Friday, April 26, 2013

An international Sunday school lesson commentary

For Sunday April 28, 2013

Over 43,000 readers worldwide

 (Hold fast to the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST when times get hard)
(2 Thessalonians 2)

In 2 Thessalonians 2, verses 1-12, the Apostle Paul writes of eschatological truths that aren’t revealed to us anywhere else in scripture. Here he deals with the doctrinal errors concerning “the last days”, which, had infiltrated the Christian Church at Thessalonica during its infancy. These doctrinal errors were the root cause of some of the practical errors that Paul would later address in chapter 3 of this epistle.
New Christians, naturally, tend to be somewhat more vulnerable to false teachings because they have not yet had a chance to ground themselves in the truths of the Holy GOD’s Scriptures. However, any Christian, especially in this day and time, is subject to be misled by the many charismatic personalities that come to us live, and through various mediums, seeking only to make a buck off the gullibility of those who refuse to read GOD’s word for themselves.
These days, perhaps more so than in any other era of human existence, professed Christians must have an experiential, private, personal relationship with GOD if we are to navigate safely through the Luciferic attractions of this world. As I mentioned in the last installment, false rumors had been circulating through the church saying that Paul had identified the hardship and tribulations that the church was going through, as “The Last Days”, or, the onset of the “Day of the LORD”, an Old Testament phrase that is used in prophecy to indicate a series of events associated with the “end times”, or the end of the world as we know it.
Here Paul explains and cautions that the Thessalonians must not fall prey to such false teachings that were apparently coming to them from various sources that appeared to be authoritative. These confusing and erroneous messages made it hard for the Thessalonians to distinguish the biblical warnings from the current troubles that they were experiencing. In others words, just like in today’s society, they were confusing the “news” of current events, such as earthquakes, wars, and other natural and man-made disasters as a sign that the end is here. But in reality these things are just news, and our world has always suffered with such catastrophes as these, and, it always will, until JESUS’ return.
In his explanation, Paul refers to three events that must occur before the judgments of the day of the LORD can take place. They are;

·          The apostasy” (verse 3), or, “falling away”, which means “the deliberate abandonment of, or departure from, a professed position or belief” (in this case “Christianity”).
·         The revealing of “The Man of Lawlessness”, in the Greek, “ho anthropos tes anomias”, or “The Antichrist” (verses 3-4, 8) who will be fully characterized by his lawlessness, and particularly by his sin and complete active violation of all moral principles known to man.
·         A removal of restraints by the HOLY SPIRIT, which had been keeping this personified antichrist at bay. Here Paul paints a picture of a man who will be completely energized by satan, and who will lead mankind into a final, but futile rebellion against the GOD of Heaven. In fact, he will exalt himself above everything that is called god, and even set himself up in the Christian Church itself, to be worshiped. In effect, Paul is telling the Church that the end is not here until all three events have come to pass.

In 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17, Paul urges the church to stand firm and rejoice in their salvation, and, when CHRIST does come, they will rejoice with HIM in HIS glory. He also advises them to do the things that they had been taught in the beginning, which are right according to the LORD, and to continue to do them, even when times become difficult (during the Great Tribulation).
A person’s best response to difficult times is to persist in doing that which is right in the eyes of the LORD. We must show confidence in GOD’s love and long-term, eternal commitment to us. Paul was not relying on the Thessalonians’ inherent power to do what is right, but rather, he was relying on their confidence in GOD to work in them, through the power of the HOLY SPIRIT, which is given to all Christians, because they believe on CHRIST JESUS.
The SPIRIT and the Bride (the Christian Church) say come. But the lure of this world and satan says the same. The HOLY SPIRIT in us will always try to compel us toward CHRIST. Unfortunately, however, the “sin nature” in us will always try and tug us back toward the World. That battle that wages on within us, between “the reason to do right” and “the passion to want to do wrong” stays with us long after we accept the gift of salvation. However, through our strength in CHRIST (the HOLY SPIRIT in us), we can successfully overcome the gravitational pull of this world, just as JESUS did, and find ourselves in “the ultimate happy ending” that has been prepared for us by GOD, since the foundation of this world.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander 

                                           LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, April 19, 2013

An international Sunday school lesson commentary

For Sunday April 21, 2013

Over 43,000 readers worldwide

(The coming of the LORD)
(1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11)

In Jerome’s “Vulgate”, which is the first Latin translation of the Holy Scriptures, the Latin word that is used for “caught up” in 1 Thessalonians 4, verse 17 is “Rapturo”. It is from this Latin word that we derive our English word “Rapture”. Here Paul is describing the “Rapture” of the church, when Christians will be “caught up” to meet CHRIST JESUS in the clouds (signaling the end of the Great Tribulation), at the time of HIS “Second Coming”.
The resurrected bodies of all believers who have already died, and, the bodies of all believers who are still living, and stayed loyal to JESUS through the Great Tribulation, will be united with HIM, and, with each other, at that time. From that point, and forevermore, we will reside with the LORD in HIS Millennial Kingdom here on earth (Revelations 20:1-6), and then later, in the Kingdom of Heaven (the New Jerusalem) (Revelations 21:1-4).
In 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, the Apostle Paul turns his attention to questions that the Thessalonians had concerning those Christians who die, prior to the second coming of CHRIST. They, through their lack of understanding, were concerned that their Christian loved ones, who had already passed away, would miss out on the rewards promised to those who believe and wait on the coming Glory of JESUS CHRIST.
Just like Christians in this generation, all generations prior to ours, believed that CHRIST would come during their lifetime. The reason being is that, we lose track, sometimes, of the true essence of the “Most High Faith”. One of the toughest things for the Christian, especially the “new” Christian, to grasp is that, this life is not the final act of the human drama. The Christian waits not for death, but rather, we wait for life, and to think otherwise is to share the attitude of a Pagan.
“I am the Resurrection, and the Life”, is what JESUS said to HIS friend Martha in John 11:25. For JESUS is Lord over both the physical, and the spiritual life. Our belief in HIM infuses in us a spiritual life that will persist, even after death. That is why, the greatest miracle of JESUS was not raising Lazareth back to the physical life (John 11:43-44), because we all know that Mary and Martha’s brother would again die. The greatest miracle was, and is, in JESUS’ power to grant endless spiritual life to those who believe in HIM.
Paul wanted the Thessalonians to be, neither grievers, nor, be ignorant like the Pagan World, who have no hope beyond this life. While certainly grieving is a normal human process for both Christians and non-Christians alike, it is still quite different for Christians because, we, as believers, have the revelation from GOD that gives us hope, and we know that we have a glorious future with CHRIST beyond this life. JESUS died, and was resurrected by GOD and re-united with HIM, and in the same way, Christians, who have died believing in CHRIST, will be resurrected and re-united with CHRIST at HIS second coming.
The death and resurrection of CHRIST, as far as the Christian is concerned, are among the best-known facts in the history of the world. And since we know that these events took place, we know that, likewise, the souls of believers, who have died, will return also, with CHRIST, when HE comes to collect HIS living saints, or believers, from this earth.
In 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11, Paul moves his thoughts from the Rapture, to that period beyond the Rapture, now commonly known as the, “Day of the LORD”. The Day of the LORD is that future period of time, when GOD will be at work in world affairs, more directly, than HE has at any time since JESUS’ Earthly Ministry. Old Testament Prophets, such as Isaiah (13:9-11), Zephaniah (1:14-18, 3:14-15) and Joel (2:28-32) refer to such a time as this. They indicate that these days will include both judgment and blessings. This time will begin immediately following the Rapture, and end with the conclusion of the Millennium.
Christians are to be distinctly different from non-Christians, and by that I mean we must be as that difference between day and night. Christians are the children of light, and we live in a realm that is characterized by the light of CHRIST, by warmth, and, by growth. We are to behave according to our enlightened condition, and be prepared for the coming of the day of the LORD. That day will come suddenly and without further warning, it will be likened to the coming of a thief in the night.
Some things can’t be left until the last moment. It is too late to secure your house, once the storm has hit, just as it is too late to close the barn door, once the horses have gotten out. Paul insists that there is no reason for a person to be caught unawares. It is only the man who lives in darkness who will not be able to see what is coming at him. The man, who is a Christian, and lives in the light of CHRIST, will never be caught unprepared because he is watchful and sober at all times, and knows that the “Day of the LORD” will bring him blessings, instead of unfavorable judgment.
In the Old Testament book of the Prophet Daniel, in chapter 12, the biblical pictures of the “End Times” where given to encourage believers, not to make us afraid, or cause us to withdraw from the World. This, now famous, chapter is the end of a vision that came to Daniel in the time of the reign of King Cyrus of Persia, and it answers the false hopes and fears of GOD’s people, then and now.
Understandably, it is very hard for us “not” to wonder if what is said in this chapter will occur in our lifetime. However, what we really need to do is look beyond life in the confines of this World, and look with earnest expectations to a life with GOD in the world to come.
JESUS cautions us in Matthew 24:36 that no one knows when the end will come, not even HIMSELF, at that time. Only GOD THE FATHER holds that answer, JESUS told us then. However, in order to please GOD, we need to be more concerned with how we’re living our lives from day to day, than we are with, when our lives will end.
In Matthew 25:31-46, concerning the final judgment, JESUS uses the analogy of the separation of the sheep and the goats to paint a picture of the criterion by which HE HIMSELF will judge us. This is one of the most vivid parables JESUS ever spoke, and the lesson is crystal clear. HE tells us there that HE will judge us “in accordance to our reaction to human need”. HIS judgment won’t depend upon the knowledge we’ve amassed, or the fame we’ve acquired, or the fortune that we’ve gained. We will be judged on the basis of the unselfish help that we’ve given to others.
In the final analysis, if you want to know the future, you must first know GOD. It is no man’s duty to speculate on what GOD’s secret plan may be for HIS return. It is our duty to prepare ourselves and wait on mercy from JESUS CHRIST to enable us to make our transition into Eternal Life.
The verses in Daniel chapter 12, serve to remind us to never become so engrossed in “time”, that we forget about “Eternity”. We should never let our concern for “worldly affairs” completely distract us from remembering that there is a GOD, and that the issues of life and death are always in HIS hands, and whenever HIS call comes, whether it be morning, noon, or night, hopefully, it will find us ready to go.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, April 12, 2013

An international Sunday school lesson commentary

For Sunday April 14, 2013

Over 43,000 readers worldwide

(The HOLY SPIRIT can fill and empower us)
(Acts 2)

In Acts chapter 2 Luke chronicles events that took place during the “Pentecost” observance, which was celebrated fifty days following the resurrection of CHRIST JESUS, or traditionally, seven weeks after the final day of “Passover” (Leviticus 23:15-22). Pentecost, which means, “fiftieth”, is also known as the “Festival of Harvest”, and the “Feast of Weeks”. In New Testament times, Pentecost also commemorated Moses’ receiving and giving of the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai.
In Acts 2:1-4, as Christians met in a house somewhere in Jerusalem, we see three great phenomena occurring, which serve to make the coming of the HOLY SPIRIT on that Pentecost day, an unmistakable and unique event. First we see the “roaring of a mighty windstorm” come down and fill the house that the Apostles and the others occupied (Acts 2:2). Secondly, we see the “flames of fire” appear and settle on each person in the house (Acts 2:3). And finally, we see that they began speaking in foreign languages, as the HOLY SPIRIT gave them these abilities (Acts 2:4). These “visible signs” are unique in that, in all of recorded Scripture, this is the only time when these three things occur together during a distinctive act of GOD. 
Since that day, the HOLY SPIRIT has come to dwell in every person that believes in their hearts in CHRIST JESUS, and we, as a result, belong to GOD. GOD has bought us at a high price by sacrificing the life of HIS only begotten SON as a ransom for our release from the bondage of sin and death. As we live in fellowship with GOD, HE will fill us and keep us filled, and when HE does, we will be able to serve and grow, and conform more fully to HIS word and will.
The HOLY SPIRIT adds “supernatural power” to the “shared nature of GOD” that we have in us already from birth, and HE enables us to win the battles within ourselves, between “reason” and “passion”, that, without HIM, we would not otherwise win a great deal of the times. HE further enables us to resist the temptations of life, that, without HIM, we’ve already proven to be too weak spiritually, to resist. In fact, HE actually makes us more aware of those times when we are about to move out of the will of GOD, and will prevent us from doing so, IF we listen, or heed to HIS prompting.
In Acts 2:37, we see the HOLY SPIRIT convicting those members of the “first Christian Church, through Peter’s words to them, regarding the wrong that was perpetrated on JESUS, by way of their role in HIS death on the cross. Peter goes on to tell them, that, the promise of the HOLY SPIRIT was not only for those present in the room that day, but it is a promise that extends to all who come to know CHRIST, and answer the call of GOD, in all future generations.
In Acts 2:41-47 we see quite vividly, the spiritual characteristics of the early Christian Church on display. We see quite clearly a picture of what the term “United by the SPIRIT” really means, and, we can see that the power of the HOLY SPIRIT transcends race, gender, and nationally, and, HE unifies us with GOD, through CHRIST JESUS. Here in this passage lies, perhaps, one of Scripture’s greatest examples of “Christian Unity” actually being lived out by the original Christian Church through their;

(1). “teaching and learning”- (verse 42)
(2). “prayer and fellowship”- (verse 42).
(3). “fear and reverence for GOD”- (verse 43).
(4). “sharing in the Church”- (verse 44-45).
(5). “worshipping GOD together daily”- (verse 46-47).
(6). “being filled with joy”, - (verse 46).
(7). All in all, they were a church where “good things were happening constantly”
      and “new people were receiving Salvation daily”- (verse 47).

What a wonderful example for modern-day churches to emulate. We see here in this passage, an example of “Christian Unity” that has been placed before us, and available to us, since the very birth of the Christian Church in Jerusalem. And even though this all first occurred on that memorable day of Pentecost, way back in the first century A.D, still, to this very day, in a very real sense, we’ve never shown an ability to duplicate GOD’s great example that we see here.  In fact, we have failed, as GOD’s greatest creation, to follow suit in too many other biblical examples also, simply because, too often, we only seem to place value on our own “human ingenuity”, and thereby, we de-value the things of GOD, even in “the Church House”.
I’ve often stated that, it seems as if GOD has placed a hunger and thirst inside of each of us, innately from birth, and the only way to satisfy that hunger or thirst is by seeking and ultimately finding HIM. It is for the purpose of GOD that mankind was ever created in the first place, and just as no man has never created anything that wasn’t for his own purpose or benefit, so it is with GOD. Man was created to serve GOD, and until we are able to grasp and understand that, we’ll just continue to meander around, looking for physical answers, to problems, that have always been spiritual.  

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, April 5, 2013

An international Sunday school lesson commentary

For Sunday April 7, 2013

Over 42,000 readers worldwide

(We should tell others how GOD keeps HIS promise)
(Luke 24:36-53)

Perhaps the cross of CHRIST JESUS at Golgotha is the only place on earth, where, in just a short space in time, mankind was actually able to physically see the eternal love of GOD on exhibit. And CHRIST remaining on the cross until death, distinctly shows us that GOD loves us with an everlasting love that can withstand all of the suffering that this old world will ever have to offer.
In Luke 24, taking up at verse 36, we see chronicled, Luke’s personal written account of the appearance of a post-resurrection JESUS in a physical body. Here begins a passage that stresses the reality of the resurrection of our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST, which is the foundation of the Christian faith.
Almost since the very beginning of time, and certainly since the conception of the written word by GOD, all roads of the hope for the salvation of mankind pointed to a destination in Jerusalem on Skull Hill. It was always in the plan of GOD, and must never be deemed as an emergency measure that GOD incorporated when all else had failed in HIS dealing with HIS greatest creation, mankind.  
In the Greek, the word used for “resurrection” is “anastasia”. In the spiritual sense, it is “a moral recovery of a spiritual truth”. And in the physical sense it means “to stand up again”. It took a morally perfect sacrifice (JESUS) to recover our spiritual connection (by way of the HOLY SPIRIT) to the almighty GOD the FATHER in Heaven. As a result of JESUS’ vicarious sacrifice, any of mankind that chooses JESUS can embody the HOLY SPIRIT, “stand up again”, and re-connect into a personal relationship of friendship with GOD.
Just as the two men who met JESUS on the road to Emmaus were telling their story to the apostles at Jerusalem (v.35), JESUS suddenly appeared in their midst. HE then spoke to the frightened group of men saying, “Peace be with you”. The men stared at JESUS thinking that HE was a ghost. JESUS then asked, “Why are you frightened”? Why do you doubt who I AM?”
To assure them that HE was not an apparition, JESUS invited them to examine HIS hands and feet, and to touch HIS body. HE wanted them to see that the JESUS WHO died on the cross was the CHRIST WHO had arisen from the dead, just as HE said HE would. Still they stood there doubting, even though they were filled with the joy of seeing their teacher once again. Then JESUS offered them a final proof by requesting fish to eat, and then, eating it in front of them, something that a ghost could never do.
After eating the fish, JESUS gave HIS students a review of all the Scriptures that Moses and the prophets had written concerning HIM, and how they had now been fulfilled. And then, with HIS authority over all Heaven and Earth, HE charged HIS disciples to take the message of repentance to all nations (Jews and Gentiles), beginning in Jerusalem. They were to preach that there is forgiveness of sins for all who turn to JESUS. And, that they themselves were uniquely eyewitnesses to all things written in the Scriptures about JESUS.
After commissioning HIS disciples, JESUS re-iterates HIS promise to send the HOLY SPIRIT, and they were not to begin their mission until HE came and filled them with power from GOD (v.49). Here JESUS is stressing the importance of not acting until one is prepared to do the work that one is called to perform. Action without preparation often fails, as there is a definite time to wait on GOD, and, there is a definite time to work for GOD.
JESUS’ ascension back into Heaven (Vs. 50-53), perhaps, will remain one of those things that can never be properly described, even by those who witnessed it. Never the less it represents both, a beginning, and, an end, as it will forever identify the exact moment when the JESUS of this earth, became the CHRIST of Heaven, WHO now shares all power with GOD the FATHER in HIS Heavenly command center. And the disciples stood and worshiped HIM for a long moment, until they were commanded by an angel to obey the order of JESUS that “they return to Jerusalem and wait on the HOLY SPIRIT to arrive”. They were filled with great joy, and they spent all of their time in the temple praising GOD in the interim.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website