Friday, August 29, 2014

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday August 31, 2014

Over 64,000 readers worldwide

(Growing in your willingness to give)
(2 Corinthians 8:1-15)

In the biblical Greek, the word used for “grace” is “charis” and it is “the divine influence upon one’s heart, and its reflection on life”. In 2 Corinthians, chapters 8 and 9, the Apostle Paul turns to the subject of “gracious giving” by the saints of the newly formed Christian Churches. The main purpose of Paul’s third missionary journey was to raise money for the central church at Jerusalem, who had fallen on hard times.
Paul had actually been organizing this tour to aid the needy there at Jerusalem for a number of years, after being urged to do so by Peter, James, and John (Acts 9:27-29 (also see Galatians 2:9-10). From the time the Corinthians first heard about this collection, they had been, seemingly, very eager to participate, and Paul had previously laid out a plan that would make it possible for them to do so without putting a strain on their personal budgets (1 Corinthians 16:1-4).
According to Paul’s wording in this passage, however, it seems that the previous good intentions of the church at Corinth had since dissipated, and so Paul asked his trusted aid, Titus, to go and look into the situation at Corinth. Paul wanted to find out what factors, or, issues had come up to interrupt, or derail, the church’s previous intended benevolence (2 Corinthians 8:6). 
Here in 2 Corinthians 8, verses 1-5, Paul sought to motivate the Corinthians spirit of generosity, by first giving the great example of the benevolence of the Church at Macedonia. Here he told of how, even though, the Macedonians were going through much hardship themselves, they were able to “turn the concern for their own deep poverty, into an overflowing of rich generosity for others”. They gave, not only what they could afford, but through their joyful spirit, they even went beyond the call of Christian duty. In fact, Paul says that they even pleaded for him to allow them the privilege of doing even more, and they dedicated themselves to the LORD, and to Paul and his aides for whatever directions and instructions GOD would give them.
Then, in verse 9, Paul uses the greatest example of all times, to motivate this young Church at Corinth. Here he steers their attentions to the very “personification of benevolence”, our LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST. Here Paul reminds the Church of how full of love and kindness CHRIST was when HE came to us, though HE was very rich, HE made HIMSELF poor so that, by HIS poverty, HE could make us rich.
Paul’s advice to the Corinthians in verses 10-11 is that the young church finishes what they had started a year earlier, when they were so enthusiastic about wanting to give and help with the benevolent project that had been initiated for Jerusalem. Their church had been the first to act upon this idea, and now was the time to go forward towards its completion. In verses 12-13, Paul reasons that “each individual’s giving need only be commensurate with their ability to give”. Beyond an individual’s tithes, GOD does not want us to give, what you can’t afford to give. HE does not want us to give so much that we suffer from having too little ourselves. Such could, in time, cause us to have ill feelings about giving, or cause one to feel as though they have put the church in their debt, or put GOD in their debt. And so we can see that, even in giving, one must use GODLY wisdom.
Finally, in verses 14-15, Paul expounds upon the guiding principal regarding the material exchange between Christian churches. It is the “principle of equality” which involves the “checks” and “balances” that are contained in “GOD’s system of justice for the regulation of human existence”:

When one has plenty,
he should share with others,
and when one does not have enough,
others should share with him”.

When we apply that principle to real life, the needs of every individual will always be met, and there would never be a need for government sponsored welfare programs.
Paul then reminds the church of the very source of this “guiding principle”, which GOD exposed to the Israelites one day in the wilderness of the Negev, following their divine exodus from Egypt. It is with the miracle of “manna from Heaven”, as it is recorded by Moses in Exodus 16:14-18:

When the dew evaporated, a flaky substance, as fine as frost, blanketed the ground.  The Israelites were puzzled when they saw it. “What is it?” they asked each other. They had no idea what it was. And Moses told them, “It is the food the Lord has given you to eat.  These are the Lord’s instructions: Each household should gather as much as it needs. Pick up two quarts   for each person in your tent. So the people of Israel did as they were told. Some gathered a lot, some only a little.  But when they measured it out, everyone had just enough. Those who gathered a lot had nothing left over, and those who gathered only a little had enough. Each family had just what it needed”. (NLT)

There we see that, by the Israelites gathering two quarts for each person, everyone had just enough. Those who gathered a lot had nothing left over, and those who gathered only a little had plenty enough. Each family had just what it needed”. Let those who have ears to hear, take heed, and those who can read this lesson, understand.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, August 22, 2014

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday August 24, 2014

Over 64,000 readers worldwide

(Working out our differences with open hearts and GOD’s grace)
(2 Corinthians 6:1-13)
Second Corinthians 6, verses 1 and 2, should actually be read with chapter 5. Here Paul finishes his thoughts on “reconciliation”, and, on how Christians must view themselves as being “GOD’s Ambassadors” to the world. It is by GOD’s grace that “true believers” are transformed into “new creatures” and again given the potential to live a truly righteous existence.
It is in this day that every human being can experience salvation because of what CHRIST JESUS did sacrificially, culminating on the cross, if they choose to. Through CHRIST JESUS, GOD allows us to partake in an “imputed righteousness” that we could not have possibly achieved on our own. It is an utter tragedy whenever one of GOD’s greatest creation (mankind), allows his or her hard-heartedness, to reduce the meaning of GOD’s grace in their lives, to being of “non-effect”, or, as having no transforming value at all.
Taking up at verse 3, Paul shifts his thoughts back (2 Corinthians 4:8-12) so that he might elaborate further on some of the many hardships that serious Christians must suffer, if they are to earnestly follow in the path, or footsteps of CHRIST JESUS, our LORD. Here Paul says that we must live in such a way that no one can be hindered from finding the LORD, due to the fact that we may have publicly, or privately, exhibited ungodly behavior to the world we’re seeking to convert (Vs.3-4).
As Christians, we take on a given responsibility to prove to the world that Christianity really does produce the best men and women. And oftentimes that must be done while under duress from the very same worldly people that we are trying to convert. Here in verses 4b-5 Paul shares with us some of the ways he, himself had suffered for the sake of ministering the Gospel to the world.
Paul says that he, and those who traveled with him, had been beaten, been put in jail, faced angry mobs, worked to exhaustion, endured sleepless nights, and gone without food. In short, perhaps Paul is cautioning us that, a Christian’s faith has to be proven and confirmed by the way they react to, and endure through their sufferings and persecutions, just as JESUS proved the genuineness of HIS faith under HIS FATHER GOD, during HIS earthly assignment.
In verse 6 Paul mentions six ways by which a Christian can prove himself, or herself of great value under GOD, and at the same time, relieve any tensions that may exist in the community of GOD. Here Paul says that we can achieve this by our;

·         Purity
·         Understanding
·         Patience
·         Kindness
·         Sincere love
·         And, by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT

Christians must learn to faithfully and correctly preach and teach the Gospel so that GOD’s power will continue to work in us. We must operate using the righteousness of CHRIST as a weapon to, both, defend ourselves against, and to attack, the unseen demons who may influence people all around us. We have to serve GOD whether people honor us or despise us, slander us or praise us. We have to remain honest, even when people call us impostors, simply because they do not want to live by the message of GOD that we peach and deliver (Vs.7-8).
Even though Paul was well-known he was sometimes treated as an unknown by his opponents in the Church. Oftentimes they dismissed him as being poor, sorrowful, and useless. However, in the opinion of GOD (the only opinion that counts), Paul’s servant-hood was proven genuine by his willingness to suffer hardships that sometimes brought him to within an inch of his life. He was able to joyfully withstand heartache, and even though he was poor financially, he was able to give much spiritual riches to those who accepted it. And while he may not have owned anything, with GOD, he had all that he needed in life, and more. He was successful under GOD because he was willing to open up his heart to the people he was called to minister to, and as a result of his open-heartedness, and GOD’s grace, he was ultimately able to remove tension and strife from the assembly of GOD at Corinth, at least, for a time (Vs.9-13).

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website



Friday, August 15, 2014

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday August 17, 2014

Over 63,000 readers worldwide

(GOD’s salvation shines through the body of CHRIST)
(2 Corinthians 4)

There is dynamic, life-saving power infused in the Gospel of GOD. Therefore, we must not hesitate to speak out, even though we may not be as skilled, or as knowledgeable, as others may be. We have to always keep in mind that it is the message, not the messenger that saves. And since GOD, in HIS mercy, has given us this wonderful news and ministry, we must take courage in our delivery and never, ever give up, or be dissuaded.
In 2 Corinthians chapter 4, the Apostle Paul shows us how firmly his attention is focused on the eternal truths of the Gospel, which are more easily experienced spiritually, than seen physically. The Christian must not lose heart by focusing on the temporary physical setbacks, and momentary troubles, that tend to pockmark our lives here on this earth. If we are in any sense, to become followers of CHRIST, and over-comers of this world, we must come to learn what it means to “live in the SPIRIT”.
As believers, “the perishable containers” that are our bodies, are but mere vessels that GOD uses to show HIMSELF through, in the world. Satan has already blinded the minds of those who do not believe, and so they are unable to offer themselves up to GOD, or, see the glorious light of the Good News that is shining through CHRIST, even on them. They simply can’t understand the message we preach about the glory of CHRIST, WHO, is the exact “spiritual image” of GOD HIMSELF (Vs.3-4).
True believers don’t go around preaching about themselves, but rather, they preach about CHRIST. All we can say about ourselves is that we want to serve others because of what JESUS has done for us. When GOD said “let there be light in the darkness” we understand that that light is the brightness of GOD seen in the face of JESUS CHRIST, our LORD and SAVIOR (Vs.5-6).
In verses 8-12 Paul says;

We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair.  We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed.  Through suffering, our bodies continue to share in the death of Jesus so that the life of Jesus may also be seen in our bodies. Yes, we live under constant danger of death because we serve Jesus, so that the life of Jesus will be evident in our dying bodies.  So we live in the face of death, but this has resulted in eternal life for you.(NLT)

To live the life of one who is ministering the Gospel in the world is not an easy undertaking, because the Word of GOD suggests in itself, that, the majority of the world’s populace will be blind to the message that it brings through HIS anointed. And it will remain that way until the time of JESUS’ “Second Advent”, when HE comes to establish HIS Millennial Kingdom here on earth (make the world a better place). And so, just as JESUS suffered during HIS “First Advent”, so too, those who follow HIM, must also suffer in completing the work of HIS Church, until HE returns to comfort our pain, and reward us with eternal life in Heaven.
The hardships of the Christian life are very real. And although it may be glorious and transforming to those who are willing to commit to it, it is not a life that is free of suffering. Physically, sometimes our burdens may seem hard to bear, and spiritually, it can be just as overwhelming if we allow our emotions, that come with dealing with people, to throw our focus off of CHRIST JESUS, our leader and pioneer.
Here in this chapter, Paul focuses on the issues of hardship in ministry to try and encourage those who may be presently experiencing some of those hardships, as they try and minister to others. Here Paul seeks to direct us and point out just how he himself has overcome those obstacles by maintaining a strong faith in GOD. He understood very clearly, that the same GOD, WHO raised CHRIST from the dead, was totally able to do the same for him and others, who strive to walk as CHRIST did, by faith. And GOD’s grace will continue to bring more and more people to CHRIST, and HE will continue to receive more and more glory because of it (Vs.13-15).
Suffering for the sake of CHRIST in this world, brings immeasurable benefits in the world to come, and that is why we should never give up. Even though our bodies may be dying, our spirits are being renewed every single day. Our earthly troubles become quite small when we realize that, we are, through our suffering, producing immeasurably great glory that will last forever, for us, and, for those that we help bring to CHRIST (Vs.16-17).

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, August 8, 2014

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday August 10, 2014

Over 63,000 readers worldwide

(Forgiveness heals and restores)
(2 Corinthians 1:12-2:11)

After the Apostle Paul changed his plans for a re-visit to Corinth during his third missionary journey in A.D. 57, his opponents in the church took advantage of the opportunity to charge Paul as being untrustworthy. They also contended that Paul was just another tyrant who cared nothing for the people he sought to rule over. It was a charge that deeply hurt Paul, because he knew in his own heart, his commitment to the work GOD had called him to do.
In reality, Paul changed his plans, because he had let his “emotions” get away from him, and a visit to Corinth at that time, would have been too painful to both he and the people at the Church at Corinth. Whenever we let our emotions get the better of us, or control us, that is the time when we leave ourselves most vulnerable to satan.
Second Corinthians, chapters 1:12-7:16 is an emotional defense, by the Apostle Paul, of his sincere commitment to his Christian ministry in general, and, to the Church at Corinth in particular. Paul met the questions concerning his commitment head on, and he affirmed with confidence that his moral conscience and his intensified knowledge of GOD’s Word were without censure, and were exemplified in his own day to day conduct, both publicly and privately.
As a leader and a person who closely followed CHRIST, Paul always strove to be simple, sincere, and straight-forward, and he was the same way in his letters. In 2 Corinthians 1, taking up at verse 23, Paul, very honestly and straight-forwardly tells the Church at Corinth, that, the reason he didn’t return to Corinth was because he wanted to spare them from the severe emotional rebuke that he was prepared to give them.
It was not so much, Paul’s desire to try and tell the Corinthians exactly how to put their faith into practice, but rather, he wanted to work together with them so that their joy would be full as they strived to stand firmly behind the teachings of CHRIST JESUS, while living out their lives, in this world. And so Paul decided that it would be best not to dishearten the people of Corinth with yet another emotionally painful visit because, to cause them emotional pain, would not only discourage them, but it would also sadden him deeply on a personal level. He did not wish to be made sad by his brothers and sisters in CHRIST, who were suppose to give him the most joy (2 Corinthians 2:1-4).
In verses 5-11, perhaps Paul is writing about the man whom he had urged the Church at Corinth to excommunicate from fellowship a year earlier (1 Corinthians 5:1-7). The man had been involved in an ongoing adulterous relationship with his father’s wife, living in sin with her (shacking up). Paul had strongly rebuked the Church, who were very much aware of the couple’s sexual immorality, but had taken no action to address this unacceptable behavior.
After Paul’s strong and decisive rebuke, the Corinthians followed Paul’s advice and instructions, and removed the man from church fellowship (apparently the woman was not a member of the Christian congregation at that time). However, now Paul was strongly urging the church to show “compassion” and welcome the man back into fellowship, as he felt that he had been punished enough for his indiscretions.
Apparently the man had been in deep repent and suffering in the time since his dis-fellowship from the church, and now, Paul felt it was time to forgive, comfort him, and show him love, so that he would not become so discouraged that he would not be able to recover emotionally.
Furthermore, Paul knew how satan would seek to take advantage of this situation (incorrect emotional response to GOD - see Nehemiah 8:9-12) and use it to do even greater harm to the man, and to the church. Being thoroughly familiar with the evil tactics of satan, Paul used the only effective weapon he had, which was the ways and wisdom of CHRIST.
Through his wisdom (authority) from CHRIST on high, Paul was forever mindful of  our human need for “repent” and “forgiveness”, and, it was time to apply this wisdom, (forgiveness and encouragement) to the situation, now at hand, in the Church at Corinth. Forgiveness completes the healing process, and restores our relationships with our fellow man, conceptionally, in the same way that all mankind receives forgiveness through JESUS CHRIST, our SAVIOR.
JESUS’ vicarious sacrifice provides us with a vehicle to spiritual recovery and healing, so that we can be forgiven by GOD the FATHER, whenever, and if ever, we decide to repent. GOD then restores us back into “a personal relationship of friendship” with HIM, and HE also lends us the help and guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT, to assist us as we move forward in the ways of CHRIST, for the remainder of our lives, here on earth.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website



Friday, August 1, 2014

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday August 3, 2014

Over 63,000 readers worldwide

(Comfort one another as we are comforted by GOD)
(2 Corinthians 1:3-11)

In A.D. 57, while visiting in Ephesus on his third missionary journey, which was put together to raise money for the financially ailing central Church at Jerusalem, the Apostle Paul sat down and penned a second letter to the Church at Corinth.
Paul’s earlier letter to the Church had not quite settled all of the issues and problems that the Church had been faced with during the difficult days of its infancy. Then too, for reasons not all explained in this letter, the Corinthian Church had apparently developed deep suspicions about Paul, regarding the true legitimacy of his proclaimed authority in CHRIST as a chosen apostle. And so, it was with much grief and anguish that Paul wrote this second letter, which he also intended to use to try and re-establish his authority as one chosen to lead others to CHRIST, and to also, lead them in the faith, as Christians.
In this doctrinal letter, Paul also covers some of the more practical matters, such as supporting believers in other parts of the world who may have fallen on hard times, and then, reviving them to a state of being viable, fruit-producing branches in the newly formed Christian network.
The motif of this letter is “triumph over adversity”, as Paul can clearly be viewed as one who loves his people, but, at one and the same time, we can also see him as being one who is hurt by the Corinthian’s unwarranted suspicions of him. As Paul makes a list of his life experiences, and the intricacies, or nature of Christian service, we can see GOD assisting him in his efforts, bringing good from the opposition of satan, that was intended for evil.
GOD is the source of all mercy and comfort. When HE lifted up CHRIST JESUS to complete HIS suffering on the cross, HE also lifted mankind up from the permanency of the grave. GOD comforts us in all of our troubles, so that when we receive the opportunity, we can take great joy in comforting someone else. The more we suffer for CHRIST, the more GOD showers us with HIS comfort through CHRIST (v.5). And so, when we as Christians are weighed down with troubles for the sake of CHRIST, it can be seen as being to the benefit and salvation of those who would otherwise be lost (v.6). When GOD comforts us, it is always so that we can, in turn, be of encouragement to someone else.  
In the biblical Greek, the word used for “comfort” is “parakaleo” (par-ak-al-eh-o), and it means “to call near for the purpose of consoling, or encouraging”. It is a word that the Apostle Paul uses 8 times here in 2 Corinthians chapter 1, verses 3-7. The point that he is trying to make in this passage is that, our own suffering enables us to identify with the sufferings of others, and vice versa. We can also sense the comfort of GOD, and at one and the same time, find our own comfort in HIM. Whenever our weaknesses are exposed, the strength of GOD is revealed.
In verses 8-11, Paul makes reference to his second missionary journey (Acts 16-18) when he reflects back;

We think you ought to know, dear brothers and sisters, about the trouble we went through in the province of Asia. We were crushed and overwhelmed beyond our ability to endure, and we thought we would never live through it.  In fact, we expected to die. But as a result, we stopped relying on ourselves and learned to rely only on God, who raises the dead.  And he did rescue us from mortal danger, and he will rescue us again. We have placed our confidence in him, and he will continue to rescue us.  And you are helping us by praying for us. Then many people will give thanks because God has graciously answered so many prayers for our safety” (NLT).

It’s always easy for any of us to point to our own strengths as a way to defend ourselves against negative attacks and criticism. But here, we see Paul freely and openly sharing his “weaknesses”, as he often did. To be in pressure situations that take us beyond our ability to endure, or extricate ourselves, is when we realize most earnestly that we need GOD in our lives to sustain us.
Paul already knew full well that he could not force people to respond positively to his authority in CHRIST (you can’t make grown folks do nothing), and he has to be patient and wait on the power of GOD to change hearts. We as Christian are all involved in a ministry that ultimately leads to changes in the hearts of men. However, those changes don’t occur through anything that we do in our own personal strengths. GOD gives us assignments that only HE can complete, as we are just vessels that HE uses to carry HIS message to someone else.
We must be able to know, through spiritual discernment and communication with GOD, just how far HE wants us to go, before we pause to let HIM finish the transforming work that will ultimately save a person’s soul from condemnation in the last days. It is not the duty of a Christian to show others how important they are, but rather, it is the duty of a Christian to show the world, through their behavior, that Christianity produces the best men and women, and, to ultimately expose to the world, the importance of GOD, to the lives that HE created, here on earth.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander  

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website