An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday April 27, 2014
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(Understanding the weight of our sins and JESUS’ sacrifice)
(Luke 24:13-53 & Isaiah 52:13-53:13)
Isaiah 52:13-53:13, is the fourth, and, quite
frankly, most compelling of Isaiah’s, so called, “Servant Songs”. It contains
the Old Testament’s clearest description of the suffering of CHRIST, which was
to occur some 700 years later in Jerusalem, and culminate with JESUS’ “death
walk” to Golgotha, and HIS subsequent earthly expiration on the cross.
In Acts chapter 1,
verse 3, as expressed in the original Greek, the word Luke uses for “passion”
is “pascho” (pas-kho), and it means “to experience the sensation or impression
of pain”. This is the only time in Scripture that this particular word is used
for “passion”. There, it describes the suffering of CHRIST that is depicted in
the “Passion Narratives” of the four Gospels (Matthew 26 & 27, Mark 14
& 15, Luke 22, & John 19). These particular passages represent the
fulfillment of the prophecy of this fourth “Servant Song” that was spoken and
recorded by Isaiah all those years ago in Jerusalem.
Theologians of the
Post-Apostolic age often struggled to find an explanation as to why JESUS
CHRIST had to die. This passage, by Isaiah, gives us perhaps, the clearest
“explanation of why” that Scripture has to offer. Here, Isaiah tells us, in
effect, that CHRIST was offered up as a “guilt offering”, or “offering of
atonement” for the sins of man, past, present, and future (53:10-12). It was
the only offering that could be acceptable to GOD THE FATHER. And so, we see a
“theology of atonement” being developed here in this passage.
Isaiah tells us in
52:13 that JESUS (the SERVANT) was so badly beaten and bloodied, that, one
would have a hard time recognizing if HE was even a human being. He tells us in
53:2 that there was already nothing beautiful or majestic about HIS appearance
that would draw a person to HIM. Isaiah tells us in verse 3, that, in addition,
CHRIST would be rejected and despised, and would be a man of sorrow, all too
acquainted, with bitter grief, and, that we would not recognize that it was our
weaknesses and sorrows that weighed HIM down (verse 4). We would think first that
HIS troubles were a product of HIS own sins, however, we now understand more
clearly, that HE was wounded and crushed for our sins instead.
JESUS was beaten so
that we might have peace, and HE was whipped, so that we might be healed (verse
5). In verse 7, the prophet tells us that, “HE was oppressed and treated
harshly, yet HE never said a word. HE was led as a lamb to slaughter. And, as a
sheep is silent before the Shearers, HE did not open HIS mouth” (NLT). And
finally, Isaiah tells us that JESUS would be buried like a criminal, but in a
rich man’s grave (see Matthew 27:57-60 regarding Joseph of Aramathea, the rich
man, who buried JESUS in his own tomb).
JESUS CHRIST’s suffering was a unique event in the annals of human history. Its
uniqueness lies in the fact that, HE is the SON of GOD, and that HIS vicarious
sacrifice was what won us our Salvation. No one, and nothing else, could have
provided us with such a precious gift. HE was counted among sinners, but in
reality, HE actually bore the sins of sinners, and interceded for all mankind
in general, and all Christians, in particular.
In Luke
chapter 24, verses 13-34, the author of GOD writes of the seven-mile walk, of
two of JESUS’ followers, from Jerusalem to Emmaus, just hours after JESUS’
Resurrection victory over death, and satan. Here, Luke gives his unique and,
now famous account, of the story of Cleopus and an unnamed follower of JESUS, who
were walking along the road to Emmaus, a town just west of Jerusalem.
As they
walked along, they were discussing all the events surrounding CHRIST’s arrest,
trials, Crucifixion, death, and now, reported Resurrection, that had occurred
over that historic weekend in Jerusalem. Suddenly, JESUS appeared and began
walking along with them. Here Luke tells us that GOD kept the men from
recognizing who JESUS was. Knowing that the two were discussing HIM, JESUS asks
the men, “What are you so concerned about?” They looked at JESUS with sadness
in their face, and one of them, Cleopus, replied, “You must be the only person
in Jerusalem, who has not heard about all the things that have happened there
the last few days”.
replied, “What things?”, the men went on to tell HIM about all the events that
had taken place in the previous three days. JESUS then says to them, “You are
such foolish people! You find it so hard to believe all that the Prophets wrote
in Scriptures. Wasn’t it clearly predicted by the Prophets that the MESSIAH
would have to suffer all these things before entering HIS time of glory?” JESUS
then began to quote Scriptures explaining those writings of Moses and all the
Prophets that where pertaining directly to HIMSELF.
As they
neared the end of their journey, the men begged JESUS to stay and have a meal
with them, and perhaps, stay the night, because it was almost dark and too late
to travel back to Jerusalem. JESUS accepted their invitation, and as they sat
down to eat, HE took a small loaf of bread, asked GOD’s blessing on it, broke
it, and then gave it to the two men. Suddenly, their eyes were opened (spiritually),
and GOD allowed them to recognize who JESUS was, and, at that same moment,
JESUS disappeared. Within the hour, the men were on their way back to Jerusalem,
despite the fact that it was now dark.
The word “Emmaus”,
means “despised people”, and Jerusalem means, “possessor of peace”. These two
men, even though they were followers of JESUS, didn’t really know JESUS until
that day, during their walk along the Emmaus road. Once their spiritual eyes
were open to JESUS, HE allowed them to see their way through the darkness back
to Jerusalem. In fact, that very night they went from just being “despised
people” (believers in CHRIST), to being “possessors of peace” (true followers
of CHRIST), if you get my drift. By the time JESUS was killed, HE had become a
“despised person” in Jerusalem. He was despised by the Jewish leaders, and most
of the Jewish populace. After HIS “passion” (suffering that weekend in
Jerusalem), HE once again, became a “possessor of peace”, as HE ascended back
into HIS glory in Heaven.
JESUS always knew
that HIS only way back to glory was through the “cross”, and so it is with
those of us, who follow HIM. With “open eyes”, JESUS accepted the circumstances
of the cross, so that whosoever believes in HIM, would not perish, but rather,
would be able to possess the peace of “Eternal Life” in the presence of the
almighty “GOD the FATHER” in Heaven.
In Luke
24:25, as expressed in the original Greek, the word Luke uses for “fools” is
“anoetos” (an-o-ay-tos). It is used only six times in New Testament Scripture.
Five of those times it is used in reference to those who are believers. Unlike
the use of the word “fool” in the Old Testament, which is used to describe a
person whose problems are moral, this word describes an individual who sees
things from a distorted perspective. It describes “one who has not fully
adopted the “Divine Viewpoint” of CHRIST.
It is
imperative that, we as Christians, not only be believers in JESUS, but also,
get to know JESUS, on a personal level. In doing so, we can develop a “Divine
Viewpoint”, through that personal, experiential relationship. It is not enough,
just to have correct information, but we must also be able to discern and use
that information correctly. And when we are able to discern it correctly, it is
our Christian duty to then, share it with others. In other words we must first
begin to share the mind of CHRIST (the Divine Viewpoint), and then, share that
idealism with others. And always remember, the Christian message is never fully
ours, until we have shared it with someone else.
In Luke 24, taking up at verse 36, we see
chronicled, Luke’s personal written account of the appearance of a
post-resurrection JESUS in a physical body. Here begins a passage that stresses
the reality of the resurrection of our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST, which is
the foundation of the Christian faith.
Almost since the very beginning of time,
and certainly since the conception of the written Word by GOD, all roads of the
hope for the salvation of mankind pointed to a destination in Jerusalem on
Skull Hill. It was always in the plan of GOD, and must never be deemed as an
emergency measure that GOD incorporated when all else had failed in HIS dealing
with HIS greatest creation, mankind.
Just as the two men who met JESUS on the
road to Emmaus were telling their story to the apostles at Jerusalem (v.35),
JESUS suddenly appeared in their midst. HE then spoke to the frightened group
of men saying, “Peace be with you”. The men stared at JESUS thinking that HE
was a ghost. JESUS then asked, “Why are you frightened”? Why do you doubt who I
To assure them that HE was not an
apparition, JESUS invited them to examine HIS hands and feet, and to touch HIS
body. HE wanted them to see that “the JESUS WHO died on the cross” was “the
CHRIST WHO had arisen from the dead”, just as HE said HE would. Still they
stood there doubting, even though they were filled with the joy of seeing their
teacher once again. Then JESUS offered them a final proof by requesting fish to
eat, and then, eating it in front of them, something that a ghost could never
After eating the fish, JESUS gave HIS
students a review of all the Scriptures that Moses and the prophets had written
concerning HIM, and how they had now been fulfilled. And then, with HIS
authority over all Heaven and Earth, HE charged HIS disciples to take the
message of repentance to all nations (Jews and Gentiles), beginning in
Jerusalem. They were to preach that “there is forgiveness of sins for all who
turn to JESUS”. And that, they themselves were uniquely eyewitnesses to all
things written in the Scriptures about JESUS.
After commissioning HIS disciples, JESUS
re-iterates HIS promise to send the HOLY SPIRIT, and they were not to begin
their mission until HE came and filled them with power from GOD (v.49). Here
JESUS is stressing the importance of not acting until one is prepared to do the
work that one is called to perform. Action without preparation often fails, as
there is a definite time to wait on GOD, and, there is a definite time to work
for GOD.
JESUS’ ascension back into Heaven (Vs. 50-53),
perhaps, will remain one of those things that can never be properly described,
even by those who witnessed it. Never the less it represents both, a beginning,
and, an end, as it will forever identify the exact moment when the JESUS of
this earth, became the CHRIST of Heaven, WHO now shares all power with GOD the
FATHER in HIS Heavenly command center. And the disciples stood and worshiped
HIM for a long moment, until they were commanded by an angel to obey the order
of JESUS that “they return to Jerusalem and wait on the HOLY SPIRIT to arrive”.
They were filled with great joy, and they spent all of their time in the temple
praising GOD in the interim.
A Sunday
school lesson by,
Larry D.