Friday, September 27, 2013

An international Sunday school lesson commentary

For Sunday September 29, 2013

Over 49,000 readers worldwide

(Build for GOD, not for yourself)
(Genesis 11:1-9)

Genesis 11:1-9 explains how the “race of mankind”, the only race in the beginning, became divided and scattered throughout the ancient world by GOD. In those days, the people prided themselves in their own skills and intellect, pretty much the way man does today, and what they prided themselves in, eventually became their downfall.
In these few verses, Moses relates the story of the “Tower of Babel”, where GOD created all of the various languages that now divide our races and cultures across the globe, as an “act of judgment” against the rebellious early descendants of Noah. GOD had ordered the descendants of Noah to “multiply and fill the earth with people” (Genesis 9:1), but instead, they rebelled against GOD, and decided to settle together in one place, the area that is now known as “Babylon”, which had been developed and built by Nimrod. Apparently Nimrod wanted all the people to reside in his cities under his control.
 GOD’s people arrogantly boasted of their assumed “superior knowledge”, and sought to build cities, and a tower, that would reach up to the Heavens, thinking that the false gods, or goddesses that they worshiped, would come down to them. In fact, the word “babel” actually means “the gate of the gods”. Here we see the people begin to build “a step-like edifice” in the form of a pyramid, called “Ziggurats”, which were later associated with religious worship of false gods, by pagan sects, in the ancient Middle East, as well as in South America.
The events here in chapter 11, actually occurred chronologically before the events of chapter 10, which gives us a breakdown of the various tribes, languages, territories, and nations that the LORD formed as judgment for the building of the “Tower of Babel”. This fact is explained in Genesis 10:25 where we see that one of the sons of Eber, named Peleg, which means “division”, was born, and lived during this time. This was approximately five generations after the flood that destroyed the earth.
In verse 1 we see that the whole world spoke the same language. As the population slowly migrated eastward, they decided to settle in the plain they called “Shinar” near Babylon. There they decided to build a city, and they began to make great piles of brick, which they burned thoroughly before using. They also collected “natural asphalt” to use as mortar, and they began to build this imposing tower as “a monument to their own greatness”, and, as “a symbol of unity” that would serve to keep them together forever in one area (this, of course, was in direct disobedience to GOD).
However, GOD, WHO is always on watch from on high, evaluated the actions of these Shinarites as evil and very arrogant, because they failed to consult with HIM. And so their desires to increase their unity and strength was seen by GOD as rebellious, and having the potential for the greatest evil ever.
Here in this passage GOD shows HIS absolute power and majesty over all things with HIS swift and sound judgment, and HE simply “reverses” everything that the Shinarites held dear to themselves, in this case, their “communication”, and their “unity” as a people. Here we see GOD, first, confounded the languages, presumably so that only small groups of people would be able to understand each other, and then, HE scattered those small groups abroad, to be separated unto themselves, over all the earth, just as HE had originally instructed them to do.
It never profits one to rebel against GOD’s will, and HE has demonstrated down through the years just how foolish that can be. Pride always precedes a fall and the ill-advised building project by these Shinarites will forever stand as an historical example of “a haughty spirit” manifesting itself before a fall from grace. The Almighty GOD in Heaven can never be a captive of HIS OWN world, its people, or, our opinions about HIS sovereignty. GOD is free, and HE is subject to no one’s will but HIS OWN.
Each person has to ultimately make up their minds whether they want to reside with the prostitute called “Babylon”, or with the “Heavenly bride” called Jerusalem. Babylon is the biblical symbol of “pride”, “immorality”, and “rebellion against GOD”. Jerusalem will forever stand as symbol of light and hope for GOD’s true people, those who actually embody the “Church” in their hearts, where GOD always looks to see, if HE can see HIMSELF.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, September 20, 2013

An international Sunday school lesson commentary

For Sunday September 22, 2013

Over 49,000 readers worldwide

(GOD makes and keeps covenants for our good)
(Genesis 9:1-17)

When holding and reading the Bible, one must be acutely cognizant of the fact that, in addition to being “the inerrant word of GOD”, we also hold in our hands, a very “human document”. This historical writing tells the story of a chosen people of GOD, and how GOD acted upon their lives, and, on the lives of all mankind, as our HOLY CREATOR.
In the Old Testament, GOD is attempting to show us just how far we are from HIS high and holy standards. In the New Testament, GOD sends us JESUS to try and show us just how we can move closer to that high and holy standard. The Old Testament also contains the stories of the many men and women of deep and powerful unbending faith, such as Abraham, Moses, Joshua, David, and the like, who clung to their belief in the Almighty GOD. In this day and age, we too, can build, and embody the same measures of faith that those heroes exhibited, but we must sincerely seek and honor GOD, just as they did, in all that we do.
Genesis is the first book of the Holy Bible, and, the first of five books accredited to the authorship of Moses. Moses is one of the most towering figures in Jewish history, and, the one who came to be known simply, as “The Law Giver”. He begins his writings with the telling of the “Creation Account” of all things, “the fall of man at the hands of Adam and Eve”, and “the subsequent intolerable wickedness of mankind”, which led to the “Great Flood” method of destruction by GOD. However, just as GOD always replaced the darkness of our ancestors existence, with the light of HIS presence in those days, so it is too, in these days of the twenty-first century.
Over the next few lessons, we will focus on, and trace GOD’s covenant promises to HIS people, through, the annals of Old Testament biblical history, and we’ll began with this first account of GOD’s “Rainbow Covenant” with Noah. Noah is the first man in Scripture to be called “righteous” (Genesis 6:9), and he was the only righteous man on earth at the time of the flood!
In Genesis chapter 9, verses 1-15, we take up this great man’s story at a time, immediately following the world-ending Flood. Here Noah and his sons are instructed by GOD, just as Adam and Eve were, in the beginning, to be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth with human life. Once again HE gives man dominion over the animals of the earth, but this time, HE allows man the use of animals for food. However, GOD also issued one restriction and that was, that, man not eat an animal with its “lifeblood” still in it. In the beginning, remember that GOD only instructed Adam and Eve to eat the vegetation of the land, with one restriction, do not eat of the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil”. After their disobedience to GOD, HE quickly removed them from the “Garden of Eden” before they had a chance to eat from the eternal “Tree of Life”.
Because we bear GOD’s image (GOD’s Nature), in HIS eyes, every human being is irreplaceable. In verses 5-7, it is extremely important to understand, that, the “Death sentence” that GOD imposes on those who kill other human beings, is neither “retribution”, nor, is it to be considered as a “preventative measure” to guard against murder itself. Each and every human life is so significant to GOD that, no penalty less than death provides an adequate measure of value. It is the only way to affirm the ultimate worth of an individual, in the eyes of GOD. Apparently GOD saw the necessity for a covenant, that, not only come in the form of a promise from HIM, HE also reasoned that there must be an obligation from man that he not take life lightly, after seeing the devastation of the flood.
GOD did not want the example of the flood’s destruction to be taken as a sign that HE placed a “cheap value” on human life. This covenant was to show that life is sacred, and that man must not destroy that which is made in the spiritual image of GOD. Man also needed to learn how to govern himself with human laws that would ensure the stability of nature, and, that wickedness would not run amok like it had before the flood. And so here we see, quite literally, “the birth of government into human society”.
The next time we look up in the sky and see a Rainbow that spans to connect the Heavens to the earth, remember GOD’s promise of security to Noah, that comes across the spans of time to lend to us also, that same assurance of security. It is reminiscent of the security that CHRIST JESUS gives us, when we accept the covenant that was ushered in to us by HIM many years later, and signed in HIS OWN blood. It is a superior covenant that, unlike the Rainbow Covenant with Noah, reconnects us with GOD, and secures our future in Heaven.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, September 13, 2013

An international Sunday school lesson commentary

For Sunday September 15, 2013

Over 49,000 readers worldwide

(Sin damages our relationship with GOD, and, with each other)
(Genesis 3)

In Matthew chapter 4, verses 1-11, JESUS won victory over satan by entering into his house, or domain, and “binding the strongman” with HIS precise knowledge of the Word of HIS FATHER GOD. Here in Genesis 3, satan gained dominion over the earth from man, because Adam and Eve either “did not understand” precisely what GOD commanded, or, “they did not remember, or care” precisely what GOD had commanded in HIS Word. If we are to be victorious in this life, just as CHRIST was, we must do so by understanding, remembering, and doing exactly what GOD commands of us.
In this world, we all eventually come to know we are “naked” and “unprotected” from the subtleness of temptations, and the shrewdness of satan, when we don’t know and adhere to the laws of GOD. It is a relationship that we simply cannot afford to “leave home without”, or live without. Our relationship with GOD must be an “experiential” one.
In Genesis chapter 2, we saw how GOD gave dominion over the earth to HIS greatest creation, man. Now, here in Genesis chapter 3, we see how man ceded it back over to satan, by way of his disobedience to GOD, his CREATOR. At that time, the “serpent” (satan in disguise) proved to be the shrewdest of all the creatures whom the LORD had created, and though he was, at that time, a “subordinate to Adam and Eve”, he quickly pounced upon his first opportunity to take advantage of his “lackadaisical superior” under GOD, and became, himself, “the prince of this world”.
The serpent convinced Eve that her “disobedience” would make her equal to GOD, and Adam, who was there with her at the time, apparently agreed (Vs.1-6). It was at that moment that they both realized just how “vulnerable and naked” they were, because they were now, “totally separated” from the GOD WHO created them in HIS OWN spiritual image. They were now feeling “the sting of guilt” for the very first time.
The position of “innocence and peace” that GOD had placed Adam and Eve in was destroyed by their yielding to temptation from man’s only enemy, satan. And the consequences of that disobedience would affect the entire human race, for all times. Satan’s shrewd enticement of Adam and Eve will forever remind us that we are never forced to sin, but rather, we are always vulnerable to temptation, and must ultimately “choose” to do the “wrong” or “right” thing.
In order to overcome temptation we need to know the Word of GOD accurately, and then be voluntarily willing to trust in HIS judgment that it is the very best thing for us to do. If we believe GOD’s Word, we believe that “the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom”. Satan convinced Eve that “disobedience to GOD” was the beginning of knowledge and wisdom”. Wisdom can never be obtained by disobeying the CREATOR of wisdom, which is GOD. GOD’s Word tells us that, before the world was ever created, wisdom already existed with GOD. In other words, GOD created wisdom first, before HE ever created anything else (Proverbs 8:22).
Following the spiritual fall of Adam and Eve, the spirit of “mistrust” and “alienation” entered into their personal relationship with each other (their marriage), and their personal relationship with GOD. They begin to hide themselves from GOD, and made excuses when they were finally confronted by HIM. They both blamed GOD directly for their sin, instead of accepting responsibility for their own “bad choice”. Adam claimed that it was the fault of “the woman GOD made” (v.12), and Eve claimed it was the fault of “the serpent GOD made” (v.13).
Today we react in the same way that Adam and Eve did when confronted with our sins, but instead, we claim that “it is the “sin nature” that GOD gave us when we were born”. And so, again, we see it as GOD’s fault that we sin, not ours, which is still just as ridiculous as it was when Adam and Eve originally voiced their lame excuses.
We sin because we want to, not because “we can’t help it”, and a 100% human JESUS, proved that with HIS OWN mortal life. For a wide variety of inexcusable reasons (bad teaching, laziness, the desire to do only what we want to do, etc.) most people don’t have an accurate knowledge of, or desire to obey the Holy Scriptures, and this is in spite of it being available to us today, in every language imaginable.
Human beings are not born with “sin nature”, but rather, we are born with “GOD’s nature”. We acquire “sin nature” from satan the moment we first disobey GOD at an age of accountability, just like Adam and Eve did. GOD would not be a “just GOD” if HE started us out with the disadvantage, or “deficit”, of already having sin in us. Instead, what Scripture teaches us is that we are born into a “state of sin”, or, “a world of sin”, a world where sin already exists. The sin is not originally in us, but rather, we are “born into it” (Chuwl) (Psalm 51:5) by way of our sinful parents who sinned before us, starting with Adam and Eve, who were the first to choose to do the wrong thing.
GOD wouldn’t be angry at us for sinning, if HE in fact, “made us” to sin from the beginning, starting us out in a state of helplessness, for that is a ridiculous thought. GOD made everything good, from the beginning, including the human side of HIS creation, the originals, and the reproductions, were, and are, made perfectly good (Genesis 1:31), particularly in the spiritual sense, just like HIMSELF.
Sin brought “physical death” into the world, but we don’t have to fear because JESUS has replaced it, or “covered it” with “spiritual life”, through HIS vicarious sacrifice. Satan crippled mankind with temptation and deception, but JESUS “crushed satan’s head” with HIS “righteousness”, and has now “reclaimed” man from under the dominion of sin and death.
The only way that we can keep our “restored relationship” with GOD, and with each other pure, is by “accepting responsibility for our sins” and bad choices (earnest repent), and then, by relying on the “forgiving love” and “life-giving blood” of CHRIST JESUS to heal the damaging effects that our sin can have on our lives, and, on the lives of others.
GOD banished man from the “ideal setting” of the Garden of Eden for his own good, however, HE did not banish man from HIS heart, and, from the ideal setting of the Kingdom of Heaven, for the same reason. And so, biological death can now be viewed as a “grace gift” from the Almighty GOD. And when we choose the right path, we will be kept from the “punishing consequences” that lie on the road to destruction, and, in the end, we will come to know the absolute full extent of GOD’s redeeming love for mankind, HIS greatest creation.  

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website


Friday, September 6, 2013

An international Sunday school lesson commentary

For Sunday September 8, 2013

Over 48,000 readers worldwide

(GOD created man and woman to be in relationship with each other, and with HIM)
(Genesis 2:1-7, 18-25)

Back in Genesis chapter 1, verses 26-31 Moses tells us that GOD created mankind and “patterned him after HIMSELF, spiritually”. This means that HE gave only humans the capacity for “spiritual fellowship” with HIM, or, in other words, HE shared, only with the human side of HIS creation, “HIS nature”.  In verse 27, the Hebrew word used for “image”, “tselem” (tseh-lem), means, “a representative figure”. And so here the word “image” is used “figuratively”, not literally, because JESUS tells us that GOD does not have a “physical” image, but rather, HE is spirit (John 4:24).
And so the phrase “made in GOD’s image” is speaking of a “spiritual image” that consists of the communicable spiritual attributes of GOD, which we know as, “GOD’s Nature”, or, “The Nature of GOD”. GOD’s Nature is what all men and women have in common. And when we are in touch with GOD’s Nature, we don’t get confused about what our roles are under GOD. We know that if we are born male, we are “a representative figure” of “manhood” under GOD, and if we are born a female, we are “a representative figure” of “womanhood” under GOD. When GOD uniquely breathed life into man, HE also imparted to us, the elements of HIS nature, which also allows us to have the capacity for spiritual fellowship with HIM, and to worship HIM as GOD.
These seven basic elements of GOD’s nature are;

·         Life – Genesis 2:7a, John 1:4 & 14:6
·         Personality – Genesis 2:7b, John 1:1b & 2
·         Truth – John 14:6, Hosea 14:9b
·         Wisdom – Proverbs 7
·         Love – 1 John 4:8 & 16,
·         Justice – Jeremiah 50:7b, Psalm 89:14a, Deuteronomy 16:18-20  
·         Holiness – Leviticus 11:44 & 19:2

With that being said, now let us look at the creation of man in more detail. In Genesis chapter 2, verse 1, the bible tells us that “the creation of the heavens and the earth and everything in them was complete”. This means that GOD “totally finished” HIS work of creation and left nothing undone that HE would have to come back later on and finish, or change. And neither does HE need man to come along and try to change anything for HIM, or, for his own evil, pride-filled purposes.
And so we are to function as GOD originally purposed us to do, if we are to stay within HIS Will and HIS creation roles for us, which cannot, and will not change. HE does not have to change, because HE got it right on the first try. That’s why HE’s GOD, and we’re not.
 Man is incapable of improving on GOD’s work, period. He cannot improve upon GOD in any way, not in nature, not in animals, not in insects, not in birds, not in human beings, human functions and creation roles, and certainly not in the way that the institution of marriage was originally set up. As mere humans, we don’t get to change the definitions that GOD has placed on morality, marriage, creation roles, etc.
Here in Genesis chapter 2, verses 8-17, Moses tells how GOD carefully shaped the “Garden of Eden” so that Adam and Eve (not Adam and Steve), whom HE created, would be able to use all of those “communicable attributes”, to make wise decisions based on obedience to HIM. They were not to use human ingenuity, sexual perversion, or any of the other things that evil minds concoct to do, through pride and self-worship, in order to do that which is pleasing in his own sight.
GOD left it to them to take care of their place of residence that HE had so generously provided for them here on earth, and, HE also left them with specific instructions as to how they should live under HIM. Those attributes that HE embodied in them were to also come in handy as they explored and discovered their love for the beauty of GOD’s creation, their delight in meaningful work, their moral responsibility, and even their passion for invention.
When GOD fashioned beautiful Eve from the rib of Adam (the world’s first surgery–v.21), it let man know that “he and woman” would always share a common identity in GOD, and “a distinct identity from each other” (separate and distinct creation roles). They would always be equals, sharing in GOD’s likeness, or, spiritual image, and, as husband and wife, they should always be distinct, and yet inseparable. They would always share an equal responsibility in caring for each other, and, for all of GOD’s creation.
And so we see that GOD made man for HIMSELF so that he would obey, serve and worship HIM, at all times. And then later, HE made woman, from man, for man, to be a companion who will help him at all times (v.18). They were also to come together to “reproduce life” through sexual intercourse (Genesis 1:28a), something that two men together, or two women together can’t possibly do. Homosexuality is against GOD’s nature (life), just like all other sexual sin, and is therefore, anti-CHRIST. It is anti-life and does not fit anyone’s creation role, and we as human beings, don’t get to change the definition of GOD’s intended creation roles for mankind.
The same GOD WHO says, Thou shalt not murder, thou shalt not commit adultery, thou shalt not steal, etc., is the same GOD that says two men, or two women, shalt not commit sexual acts with each other, as they would with their GOD-appointed human counterpart (Leviticus 18:22, 20:13), nor shall a man even wear women’s clothes, nor, a woman wear men’s clothes (Deuteronomy 22:5).
Now, let’s talk about adultery for a moment, and we’ll start with “unequally yoked marriages”, since there seems to be much more of them in today’s society than those that are “biblically correct”. In an “unequally yoked” marriage, where either the male, or the female, may be an unbeliever, the Christian in the marriage, by way of their faith, pledges before GOD to abstain from “adultery”. Also, in marriages where only one spouse is a believer, that marriage is “joined in spiritual union with CHRIST”, because of that believer. In other words, the husband, or wife, and CHRIST become “one in spirit”, and it is still a marriage sanctioned under GOD. And so, in marriage, you are no longer viewed by GOD as being two, but rather, you and your spouse become one, with CHRIST. Now keep in mind that there is also a “spiritual link” involved in sexual intercourse, where the people, who choose to engage in it, become spiritually connected as one, whether they are married or not, because GOD made sexual intercourse, only for marriage (1 Corinthians 6:16).
When a married person has sexual intercourse, outside of marriage, they are not only spiritually joining themselves with that “outside” person, but they are also joining their spouse, who is one with them, to that outside person, and, in effect, pulling that spouse into that adulterous relationship with them.
However, the victimized party in the relationship must not get so angry that he or she forgets about the third member of our marital union, JESUS CHRIST. HE too has been pulled into our sinful act, spiritually, but I assure you that HE will not abandon the Christian side of that marital union for any reason.
CHRIST gave up the comforts of Heaven and came down to sacrifice HIMSELF for all of our sins, including our sexual sins, and we are forgiven for whatever we do, no matter what sin we committed, commit, or will commit, if we earnestly repent of our wrongdoing. HE bought us at a high price. And so, if HE can forgive us, and stay with us, why can’t we try and do the same for our spouse.
Christians are called to a high standard in married life, and, in the single life, and our bodies belong to CHRIST forever. For the human being, especially the Christian, to forgive has always been, “divine”. And if we are, in any sense, to be called “A follower of CHRIST”, then, we must indeed, follow HIS examples, forever incorporating them into our everyday lives, so that we may be a shining example to others, at all times.
We, as men and women, must never lose sight of the fact, that, our commonalities, the divisions and distinctions of our physical forms and human functions, our earthly roles, and, our spiritual responsibilities of fellowship with GOD, are all invaluable gifts and privileges, that should not be abused. These privileges have only been given to “humans”, as GOD’s special creation, so that we may have dominion over the works of HIS hands, here on earth, under GOD.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website