strokes on a tragic painting, of a maddened mob, that had been driven by anger. Driven by their hatred for JESUS, the Jews lost all sense of proportion, and they totally forgot about the mercy, they themselves, had so often preached about in the temple. They forgot all justice, and in the end, they denounced GOD, and professed Caesar. Never before, in the history of man, has hatred’s insanity presented itself before us this vividly, and hopefully, it never will again. There can never be a “right time” to do the “wrong thing”, as Pilate and the Jews ultimately did. They took the most beautiful LIFE, that ever did live, and then, they snuffed it out, on a cross.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander


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Friday, March 23, 2012

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday March 25, 2012

(GOD so loved us, HE gave us the most precious part of HIMSELF, JESUS)
(John 3:1-21)

Nicodemus was a member of the “Sanhedrin”, the ruling council, or, governing body of religion and state under Rome. He was a Pharisee who had zealous dedication to GOD’s Law. He was also “a teacher of Israel” and held the distinctive office of being an authoritative interpreter of Scripture. However, he did come to JESUS with an open mind, intent on listening to the Man, WHOM he himself, had seen perform many miracles.
Right away JESUS stuns the seasoned scholar by saying to him, “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of GOD” (John 3:3 - KJV). In other words, JESUS was telling a man who was thought to be spiritual by everyone, including his own self, that, before any spiritual questions can be dealt with, a man must be born anew, spiritually. He would have to be baptized in the SPIRIT that JESUS HIMSELF would later impart (in the person of the HOLY SPIRIT) to anyone that believes in HIM. And even though the concept of a “spiritual rebirth” is clearly evident in the Old Testament, here, Nicodemus is still, clearly confused by this divine revelation of truth (John 3:4).
JESUS further elaborates on HIS prior statement regarding spiritual rebirth in verses 5-7, by stating, “The truth is, no one can enter the Kingdom of GOD without being born of water, and, the SPIRIT”. Humans can reproduce only human life, but the HOLY SPIRIT gives new life from Heaven” (NLT). In other words, JESUS is saying that, the first requirement for a person to be eligible for the kingdom of GOD is that GOD has to allow that person to exist in the first place. When a woman’s “water” breaks after the fullness of the time of her pregnancy, a person, or persons are born into the world and human life begins its journey in earnest in the physical world. However, only through accepting CHRIST JESUS, first with our lips, and then, in our hearts, (and thereby, inviting the HOLY SPIRIT to dwell within us), can a person ever receive a new spiritual, eternal life in Heaven.
To be “born again” is the phrase that clearly describes the goal of the aspiring Christian. It is the true Christian’s desire, that GOD will exact HIS divine power upon our lives with a moral infusion that will transform us into a people that can, at all times, reflect HIS image to others, through our own behavior. And just as “Natural Birth” marks the beginning of our new life in the physical world, and makes us “children of man”, “Spiritual Birth” marks the beginning of our new life in CHRIST JESUS, and makes us “children of GOD” (John 3:5-6).
At this time, JESUS responds with a question of HIS OWN, by asking Nicodemus, “Art thou a master of Israel, and knowest not these thing (v. 10 – KJV)? In other words, HE was asking him, “aren’t you a respected Jewish teacher and yet you don’t understand these things?” If you don’t believe the things that GOD is doing on earth, you can’t possibly believe the things that are done in Heaven” (John 3:10-12). Then after giving Nicodemus a prophetic revelation of how HIS earthly ministry would end (Verses 13-15), JESUS goes on to utter what is, arguably, the most well known verse in all of Scripture, when HE states, “For GOD so loved the world, that HE gave HIS only begotten SON, that whosoever believeth in HIM should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 - KJV).
It is “the statement” in Scripture that, perhaps, more clearly than all other statements, reveals to us that “GOD’s motivation towards HIS people is “love”. It is a love that is not limited to a few, or, just to a single group of people. GOD’s gifts of Love and Salvation are for everyone who dares to believe. GOD’s purpose in sending HIS OWN SON (HIS first advent) is for our “Salvation”, and not for our “condemnation”. In fact, there is no judgment awaiting those who believe.
The “lost sinners” are those who do not accept CHRIST JESUS as their LORD and SAVIOR, and by rejecting HIM, they already stand condemned. They will remain lost, unless they put their trust and faith in CHRIST JESUS, while they yet live (v. 18). The Scriptures tell us that their judgment is based on this fact: “the LIGHT from Heaven came into the world, but they loved the darkness more than the LIGHT, for their actions were evil. They hate the LIGHT because they want to sin in the darkness. They stay away from the LIGHT for fear their sins will be exposed and they will be punished. But those who desire to do what is right come to the LIGHT gladly, so everyone can see that they are doing what GOD wants” (Vs. 19-21 - NLT).

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander


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Friday, March 16, 2012

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday March 18, 2012

(The first sign of the MESSIAH)
(John 2:1-12)

The, now famous, “wedding at the village of Cana” in Galilee is regarded as the sight of first of the “seven signs, or miracles, of the MESSIAH” that are recorded in the Gospel of John. It was a private miracle, known only to Jesus’ disciples, a few wedding servants and quests, and Mary, the mother of JESUS. Of the four Gospel writers, only the Apostle John was present at this wedding. John, perhaps, uses the word “sign”, instead of “miracle”, so that he might draw away from the spectacle of the event, in order that we may be better able to focus on the significance of the event.
The turning of the water into wine is also the first of any of the 35 miracles of JESUS that are recorded in all of the four Gospels combined. It occurred three days after JESUS’ calling of Philip and Nathanael. JESUS’ disciples, HIS mother, and, HIS brothers were all invited. A wedding feast of this nature would typically last for seven days, and it would begin following the groom’s taking of his bride to his home, or, to his father’s home, for consummation of the marriage.
After all of the wine had been consumed (v. 3), JESUS’ mother, Mary, turned to HIM for help. In verse 4, JESUS’ response, and use of the word “woman” to respond to HIS mother, in those days, was a polite term, even though it may not be for us today. The expression “What have I to do with thee”, also in verse 4, in the Greek, was a common expression that referred to a difference in relations, or realms. It also can be translated, “How does that concern you and me?”, which would seem more likely what JESUS was stating.
According to Jewish custom, the host at a wedding feast always treated the guests with wine, and the guest’s name was mentioned when the wine was poured. The statement spoken by JESUS, “MY time has not yet come” (still in verse 4) may simply mean nothing more than, “It is not MY turn to treat”.
JESUS did “treat”, however, and the water was miraculously turned into the best wine of all. Six large stone water pots were there that were used for regular Jewish ceremonial purposes. Each pot could hold twenty to thirty gallons of water. JESUS instructed the servants to fill the pots with water. After the pots were filled to the brim with water, JESUS told them to dip some out and take it to the master of ceremony. When the master of ceremony tasted the water that had been transformed into wine, he called the bridegroom over and said to him, “Usually the host serves the best wine first, then, when everyone is full and doesn’t care, he brings out the less expensive wines. But you have kept the best until now”.
Some scholars believe that all of this was a clear signal that Mary must now face the fact that her SON JESUS was now committed totally to the will of HIS FATHER GOD, and to the completion of HIS mission here on earth. And although she had given birth to HIM, and raised HIM from a child, she must now submit herself to JESUS as her LORD and SAVIOR, just like all the rest of humanity would have to do, in the process of time. And while she did not completely understand this at the time, she had decided, from that moment on, to trust in HIM completely.
The, significance of this miracle is explained by John, in verse 11 as the initial manifestation of the glory of CHRIST to men here on earth. JESUS’ first miracle of transforming water into wine at a joyful event such as this wedding, was a sign of the joy that HE would bring to all mankind, through a transformation of hearts. HIS ministry would be a “transforming one”, and the transformation that HE would bring, would come by way of the HOLY SPIRIT.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander


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Friday, March 9, 2012

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday March 11, 2012

(The WORD brings light and life into the world)
(John 1:1-34)

The “King James Version” of John chapter one is perhaps my favorite stretch of passage in all of Scripture to read, if for no other reason than the sheer beauty and flow of the Apostle John’s writing, as the words are translated to the Old English of the 17th century, as a result of the work done by Robert Barker and the team of 54 scholars who were commissioned by King James.
In verses 1-14, the Apostle John seeks to put the Word of GOD into perspective, and show us the true power of its meaning, and, its effect on the world. Here John reminds us that the Word of GOD is already here, and in fact, has been with us since the beginning of time. It simply cannot be, nor will not be disregarded. We cannot ignore GOD’s Word and get away with it. It has always been, is now, and will forever be synonymous with life. It is effective and penetrating, and it absolutely scrutinizes all of our thoughts, desires, and intentions.
In the biblical Greek, the term used for “word” is “logos” (log-os), and it, more or less, emphasizes the message of that which is spoken. Here John expresses to us that our LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST personifies the Word of GOD, in the flesh. He is trying to get us to understand that one of the key reasons for JESUS’ first advent, was and is, for “communication”. JESUS is the “Spoken Word”, and “Living Expression” of all that which GOD ever sought to communicate to us about HIMSELF. John is saying, particularly in verse 1, that, JESUS is both, “identical” to the GOD of the Old Testament concept, and yet, is distinct from HIM.
One can imagine how stunning this must have been to the people of the first century. Even today, many people have a problem with embracing this concept, which has now become familiar, and yet still remains just as mysterious as it ever was. Here though, we can see that, while the concept may be difficult, John’s teaching seems to be very clear. He is saying that JESUS existed eternally with GOD the FATHER, as one GOD, yet, with a distinct and separate personality. Those of us, who understand the concept which unity in a family and marriage represents, can certainly grasp the concept of “unity as one” between the FATHER and the SON.
In John chapter 1, verses 6-34, the Apostle John writes of the fulfilling of the role of the “witness” John the Baptist, that had first been prophesied by Isaiah some 700 years earlier (Isaiah 40:3), and then again by the prophet Malachi 300 years later (Malachi 3:1). John the Baptist was born to be the “forerunner” for JESUS’ ministry, and he fulfilled his mission well. He came to announce the coming of the “bearer” of the gift of Salvation.
It is true that in human society, if someone hands someone else a gift, and that person doesn’t perceive that gift to be real, then they probably aren’t going to reach out and accept it. Our believing in GOD, in all of HIS fullness, can be likened to that. GOD is giving us the gift of eternal life through HIS only begotten SON, JESUS the CHRIST. Believing in HIM involves seeing HIM as real, and, as coming from GOD, and then, reaching out and accepting HIM. By accepting JESUS, one also accepts GOD the FATHER’s wonderful gift of eternal life in Heaven, and, at one and the same time, becomes what they weren’t before, and that is, quite simply, “a child of GOD”.
JESUS came into the world to teach us how to live our lives under GOD, and, to teach us how to die and live again with GOD. HE taught us how to give and forgive, and, HE taught us how to love, and how to give thanks. John points to JESUS as being the LIGHT of the world, a true light for all people. In HIM we see exactly what GOD is like, and only HE can usher us into GOD’s OWN glorious presence, without fear, without guilt, and, without shame.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander


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Friday, March 2, 2012

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday March 4, 2012

(GOD calls us to make wise choices)
(Proverbs 7 & 8)

In Proverbs 7, King Solomon writes about the public invitation, or call, of the “Adulteress”, or “immoral woman” to the men of the city, and how it would be “unwise” to accept her invitation. In Proverbs 8, he contrasts chapter 7 with his female personification of wisdom, and how she constantly cries out to be heard by all people, and, how choosing her, would be the right decision for anyone to make.
In chapter 7 the adulteress goes out into the streets to seduce the young man and to lead him to eternal damnation. However, in chapter 8, Wisdom, who is the “virtuous woman”, is seen in the same streets offering herself to all who will receive her life-giving services. Here we see the lack of virtue that characterized the adulteress, being contrasted sharply by the GODly attributes of wisdom.
The Adulteress in chapter 7 is characterized by her desire to dress seductively, and to operate in the dark of night. She is also sly of heart, brash and rebellious, and solicits herself on every corner (Prov. 7:8-12). She is deceiving and can’t be trusted (Vs. 19-20). She seduces with pretty speech and flattery (v. 21). And, if you follow her, you will become like trapped, doomed prey in her den of death, which is located on the road to the grave, or, in other words, to Hell (Vs. 22-27).
In Proverbs 8, we see the contrasting and wonderful characteristics that are displayed by Wisdom. First of all, in verses 6-8, Solomon tells us that the virtuous “Wisdom” speaks that which is right and true, and hates wickedness and deception. Secondly, in verse 12 he tells us that wisdom is always associated with prudence, knowledge, and discretion. Thirdly, in verse 13, Solomon tells us that wisdom hates pride and arrogance. And finally, in verse 20, he tells us that Wisdom always walks in the path of righteousness and justice.
Chapters 2-3, here in the book of Proverbs, also offer up the “benefits of wisdom”. We learn that wisdom protects us (Prov. 2:11-12), and how it prolongs life and brings prosperity (Prov. 3:1-2). We see in Proverbs 3:16-18, that wisdom lead to riches and honor, and brings peace and blessings to those who use her. And last, but not least, wisdom allows us to have a good night’s sleep, because it leaves us without fears and doubts, and, with Wisdom, even when we stumble, we do not fall (Prov. 3:24).
GOD says wisdom is primary and fundamental, and it is the foundation upon which, all life is built. That is why both Paul (Col. 1:15-17 & 2:2-3) and John (Rev. 3:14) allude to some of the statements being made by Solomon, here in this book of Proverbs, to describe what they, and many other believer’s and scholars feel is JESUS’ presence at the very beginning of Creation. They feel that the term “wisdom” that is used throughout the book of Proverbs is a direct reference to CHRIST HIMSELF.
When we read Proverbs 7 and 8 together, we see a choice being offered to us from the Almighty GOD of Creation. HE is inviting us to make wise choices in the life that HE has given us. Wisdom, by the same token, sends out an invitation to each and every one of us, and, it has always been available to all who seek it. Specifically, the call of wisdom here in this chapter seems to be directed at those who tend to be simple and foolish, because they are the ones who are most in need of her services.
Both the “Adulteress” and lady “Wisdom” is available for the choosing, however, the results of getting to know them are total polar opposites. One, the “Adulteress”, leads to an eternally painful death, or burning in Hell, while the other, “Wisdom”, can lead only to a long and prosperous life here on earth, and ultimately, to eternal life in Heaven with the ONLY WISE GOD, our SAVIOR through JESUS CHRIST after this phase of life is over.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander


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