Friday, April 25, 2014

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday April 27, 2014

Over 60,000 readers worldwide

(Understanding the weight of our sins and JESUS’ sacrifice)
(Luke 24:13-53 & Isaiah 52:13-53:13)

Isaiah 52:13-53:13, is the fourth, and, quite frankly, most compelling of Isaiah’s, so called, “Servant Songs”. It contains the Old Testament’s clearest description of the suffering of CHRIST, which was to occur some 700 years later in Jerusalem, and culminate with JESUS’ “death walk” to Golgotha, and HIS subsequent earthly expiration on the cross.
In Acts chapter 1, verse 3, as expressed in the original Greek, the word Luke uses for “passion” is “pascho” (pas-kho), and it means “to experience the sensation or impression of pain”. This is the only time in Scripture that this particular word is used for “passion”. There, it describes the suffering of CHRIST that is depicted in the “Passion Narratives” of the four Gospels (Matthew 26 & 27, Mark 14 & 15, Luke 22, & John 19). These particular passages represent the fulfillment of the prophecy of this fourth “Servant Song” that was spoken and recorded by Isaiah all those years ago in Jerusalem.
Theologians of the Post-Apostolic age often struggled to find an explanation as to why JESUS CHRIST had to die. This passage, by Isaiah, gives us perhaps, the clearest “explanation of why” that Scripture has to offer. Here, Isaiah tells us, in effect, that CHRIST was offered up as a “guilt offering”, or “offering of atonement” for the sins of man, past, present, and future (53:10-12). It was the only offering that could be acceptable to GOD THE FATHER. And so, we see a “theology of atonement” being developed here in this passage.
Isaiah tells us in 52:13 that JESUS (the SERVANT) was so badly beaten and bloodied, that, one would have a hard time recognizing if HE was even a human being. He tells us in 53:2 that there was already nothing beautiful or majestic about HIS appearance that would draw a person to HIM. Isaiah tells us in verse 3, that, in addition, CHRIST would be rejected and despised, and would be a man of sorrow, all too acquainted, with bitter grief, and, that we would not recognize that it was our weaknesses and sorrows that weighed HIM down (verse 4). We would think first that HIS troubles were a product of HIS own sins, however, we now understand more clearly, that HE was wounded and crushed for our sins instead.
JESUS was beaten so that we might have peace, and HE was whipped, so that we might be healed (verse 5). In verse 7, the prophet tells us that, “HE was oppressed and treated harshly, yet HE never said a word. HE was led as a lamb to slaughter. And, as a sheep is silent before the Shearers, HE did not open HIS mouth” (NLT). And finally, Isaiah tells us that JESUS would be buried like a criminal, but in a rich man’s grave (see Matthew 27:57-60 regarding Joseph of Aramathea, the rich man, who buried JESUS in his own tomb).
Our LORD and SAVIOR’ JESUS CHRIST’s suffering was a unique event in the annals of human history. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that, HE is the SON of GOD, and that HIS vicarious sacrifice was what won us our Salvation. No one, and nothing else, could have provided us with such a precious gift. HE was counted among sinners, but in reality, HE actually bore the sins of sinners, and interceded for all mankind in general, and all Christians, in particular.
In Luke chapter 24, verses 13-34, the author of GOD writes of the seven-mile walk, of two of JESUS’ followers, from Jerusalem to Emmaus, just hours after JESUS’ Resurrection victory over death, and satan. Here, Luke gives his unique and, now famous account, of the story of Cleopus and an unnamed follower of JESUS, who were walking along the road to Emmaus, a town just west of Jerusalem.
As they walked along, they were discussing all the events surrounding CHRIST’s arrest, trials, Crucifixion, death, and now, reported Resurrection, that had occurred over that historic weekend in Jerusalem. Suddenly, JESUS appeared and began walking along with them. Here Luke tells us that GOD kept the men from recognizing who JESUS was. Knowing that the two were discussing HIM, JESUS asks the men, “What are you so concerned about?” They looked at JESUS with sadness in their face, and one of them, Cleopus, replied, “You must be the only person in Jerusalem, who has not heard about all the things that have happened there the last few days”.
When JESUS replied, “What things?”, the men went on to tell HIM about all the events that had taken place in the previous three days. JESUS then says to them, “You are such foolish people! You find it so hard to believe all that the Prophets wrote in Scriptures. Wasn’t it clearly predicted by the Prophets that the MESSIAH would have to suffer all these things before entering HIS time of glory?” JESUS then began to quote Scriptures explaining those writings of Moses and all the Prophets that where pertaining directly to HIMSELF.
As they neared the end of their journey, the men begged JESUS to stay and have a meal with them, and perhaps, stay the night, because it was almost dark and too late to travel back to Jerusalem. JESUS accepted their invitation, and as they sat down to eat, HE took a small loaf of bread, asked GOD’s blessing on it, broke it, and then gave it to the two men. Suddenly, their eyes were opened (spiritually), and GOD allowed them to recognize who JESUS was, and, at that same moment, JESUS disappeared. Within the hour, the men were on their way back to Jerusalem, despite the fact that it was now dark.
The word “Emmaus”, means “despised people”, and Jerusalem means, “possessor of peace”. These two men, even though they were followers of JESUS, didn’t really know JESUS until that day, during their walk along the Emmaus road. Once their spiritual eyes were open to JESUS, HE allowed them to see their way through the darkness back to Jerusalem. In fact, that very night they went from just being “despised people” (believers in CHRIST), to being “possessors of peace” (true followers of CHRIST), if you get my drift. By the time JESUS was killed, HE had become a “despised person” in Jerusalem. He was despised by the Jewish leaders, and most of the Jewish populace. After HIS “passion” (suffering that weekend in Jerusalem), HE once again, became a “possessor of peace”, as HE ascended back into HIS glory in Heaven.
JESUS always knew that HIS only way back to glory was through the “cross”, and so it is with those of us, who follow HIM. With “open eyes”, JESUS accepted the circumstances of the cross, so that whosoever believes in HIM, would not perish, but rather, would be able to possess the peace of “Eternal Life” in the presence of the almighty “GOD the FATHER” in Heaven.
In Luke 24:25, as expressed in the original Greek, the word Luke uses for “fools” is “anoetos” (an-o-ay-tos). It is used only six times in New Testament Scripture. Five of those times it is used in reference to those who are believers. Unlike the use of the word “fool” in the Old Testament, which is used to describe a person whose problems are moral, this word describes an individual who sees things from a distorted perspective. It describes “one who has not fully adopted the “Divine Viewpoint” of CHRIST.
It is imperative that, we as Christians, not only be believers in JESUS, but also, get to know JESUS, on a personal level. In doing so, we can develop a “Divine Viewpoint”, through that personal, experiential relationship. It is not enough, just to have correct information, but we must also be able to discern and use that information correctly. And when we are able to discern it correctly, it is our Christian duty to then, share it with others. In other words we must first begin to share the mind of CHRIST (the Divine Viewpoint), and then, share that idealism with others. And always remember, the Christian message is never fully ours, until we have shared it with someone else.
In Luke 24, taking up at verse 36, we see chronicled, Luke’s personal written account of the appearance of a post-resurrection JESUS in a physical body. Here begins a passage that stresses the reality of the resurrection of our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST, which is the foundation of the Christian faith.
Almost since the very beginning of time, and certainly since the conception of the written Word by GOD, all roads of the hope for the salvation of mankind pointed to a destination in Jerusalem on Skull Hill. It was always in the plan of GOD, and must never be deemed as an emergency measure that GOD incorporated when all else had failed in HIS dealing with HIS greatest creation, mankind. 
Just as the two men who met JESUS on the road to Emmaus were telling their story to the apostles at Jerusalem (v.35), JESUS suddenly appeared in their midst. HE then spoke to the frightened group of men saying, “Peace be with you”. The men stared at JESUS thinking that HE was a ghost. JESUS then asked, “Why are you frightened”? Why do you doubt who I AM?”
To assure them that HE was not an apparition, JESUS invited them to examine HIS hands and feet, and to touch HIS body. HE wanted them to see that “the JESUS WHO died on the cross” was “the CHRIST WHO had arisen from the dead”, just as HE said HE would. Still they stood there doubting, even though they were filled with the joy of seeing their teacher once again. Then JESUS offered them a final proof by requesting fish to eat, and then, eating it in front of them, something that a ghost could never do.
After eating the fish, JESUS gave HIS students a review of all the Scriptures that Moses and the prophets had written concerning HIM, and how they had now been fulfilled. And then, with HIS authority over all Heaven and Earth, HE charged HIS disciples to take the message of repentance to all nations (Jews and Gentiles), beginning in Jerusalem. They were to preach that “there is forgiveness of sins for all who turn to JESUS”. And that, they themselves were uniquely eyewitnesses to all things written in the Scriptures about JESUS.
After commissioning HIS disciples, JESUS re-iterates HIS promise to send the HOLY SPIRIT, and they were not to begin their mission until HE came and filled them with power from GOD (v.49). Here JESUS is stressing the importance of not acting until one is prepared to do the work that one is called to perform. Action without preparation often fails, as there is a definite time to wait on GOD, and, there is a definite time to work for GOD.
JESUS’ ascension back into Heaven (Vs. 50-53), perhaps, will remain one of those things that can never be properly described, even by those who witnessed it. Never the less it represents both, a beginning, and, an end, as it will forever identify the exact moment when the JESUS of this earth, became the CHRIST of Heaven, WHO now shares all power with GOD the FATHER in HIS Heavenly command center. And the disciples stood and worshiped HIM for a long moment, until they were commanded by an angel to obey the order of JESUS that “they return to Jerusalem and wait on the HOLY SPIRIT to arrive”. They were filled with great joy, and they spent all of their time in the temple praising GOD in the interim.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday April 20, 2014

Over 59,000 readers worldwide

(The resurrected JESUS restores those who believe)
(Luke 24:1-12, 36-53 & Hosea 6:1-3)

Unlike the other three Gospels, Matthew, Mark, and John, Luke’s account of the resurrection of JESUS is related to us in the light of Old Testament teachings about the MESSIAH, and, in JESUS’ OWN view of HIS mission. Also unique to Luke’s Gospel is the fact that he ends it, not with the resurrection of JESUS, but rather, he closes out his account with JESUS’ ascension back into Heaven.
William Barclay once wrote, “There is a tendency to think of Christianity and CHRIST merely in terms of something to be studied; beyond doubt study is necessary, but JESUS is not only someone to be studied; HE is also someone to be met and lived with everyday. HE is not only a figure in a book, even if that book be the greatest in the world; HE is also, a living presence”.
The Jews observe Saturday as the Sabbath because it is the last day of the week, and the day that GOD rested from all of HIS labors in creating everything in Heaven and the earth (Genesis 1). Christians observe Sunday because it is the first day of the week, and the day that Scripture says that it was discovered that CHRIST had been raised from the dead (Matthew 28:1-2).
At the very heart of Christianity we find the resurrection of CHRIST. If you remove this concept from it, Christianity becomes null and void. The fact of the resurrection of CHRIST JESUS affirms to all Christians that HE is truly the SON of the living GOD. It also proves that JESUS’ vicarious sacrifice on the cross at Golgotha was accepted by GOD on behalf of all those who believe, then and now.
We must preach this resurrection account often because men always, before very long, begin to suppress the truth of GOD’s Word. We must often be prompted to remember (Vs. 1-8), trust (Vs.36-40), understand (Vs.44-46), and then, we must follow through (Vs.47-53). That is exactly the message conveyed by Luke, here in this final chapter of his Gospel account.
In verses 36-49 we can read about how JESUS came to HIS disciples when they were all gathered in the upper room, in the mist of all the excitement of the final night of the Passover celebrations in Jerusalem. Here in this passage we see several things being stressed, or put to note, concerning the coming Christian Faith;

·         First of all we see being stressed, “The reality of the Resurrection” (Vs.36-43) – Here JESUS invites HIS bewildered followers to touch HIM to re-assure their own minds that He was real, and not a ghost. HE also ate food, while they all sat and watched, which, is something that an apparition wouldn’t, nor could not do.
·         Then we see “The necessity of the Cross” (Vs.44-46) - Here JESUS stresses the importance of the fulfillment of Scriptures, and HE opens up the minds of HIS disciples to understand all Scripture that pertained directly to HIM, that had been written by Moses and the prophets. JESUS tells them that, HE must suffer unto death, and rise from the dead on the third day.
·         Then JESUS stresses “The urgency of the task” (Vs.47-48) – Here HE tells HIS disciples that “with HIS authority, take this message of repentance to all nations, beginning in Jerusalem: “There is forgiveness of sin, for all who turn to ME. And you are witnesses to all these things”.
·         And finally, JESUS gives them “The secret of the power” (v.49) – Which is the HOLY SPIRIT, WHOM JESUS would send, as promised by GOD the FATHER. They were to wait in Jerusalem until the HOLY SPIRIT came and filled them with power.

In this final chapter of Luke, we are reminded of the words of the Old Testament prophet Hosea, in his call for repentance (Hosea 6:1-3), where he proclaims, “Come, let us return to the LORD! HE has torn us in pieces; now HE will heal us. HE has injured us; now HE will bandage our wounds. In just a short time, HE will restore us so we can live in HIS presence. Oh, that we might know the LORD! Let us press on to know HIM!” (NLT)
In Luke 24, verses 50-53 we see a vivid description of the “Ascension of CHRIST JESUS, and the happy ending to HIS earthly ministry. Here JESUS leads HIS disciples to Bethany, where HE blessed them before being taken up into Heaven. There they worshipped JESUS for a while before returning to Jerusalem, where they abided in the temple praising GOD.
The Ascension of JESUS will always remain a mystery because it attempts to put into words, that which is unexplainable, and to describe that which is indescribable. It is when the JESUS of earth suddenly became the CHRIST WHO art in Heaven. Upon HIS return to Heaven JESUS left us one charge, and one charge only, and that is, to make disciples of men and women all over the world. And so we see Luke’s Gospel account ending exactly where it began, in the most important place on earth, “the House of GOD”.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, April 11, 2014

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday April 13, 2014

Over 59,000 readers worldwide

(JESUS sacrificed for HIS people)
(John 19:1-5, Jeremiah 23:5-6, & Zechariah 6:9-15)

In the biblical Greek, the word used for “truth” is “aletheia”, and it means “in harmony with reality”. To compromise the truth, is to not stand behind the truth at all. We either hold fast to the things of GOD, or, we allow ourselves to be deceived by satan, just as when we doubt GOD’s goodness, we automatically become attracted to satan’s offers. When we deny the truth, we are no longer in harmony with reality.
In Jeremiah 23, verses 5-6, the prophet Jeremiah delivered this message from the LORD;
“For the time is coming when I will place a righteous branch on King David’s throne. HE will be a KING WHO rules with wisdom. HE will do what is just and right throughout the land. And this is HIS name: “The LORD is our righteousness”. In that day Judah will be saved, and Israel will live in safety”.
In Zechariah 6:9-15, the prophet Zechariah paints a rather vivid description of a coming MESSIAH WHO would be both a KING, and a PRIEST, and now we know that that PERSON was, and is, CHRIST JESUS our LORD. JESUS completely filled the office of priest, as it is described in the Old Testament, and as it is taught in the New Testament in the book of Hebrews (Hebrews 7:1-14). HE fulfilled the “Aaronic Priesthood” type, as one who offers up gifts and sacrifices, and as an interceder for the LORD’s people. JESUS’ priesthood is also compared to that of Melchizedek, the historical, obscure figure to whom even Abraham paid tithes (Genesis 15:17-20).
JESUS, like Melchizedek, is a King/Priest. As King/Priest, JESUS heads the Christian Church, which makes it a holy and royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:5 & 9). And so, the Christian Church is a Priesthood, whereby every believer is a priest. And the fact that the Church is a priesthood, makes CHRIST, WHO is the head of the Church, our High Priest.
JESUS received priesthood by divine appointment from GOD. Like Melchizedek, HE did not derive HIS priesthood from HIS lineage, and there are no descending priests who succeeded HIM. As priests under CHRIST, Christians must offer a fivefold sacrifice;

·         Their own bodies (Romans 12:1, Philippians 2:17, 2 Timothy 4:6, James 1:27)
·         Praise to GOD (Hebrews 13:15)
·         The sacrifice of good works (Hebrews 13:15)
·         Sharing gifts of money and service to those in need (Romans 12:13, Galatians 6:6, & 10, Titus 3:14)
·         Be intercessors in prayer for others (Colossians 4:12, 1 Timothy 2:1)

In John 19 we see that the Jews delivered JESUS into the hands of Pilate, and despite his finding JESUS innocent, Pilate tried to compromise the truth of his findings (John 18:38-39 & 19:7)). He convinced himself in the end, that he had done all that he could, but actually, he knew even deeper in his heart that he had long ago, through his problems with the Jews, tossed away his option to do the right thing. Through his earlier actions against the Jews, he had already set himself up to be blackmailed by the Jewish hierarchy in Jerusalem.
The “permissive will” of GOD, allows for man to do many things, and ultimately, through JESUS’ death, we also receive GOD’s wonderful and abounding grace. However, GOD, through HIS infinite wisdom, will never allow “grace” to trump “truth”. The “TRUTH” presented itself to Pilate that day, in the person of JESUS CHRIST, and he decided to put TRUTH to death.
As for the Jews, in order to carry out the death of JESUS, they abandoned every principle that they ever had, especially on that day, when they uttered these infamous words to Pilate, as it is recorded in John 19:15, where they state, “We have no King but Caesar”. It was a final abandonment of the GOD that they had always preached, that, they served.
The Jews denial of King JESUS put the final brush strokes on a tragic painting, of a maddened mob, that had been driven by anger. Driven by their hatred for JESUS, the Jews lost all sense of proportion, and they totally forgot about the mercy, they themselves, had so often preached about in the temple. They forgot all justice, and, in the end, they denounced GOD, and JESUS as their King, and they professed Caesar as the only king they would follow.
Never before, in the history of man, has hatred’s insanity presented itself before us this vividly, and hopefully, it never will again. There can never be a “right time” to do the “wrong thing”, as Pilate and the Jews ultimately did. They took the most beautiful LIFE, that ever did live, and then, they snuffed it out, on a cross.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website


Friday, April 4, 2014

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday April 6, 2014

Over 59,000 readers worldwide

(We are called to integrity and holiness)
(Mark 11:15-19, Isaiah 56:6-8, & Jeremiah 7:1-15)

Week in and week out I continue to see how we as a professed Christian body continue to go to GOD’s House and “play church” with each other. Our worship in the church is not really worship of GOD at all, but rather, it is just us getting together and entertaining ourselves under the guise that we are praising and worshipping GOD.
In Isaiah chapter 56, verses 6-8, because the Jews had rejected GOD, even in HIS OWN house, the prophet Isaiah delivers a message from GOD that HE will rain HIS special blessings upon all Gentiles who commit themselves to HIM, serve HIM, love HIS name, worship HIM, and do not desecrate HIS Sabbath day of rest. In other words, any Gentile who is willing to accept the covenant that HE made with the Jews, HE will honor them also with HIS blessing.
GOD goes on to also promise Gentiles that HE will bring them to HIS holy mountain of Jerusalem and fill them with joy in HIS “House of Prayer”. Here GOD declares that HIS temple will be called a house of prayer for all nations, not just HIS people in Israel.
In Jeremiah chapter 7, in the prophet’s brief “temple address”, verses 1-15, Jeremiah sternly warns the people about their wreckless disrespect of GOD’s temple. The temple, at that time, had become a place of superstitious fetishes, where false prophets tried to assure the people of Judah that they were safe there regardless of what they might do. They believed that GOD would never destroy the place where HE had placed HIS name here on earth. They believed that the church and Judah were completely safe from GOD’s judgment simply because they were GOD’s chosen nation.
Jeremiah’s sermon serves to do away with such foolishness and superstitions, that were by then, the beliefs of most of the faithful in the church community. Here GOD sought to warn the people of Judah, through Jeremiah, that their safety did not lie within the confines of their defiled temple, or their nation, but rather, it would depend upon the moral, social, and religious reforms, that, at that time, were sorely needed (Vs.6-10).
In this passage (v.11), GOD refers to the temple as a “den of thieves”, a place where robbers came to hang out and hide in search of new victims. It is a disturbing analogy, although it accurately described the activity in and around this, once sacred, edifice in Jerusalem.
In verse 12 GOD invites Judah to take a look at Shiloh and what happened to the tabernacle there, during the days of the Judges. At that time HE allowed the Philistines to capture the “Ark of the Covenant”, the most sacred object in Israel’s religion, and then, HE destroyed Shiloh itself.
This history lesson served to show the people of Judah that their confidence in the safety of the temple and Judah was sadly misplaced, and that GOD can and will destroy the temple, and Jerusalem, if they didn’t get their act together real soon.
All during the time when the Israelites were committing their evil deeds, the LORD had repeatedly spoken to them, through various prophets, however, HIS warnings went largely unheeded. In this instance in the book of Jeremiah, GOD was promising to send HIS beloved nation into exile for 70 years, which was one year for every “Sabbath Year Rest” (see Leviticus 25:1-7) that they had ignored, 70 violations in all, during a 490 year period. And as all of biblical history has shown, GOD always gives us numerous warnings, before HE exacts HIS punishment on us.
And finally we see in Mark chapter 11, verses 15-22, JESUS, the SON of the Most High GOD, arriving in Jerusalem, where HE went directly to the Temple and cast out the unsavory characters that could still be found within. And so we find that, just as HIS FATHER GOD had to do many years earlier, so too, JESUS had to also do at the Church House in HIS day. And just as man never learns, still the church must be cleansed again in this day and age, and, it will be.
In the Greek, the word New Testament writers sometimes use to describe GOD’s discipline, (as in “the goodness by which HE rebukes and disciplines us), is “agathosune” ( ag-ath-o-soo-nay). It is a word that does not occur in secular Greek. This is the word that applies to JESUS’ actions in verses 15-17, when HE ejected the robbers and moneychangers from the temple because they had desecrated GOD’s Holy Place.
By overcharging the people for animals, used to give as sacrifices to GOD at the Temple, and, by charging them too large of a fee to convert their money over to the proper local currency, they were, in effect, blocking these people from worshipping GOD. Here, JESUS seeks to remind us not to block anyone from worshipping GOD, and, that GOD loves, not just the Jews, but, all the nations of the world.
There is, perhaps, no other place in Scriptures, where we feel reminded, that we need to make a more conscious effort to be fair in our dealings with each other. There were many crooked people in the Temple Court that day, but there were also many others, whose hearts were set on GOD. The LORD will never hold blameless, those who make it hard, or impossible for others to worship HIM.
Oftentimes nowadays, many ministers of GOD, can be more concerned, with imposing their ways of doing things, on their congregation, than they are, with preaching and teaching the true word of GOD. Remember, JESUS didn’t send everyone in the temple away that day, but rather, it was only those who were blocking the worship of GOD, by making it difficult, or impossible for the poorest among them to afford animal sacrifices used in worship of HIM.
Man’s exploitation of man will always provoke the wrath of GOD, and especially when it is done under the guise of Christianity. “Need” is never sent away empty by CHRIST JESUS, and HIS anger is never “negative”. GOD’s anger is always geared toward the positive helping of those who are in need. Such will always be the way of GOD’s “agathosune” (discipline) upon mankind.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website