Friday, August 30, 2013

An international Sunday school lesson commentary

For Sunday September 1, 2013

Over 48,000 readers worldwide

(GOD rules with wisdom over all creation)
(Psalm 104)

There is no greater evidence of the power and existence of GOD, than the reality and existence of the creation that HE shaped and sustains. In Psalm 104, the unknown psalmist gives us a vivid description, of his personal view of “GOD’s power to bring into existence all of creation”, “HIS concern for that creation”, and, “HIS provisions to sustain that creation”.
We, as Christians, have come to rest in the thought, and we thoroughly understand through our great faith, that, the world was fashioned by the Word of GOD. We understand that all the things that we now see around us came from that which is not seen, “the mind of GOD”. We are of the attitude that, in terms of eternity, we would rather stake everything on GOD, the creator of this existence, than to trust the temporal rewards that we can obtain, because of HIS existence.
Sadly, we as human beings, often fall in love with the “creations of the CREATOR”, instead of endearing ourselves to the HOLY CREATOR, HIMSELF. When GOD created man in HIS OWN image (shared HIS nature with him), HE also placed inside of him, a hunger and thirst, which would, hopefully, ultimately draw him to, and, hold him near to HIMSELF.
However, because of the “sin nature” that we obtained, through disobedience to GOD (the fall of Adam and Eve), we’ve became confused, and have, since that time, tried to satisfy that hunger and thirst, by seeking after “the temporal things of this world”, and “the things that we, ourselves, have made from HIS created substances”.
Here, in Psalm 104, the psalmist seems to have a firm grip on where we should direct our praises. He is, no doubt, a man who has fallen in love with the BLESSER, because of the blessings, and not, the blessings themselves.

·         In verses 1-9 the psalmist praises GOD and expresses his awe and reverence for GOD’s sovereign power.
·         In verses 10-30, he displays a deep understanding of how deeply GOD is concerned about HIS creation, and how HE shows it, through HIS provisions, which HE uses to sustain HIS creation.
·         And finally, in verses 31-35, the psalmist praises GOD yet again, and prays that GOD would remove sin from the world, because it is out of harmony with HIS wonderful creation.

G. K. Chesterton once wrote, “For whatever is, or is not true, this one thing is certain, we are not what we were meant to be”. We, being that which was created, are the benefactors of the brilliance and largesse of the CREATOR. We were made by GOD, and given dominion over the works of HIS hands here on earth. But instead, we’ve become creatures who are “frustrated by our own, self-imposed circumstances”, who are “defeated by our own temptations”, and, who are “surrounded by our own weaknesses”. And so, it was into this seemingly hopeless situation, that GOD sent us his only begotten SON, so that whosoever believes in HIM, would not perish, but rather, would have everlasting life.
It is a life-changing thing, getting to know, and then, becoming accustomed to practicing, the word of GOD. GOD’s word has already come into the world. In fact, it has been with us since the beginning of creation, and HIS Word simply cannot be, nor, will not be, disregarded. GOD’s word is synonymous with life, and, is effective and penetrating. HIS Word absolutely scrutinizes all of our thoughts, desires, and, intentions.
All things lay naked before THE ALMIGHTY GOD, and HE simply “sees all”, “hears all”, and “knows all” that we do. And every one of us, whom GOD created, will have to make an account for the deeds done in our lifetimes. And, whether or not we believe that HE exists, therefore, becomes totally irrelevant.  

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, August 23, 2013

An international Sunday school lesson commentary

For Sunday August 25, 2013

Over 48,000 readers worldwide

(Keeping the Sabbath holy)
(Nehemiah 13:15-22)

In the first century the Jews tenaciously held to observing the Sabbath Day. In fact, they were so adamant about its observance, that even the Romans were forced to exempt them from military service because no Jew would be willing to engage in military campaigns on a Saturday. In fact, that is how the great Roman general Pompey defeated Israel circa 63 B.C., the fact that he waged his three-month siege with attacks upon Jerusalem primarily on Sabbath Days. He knew that they would not engage in battle even to defend themselves on a Sabbath Day.
JESUS challenged the Jew’s thinking on the issue of the Sabbath many times during His three-year ministry here on earth. HE said that “the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath”. During those days the Scribes had enumerated “39 forbidden kinds of work” that could not be tolerated on the Sabbath. And actually, the whole idea for these rules was to discourage any activities that remotely resembled work on this day.
JESUS, in making HIS statement regarding the Sabbath, sought to institute a special application of “a broader view of the law”, that it was not an end in itself, but rather, it was a tool to promote the great idea of “love for GOD and man”, which is, in effect, the summation of “Christian ideology and doctrine”.
In the early Christian Church, Jewish Christians continued to keep the Sabbath, as well as other points of the old law. In fact, they observed both the Sabbath, and “the LORD’s Day” (a weekly celebration of the Resurrection). The sacred character of the Sabbath was also long recognized in a somewhat modified form in the Eastern Church by “a prohibition of fasting” on the Sabbath, which was also a rule in the Jewish Sabbath Law.
The Apostle Paul, from the very first days of Gentile Christianity, made it clear that the Jewish Sabbath was “not binding on Christians”, and controversy with Judaizers led to direct condemnation of those who still tried to keep the Jewish application of the Sabbath.
The observance of the Sabbath dates back to the day that Moses delivered the “Decalogue” (Ten Commandments) to the people of Israel at the foot of Mount Sinai. In Exodus 20, verses 3-17, the command to “remember the Sabbath” follows immediately after the commandments which are concerned with “GOD and HIS name”. This is an indication of the importance of the Sabbath, and probably suggests, in a very special way, that this day really is “GOD’s Day”. And the importance of the Sabbath becomes even more noteworthy in view of the fact that it ignores all other Jewish feasts and rites.
In Nehemiah 13:15-22, we see that the Israelites, who were freshly back from exile in Babylon, were greatly disrespecting the Sabbath since the time that Nehemiah had returned to Babylon to finish his service to King Artaxerxes. Here Nehemiah shares with us, the things that he saw and found in Jerusalem upon his return. He says that he saw the men of Judah treading their winepresses, harvesting grain and loading it on donkeys, and, was bringing in their wine, grapes, figs, and other produce to sell in Jerusalem.
Nehemiah rebuked the men for selling their produce on the Sabbath, but then, he also saw foreigners, men from Tyre, bringing in fish and all kinds of merchandise into Jerusalem to sell to the people of Judah, on the Sabbath! At that point he confronted the leaders of Judah for allowing the Sabbath to be profaned by foreigners. Nehemiah then ordered that the gates of Jerusalem be shut from Friday evening to Sunday morning to assure that the entire Sabbath Day would be respected. He also sent some of his own servants to guard the gates so that no merchandise could be brought in until the Sabbath had passed.
The foreign merchants and traders then sought to camp outside of the city, but Nehemiah went out and threatened to arrest them if they did not leave immediately. The merchants and the traders then left, and did not return. Nehemiah then ordered all the Levites to purify themselves, and to guard the gates of the city in order to preserve the holiness of the Sabbath. Nehemiah will forever be remembered as a leader who:

·         Accepted his responsibility
·         Relied on prayer
·         Showed compassion for the poor and needy
·         Kept his goal in sight
·         Remained bold in the face of opposition
·         Was a motivator and encourager to others
·         Always maintained high standards
·         Was always ready to take a stand for what is right

As leaders, we can learn and benefit greatly from the many examples set by Nehemiah. We must never overlook the sins of ourselves and others, but rather, we must seek GOD’s guidance on how we can best respond and overcome the damage caused by our shortcomings and neglect of GOD’s Laws.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander  

                                           LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, August 16, 2013

An international Sunday school lesson commentary

For Sunday August 18, 2013

Over 48,000 readers worldwide

(Celebrating GOD with music)
(Nehemiah 12:27-43)

Music was an important part of everyday life for the ancient Hebrew people, just as it is also, for us living here in the twenty-first century. It was and is a part of family celebrations, such as the homecoming for “the prodigal son” (Luke 15:25), celebrating victories, milestones, weddings, birthdays, etc. Miriam, Moses’ sister, and other women, sang, danced, and celebrated with music when the Israelites were miraculously freed from Egypt by GOD, as is recorded in Exodus 15. And, Moses’ song that is recorded in the same chapter is the earliest recorded song in the bible.
The bible tells us that the Hebrews have been a very musical people throughout their history, and the music history of man dates back to Jubal, who was “the inventor of the harp and the flute” (Genesis 4:21). However, professional musicians do not appear in the bible before King David’s time. David himself served as a “minstrel” (which is by biblical definition, “a player of stringed instruments”-2 Kings 3:15) for King Saul, as he was called by Saul to play a “spirit” out of him with a stringed instrument (1 Samuel 16:16-23).
David was the first to introduce music as a regular part of “sanctuary worship”, and his son Solomon continued that newly found tradition after the first temple was built (2 Samuel 6:5 & 1 Kings 10:12). Music went on to become an important part of service and we later see that the two “reform kings”, Hezekiah, and Josiah, saw to it that music was included in their respective “Reformations” (2 Chronicles 29:25 & 35:15).
The Book of Psalms itself serves as the earliest existing “hymn book”, as these individual poems were highly suitable for singing in the worship of GOD. They represent pure and holy songs that have always been “used only for worship and praise of GOD”. They were originally written for the worship and praise of GOD, and for the most part, have never intentionally been used for any “profane purposes”. They started out in the Church, and today, they remain in the Church. They were “not borrowed from the world”, or “written and produced by worldly people”, nor were they songs that were written for the world, and then, remixed into gospel versions like much of the music that is played in the church today, particularly the predominately African-American Christian Churches.
Also, the writers of these church hymns were not awarded by the world with “Dove Awards, and other such accolades. GOD does not hand out earthy awards to people who praise and worship HIM, only the devil does that. The singers and musicians also were not being worshiped and praised by the people, for their work, but instead, people gave their worship and praise, and honor and glory to GOD, through the music.
Today, the largest producer and distributor of “gospel music” (Sony), is also the largest producer and distributor of “secular music”. And so, the company that Michael Jackson himself, called “the devil” (and he ought to know) is the same company that produces most of the gospel music in the world today. No wonder they all look and sound alike (Mary Mary).
In Nehemiah 12, verses 27-36, Nehemiah had all the Levites who had re-settled in the various towns around Jerusalem, to join in with the other priests who resided in Jerusalem, to participate in the ceremonies to dedicate the rebuilt wall around Jerusalem. They were to first, dedicate themselves, then the people, the gates, and the wall, through a “purification ceremony”, or “ceremonial cleansing” (v.30). They were to also take part in this joyous occasion with their songs of thanksgiving, and, with the music of their cymbals, lyres, and harps. “The singers”, who had built their own separate villages around Jerusalem (v.29), were all brought together to sing songs of worship and praise on this joyous occasion.
Nehemiah led the leaders of Judah to the top of the wall and organized two large choirs to give thanks in song. One of the choirs proceeded southward along the wall toward the “Dung Gate”, and half the leaders followed that group, including some priests who played trumpets, and those who played other instruments that were prescribed by David during his reign as king.
The second choir went northward along the wall past the “Tower of the Ovens” to the “Broad Wall”, past the “Ephraim Gate” to the “Old City Gate”, past the “Fish Gate”, all the way to the “Guard Gate” where they met up with the first choir and stopped, and Nehemiah and several other leaders followed them (Vs.31-39). The two choirs gave thanks to GOD and then proceeded to the Temple of GOD, where they took their assigned places. Nehemiah and the other leaders did likewise. They all played music and sang together loudly and clearly under the direction of the choir director (Vs.40-42).
Many sacrifices were offered on that joyous day, because GOD had given the people cause for great joy. All of the women and children also participated in the celebration, and the joy of the people of Jerusalem could be heard far, far away (v.43).
The music (psalms) and the singers (v.29) were all set apart for use in worship and praise in GOD’s Temple only. They were not a bunch of “unbelievers” brought out of the world and then paid exorbitant amounts of money to sing one or more of their “profane” songs in the Church (Kanye West, T-pain, etc.). In fact, we learn in the following chapter that such unbelievers were even excluded from such activities altogether, by Nehemiah (Nehemiah 13:1-12).
It is good to joyfully acknowledge GOD through music and songs, however, the music can’t be used in “the club”, and in GOD’s worship services too (Kirk Franklin), and the people who perform them needs to also be “true believers”, those who’s “lifestyle and behavior” indicates that they are on GOD’s side, not satan’s.
The Apostle John warns of such foolishness as this in his first letter to the Christian Church, 1 John 4:1-3, were he says;

 “Dear friends, do not believe everyone who claims to speak by the SPIRIT. You must test them to see if the spirit they have comes from GOD. For, there are many false prophets in the world. This is the way to find out if they have the SPIRIT of GOD: If a prophet acknowledges that JESUS CHRIST became a human being, that person has the SPIRIT of GOD. If a prophet does not acknowledge JESUS, that person is not from GOD. Such a person has the spirit of the antichrist. You have heard that he is going to come into the world, and he is already here” (NLT).  

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, August 9, 2013

An international Sunday school lesson commentary

For Sunday August 11, 2013

Over 47,000 readers worldwide

(Confess your unfaithfulness to a faithful GOD)
Nehemiah 9

Nehemiah chapter 9 details a “revival” which followed the Festival of Booths celebrations and observances in chapter 8. This revival took place fifteen days later, and it is marked by six key elements which perhaps any Christian revival today should contain:

·         They humbled themselves (v.1)
·         They separated themselves from the foreigners who were not a part of theirs and their ancestors sins against GOD (v.2)
·         They confessed their sins, and the sins of their ancestors (Vs.2-3)
·         The Word of GOD was read to them for three hours (v.3)
·         They continued to praise GOD and acknowledge HIS goodness, and HIS grace in prayer (Vs. 4-37)
·         They made a solemn promise in writing to obey the LORD their GOD (v.38)

“The Word of GOD” has to have a great impact on the lives of a community, if it is to undergo “true change”, or be “revived”. Only the Word of GOD can truly change a person for the better, permanently. The Israelites, in this passage, began their revival with the Word of GOD because the Word is what shows a person his or her sin, and convicts them. We become aware of what is “wrong” only by being shown what is “right” in the eyes of GOD, not, in the eyes of man.
In this passage the Israelites confess a total of 20 “repetitive sins” against GOD, from the time of Abraham to their present day. During this prayer they also acknowledge over 70 facts about GOD and HIS faithfulness. In it they review the history of Israel, and it reveals, both, the majesty and splendor of GOD, and, the depravity of man, at one and the same time.
We see in this chapter how “feasting” evolved into “fasting”, fasting into “confession”, confession into “prayer”, and prayer into, “a promise of obedience”, however, it was the Word of GOD that “convicted” the people, and got the ball rolling toward forgiveness. “True worship” involves hearing the Word of GOD, praising GOD, praying to GOD, confessing sin to GOD, and then removing ourselves from situations that displease GOD. The better we know GOD, the more we respond to HIM through “imitation” of HIS ways, that were demonstrated to us by CHRIST JESUS, during HIS earthbound mission.
Perhaps, it is the events of the Book of Judges, which are alluded to here in verses 28-31 that demonstrate to us most clearly, the Israelites repeated pattern of “sin”, “servitude”, “supplication”, “salvation”, and “silence”. The tragedy that that cycle presents in Israel’s history is that they never relinquished their rebellious ways against GOD, and in fact, with each downswing, GOD would have to increase the severity of their “self-imposed” consequences.
GOD speaks to us through the Holy Scriptures, and we must respond by speaking to HIM, through “prayer” and “praise”. In this “National Prayer” of the Jews, they acknowledge their persistent sin, and GOD’s persistent judgment and mercy, and, this prayer also shows us GOD is just in exercising “compassion”.
It is right for GOD to punish, and it is equally correct for HIM to forgive. HE is perfectly free to do what HE pleases, and it pleases HIM to offer man forgiveness of sin through CHRIST JESUS. GOD does not have to change for us, for HE is perfectly righteous in everything that HE has done, and will do. It is us who must change, because it is us who are in error, and, are in need of HIS “forgiveness”.

A Sunday school lesson by
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, August 2, 2013


An international Sunday school lesson commentary

For Sunday August 4, 2013

Over 47,000 readers worldwide

(GOD’s Word guides our worship)
(Nehemiah 8)

A week after the construction of the walls of Jerusalem were completed, all the people of Israel re-assembled on the square just inside the “Water Gate”, on the east wall of the city. They asked Ezra, the priest, teacher, and scribe, to bring out the book of the Law of Moses that the LORD had given for Israel to obey.
It was now mid-autumn, during the Jewish month of “Tishri” (the seventh month on the Jewish calendar), and the people of Israel, which numbered between thirty and fifty thousand, needed “a fresh infusion of commitment”, or “spiritual revival” to “re-fuel them” following their exhausting task of finishing the wall.
In Nehemiah chapter 8, Ezra brings the scroll of the Law of Moses before the assembly of men and women, and children who were old enough to understand, and began to read aloud to them. The people stood on their feet and praised the LORD, just as Ezra and all the priests and Levites did, and they all raised their hands toward Heaven. Then they bowed down with their faces to the ground and worshiped GOD some more.  
Afterwards, the thirteen Levite priests who were present, along with Ezra and Nehemiah, instructed the people, as they interpreted and translated the Scripture from “Hebrew” to “Aramaic”. Most of the people could not speak or read in the ancient Hebrew tongue that was widely used before their “Babylonian captivity”. The majority of them now spoke in the “Aramaic tongue of Babylon”, which was a “Semitic language” that was actually widely used, even by non-Aramean people like the Jews, from circa 7 B.C. to A.D. 7. In fact, it is also the language that JESUS HIMSELF communicated in, while here on HIS earthbound mission.
Here in this chapter, we see three very positive responses to the Word of GOD;

·         An “Intellectual Response” (Vs.1-8) - The Israelites had an overwhelming desire to know what GOD’s plan for them was, and, just how GOD wished for them to live their lives.
·         An “Emotional Response” (Vs.9-12) – The Israelites experienced a “conviction” by GOD’s Word that is associated with the “joy” of knowing of GOD’s forgiveness. The association of these two things (conviction and joy) may seem strange on the surface, however, the more we become aware of the extent of our sins, the greater our joy will be in GOD’s forgiveness of those sins.
·         A “Volitional Response” (Vs.13-18) – The family leaders, and the priests and Levites, met with Ezra to go over the details of the Law of Moses, the man of GOD, more closely. As they studied, they discovered that the LORD had commanded that the Israelites should live in shelters during the upcoming “Festival of the Tabernacles”, or, “Festival of Booths”. The people were to go to the hills and get branches from olive, myrtle, palm, and fig trees, and use them to make “shelters” or “booths” in which they could live during the seven days of the festival. And so all of the people who had returned from captivity in Babylon, “willingly and voluntarily” went out and cut and gathered the branches, and built their shelters to dwell in during the festival week.

The Israelites had not celebrated this way since the days of Joshua, and Ezra read to them from the Scriptures on each of the seven days. On the 15th day of the month, they held a solemn assembly, just as the Law of Moses required.
This harvest-time festival had previously always been a time of great rejoicing and celebration. However, this particular Feast of Tabernacles was marked with exceptional joy, because, now GOD had defeated the Israelites enemies, and Jerusalem was once again, “a walled city”.
The “revival” that followed was not unlike what our modern-day revivals should be like. It should be “a self-humbling experience” that is expressed in “fasting”, “earnest repent”, “confession of sins”, and “an eagerness to study GOD’s Word”.
History teaches us that GOD is faithful, and, that HE remains faithful to HIS commitment to us, even today. And we should show praises to GOD because HIS grace and mercy has remained upon us, as HE patiently waits on us to return to HIM, and accept HIS offer to us, of “eternal life”, through CHRIST JESUS.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website