Friday, August 26, 2016

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday August 28, 2016

Over 110,000 readers worldwide

(We should follow the pattern of JESUS’ love)
(Romans 12:1-2 & 13:8-14)

   Romans chapters 12 and 13, along with 1 Corinthians 12, presents to us, the Christian image of what the Holy Body of CHRIST, which is the Church, should look like. Paul has already shown how GOD has moved to provide and impart righteousness in chapters 6-8. Now, he moves on to the more practical issues that go to the heart of Christian theology, and what the attitude of the true Christian should be like.
    CHRIST does not ask that we die for HIM, but rather, HE asks that we live for GOD. Paul says we should strive to be a living, acceptable, Holy sacrifice to GOD, and not allow ourselves to be conformed to the world, but rather, to be transformed from it (Romans 12:1-2).
    As GOD’s messenger, Paul warns us to (anakrino judge – judge ourselves first) be honest in our estimation of ourselves, by measuring our value by how much faith GOD has given us. And in doing so, we will be able to function better in the body of CHRIST. And just as our bodies have many parts that must work together in unison, so it is with the body of CHRIST, which is of course, the Church. Those two verses (Romans 12:1-2) constitute what a Christian’s relationship with themselves and each other, in the body of CHRIST, should be like.
    In Romans 13, verses 1-7, Paul admonishes Christians on how we must relate to the government, as we all must live in this world, and at one and the same time, be set apart from it. Here Paul reminds us that all the governments of man are servants of GOD, but few recognize it in the conscience sense. Governments are used and manipulated by GOD to achieve HIS purposes, whether they know it or not. Human governments must, at least, enforce a minimum amount of justice, lest that government be in danger of collapsing on itself. If criminal behavior were allowed to go unchecked, human society would come to an abrupt and tragic halt.
    In Romans 13, the Apostle Paul lectures on obedience to the authority that GOD has vested in mankind. Out of respect and reverence for GOD, a Christian must show respect for the governing body of any particular city, state, or country, in which they reside. We must pay our taxes and obey the laws of that society at all times (Romans 13:1-6).
   At first sight, this passage tends to provoke a surprising reaction from most Christians because it seems to suggest absolute obedience on the part of a Christian to conform to civil law. However, it is a commandment that also shows up a few other times in New Testament scripture, notably, 1 Timothy 2:1-2, Titus 3:1, 1 Peter 2:13-17. 
    I suppose one could debate that these passages were written during a time before the Roman government had begun to persecute Christians. However, we know for a fact that, in the book of Acts, often the secular magistrate served as a safe haven for those same Christians who were attacked by their own Jewish brothers for preaching the doctrine of CHRIST. And even later, in fact, years after persecutions had begun, during the reign of the Emperor Claudius (Acts 18), the Christian teachers still stuck to their guns.  It was this persistent, consistent teaching that continued even when those persecutions escalated during the reign of the Emperor Nero, when both Paul and Peter were reported to have been martyred.
    We can see quite vividly how the unchanging Word of GOD prevailed in strong Christian hearts down through the ages, even when it seemed unbearably difficult to obey HIS commands. Paul saw rebellion and insurrection against governments as a direct negation of Christian principals and doctrine. Paul correctly saw that no one can completely separate themselves from the society in which they live.
    Everyone enjoys certain benefits from being a part of an organized government. And everyone has a responsibility to dedicate a part of themselves to the safety and welfare of their respective municipality, state, and nation. For instance, we should all pay our taxes, because our taxes supplies the need of those who work in government functions such as the military, law enforcement, fire fighting, garbage pick-ups, etc. (Romans 13:6-7).
    Paying our debts is also something that all of us struggle with from time to time, however, in order to satisfy and fulfill GOD’s requirement, we must all try and make sure we eventually get our debts paid. In fact, Paul says that the only debt that we should leave owing is “the debt of love for each other as Christians”. That is a debt, Paul says, that we should never finish paying. If we continue to love our neighbor, we will continue to fulfill the requirement of GOD’s Law (Romans 13:8).
    The commandments against adultery, murder, stealing, coveting, etc. are all summed up in the commandment, “Love your neighbor as yourself”. If you love your neighbor, you won’t commit adultery with their spouse. If you love your neighbor, you won’t kill them, or steal from them, or despise them with envy of what they have, or own (Romans 13:9-10).
    The end of all things is near, for each of us, personally. For, that is the warning that the ancient prophets, and New Testament writers and thinkers all leave us with. And that is the warning that Paul gives us here in this passage starting in verse 11. Because our time here on earth is short, that gives us greater reason to want to do that which is right in the eyes of GOD. It is time to shed our evil ways like dirty clothes, and then, re-dress ourselves in the armor of right living. We must become decent and true in everything that we do so that our behavior will be accepted by both man and GOD (Romans 13:11-13a).
    The days of wild partying, getting high, engaging in all sorts of immoral living, and fighting with each other because of jealous and envious motives, must end, especially among those who profess to be Christians (Romans 13:13b). Just as Christians are a part of the body of CHRIST’s Church, they are, just as well, a part of the body of their nation, and should serve as a GODly example, or “light”, to the world at large. As I have said many times before, we, as Christians, are responsible to show the world, through our behavior, that Christianity really does produce the best men and women.
    In this world, and, in the world to come, there can be no such thing as an isolated individual. Paul clearly understood GOD’s intent in secular governments and he also clearly understood GOD’s intent in the Church as well. He clearly and correctly saw, both the Church, and the secular nation, as instruments in the hands of GOD, both unwittingly poised for a time when GOD would choose to awaken them for use in HIS OWN grand and divine plan. GOD always has a way of showing us that HE is subject to no one’s will but HIS OWN. And we might as well come to rest in that thought, lest we continue to be disappointed in our position in a world that only GOD, can, and will, control.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, August 19, 2016

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday August 21, 2016

Over 110,000 readers worldwide

(That same mercy is also for everyone)
(Romans 11:1-24)

   In Romans chapter 11, Paul brings to the Jewish thought, the divine idea of “The Remnant”. Here he uses the Old Testament prophet Elijah, as his example, but certainly he could have equally chosen the likes of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Amos, Ezekiel, Zephaniah, or even Micah, as they all came to realize, one by one, that there was never a time when the whole nation of Israel was true to GOD, and, that there never will be. They all experienced times when they felt as though the work that they were doing in ministry to GOD was futile, or, of non-effect.
    Listening to Paul, the Jews probably felt that GOD may have already rejected his chosen people as a whole. Here Paul seeks to re-assure them that no such thing will ever happen, because of GOD’s promise to their patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Vs. 1-2a & 28b).
    Here Paul brings to the Jews memory how the prophet Elijah complained to GOD about the people of Israel when he said, “LORD, they have killed your prophets and torn down your altars. I alone am left, and now they are trying to kill me too” (1 Kings 19:14). There GOD re-assured HIS prophet that, indeed, he was not alone. HE tells Elijah that there were 7000 others in Israel who had not yet bowed down to the idol gods of Baal (Vs. 2b-4).
    Time and time again Scripture returns our thoughts to the idea of a faithful remnant of people who had always lived in obedience to GOD, and it is still that way even today, as hard as that may seem to believe. And, even though there is no Church, denomination, or group that will be saved “en masse”, there always exists among us, certain individuals who are saved by way of their faithfulness, which leads to GODly behavior on their part.  
    A relationship with GOD has always been, is now, and, will forever be an individual and personal one. A person must individually give their own heart, and surrender their own life to GOD. None of us can go to Heaven based on the GODly life that “Big Mama” lived, unless, of course, we imitate her GODly behavior and obedience in our own life, and teach it to our own children.
    The Jews had to learn that they could not be saved based on their membership in GOD’s “chosen nation” alone, they must instead, live their lives in a way that is pleasing to GOD, based on faith in GOD, before GOD would consider making them a part of HIS “chosen family”. Here Paul is teaching that a person can only be saved by the personal decision that they make to walk with GOD, based on their faith.
    There can be no nation that can be lumped together as a “chosen people”, simply because of their heritage, national origin, or pedigree. The chosen people of GOD are those individuals who choose to obey GOD, and choose JESUS CHRIST, as their LORD and SAVIOR. It is those individuals who are members of “The Remnant”, that the Scriptures speak of, and that has nothing to do with race, creed, color, or national origin.
    GOD will graft into HIS family, whosoever he chooses, to replace those Jews, or anyone else, who has rejected HIM, however, those who are grafted in, must be careful not to boast of being righteous of themselves, but instead, must be willing to continue to walk in the righteousness of CHRIST JESUS (Vs. 15-20). If GOD did not spare those family members, the Jews, who were originally included in HIS family, certainly HE won’t spare the non-Jews who HE replaces HIS family members with (v. 21).
    Remember, GOD is both kind, and severe. HE is kind to those who obey HIM, and severe in HIS punishment to those who don’t. Paul goes on to say that, whenever the unbelieving Jewish people turn from their unbelief, GOD is willing to graft them back into HIS family again, because HE has that power. And not only does HE have the power to do it, HE will do it with exceeding, unspeakable joy (Vs. 22-24).

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, August 12, 2016

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday August 14, 2016

Over 109,000 readers worldwide

(Living under GOD’s mercy)
(Romans 9)

   Here in Romans chapter 9, the Apostle Paul lays the foundation that will support his argument, that, post-CHRIST Israel consists not just of the Jewish descendants of Abraham, but rather, of both Jews and Gentiles, who together, form the chosen covenant community of GOD.
    In this passage, Paul speaks of Israel while making a distinction between being a “descendant of Abraham”, and being a member of “the Covenant Community of GOD”. Here Paul seeks to show that the covenant community of GOD has always been composed, not of Abraham’s “natural” children, but rather, of his “spiritual off-springs” who share Abraham’s strong faith. It is those who believe GOD’s promise about HIS SON, CHRIST JESUS, who, share in the Covenant promise, not those who share Abraham’s physical genes. 
    In verses 6-13, Paul shows how GOD made promises to Abraham, and then chose who HE wanted to inherit those promises. Though both Ishmael and Isaac were Abraham’s natural sons, only Isaac would inherit the promise. GOD chose Isaac to inherit the promise, even though both boys were Abraham’s son. And even when Isaac grew up and married Rebecca, and she gave birth to twins, before either child was born, GOD had already chose Jacob over Esau to inherit the promise.
    In GOD’s Word, we see set forth, on the one hand, HIS sovereignty over all things. On the other hand, however, we see that GOD has given to man, the freedom to choose the way that he wants to go in life. And out of that privilege of “freedom to choose”, man automatically inherits the responsibility to “make right and GODly choices” before the LORD. Abraham chose to be faithful to GOD, and GOD, chose to bless Abraham and “the inheritors of his faith” with the Covenant promise.
    GOD also makes HIS OWN choices freely and sovereignly, and HIS decisions are not bound by our understanding, and nor are they bound by our lack of understanding. GOD is clearly subject to no one’s will, but HIS OWN, and, unless GOD chooses to be merciful to us, none of us could be saved from sin and death (permanent separation from GOD).
    And so we see that, GOD, WHO is the Potter, or, Creator of all things made, both, freely makes HIS OWN choices, and, HE gives man to ability and authority to do the same, to a lesser degree (Romans 9:20-21). GOD has every right to select who HE sees fit, for what HE sees fit, when HE sees fit. And HE will always exercise HIS judgment and power, even to be patient with those who are the object of HIS judgment, and, are only fit for destruction (Romans 9:22).
    GOD also has the right to pour out the riches of HIS glory on those who are the object of HIS mercy (Romans 9:23). Who receives GOD’s promise is not up to us, and we can’t receive it by doing good works. GOD will show mercy to anyone HE chooses, even to an ungodly person if HE sees fit. Remember when GOD told the ungodly Pharaoh of Egypt that, “I have appointed you for the very purpose of displaying MY power in you, and so that MY fame will spread throughout the earth”.
    And so we see, GOD, shows mercy to some just because HE wants to, and HE chooses to make some people who display a huge amount of stubborn pride, like the Pharaoh, and who HE knows will refuse to listen, to play a role in HIS plans for others. And this does not mean that GOD is responsible for our sinful condition. Those who are “prepared for destruction” have already chosen to do evil. And despite the fact that their evil deeds cry out for judgment, GOD remains patient with them, giving them every opportunity to change for the better. GOD always uses HIS sovereign power, by choosing to go the route of “love”, “patience”, and “grace”. 
    If a man’s heart goes out in love and submission to JESUS, then JESUS represents for that man, salvation. But if a man’s heart is entirely unmoved or angrily rebellious, JESUS represents for that man, condemnation”. In Romans 9, verses 30-33, the Apostle Paul once again hits his readers with the, now familiar, rhetorical question, “What then shall we say?”
    Here, Paul draws a stunningly vivid contrast between the Jewish way, and the Gentile way, of viewing GOD. The Jews set out to try and earn their way to Heaven through deeds, and, by trying to follow the letter of the Law, while the newly admitted Gentiles in the church, tended to seek GOD the correct way, which is of course, by faith.
    When we try to earn our way to heaven the way the Jews sought to do, we are, in effect, attempting to put GOD into our debts. But man, because of his imperfections, can never satisfy the letter of the Law. He can never walk “according to the light of GOD”, but rather, he can only seek to walk “in the light of CHRIST”. And even that can’t be done without his or her obedience to the power of the HOLY SPIRIT in them, to guide and counsel them in the right direction.
    We can never stack up enough brownie points, that GOD will owe us salvation in return for our good deeds. Salvation is the gift that keeps on giving through faith, and it cannot be purchased by money, or, by deeds. JESUS CHRIST never did conform to the Jews’ expectations from HIM, and as a result, they rejected HIM rather than to respond to HIM by faith. They ultimately delivered HIM into the hands of Pilate, and in order to save himself from his own, self-imposed, troubled career, Pilate was compelled, to sentence CHRIST to death.
    Driven by their hatred for JESUS, the Jewish leaders lost all sense of proportion, and they totally forgot about the mercy, that they themselves had so often preached about in the temple every Sabbath. In fact, they forgot all about justice, and in the end, as it is recorded in John 19:15, they denounced GOD, and professed Caesar as their king.
    And to show how GOD had anticipated this kind of action from HIS “chosen people”, Paul reminds them of a couple of contrasting quotes from the prophet Isaiah, some 750 years earlier (Isaiah 8:14 & 28:16), in verse 33. Here, we are forced to accept one great eternal truth about CHRIST JESUS. HE was sent into this world to be both a SAVIOR of men, and, the living human example by which all men are judged.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

Friday, August 5, 2016

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday August 7, 2016

Over 109,000 readers worldwide

(Safe in GOD’s love)
(Romans 8:18-39)

   The Christian Hope is invincible, because it is founded in GOD. Peace, hope, patience, comfort, and love are the things that men, such as Paul, recognized in GOD. Here in Paul’s letter to the Romans, as it is expressed in chapter 8 verse 19, in his original Greek writings, Paul uses a wonderful word for “earnest expectation” or “hope for the future”. It is “apokaradokia” (a-pock-a-rah-do-KEE-ah), and it describes the attitude of a man, who scans the horizon, with his head thrust forward, as he eagerly anticipates the first signs of the coming of the glory of GOD.
    You see, for Paul, life was not an overbearing and defeated waiting, but rather, it was a throbbing and very vivid expectation. The Christian has always been, is now, and will forever be, a part of the “human experience”. By that I mean, from within, we must all suffer with our own “sin nature”, in the Greek, “epithumia” (ep-i-thoo-mee-ah), that war we wage within ourselves between  “reason” and “passion”. And from the outside, we must all live in a world full of death and decay, as we continue to suffer the consequences of the sins of others.
    But, thanks to GOD, as Christians, we do not just live in the world. As Christians, we also live in JESUS CHRIST. Therefore, we do not see only the world, but we must be able to look beyond this world, to GOD. That way, we do not just see the consequences of ours, and other people’s sin, we’re also able to see the power and mercy of GOD’s love. And so we see that the essence to the Christian Faith must always be hope, and never despair. The true Christian isn’t waiting for death, but rather, we wait for life. The true Christian, just like Paul, must always wait, in “apokaradokia”.
    GOD does not want us to wallow in the troubles and failures of this life. HE wants us to always, through our strength in CHRIST JESUS, be able to look beyond this world to a future with HIM. We need to know that HIS power and love will always be able to overpower all of the worries and issues of this life. And, we can finally come to rest in the thought, that this life is not the final act of the human drama, when we truly have faith, and trust in GOD.
    As Christians, we know that all things work together for good, to those who love GOD (Romans 8:28), but when trouble comes, we’re sometimes hard pressed to remember that. Paul was convinced that nothing could separate him from the love and safety found in GOD (Romans 8:38-39), and we, if we are truly believers, should be convinced of that too. 

    Try to recall a time in your life when GOD has worked out a situation for your good, when you could only see the bad. Then, think of a time when you went ahead and tried to work something out in your own strength, and after failing, realized that you should have prayed first, and then, waited on GOD to work it out, through HIS strength.
    Suffering and hardship does not mean that we’ve been abandoned by GOD, nor are we ever separated from HIS love. No matter what happens to Christians in this life, GOD forever holds us firmly in HIS mighty hands.


    Write down on a piece of paper, what you believe to be currently, your biggest problems. Then go to GOD in prayer over those problems, or situations, and ask GOD to remove them from your life if it be HIS will. And if it’s not HIS will, at that particular time, pray that HE give you the strength to endure in suffering for the faith you have in HIM, that HE will work things out for the greater good, in the end, but either way, those who live in CHRIST are eternally protected from all permanent hurt and harm.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander