Friday, November 28, 2014

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday November 30, 2014

Over 69,000 readers worldwide

(Respond to GOD’s reign)
(Isaiah 52:1-12)

GOD longs to free us from our sinful behavior, however, almost since the beginning of creation, we have quite literally insisted on wallowing perpetually in the dust of repent, while we suffer from the consequences of repeating the same old trespasses against GOD, over and over again. Throughout human history we have embraced the same old cycle of “Sin” (rebellion against GOD), “Servitude” (punishment for that rebellion), “Supplication” (prayer and repent), “Salvation” (GOD rescues us from our mess), and “Silence” (peace, and obedience to GOD for a short while).
In Isaiah 52, verses 1-12 the LORD calls on HIS chosen people of Jerusalem to wake up and start acting like people who have strength in an Almighty SAVIOR. GOD wants HIS people to see themselves as being strong, beautiful, holy people, who have been set apart to be HIS “figurative representative”, here on earth, and can, through their behavior, show the whole world that the GOD they serve is the only true GOD, and, that HE reigns over all.
This is also a call to action by GOD, that literally crosses the spans of time to us in this generation, and urges that we too, in this day and age, who call ourselves by HIS name (Christians), will clothe themselves in strength, putting on their most splendid garments (their spiritual armor), so that they may free themselves of the spiritual chains that bounds them, and keeps them imprisoned and separated from HIM. It is not a call to self-effort, but rather, it is a call to know who we are in CHRIST, as GOD’s chosen people (the Church), and to really start acting like we have been redeemed through the blood of CHRIST JESUS.
As Christians, we should never consider ourselves as weak if we really believe that we share in the power of the Most High GOD. In verse 5, GOD asks HIS people in essence; “Why do they keep getting enslaved by the world, if HE WHO is in them is greater than he who is in the world?” Here GOD is saying, that, if we really believe that HE is superior to satan, and we’re on HIS side, and have HIM in us, then, why do we keep losing our hearts (our spiritual battles) to the people and things of this world, where even JESUS says satan is the prince (John 14:30).
The good news in this passage is that, despite our continued betrayal and weak representation of the greatest power in the universe, GOD, will eventually reveal HIMSELF to HIS true followers (v.6), and at last they will recognize that it is HE WHO speaks to them. And how beautiful will be the feet of those who bring the good news of GOD’s peace and salvation to the world, and reveals that the LORD GOD of Israel reigns over all things and entities of the world that HE created (v.7).
In verses 8-10 Isaiah prophesies of a millennial time when CHRIST will come to be enthroned after HIS resounding victory over evil. CHRIST will return to Zion to reign over HIS “Millennial Kingdom” and HIS reign will be one of peace for a thousand years. There will be rejoicing from the righteous remnant as they will be fully comforted and redeemed because of the LORD’s grace. And the LORD will demonstrate HIS holy power before all the nations of the world, and HIS salvation will be seen by all, to the ends of the earth.  
In verses 11-12 we see visions of a new exodus of GOD’s people, who will leave the chains that once bound them to sin and death, and enter into the freedom that can only be found in CHRIST JESUS, our LORD. We will put behind us, the world and everything it represents, and be able to truly function as the LORD’s holy people. And Isaiah says that, as we enter the Millennial Kingdom, we won’t have to leave the world in a hurry, running for our lives, because the LORD JESUS will go before us, because HE was the first to overcome the world, and GOD the FATHER, the GOD of Israel, will also protect us from the rear. Yes the LORD, as HE always has, will still truly have our backs! And we will, for the first time in human history, respond in the right way (faithfully) to HIS reign, because GOD the HOLY SPIRIT will counsel us, teaching us what we should do and say, for all times.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website


Friday, November 21, 2014

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday November 23, 2014

Over 68,000 readers worldwide

(GOD provides an inheritance for all of HIS people)
(Ezekiel 47:13-23)

In Ezekiel 47, verses 13-23, we see laid out by GOD, the instructions for the boundaries of the land of Canaan, of which the twelve tribes of Israel, (which now included two shares for the tribe of Joseph, one for each of his two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh), would share in.

 “These are the boundaries of the land: The northern border will run from the Mediterranean toward Hethlon, then on through Lebo-hamath to Zedad;  then it will run to Berothah and Sibraim, which are on the border between Damascus and Hamath, and finally to Hazer-hatticon, on the border of Hauran.  So the northern border will run from the Mediterranean to Hazar-enan, on the border between Hamath to the north and Damascus to the south.
 The eastern border starts at a point between Hauran and Damascus and runs south along the Jordan River between Israel and Gilead, past the Dead Sea and as far south as Tamar. This will be the eastern border. The southern border will go west from Tamar to the waters of Meribah at Kadesh and then follow the course of the Brook of Egypt to the Mediterranean. This will be the southern border. On the west side, the Mediterranean itself will be your border from the southern border to the point where the northern border begins, opposite Lebo-hamath”. (NLT)

The Israelites were to divide the land within these boundaries among the tribes as an inheritance for themselves and the Gentiles who had joined them, and were raising their families among them, under the rules of the GOD of Israel. Those who were once foreigners would be treated just like native-born Israelites, and would be given land within the specified territory with whatever tribe they resided among in the family of Israel, after their return from Babylon (Vs.21-23).
The land as it was, had been divided among the tribes of Israel by Joshua (Joshua chapters 13-21) but had never really been under the exclusive control of its people. Some of the tribes, because of their disobedience and unfaithfulness to GOD, never conquered the specified lands of their inheritance. And even though David and Solomon seized a bit more of those lands during their respective reigns, the Israelites continued rebellion against GOD led to their losing, first, northern Israel to Assyria in 722 B.C., and then later, the remainder of the nation of Israel to Babylon in 586 B.C.
Here in Ezekiel 47 GOD tells his prophet, in no uncertain terms, that the land was still all under HIS control, and now HE was ready to return it back to HIS people, and, to the Gentiles who dwelled among them. It would be considered a new beginning, not because they deserved it, but rather, because GOD remained faithful to HIS promise to Abraham and David, and HE also wanted to restore honor to HIS OWN name, which had been damaged considerably by HIS chosen people, while they were having an adulterous love affair with the world.
After witnessing the restoration power of the living waters flowing from the temple (Ezekiel 47:1-12), Ezekiel could now see and understand clearly, the new message from GOD regarding a new and wonderful future for all people whose hearts were with HIM. And just as GOD had new plans for the people of Israel on the other side of their Babylonian captivity experience, so GOD has plans for all HIS people in this day, on the other side of our earthy experience in this life. HE has plans for the better, if we choose to obey and put our trust in HIM, and for the worse, if we don’t.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, November 14, 2014

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday November 16, 2014

Over 68,000 readers worldwide

(GOD’s glory brings us life)
(Ezekiel 47:1-12)

In Ezekiel 47, verses 1-12 we see depicted, an eschatological “river of healing” that will flow from beneath, and through, the Temple at Jerusalem, as Ezekiel’s vision now moves far into the future once again. Here the prophet describes a river that is clearly not the “New Jerusalem” river that is described by the Apostle John in Revelations 22. However, it is also clearly not the kidron brook that flowed through the Temple in post-exilic times, because here Ezekiel tells us that this stream of water will make the salty waters of the Dead Sea into “fresh water” like in a typical lake. And so that is something that still has not happened, even to this day, as the Dead Sea remains “six times saltier” than all of the oceans of the world.
In this passage the angelic being brings Ezekiel back to the entrance of the Temple where he saw a stream of water flowing pass the right (south side) of the altar. The angelic being then brought him outside the wall through the north gateway and led him around to the eastern entrance of the Temple. There Ezekiel could see the stream flowing out through the south side of the east gateway.
The angelic being then led Ezekiel along the stream, and he took measurements as they went. First he measured off a distance of 1750 feet and told Ezekiel to cross over the water at that point, to the other side. As Ezekiel waded across the water, it only came up to his ankles. The angelic being then measured off a distance of another 1750 feet and instructed the prophet to cross over again. This time the water had risen up to his knees. The angelic being then took a third measurement of 1750 feet and when Ezekiel crossed the water this time it had risen up to his waist. Then the angelic being measured off a fourth and final distance of 1750 feet, and this time, Ezekiel had to swim across to get to the other side (Vs.3-5).
The angelic being instructed Ezekiel to keep in mind what he had seen, and then, he led him back along the riverbank. As they walked along, Ezekiel, much to his surprise, noticed that many trees and vegetation had sprung up along both sides if the river. Then the angelic being said to him, “this river flows east through the desert into the Jordan Valley where it then enters the Dead Sea”. He also tells Ezekiel that the waters from this stream will heal the salty waters of the Dead Sea, and make them fresh and pure, and not only that, everything that touches the waters of this stream will live. Every kind of fish will abound in the Dead Sea, something that has never happened before, and fishermen will stand on the shores and fish all the way from En-gedi to En-eglaim. The shores will be covered with fish nets drying in the sun, just as it was along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea (Vs.6-10).
The angelic being told Ezekiel that the marshes and swamps would remain salty, and in fact, would become an important source of salt. And all the fruit trees along the banks of the river will continue to bear fruit all year round, and the leaves will remain green. There will be a new crop every month, without fail, because they are watered by the waters flowing from the holy Temple, and the leaves on these trees will be used for healing (Vs.11-12). Now that’s real “Holy Water”.
The life-giving waters talked about here in this passage presents a lovely picture of how the life-giving blood of JESUS symbolizes the only thing that can satisfy the thirst that GOD has put inside of each of us, innately, from birth. In fact, GOD, as our CREATOR, has continued to offer us this free “living water” that is needed for life itself here on earth, and, for eternal life with HIM in Heaven.
The living water of our LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST that is offered by HIM to each of us personally, right now at this moment, will cleanse us from all sickness and death, and brings us into eternal life with HIM, starting in HIS Millennial Kingdom here on earth, and carrying on into the new Heaven and earth (Revelations 21), talked about by the Apostle John in the book of Revelations.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, November 7, 2014

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday November 9, 2014

Over 68,000 readers worldwide

(Redemption comes according to GOD’s blueprint, not ours)
(Ezekiel 43:13-21)

After GOD decides to return HIS divine glory back into the Temple in Jerusalem, and reside there once again among HIS people, HE tells Ezekiel to describe the Temple plans, that, HE had shown him, to the people of Israel, and, to do it in such a way that, it would bring to remembrance, the shame of all of their past sins. GOD wanted the people to “feel the shame” for all of the profane things that they had done in the old Temple, and let it be a deterrent from re-visiting those same old trespasses again, after they begin to assemble in the new Temple. Only if the people repent of their past behavior, was he to describe the specifications of the construction of the new Temple to them.
GOD wanted HIS people to be able to see HIS grace through HIS promise of restoration, and be led to repent. Here HE stressed one basic primary law of the new Temple that must be adhered to at all times, and that is; ABSOLUTE HOLINESS! In fact, GOD says that the entire top of the hill where the Temple is built will be holy! And the Temple itself must be adorned with holiness, not human ideals and ingenuity.
Here, and in Ezekiel 44:5-9, GOD is demanding “absolute holiness” from his people, the people who call themselves by HIS name, and in today’s society, that means “Christians”. The only way that man can be holy is by closely adhering to the Word, wisdom, and directives of GOD at all times, especially in the Temple. Man has already proven that he will not adhere to GOD’s holy standards when given a chance to administer his own human ingenuity into GOD’s program in the Church. Eventually he will began to totally favor his own program and religious ideas, and began to ignore GOD altogether.
We must turn from the practice of allowing people to minister in the Temple, who do not exhibit through their behavior, that they really have a heart for GOD. There is to be no hiring of people to work on staff who are not firmly rooted in the word of GOD, and who have not first proven themselves by testing (dedokimasmetha), to be free of worldly ideas that can be used to profane the Temple.
Only those who have experienced a “spiritual circumcision” of the heart, and exhibits such through their behavior at all times, may be able to minister in the Temple. This is something that Ezra, Zerubbabel, Nehemiah, and the returning exiles heavily stressed when they began to put GOD’s plan, that, was given to Ezekiel, into practice (Ezra 4:1-3, Nehemiah 13:1-9).

Ezekiel was allowed by GOD to see the same glory that had once adorned the Temple of old in Jerusalem. Now GOD, would be coming back to Jerusalem, and resting in a rebuilt glorified physical edifice, where HE would also restore the Israelites relationship of friendship with HIM, and fulfill the covenant that HE had made with Abraham.
As Ezekiel’s prophecies continue to waver back and forward between pre-exilic, post exilic, and eschatological times, here in the passage of Ezekiel 43, verses 13-27, we find perhaps one of the more stronger arguments that the prophet’s foretelling of the coming post-exilic Temple may not be descriptions of a yet to come future eschatological restoration of Israel. Beginning in verse 13 of this chapter, we see the detailed description of plans for a sacrificial alter to be built in the new Temple.
Here we can see that there is a theologically based problem with this being an eschatological reference, instead of a post-exilic one, since CHRIST JESUS is the once-and-for-all-time sacrifice that won us our salvation. Therefore, this passage begs the question, Why will we need a sacrificial altar in the “Millennial Kingdom Temple? And the answer is that, we won’t. Here in this passage Ezekiel is clearly prophesying of the Temple that was built by the exiles who would return to Israel from Babylon.
In the Millennial Kingdom Temple there will be no need for a sacrifice altar or Levitical priests of the family of Zadok to minister before the LORD on behalf of the people for their sin because there will be no sinning in the Millennial times here on earth under the direct rule of CHRIST. GOD will have already cleansed us of our sin nature and filth and we will only have the desire to live like CHRIST (Ezekiel 36:26-29). There will be no sinful desires in the Millennial Kingdom as satan, sin, and death will be locked away for a thousand years. 

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website