Friday, February 22, 2013

An international Sunday school lesson commentary

For Sunday February 24, 2013

Over 41,000 readers worldwide

(Pray, proclaim, and persevere)
(Colossians 4:2-6)

In Colossians 4:2-6, Paul wraps up his “lifestyle” instructions to the Church at Colosse with a final word on prayer, and, on witnessing for CHRIST, through one’s behavior. As a dedicated Christian, he could not begin to write a single sentence, without first, making it absolutely clear, the beliefs that drive his thought process, and motivates all of his actions and behavior. Therefore, Paul would never write a letter without expressing the importance of prayer and witnessing. Prayer and witnessing are a Christian’s continual duty, and it calls for one to be vigilant and watchful at all times, not lethargic.  
Paul clearly understood that the office of apostleship, which he held, was not one that he himself had earned, but rather, it was something that had been bestowed upon him by an Almighty sovereign GOD, for HIS purpose. And so Paul never asked others to pray for his release from his duties as an apostle, but rather, to the contrary, he always asked that the church pray for his strength to complete the work that GOD had called him to do.
One of Paul’s greatest strengths was that he recognized the need of prayer in the life of a Christian. A Christian should never feel that they are capable of going it alone. Such prideful thoughts are destructive to one’s spiritual walk, and, can set one up for failure, as a representative of CHRIST before the world. Christians need the prayers of other Christians, and prayer should always be for the power to do, not for escape, or release from duty.
Paul challenged the Church at Colosse to live wisely by praying with determination and devotion. They were to stay alert in prayer, and pray with a heart filled with thanksgiving to the LORD, for HIS grace and mercy, that HE might open up doors to preach the Gospel of the secret plan that the new Church would embrace, both Jews and Gentiles alike.
In verse 5 the word Paul uses for the term “walk in wisdom” is “exagorazomenoi” (ex-a-gora-zo-men-ohee) and it means, “To buy up the time”. Christians are to live wisely among unbelievers and “make the most of every opportunity” to convert them to CHRIST, through their behavior. And our conversation, the things that we say to, and around unbelievers, should be gracious and effective.
We should always study to show ourselves approved, so that we can have the right answers to unbeliever’s questions about CHRIST. In other words, Christians should be familiar enough with the Word of GOD, as not to spread, or disseminate false, twisted, or misguided doctrine when they witness to others. Keep in mind that, many opportunities will come for Christians to witness to others about CHRIST, especially when they can relate to others with sensitivity, dignity, and respect. But remember also, that, we cannot antagonize those whom we seek to evangelize, and then blame them for not accepting the Gospel of CHRIST, when, in reality, it was our presentation that stunk.
One of the communicable attributes that GOD shares with us from HIS nature is “personality”. Christians should not be dull and boring, but rather, we should come with a conversation that is cheerful and full of grace. If being Christian doesn’t seem to make us joyful and complete, how can we expect to attract or convince others of the proven truth, that, “Christianity really does produce, the best men and women”.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, February 15, 2013

An international Sunday school lesson commentary

For Sunday February 17, 2013

Over 41,000 readers worldwide

(Expressing our new identity in CHRIST)
Colossians 3

In the person of JESUS CHRIST, GOD literally entered into the physical material world, and, in a real human body, won salvation for all mankind. JESUS not only showed us how to live in our human existence, HE also showed us how true spirituality by definition, means living a human life here on earth in union with GOD the FATHER in Heaven.
The Apostle Paul understood that all wisdom could be found in CHRIST JESUS, and so here in Colossians 3, he urges the Christians at Colosse to continue to abide in CHRIST, and aspire to reflect HIS image to others, through their own behavior.
If believers are to be identified with CHRIST, they can no longer live under Jewish law which could rob them of their rewards in Heaven. And neither could they afford to be deceived by the vain philosophies of the Gnostic teachers who had already infiltrated many of the Christian Churches in the first century.
It is important for the Christian to fully understand that they have been raised to life with CHRIST, and, as a result, must set their hearts on the things of Heaven, and put to death, their desires for the things of this world. We are no longer permanent residents of this earth, but rather we’ve become citizens of Heaven, and therefore, the laws of GOD, not the laws of the Jews, or of man, must become paramount to us. 
In the Greek, the word used for “world” is “kosmos”. It is from this word that we derive our English word “cosmos”. In the spiritual sense, it is “that complex intertwining of sinful desires that shape our world of lost humanity”.
When we choose the Christian walk, we automatically become strangers to worldly behavior. An experiential relationship with GOD is a Christian’s greatest asset, and thus, as GOD’s people, we must strive to live the kind of life with others, that JESUS lived when HE was here on earth with us.
What we do in, and with, our bodies is of deep concern to GOD. Everything, that we say and do, reflects on the GOD we say we know and love. The theme of us being a “new creation” is a familiar one in the writings of Paul, and that common theme is just as vivid here in this letter to the Colossians, as it is in any of Paul’s doctrinal epistles.
When we become Christians, we are expected by GOD, to die to the world. GOD then justifies us, and raises us up into a new life with CHRIST, and therefore, anything that is foreign to CHRIST, should become foreign to us. We put to death, all those things that we used to do that were not pleasing to GOD, and we embrace those things that are.
Paul ends chapter three of this epistle to the Colossians, (verses 18-25) with this advice on how we are to live our new lives within the framework of the roles we have been assigned to at birth by GOD, as men, women, and children, whom GOD intended, to comprise the family households. Wives must submit to their own husband, husbands must love their own wife, and treat her gently, and children must obey their parents at all times.
It must not be forgotten that JESUS HIMSELF was raised on scriptures, and HE based HIS entire ministry on what those scriptures say, and, HE also approached HIS death, with words of scripture on HIS lips. The word of GOD serves as a daily reminder of what our conduct should be towards each other, and, towards GOD HIMSELF. By exemplifying GODly conduct in our daily walk, we, invariably uplift the name of JESUS our CHRIST, and, our LORD.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander 

                                           LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, February 8, 2013

An international Sunday school lesson commentary

For Sunday February 10, 2013

Over 40,000 readers worldwide

(To be complete in CHRIST one must let worldliness go)
(Colossians 2)

Paul prayed constantly that the believers in all Christian Churches really learn and come to understand the power that they all have in CHRIST JESUS. Here in Colossians 2, we see how he agonized for the churches at Colosse and Laodicea, even though he had never visited with them in person. His goal was to encourage and knit them together with strong ties of love and confidence in CHRIST JESUS, and HIS connection through GOD, to the Secret Treasure, which is the Church (Vs.1-3).
It is a wonderful thing that we pray for those whom we know and love, however, our prayers for Christian unity and growth in the Christian Community must inherently include those brothers and sisters in other places, throughout this world, whom we’ve never met, yet, we’ve been made aware of their needs. The Christian Community must be a concerned and discerning community.
The Christian hope has, throughout the history of the Church, served as motivation to make life on earth, conform more fully to the word of GOD. All the information we have about CHRIST, and Christianity, comes to us, from those who actually saw the miracles of CHRIST performed, and, who actually heard HIM speak. All of the saints who wrote down, and passed down this information, did so, as a means of encouraging believers, and not as a means of satisfying historical curiosity. Perhaps the most important element contained in all of this information is the fact that men and women must always pray.
When we pray consistently for one another, we are standing firm and building on our foundation that we have invested in based on our commitment to the MOST-HIGH FAITH. The treasures of all wisdom, knowledge, and discernment are hidden in CHRIST, and by “hidden”, I don’t mean “concealed”. The treasures of knowledge, wisdom, and discernment are “stored up” in CHRIST, and they are assessable to all who come to believe GOD. And just as we, as Christians, have accepted JESUS as our LORD and SAVIOR, we must also continue to have faith and live in obedience to HIM.
Paul cared deeply for the people of Colosse, even though he had never been there to visit with them during any of his missionary journeys. He prayed for them agonizingly because of the heresy of the “Gnostics” that had infiltrated the church there. He wrote this letter to them at his first available opportunity, because he wanted to encourage them to remain steadfast, and to be a community, always willing to stand strong in the truth of GOD’s word.
In verse 8 Paul uses the Greek term “pithanologia” in his original writing to describe “human logic” as being nonsense to GOD. It is a “persuasive argument” that is filled with deceit that comes from human thinking, and from the evil powers of this world, and not from CHRIST. As I said earlier, Paul’s goal was that the Christians in Colosse and everywhere else, would remain knitted together by their mutual love for CHRIST, and find their comfort, by having complete understanding of GOD’s plan for them, through HIM. They must not be taken in, or deceived by those who come with persuasive arguments that differ from the teachings of JESUS CHRIST. They should remain obedient to GOD’s word, and allow its roots to grow deep into their minds and hearts.
Divine exaltation belongs to CHRIST. In CHRIST we find all that we need, and in HIM, we see exactly what GOD is like.  JESUS is the visible likeness of the invisible GOD in Heaven, and only HE can usher us into GOD’s OWN glorious presence when our day has come.
When we come to CHRIST, we experience a “spiritual circumcision” that begins to cut away the “sin nature” which we obtained from satan the first time we were disobedient to GOD. And it continues to cut away at that “sinful nature” by means of a continuing presence of the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD in us. When we were baptized spiritually in CHRIST, we were buried with CHRIST, and then, raised into a new life, with GOD. And we must trust in the almighty power of GOD, WHO raised CHRIST from the dead physically, to sustain us, into “the final stage of existence”, which, for believers, is an eternal life with GOD in “the Kingdom of Heaven”.

A Sunday school lesson by
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, February 1, 2013

An international Sunday school lesson commentary

For Sunday February 3, 2013

Over 40,000 readers worldwide

(CHRIST JESUS is supreme)
(Colossians 1:15-23)

In the biblical Greek, the word used for “image” in Colossians 1:15 is “eikon” and it means, “the very substance or embodiment of”. JESUS CHRIST is the perfect spiritual manifestation of the invisible GOD. HE mimics GOD the FATHER in HIS behavior perfectly, and is a perfect representative of HIM. GOD is perfectly expressed and revealed in everything that JESUS does.
Colossians chapter 1, verses 15-20, are perhaps Scripture’s greatest exaltation of JESUS CHRIST, and, it is an excellent biblical defense against “Gnosticism”. In that stretch of passage we find no less than seven unique characteristics of JESUS that fittingly qualify HIM to claim supremacy over everything. Here we see that CHRIST is;

·         “The exact image of GOD, Spiritually” - (GOD does not have a physical image).  JESUS is the perfect representation of GOD. HE is GOD personified before men, through HIS behavior.
·         “The first born over all Creation” – This expression does not mean that JESUS is a created being, but rather, it is the way that GOD chose to communicate to us, JESUS’ uniquely privileged relationship to HIM.
·         “Creator of the universe”
·         “Head of the Church”
·         “The first born from the dead” – HE is the first to be resurrected into eternal life, in fact, HE has first place in everything, including the Church.
·         “The fullness of GOD” – HE is the sustainer of the universe. HE holds everything together.
·         “The reconciler of all things” – Through HIM, GOD the FATHER was pleased to reconcile everything to HIMSELF. JESUS’ vicarious sacrifice was primarily about redeeming a people for GOD, however, ultimately it also included all things on earth and in Heaven. No other Scriptural passage contains a list that can compare to this one, regarding the supremacy and deity of JESUS CHRIST, our LORD. I’ll explain more on these seven characteristics later.
In verses 16-17, as it is expressed in the original Greek writing, three prepositions are used in relation to CHRIST’ role in Creation. Everything was created;
·         Dia autou – “through HIM” (JESUS is the “Instrumental Cause” as, by HIM, all things were created).
·         Eis auton – “for HIM” (JESUS is the “Final Cause” as, for HIM, all things were created)
·         En auto – “sustained by HIM” (JESUS is the “Conserving Cause” as, HE holds everything together.
And so CHRIST is not only the ONE through WHOM all things came into existence, HE is also the ONE through WHOM all things continue to exist. HE is the first and the last, and everything in between, the “Mediator” of the entire the universe. And GOD the FATHER is the “Efficient Cause”, or ultimate source of the universe.
In verse 18 we see that, in addition to being LORD of the universe, CHRIST is also the head of the Church. Now I know a lot of pastors who think they hold that position in spite of what the bible says. Here it is referenced that CHRIST is the HEAD of the invisible universal Church into which all believers are baptized by the HOLY SPIRIT, the very second that they believe in their hearts, in CHRIST JESUS is LORD.
In the Greek, the term used for “first” in this verse is “ho protos” and it means “absolutely first”. JESUS is the beginning, and the firstborn, from the dead. HE was the first to rise into an immortal body, and is the head of the New Covenant, or new order from GOD. Through HIS resurrection, death was defeated and no longer has power over this life.
In verse 19, the Greek word “pluroma” is used for “fullness”. It means “completeness” and here is used to describe GOD’s being, HIS time, and, HIS grace, which dwells in CHRIST JESUS on a permanent basis, continually, forever, and GOD the FATHER is very pleased with that.
And finally, in verse 20 we see a seventh characteristic of GOD that is embodied in CHRIST JESUS, and that is one of “Reconciler”. JESUS’ vicarious sacrifice on the cross at Golgotha by Roman method, completely reconciles us to GOD as payment for all of the sins of man, past, present, and future, and made peace with everything in Heaven and on earth.
In verse 21 Paul expounds on that theme by telling us that reconciliation was absolutely necessary in order to bring us back into a relationship of friendship with GOD. The Greek word used here for “alienated from GOD”, “apallotrioo”, means “being in a desperate state of utter separation and isolation”. It is also a condition that is marked by “hostility” against GOD, which tends to keep us alienated from HIM.
Earlier I mentioned the religious term “Gnosticism”, and that this particular passage was an excellent argument, or defense against this Luciferic idealism. The Gnostics believe that all flesh and material things are evil. They like to try and diminish the role of CHRIST by saying that because HE took on a material body, HE must have been alienated from GOD, and not the SON of GOD. This passage clearly shows, that, not only was GOD fully and totally present in JESUS, HE also used JESUS’ death on the cross to bring man and the entire universe back into harmony with HIMSELF. And so, not only was JESUS holy and righteous, GOD used JESUS’ holiness and righteousness to save us and make us holy, through HIS righteousness (Vs. 21-23).

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website