Friday, May 25, 2012

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday May 27, 2012

(JESUS is the only way to GOD)
(John 14:1-14)

In John chapter 14, JESUS continues to teach HIS disciples in private. Here HE focuses on trying to encourage them to hold fast to the belief that HE has revealed to them exactly what GOD THE FATHER is like. In the Greek, the word New Testament writers use for “promise” is “epaggello” (ep-ang-el-ee-ah), and it is “an announcement of divine assurance of good”.
John 14:1-3 is, arguably, one of the most beautifully written passages in, perhaps, the most beautifully written book, in all of Scripture. It comes in the form of a “divine promise”, to those who believe in CHRIST JESUS. Here in this passage, JESUS, first, encourages, and then, makes a promise to HIS followers with these divine words; “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in GOD, believe also in ME. In MY FATHER’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would tell you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto MYSELF; that where I AM, there ye may be also” (KJV).
It is a promise that is made at a time when the cumulative weight of all the previous revelations that JESUS had laid on HIS disciples had begun to set in, and depress them. Remember, HE had already revealed to them that HE would go away, and, they would not be able to follow HIM (John 7:34, 8:21, 12:8 & 35, and 13:33). HE had also revealed to them that HE would die (John 12:32-33), and, that one of them would betray HIM (John 13:21). Furthermore, HE had already revealed to Peter that he would deny HIM, not once, but three times before daybreak (John 13:38). And also, that satan would be working against them (Luke 22:31-32), and, at that time, everyone of them would fall away from HIM (Matthew 26:31).
And so we see it is a statement that was much needed to try and comfort and allay the fears of what was about to befall HIS disciples in the very near future. It is said that a person’s heart is at the center of their personality, and that, we must keep our hearts with all diligence. Our soul’s sorrow is relieved when we trust in the word of GOD, and CHRIST says, if you trust GOD, trust also in HIM.
“I AM the WAY, THE TRUTH, and THE LIFE” is what JESUS said to a “doubting” Thomas in John 14:6. It is the sixth of JESUS’ seven great “I AM statements” found in the Gospel of John. JESUS tells us plainly that if we have seen HIM, we have already seen GOD, and if we “know” HIM and “have” HIM in us, we already possess “Eternal Life”.
And no matter how you look at it, in the final analysis, all man ever really seeks is a better life for himself and his family. He never seeks knowledge, just for knowledge sake, but rather, for what that knowledge can do to make his life more worth living. It is JESUS’ claim, that obedience to HIM is the only true foundation that we can securely build upon. It is HIS contention that life through HIM is the only life worth living. No one can go to the FATHER, but by JESUS, because, HE alone, is “THE WAY” to GOD. In HIM, we see exactly what GOD is like. And only HE can usher us, into GOD’s OWN glorious presence, without fear, without guilt, and, without shame.
Anyone who believes in CHRIST JESUS will desire to do the same work that HIS earthly ministry demonstrates to us that HE did. But JESUS says that we can do even greater works than HE did, and this is simply because many of us will have much more time on this earth than HE had. In addition, we are able to ask GOD for anything within HIS Will, and, in the name of JESUS, and HE will grant it, because all of JESUS’ work during HIS earthly ministry, brought glory to HIS FATHER in Heaven (Vs. 12-14). And if we do the work of CHRIST JESUS, we too, will bring glory the SAME, our FATHER, WHO art in Heaven.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

Larry Dell Alexander (1953–) - Encyclopedia of Arkansas


Larry D. Alexander's Books and Publications Spotlight

Larry D. Alexander - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, May 18, 2012

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday May 20, 2012

(JESUS brings life from death)
(John 11:1-44)

The sins of Adam and Eve ushered into the world, “physical death”. By contrast, the resurrection of CHRIST JESUS, offers into the world, “spiritual life”. “I AM the RESURRECTION and the LIFE” is the fifth of JESUS’ seven great “I AM” statements that are found in the Gospel of John.
The resurrection of CHRIST marked the start of a new age in human history that is still present today, because JESUS is still LORD over all of life, both the physical, and the spiritual. When we accept the Eternal life that JESUS offers, the end of physical life becomes the beginning of a much more anticipated, spiritual life of eternity in Heaven in the glorious presence of the ALMIGHTY GOD.
In the gospel according to the Apostle John, in chapter 11, taking up at verse 17, we see JESUS arriving at Bethany some four days after HIS friends, Mary and Martha, had summoned HIM by messenger. They had sought JESUS out to tell HIM of the declining health of their brother Lazarus, who was also a close friend of JESUS’. They had wanted JESUS to hurry to Bethany so HE could heal their brother from what turned out to be a fatal sickness.
The day that JESUS got word of Lazarus’ illness, HE informed HIS disciples that the illness would not result in a permanent demise, but rather, would be an event staged by GOD for HIS OWN glorification. And so they lingered on where they were for two more days before making the two-day journey to Bethany, just a few miles outside of Jerusalem.
When Martha got word that JESUS was near, she ran down the road to meet HIM. When she came to HIM she said to HIM, “LORD, if you had been here my brother would not have died. But even now I know that GOD will give YOU whatever YOU ask”.
Here we see in this statement by Martha, that, even in the short time since JESUS had begun HIS ministry, it had already quite noticeable that nobody ever died while HE was around. It is a statement that was later echoed by her sister Mary, as soon as she came upon JESUS, at the burial site of her brother Lazarus.
We, as Christians, are all too well familiar with the ending to this, now famous, biblical account of what was then considered to be, JESUS’ greatest miracle. “I AM the RESURRECTION and the LIFE” is what JESUS said to HIS friend Martha in John 11:25. For JESUS is LORD, over both, the “physical” and, the “spiritual” life. Our belief in HIM infuses in us a spiritual life that will persists, even after death. That is why the greatest miracle of JESUS was not raising Lazarus back to the physical life, because we all know that, Mary and Martha’s brother would again die. The greatest miracle was, and is, in JESUS’ power to grant endless spiritual life to those, who believe in HIM. JESUS goes on to tell Martha that, “those who believe in HIM, even though they die like everyone else, will live again. They are given eternal life, just for believing in HIM, and will never die. And HE then asked HIS friend, “Did she believe?”
In John 11:27 Martha makes what I consider to be, one of the great “confession statements of faith” in all the annals of New Testament biblical history. Here she states, “I have always believed YOU are the MESSIAH, the SON of GOD, the ONE WHO has come into the world from GOD”. Here she confesses three things about JESUS that are paramount to our understanding the theology of Christianity.
· First, we must understand that JESUS is the MESSIAH, WHO died on the cross at Golgotha for our sins.
· Secondly, we must know that HE is the SON of the LIVING GOD, and the most precious thing that GOD could give us as a sacrifice, simply because HE so loved the world that HE created.
· And finally, we must know that JESUS is the only ONE WHO was qualified as a perfect sacrifice, which is GOD’s unwavering requirement for sin.
Salvation for us was the reason that GOD sent HIS only begotten SON into the world. JESUS had to be born of woman, so that HE could die for all mankind in general, and all Christians, in particular. This story of JESUS’ raising Lazarus from the dead, back into the physical life, presents us with a perfect picture of what JESUS does spiritually for all who choose to believe in HIM. But in our case, we will be raised into a spiritual eternal life, never to die again, as Lazarus would later do. And we will live in the very presence of the ALMIGHTY GOD in Heaven, as no doubt, Lazarus now is. We will be forever removed from the deadness of sin in this life, and placed into an eternity of love and joy with CHRIST JESUS our LORD in the life to come.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

Larry Dell Alexander (1953–) - Encyclopedia of Arkansas


Larry D. Alexander's Books and Publications Spotlight

Larry D. Alexander - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, May 11, 2012

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday May 13, 2012

(We are lost without the GOOD SHEPHERD)
(John 10:1-21)

In the Greek, the word used for “thief” is “kleptes” (klep-tace), and it describes “one who takes by stealth or by covert means”. By contrast, the Greek word used for “robber” is “lestes” (lace-tace), and it describes “one who takes by force”. In John chapter 10, verse 1, the thief, that JESUS is alluding to, could be any of the Pharisees, the religious leaders of that day, who took by subtle and unsuspecting methods. The robber, that JESUS makes mention of, can be likened to any of the Romans, who took, or stole from the Israelites by imposing their will, authority, and power upon them. It was those kinds of leaderships that JESUS sought to expose and put an end to forever. And it was certainly not the kind of leadership that HE intended for HIS new upcoming Christian Church.
Perhaps there is no more endearing image of JESUS in all of Scripture, than the one HE presents of HIMSELF as the “Good Shepherd” in John chapter 10. The imagery of the Good Shepherd is forever woven in the minds and hearts of all who believe in CHRIST JESUS. The Bible is rife with passages that use the analogy of the loving Shepherd as a provider and protector of that which he oversees. He is one who risks his life to seek and save, even that one straying sheep, who may have separated itself from his beloved flock.
The leaders of the Christian church must also be likened to the good Shepherd, and the members of their congregation, can be likened to the flock. It is the duty of the pastor to spiritually lead, and feed his flock with the nourishing food of the word of GOD. He must, do so, willingly and eagerly, without constraints, not for the love of money, nor, for the power that he has obtained, due to his position. He must lead by example, and his behavior must paint a picture of the patience and love of GOD, our LORD and SAVIOR, through JESUS CHRIST.
In the Latin Vulgate, the word Jerome uses for “Pastor” is “Shepherd” in Ephesians 4:11. It describes the function of one in such a position in the church. It is the duty of each member of the flock, to come into a personal relationship with the SHEPHERD, because of their continued need for HIS love, guidance, and protection. They should always be able to discern HIS voice from all other voices, and also be able to distinguish that which is representative of HIS work.
The only way, to achieve that kind of relationship with GOD, is by familiarizing oneself with the SHEPHERD, JESUS CHRIST. One can thereby, ultimately realize the purpose for which he has came into the fold (world), and that is, of course, to serve and obey GOD. GOD’s voice can only be heard, through a leader who has patterned his life after the examples of service that were shown to us by JESUS CHRIST during HIS three-year ministry. JESUS’ impeccable standards will manifest themselves through anyone who represents HIS cause. There is no way to mistaken HIS unique and lofty standards for those of any “false representatives” that may have came down the pike, either before, or since HIS time. One only needs to know JESUS the SHEPHERD, WHO is the real deal, in order to discern the fakes, who misrepresent.
Just as every good shepherd knows his sheep, every good sheep should come to know his shepherd’s voice. Such knowledge can mean the difference between life and death, in many cases. It can also be the difference between danger and safety, starvation and nourishment, or, shelter and homelessness.
To be alone in this world, and have no hope of anything beyond this world, is a frightening thought. We as Christians, no longer have to entertain, or envision that thought. And so, we should be forever thankful to our “GOOD SHEPHERD”, our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST, for making the wonderful gift of Eternal Life in GOD’s own glorious presence, a reality, by way of HIS vicarious sacrifice on the cross at Golgotha.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

Friday, May 4, 2012

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday May 6, 2012

(Our need for GOD goes beyond the physical)
(John 6:22-59)

Throughout the course of human events men and women make many choices by way of the “freedom of choice” grace gift, which GOD grants to each of us personally. Hopefully, we are wise enough to make one of our choices, the choice of freedom, which we can only find in our LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST.
The Gospel of John is the Gospel of “the seven great “I AM” statements” of Scripture, that were uttered to various people long ago by CHRIST JESUS, during HIS three-year mission here on earth. It must not be forgotten, that, even though those statements were directed to a people who have long since passed away, they are also intended, by GOD to permeate the hearts, minds, and souls of each generation since. Through CHRIST, GOD makes it possible for every one born into this world to be offered the taste of Salvation.
In John chapter 6, taking up at verse 22, the morning following HIS miraculous “feeding of the five thousand”, and, HIS legendary “walk on water”, crowds of people, who had only heard about the miraculous feeding, begin gathering on shore waiting to see JESUS. They were aware that the disciples had left and went across the lake toward Capernaum without JESUS, but they were unaware that JESUS had later walked across the water to their boat. Several boatloads of them had sailed from Tiberias and landed at the site of the miraculous feeding. When they realized that JESUS was not there, they climbed back into their boats and sailed across the tiny Sea of Galilee to Capernaum to look for HIM there.
When they arrived at Capernaum and found HIM, they questioned HIM as to how HE got there. Ignoring their question, JESUS instead reveals to them that HE knows the true reason why they sought HIM. HE tells them that they sought HIM only because HE fed them the day before, and that it was not because of any miraculous signs. HE then warns them not to be concerned about perishable things like food, but instead, they should spend their energy seeking the eternal life that only HE can give them. For GOD had sent HIM to them, for that very purpose, and GOD, wants them to believe in the ONE that HE has sent.
“I AM the BREAD OF LIFE” is what JESUS said to this huge crowd of people, as HE taught in the temple at Capernaum in John 6:35. It is the first of the “Seven Great I AM Statements” that JESUS spoke, during HIS three-year ministry. And certainly no one, who has ever come to JESUS, will ever be hungry, or thirst again. JESUS, alone, is able to meet man’s need for eternal life.
In those days, bread was the basic food of the people, and even today, it is symbolic of all that sustains life, here on earth. In John 6:35-40, JESUS is affirming that HE HIMSELF is the most essential element, or ingredient needed to provide and sustain spiritual life. Physical bread must be eaten and digested before it can become a part of us physically, and in the spiritual sense, JESUS, must be taken in and digested spiritually, in order to become a part of us spiritually. We must, by faith, take HIM in completely, before HE can become a part of us, and sustain us, totally. JESUS lives by the power of the LIVING FATHER WHO sent HIM to us, and, in the same way, those who partake of the LIVING CHRIST will also live, because of HIM.
Since the creation of man, he has always sought and asked for signs from GOD so that he might believe. However, no matter how many signs and miracles GOD has delivered over the centuries, man still has never been able to maintain a trust and belief in HIM for very long.
GOD has never asked anything more from us than to have faith in HIM, and believe. Yet we continue to this day to ask GOD over and over again to “prove HIMSELF” with more and more supernatural acts, even though we have never been able to “prove ourselves” to HIM, through a “simple act” of belief in HIM. And despite HIS continued faithfulness to us by way of HIS daily provisions and mercy, the world’s sin continues to be, unbelief in CHRIST JESUS (John 16:9).

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander