Friday, November 24, 2017

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday November 26, 2017

Over 143,000 readers worldwide

(Focus on JESUS and remember HIS sacrifice)
(1 Corinthians 11:23-34)

   The words “in remembrance”, that JESUS uses in HIS instituting of the LORD’s Supper, dates back to the Old Testament concept of “Zikkaron” (Zik-ka-rone). Zikkaron is a Festival, Practice, or an Object, that is used to symbolically link future generations to “a distinctive act of GOD” from the past. The name derives from the Hebrew word “zikrown” (zik-rone), which means “a memento, or memorable thing, day, or writing”.
    Through the Zikkaron, GOD’s people could sense their personal participation along with their ancestors, the original generation, in a special act that GOD had performed for them. Thus the LORD’s Supper is a unique institution of sacrament that is intended by GOD to link all generations to the memory of CHRIST JESUS’ vicarious sacrifice.
    Some of those in the Corinthian Church were totally missing the significance of the LORD’S Supper. Instead of making it a shared time in holy sacrament in CHRIST, they were treating it as if it were a dinner party that was dedicated to one of the pagan deities that they used to worship in former times. 
    The New Covenant is mentioned many times in the Old Testament, and it is spelled out quite clearly by GOD, in Jeremiah 31:31-34. JESUS came to usher in that new Covenant from GOD. It is a Covenant that is far superior to any before, or since, that time. This New Covenant provides for the regeneration of mankind spiritually, and allows for us to be indwelt by the HOLY SPIRIT, when we come to believe in JESUS CHRIST. The bread, which we eat at the sacrament, is common bread, but for those who have the heart to feel and understand the purpose and work of GOD, it is the very body of CHRIST JESUS.
    In the Gospel according to Luke, as expressed in chapter 22, in verse 22, in his original Greek writings, the word Luke uses in JESUS’ statement, that translates “determined”, is “horizo” (hor-id-zo). Luke is the only author in Scripture who uses this particular word for “determined”, and he uses it only here, and in Acts 17:26. In both places it means “decreed by GOD”, and is meant to remind us, from a “time-bound perspective”, that JESUS’ death represented a miscarriage of justice, and that, from GOD’s point of view, it was the keystone of HIS plan to, not only provide salvation, but to also, set all things right before HIM.
    In Exodus 24:1-8, the Israelites accepted GOD’s Covenant, as it had been given to Moses on Mount Sinai. The continuance of that Covenant depended on man keeping his pledge and obeying the laws of GOD. But man would not then, and quite frankly, will not now, abide by such a Covenant, because our sin continuously interrupts our relationship with GOD. It took the life of CHRIST to restore that lost relationship of friendship with GOD.
    “This do in remembrance of me”, is what JESUS said to HIS Disciples. However, it is also a statement that comes to us, from across the spans of time, in hopes that we too, can share in HIS new Covenant. JESUS knew how quickly the human mind would forget. HE knew that we would become so pre-occupied with our own worldly affairs and agenda, that, eventually, we would fail to recall HIS vicarious sacrifice. And so, HE invites us to, come in sometimes, into the peace and tranquility, of HIS FATHER’s House, and to “Do this in remembrance of HIM”.
    It stands as all the more tragic that, at that very table on that Passover night, in a dimly lit upper room, somewhere in the midst, of the festive atmosphere of Jerusalem, that there sat one, who was a traitor (Judas), who would sell JESUS out for the price of a common slave, which was thirty pieces of silver at that time.
    Since the birth of the New Covenant, at every Communion table, there are those who will betray JESUS. If, in HIS House, we pledge ourselves to HIM, and then, go out and fail to reflect HIS image to others through our own behavior, then we too, like Judas Iscariot, have become traitors to HIS cause.
    Unlike JESUS, we don’t know when our “last supper” will be. It is the “Will of GOD” that man not know, what his time, place, or method of demise will be. However, like JESUS, we can all become great preparers, and begin to store up our treasures in a place that JESUS says, “has been prepared for us, from the foundation of this World”. That place that Luke, Paul, and other New Testament writers call, in the Greek, “Paradeisos” (Par-ad-i-sos), but we call, “the Kingdom of Heaven”.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

Friday, November 17, 2017

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday November 19, 2017

Over 143,000 readers worldwide

(A call to listen to GOD)
(Hebrews 12)

   In Hebrews chapter 12, the author of GOD gives us a remarkably vivid description and summary of the Christian life, and, shows us the attitude we should have, as we aspire to obtain our goal of becoming more like CHRIST. In the Greek, the word used for “discipline” is “paideia” (pahee-di-ah), and it is “education or training”. It also means “to nurture, instruct, or chasten”.
    The Christian life can be likened to a relay race. The people of faith, like the ones mentioned in Hebrews chapter 11, who have run before us, have passed on the baton, and now, they anxiously wait to see how we will carry on in the discipline that Christianity demands. As we run, we can look back and see how JESUS ran HIS race, and, at one and the same time, we can also look ahead, and see HIS exaltation at the finish line.
    JESUS, is our supreme example, and, HE is the “Author and Finisher” of our faith (Hebrews 12:1-2). A life that is void of testing from GOD is most likely going to be a life void of prayer, humility, holiness, and appreciation of what GOD has done for us. Tests from GOD are not made to make us fail, but rather, are made to make us better representatives of CHRIST, and Christianity, here on earth.
    Trials are what GOD uses to refine us, and prepare us for a life of eternity with HIM, in HIS kingdom. It takes a certain amount of discipline to become, and remain successful in the Christian race. When we take into account how much JESUS endured, we can realize that suffering and hardship are no excuse for us to give up and drop out of contention (Hebrews 12:3-15).
    If we fail to understand the love and purpose of GOD’s discipline, we are likely to become bitter, and miss out on GOD’s graceful intent. If we see our trials and difficulties in the perspective provided by GOD’s grace, we will be better able to understand and accept HIS discipline in our lives. Remember, Esau, who saw no value in spiritual things, ended up selling his birthright to GOD’s covenant promise, for a mere a bowl of stew. If we value only material things as he did, we too, are in danger of missing our blessings in the end (Hebrews 12:16-17).
    We, as Christians, are not people who meander along the paths of life in a totally oblivious manner. We are not like tourist, who, each night, return to the point where we started that previous morning. The Christian life is about going somewhere, and at the end of each day, we’ll do good to ask ourselves, “Have we gotten any closer to our goal of being more like CHRIST?” That should be the aspiration of every Christian, to, each day, become more and more like CHRIST.
    However, the Christian also has another inspiration. It is the inspiration of the “cloud of witnesses”, who have gone before us, and witnessed their confession to CHRIST, and now witness our performance from way on high. They are those people mentioned in Hebrews chapter 11, who personified faith during their Christian walk here on earth. They are those people like Moses, Abraham, and Noah, who have already claimed their crowns of victory.
    But, unfortunately, we Christians also have “a handicap”, and it is “the handicap and weight of our own sins”. It is very difficult to run a race, when you are carrying excess baggage. If we wish to travel far, it is much better to travel light. The burden of sin can weigh heavily on a person, who is trying to run the Christian race, or walk the Christian walk. It is paramount that we first discard the unnecessary things that hold us back, and what holds man back is sin. If we are to endure the Christian race to the finish, we must first learn to lighten our load of “sinful cargo” (behavior), and move away from our carnal desires (sin nature) (Hebrews 12:1).
    Our supreme example of faith and discipline is CHRIST JESUS HIMSELF. HE is also our companion along the way, and, HE is our goal at the end of the race. Remember, GOD’s kingdom will remain when the universe itself is shaken, and this old world itself will ultimately disappear. That is when one will truly appreciate how good it will be to be a citizen in the kingdom of Heaven.
    We should also remember that our trials, can and will, both refine us, and, help prepare us to dwell in eternity in the presence of THE ALMIGHTY GOD in Heaven, at the end of our Christian race. The motivation for pursuing holiness here and now, is the realization that, without it, no one can see GOD, or stand in the presence of GOD in the spiritual life that follows our stay here on earth. In other words, Christians must be, and will be, sinless when they see the LORD in Heaven.
    A person’s perception of GOD in this present life is the true measure of his or her holiness. In order to help us reach the state of holiness we need to achieve, GOD whips us into condition with his Holy discipline, and testing. When we fail to understand the love and purpose of GOD’s discipline, we are likely to become bitter towards HIM, and thereby, miss HIS unfailing grace. However, when we are able to see our trials and difficulties in the perspective of GOD’s grace, we are better able to accept HIS chastening.
    In Hebrews 12:14-29, the author calls for a renewed spiritual vitality among GOD’s people. It is a call to listen to GOD with a renewed interest in how HE wants us to live our lives here on earth. He also urges us to begin by trying to live in peace with one another, being a good example for those who have not yet reached your own stage of spiritual awareness, so that not even one of us will miss out on GOD’s special favor.
    We can also help others guard against going astray by being accountable to one another, making sure that the bitter root of immorality does not infiltrate the lives of ourselves, and, of those whom we are close to. Beginning in verse 18, the author of Hebrews gives us a final warning, as he vividly depicts with his writing, a clear picture of the situation on Mount Sinai, where the Old Covenant was given to the people in an awesome way that only GOD could stage.
    Here he describes the scene of that event as a place of flaming fire, darkness and gloom, and a whirlwind, as GOD delivered HIS laws to the Israelites. And they could hear an awesome trumpet blast accompanied by a voice with a message so terrible that they begged GOD to stop speaking. Even Moses was admittedly terrified by this awesome display of GOD’s power.
    However, in verse 22, the writer reminds the people that, that was then, and this is now. Now we fall under the protection of the New Covenant, which was ushered in by CHRIST JESUS, and the realities pertained to in it are even more impressive because they are Heavenly, and not only is there a Heavenly city, but there is also, both, angels, and, the spirits of those who have been redeemed and made perfect by the LORD.
    Ultimately, all created things will be removed by GOD. When Moses gave the law at the foot of Mount Sinai, the mountain itself burned with fire, and the surrounding plains shook uncontrollably. The fear that was felt by those who were present at that event will be nothing compared to what will be felt by those who cannot see spiritual realities through faith, and as a result, fail to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.
    The Kingdom of Heaven is all that will remain after the universe itself is shaken apart, and all of creation disappears. We must see to it that we obey GOD, the ONE WHO is speaking to us. If the people of Israel didn’t escape the wrath of GOD when they refused to listen to Moses, GOD’s earthly messenger, then, how much more terrible it will be for those of us, in this day, who refuse to listen to CHRIST JESUS, WHO came directly from Heaven to warn us.
    And since GOD, through HIS tender mercies, has given us a choice to be redeemed, and spend eternity with HIM in Heaven, let us be thankful and begin worshipping HIM in spirit, and, in truth, with holy fear and reverence, because our GOD is truly a consuming fire.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, November 10, 2017

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday November 12, 2017

Over 142,000 readers worldwide

(GOD’s new covenant is personal)
(Jeremiah 31:27-40)

   In Jeremiah 31:31 the LORD promises a New Covenant with the nation of Israel and Judah. It would not be like the old covenant made with their ancestors when HE brought them out of the land of Egypt. Anyway, they had already broken that covenant, even though GOD continued to love them as a husband who dearly loves his wife.
    GOD’s work in the New Covenant for HIS people would silence the proverb that was uttered so commonly around Israel in those days, which stated, “The parents eat sour grapes, but the children’s mouths pucker at the taste” (v.29). It was that latter generation’s way of not taking responsibility for its own sins. Apparently they found it easier to stomach the guilt of their iniquities by convincing themselves that they were suffering only because of the sins of their ancestors, and not through any fault of their own, which of course is ridiculous.  
    In Exodus 24, verses 1-8, the Israelites accepted GOD’s Covenant, as it had been given to Moses on Mount Sinai. However, man would not then, and quite frankly, will not now, abide by such a covenant, because he has always been, in every generation, too determined to do things his own way. And when we choose to do things our way, we automatically move farther and farther away from GOD, and we continue to interrupt our relationship with GOD, by way of our perpetual sinful rebellion.
    The New Covenant spoken of here in Jeremiah 31 is the covenant that was eventually ushered in by CHRIST JESUS in the first century A.D. Yes, it took the life of CHRIST to restore our lost relationship of friendship with GOD. JESUS’ whole purpose for coming was to usher in this New Covenant from GOD, which consists of many spiritual aspects, and is a covenant that is far superior to any before, or since that time.
    But first, the final judgment upon Israel had to run its course. It would come in the way of “a physical deportation” from the “promised” land of Israel, to captivity in Babylon. With the final destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar and his Babylonian forces in 586 B.C., the self-imposed curse of the people of Israel was complete, and restoration could get under way in about 70 years.
    With HIS “Mosaic Covenant”, GOD had set “a holy standard of conduct” by which HE intended for HIS people to live. However, because of their rebellious hearts, they simply could not maintain those high standards. The Mosaic Law served as a mirror for which sinful man could look into and see for himself, just how far he was from GOD’s glorious and holy standards. GOD shares HIS nature with us and HE wants us to live holy lives because HE is holy. HE wants us to wholly desire to live holy under HIM.
    The New Covenant ushered in by CHRIST, in essence, makes the Mosaic Covenant obsolete and irrelevant. The old covenant basically told Israelites how to behave and also specified blessings for those who obeyed, and punishment for those who disobeyed. And although GOD still desires for us to obey HIM under the New Covenant by desiring to live holy like CHRIST, we are no longer prisoners or slaves to the sin and death of this world, GOD has given us an obvious out, through the sacrificial blood of CHRIST JESUS.
    Under the New Covenant, GOD writes HIS laws on our hearts and in our minds (v.33), and HE also promises believers an inner transformation. Believers can now have a direct, experiential relationship of friendship with GOD, through JESUS CHRIST, by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT living in us. Through earnest repent, GOD is faithful to forgive whatever sins we commit, because HE has accepted the blood of CHRIST as payment for all the sins of the world, past, present, and future.
    It is the duty of the Christian to build his or her foundation on the “Most-High Faith”, which is “Christianity”, and not all the various denominations man has dreamed up over the years. We must learn to pray in the power of the HOLY SPIRIT, and we must always remember the conditions of the New Covenant that has been ushered in by CHRIST, and then signed in HIS OWN blood.
    When we repent and trust in GOD’s presence, and believe on CHRIST JESUS, GOD forgives us, and HIS transforming works begin in our heart. And through our new found faith, we can begin walking in the newness of the life that can only be found in CHRIST JESUS our LORD and SAVIOR. And we can also forever enjoy a New Covenant relationship with GOD the FATHER, here on earth, and, in Heaven.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, November 3, 2017

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday November 5, 2017

Over 142,000 readers worldwide

(Honor GOD by pursuing HIS heart)
(Numbers 25:10-13 and 1 Samuel 2:30-36)

   In Numbers 25, while the Israelites were still camped at Acacia in Moab, some of the Israelite men defiled themselves by sleeping with some of the Moabite women, who had invited them to attend sacrificial ceremonies to their idol god, “Baal of Peor”. And although Balaam had been unable to curse the people of Israel earlier (Number 24), he was able to play a role in their seduction by Moab.
    “Sex”, whether “moral” or “immoral” was an intricate part of Baal worship due to its claims of being able to increase one’s fertility through sacrifice to, and worship of, the idol god. The idea of having multiple sexual relationships with foreign women was appealing to the men of Israel, and so, because of their sexual weaknesses and lust, it didn’t take much convincing to get them to experiment in this fornication with Baal, against GOD.
    GOD’s anger, however, naturally blazed against those of HIS people who had joined with the Moabites in worshipping Baal at their shrines, and HE issued a command to HIS servant Moses to seize all of the ringleaders, and execute them in the light of day, so that all could see HIS hand of judgment on Israel, and be turned away from this wickedness against HIM.
    And so Moses ordered Israel’s judges to execute all the men who had fornicated, both physically and spiritually, against GOD, and surprisingly, while in midst of carrying out those executions, an Israelite man named Zimri, actually brought a Moabite woman named Cozbi, who was a prostitute, into the Israelites camp, and took her to his tent and began having sex with her.
    However, when Phinehas the priest, the son of Eleazar, saw what was happening, he rose up and left the assembly where the people were meeting at the Tabernacle to weep for those who were being executed, and he ran to the man’s tent with a spear, and thrust it through his back, and into the women stomach, killing them both. At that very moment the plague of executions was lifted by the LORD, but not before over 24,000 people had been killed.
    Then the LORD said to Moses, “Phinehas, son of Eleazar, and grandson of Aaron the priest has turned MY anger away from the Israelites by displaying passionate zeal among them on MY behalf. So I have stopped destroying all Israel as I had intended to do in MY anger. So tell him that I AM making MY special covenant of peace with him. In this covenant, he and his descendants will be priests for all time, because he was zealous for his GOD and made atonement for the people of Israel” (Vs.11-13) NLT.
    Note the specifics and details that are given to us concerning the main culprits in this passage, “Zimri” and “Cozbi”. Here in verses 14-15 we are told that Zimri was the son of Salu, who was the leader of a family within the tribe of Simeon, and that Cozbi was the daughter of Zur, the leader of a Midianite clan. Not only does this denote that this was a very public matter, but perhaps the entire incident of these executions (24,000 killed) would explain the sharp drop-off in the Simeonite male population between the time of the first census in Numbers 1:23 (59,000), and the count given to us later in Numbers 26:14 (22,200), after this incident had occurred.
    Also, because of Cozbi’s participation in this idolatrous act against the only true GOD, in verses 16-18, GOD directs HIS servant Moses to attack and destroy the Midianites because they “assaulted” the Israelites with deceit, and “tricked” them into worshipping Baal of Peor (a fertility god), through sexual acts of sacrifice. And so the “misleaders (Moab)”, as well as “those who chose to follow anti-GOD activities (Israel)”, were all punished with death.  
    Over in 1 Samuel 2, taking up at verse 27, we see that the promise that GOD had made concerning Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, in the 12th century B.C., was re-iterated here, some 200 years later, where GOD decides that HE has had enough of Ithamar’s descendants, Eli and his sons, Hophni and Phinehas, who had thoroughly defiled the Tabernacle, after it was moved to Shiloh in those later days (10th century B.C.).
    One day a prophet came to Eli and revealed to him that his branch of the descendants of Aaron and the tribe of Levi has been rejected by GOD because they had failed to honor HIM in their service as priests at the Tabernacle. The prophet also told Eli that all of the members of his immediate family would die before their time, and none would live to see a ripe old age. In fact, his sons Hophni and Phinehas would both die on the same day, as judgment for the wickedness that they had done in the Tabernacle at Shiloh (Vs.27-33).
   And so the priesthood was eventually taken away from Abiathar, Eli’s descendant in the line of Ithamar (1 Kings 2:27), and given to Zadok, a descendant of Phinehas’ and Aaron’s son Eleazar, by King Solomon in the 6th century B.C. GOD blesses with honor, only those who honor HIM, but HE despises those who despise HIM (or dishonor HIM in their positions in the Church of CHRIST JESUS) (1 Samuel 2:30.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander