Friday, March 30, 2018

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday April 1, 2018

Over 156,000 readers worldwide

(The evidence of the Resurrection)
(Luke 24:1-34)

   Unlike the other three Gospels, Matthew, Mark, and John, Luke’s Gospel account of the life and Resurrection of CHRIST JESUS is related to us in the light of Old Testament teachings about the MESSIAH, and, in JESUS’ own view of HIS 33-year mission here on earth. Also unique to Luke’s Gospel, is the fact that he ends it, not with the Resurrection, but rather, with the ascension of CHRIST JESUS back into Heaven.
    People often think of JESUS and Christianity merely as something or someone to be studied, and in a large sense, that is true, and necessary. However, in a greater sense, JESUS and Christianity are not only someone and something to be studied, but also must be met and experienced in everyday life. JESUS is not just a character in a book, albeit the book, which is “the Bible”, is the greatest book ever written. JESUS CHRIST, WHO is the origin of Christianity, is also a living, eternal presence in the world.
    The Jews observe Saturday as the Sabbath because it is the last day of the week, and Scripture tells us that the seventh day is the day that GOD rested from all HIS labor of creating the Heavens and the earth (Genesis 1). Church-age Christians, however, observe Sunday, because it is the first day of the week (Acts 20:7), and the day that Scripture says that it was discovered that JESUS had been raised from the dead (Matthew 28:1-2).
    It is at the very heart of Christianity that we find the Resurrection of CHRIST JESUS. If you remove this concept from it, Christianity becomes literally null and void. The fact of the Resurrection of CHRIST, affirms to all Christians that HE is truly the SON of the LIVING GOD. It also proves that JESUS’ vicarious sacrifice on the cross at Golgotha was accepted by GOD the FATHER on behalf of all people who believe on HIM, past, present, and future, as payment for our sins.
    We as Christians must continue to preach about the Resurrection of CHRIST, because, as humans with sin nature, we continue to voluntarily and involuntarily suppress the truth about a Holy GOD in Heaven, and HIS Word. We must often be prompted to “remember” (Vs.1-8), “trust” (Vs.36-40), “understand” (Vs.44-46), and then, we must “follow through” (Vs.47-53) on what we say we now believe. And that is exactly the message that is being conveyed here by Luke in the final chapter of his Gospel account.
    Taking up at verse 1 we see that, early one Sunday morning, a group of women that had been following and rendering aid to JESUS and HIS disciples during their travels of preaching the Gospel, healing the sick, and casting out demons throughout Palestine, return to the tomb where they had seen JESUS’ body interned three days earlier. However, when they arrived they found that the stone, that had once covered the entrance to HIS tomb, had been rolled away, leaving it open.
    Puzzled by what they saw, the women then entered the tomb, and much to their surprise, the body of JESUS was no longer there. Suddenly two men (angels) appeared to them, clothed in dazzling robes. The women were somewhat frightened by the figures, and they fell down and bowed low before them. The men then asked, “Why are you looking in the tomb for someone who is alive? HE isn’t here! HE has risen from the dead!”
    After being reminded of what JESUS had told them about being betrayed into the hands of sinful men, and then, being crucified, HE would rise from the dead on the third day, they ran into the city and told the apostles what had happened. At first, the apostles all thought it sounded like nonsense, but then Peter ran to the tomb to see for himself. After reaching the tomb Peter looked inside and saw only linen wrappings. Not knowing what to think (he apparently hadn’t taken to heart what JESUS had told them concerning HIS resurrection), he walked slowly back to the city, pondering about what he had just seen.
    When GOD gave people wills that are free, HE undoubtedly gave us the greatest, and, perhaps, the most perilous gift, the world has ever known. With freewill, a person can choose to either invite CHRIST into his or her life, or, they can choose to allow Christ to pass them by.
    In Luke chapter 24, verses 13-34, he writes of the seven-mile walk, of two of JESUS’ followers, from Jerusalem to Emmaus, just hours after JESUS’ Resurrection victory over death and satan had been realized. Here, Luke gives his unique and, now famous account, of the story of Cleopus and an unnamed follower of JESUS, who were walking along the road to Emmaus, a town just west of Jerusalem. As they walked along, they were discussing all of the events surrounding JESUS’ arrest, trials, Crucifixion, death, and now, reported Resurrection, that had all occurred over that historic weekend in Jerusalem.
    Suddenly, JESUS appeared and began walking along with them. Here Luke tells us that GOD kept the men from recognizing who JESUS was. Knowing that the two were discussing HIM, JESUS asks the men, “What are you so concerned about?” They looked at JESUS with sadness in their face, and one of them, Cleopus replied, “You must be the only person in Jerusalem, who has not heard about all the things that have happened there the last few days”.
    When JESUS replied, “What things?”, the men went on to tell HIM about all the events that had taken place in the previous three days. JESUS then says to them, “You are such foolish people! You find it so hard to believe all that the Prophets wrote in Scriptures. Wasn’t it clearly predicted by the Prophets that the MESSIAH would have to suffer all these things before entering HIS time of glory?” JESUS then began to quote Scriptures explaining those writings of Moses and all the Prophets, that where pertaining directly to HIMSELF.
    As they neared the end of their journey, the men begged JESUS to stay and have a meal with them, and perhaps, stay the night, because it was almost dark and too late to travel back to Jerusalem. JESUS accepted their invitation, and as they sat down to eat, HE took a small loaf of bread, asked GOD’s blessing on it, broke it, and then gave it to the two men.
    Suddenly, their eyes were opened (spiritually), and GOD allowed them to recognize who JESUS was, and, at that same moment, JESUS disappeared. Within the hour, the men were on their way back to Jerusalem, despite the fact that it was now dark.
    The word “Emmaus”, means “despised people”, and Jerusalem means, “possessor of peace”. These two men, even though they were followers of JESUS, didn’t really know JESUS until that day, during their walk along the Emmaus road. Once their spiritual eyes were open to JESUS, HE allowed them to see their way through the darkness back to Jerusalem. In fact, that very night they went from the place of “despised people” (believers in CHRIST), to being “possessors of peace” (true followers of CHRIST), if you get my drift.
    By the time JESUS was killed, HE had become a “despised person” in Jerusalem. He was despised by the Jewish leaders, and most of the Jewish populace. After HIS “passion week” (suffering in Jerusalem), HE once again fulfilled HIS role as the “possessor of peace”, as HE prepared to ascend back into HIS glorious place of eminence in Heaven.
    JESUS always knew that HIS only way back to glory was through the “cross”, and so it is with those of us, who follow HIM. With “open eyes”, JESUS accepted the circumstances of the cross, so that whosoever believes in HIM, would not perish, but rather, would be able to possess the peace of “Eternal Life” in the presence of the almighty “GOD the FATHER” in Heaven.
    In verse 25, as expressed in the original Greek, the word Luke uses for “fools” is “anoetos” (an-o-ay-tos). It is used only six times in New Testament Scripture. Five of those times it is used in reference to those who are believers, not unbelievers. Unlike the use of the word “fool” in the Old Testament, which is used to describe a person whose problems are moral, this word describes an individual who sees things from a distorted perspective. It describes “one who has “not fully adopted” the “Divine Viewpoint” of CHRIST.
    It is imperative that, we as Christians, not only be believers in JESUS, but also, get to know JESUS on a personal level. In doing so, we can develop a “Divine Viewpoint”, through that personal, experiential relationship. It is not enough, just to have correct information, but we must also be able to discern and use that information correctly. And when we are able to discern it correctly, it is our Christian duty to then, share it with others. In other words we must first begin to share the mind of CHRIST (the Divine Viewpoint), and then, share that idealism with others. And always remember, the Christian message is never fully ours, until we have shared it with someone else.

 A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander


Friday, March 23, 2018

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday March 25, 2018

Over 155,000 readers worldwide

(The LORD’s response to Solomon)
(2 Chronicles 7:11-22)

   In 2 Chronicles 7, verses 11-22, after King Solomon had ended the dedication ceremonies for the new Temple of the LORD, which he had built at Jerusalem, the LORD appeared to him one night to confirm to him that HE had heard his prayers, and had indeed chosen the Temple as the place where sacrifices to HIM would be accepted. However, the LORD told Solomon that, from time to time there would be tests of their faith and obedience, through droughts, pestilence, famine, or plagues, that will help to keep them humble and committed to serving HIM (Vs.11-13).
    As always, with GOD, HIS blessings become effective only if we, who are obedient and committed to doing HIS Will, are consistent in our loyalty and behavior towards HIM. And so, staying true to HIS ways, the now famous, verse of Scripture, 2 Chronicles 7:14, is told to King Solomon by the Almighty GOD of Heaven and earth. There HE states; “Then if MY people who call themselves by MY name will humble themselves and pray and seek MY face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from Heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land”.
    This prescription for answered prayer that is presented here in this passage, and indeed, throughout Scripture, is a concept that permeates the Christian Faith. First, the supplicant, or, the person who is praying, must be willing to commit themselves to the Will of GOD at all times, and must not be ashamed to “call themselves by HIS name” (Christian), or, be willing to publically confess their faith and belief in HIM to others. We must confess our need for GOD, even before we can repent of our wrongs before GOD.
    Secondly, we must “humble ourselves”, pray and seek GOD wholeheartedly, and actually be willing to “turn from our wicked ways”, which is what humbling ourselves really means. We have to totally abandon the hope we have in ourselves and begin to totally rely on GOD, just as an infant, or young child, relies on his or her parents for survival.
    In all actuality, these conditions that we must follow as Christians are not so much to be viewed as conditions that GOD requires, as they are a description of the person who is most likely to pray in the first place. Only a person with the faith and desire to have a personal, experiential relationship with GOD will actually turn to GOD in those moments when we need supernatural help that seems to be beyond our own human capacity.
    As GOD tells King Solomon in this passage, and as HE told his father David before him, HIS promises are “conditional”, and they always hinge upon our willingness to be obedient to HIM. Whenever we decide to become disobedient and begin to seek our own ways, we automatically put ourselves on a track, moving in the opposite direction from GOD (toward evil). If, over time, we continue to move farther and farther away from GOD, eventually, the gap between us and GOD will become so wide, that GOD will become like this obscure figure in our lives, whom we once knew.
    In other words, the farther we move away from GOD, the smaller GOD will appear to be to us in our lives. We will begin to render HIS influence less significant, and some of us will even choose to avoid GOD altogether, opening up opportunities for the devil to wreck all kinds of havoc in our lives.
    GOD doesn’t force HIMSELF into our lives, HE has to be invited in. And although HE may knock often, HE won’t break the door down and force HIMSLF into our lives. Surely GOD has to choose us, but HE still gives us “wills that are free” where we can either accept or reject HIS invitation at any time, while we yet live.
    Although GOD’s covenant promise with David did have certain conditions, there was, however, no chance that the covenant itself would ever be discontinued due to the lifestyle choices of his descendants. Solomon, and all of the Davidic kings who followed him, would have an opportunity to enjoy the blessing of that covenant, but only if they were, and continued to be, obedient to GOD in their perspective lifetimes. It was incumbent upon each king to personally choose to do the right things toward GOD.
    The Davidic covenant itself is a permanent one, and it transcends generational lifestyles and choices of obedience or disobedience. The promise is that King David will always have a descendant on the throne of Israel, however, how things went for the respective descendants to the throne in each generation, was up to that individual king himself. They were always free, at any time, to choose who they wished to serve. If they abandoned the GOD of their ancestor David, they would wreak disasters upon themselves, however, if they remained obedient to GOD, they would reign in peace and security throughout their lifetime, but the Davidic covenant promise itself would continue, uninterrupted, for all time.  

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander


Friday, March 16, 2018

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday March 18, 2018

Over 154,000 readers worldwide

(Responding to GOD with thanksgiving and sacrifice)
(2 Chronicles 7:1-10)

   In 2 Chronicles 7, verses 1-10 GOD responds to Solomon’s prayer with a supernatural fiery exhibition that consumed all of the sacrifices (142,000 peace offerings) that the king himself had to offer, and, the unspecified amount that the people of Israel had offered up on the altar and in the pre-dedicated space (v.7) in the courtyard of the temple of the LORD (v.4). This distinctive act of GOD symbolized HIS acceptance of Solomon’s prayer for Israel.
    Then the glorious theophanic presence of the LORD HIMSELF filled the temple, preventing even the priests from entering into it (v.2). And when all of people saw the fire coming down from Heaven, and the glorious presence of the LORD filling the temple, they all fell face-down on the ground worshiping and praising the LORD, saying, “HE is good! HIS faithful love endures forever!” (v.3)
    After the sacrificial offerings were made, all of the priests and the Levites took their assigned positions. They took the musical instruments that King David had made specifically for worship, and played and sang to the LORD, these words, “HIS faithful love endures forever”.
    For the next fourteen days Israel celebrated the “Festival of Shelters”, or, “Feast of Tabernacles” (7 days) with the inauguration and dedication of the opening of the temple of the LORD (7 days). Solomon had timed it that way to take advantage of the massive crowds of people that would be in Jerusalem at that time. People came from as far north as Hamath, or, Lebo-hamath, Israel’s northernmost border towards the Euphrates River, and from as far south as the Wadi Valley of Egypt.
    The Feast of Tabernacles traditionally began on the fifth day after the “Day of Atonement”, and all Israelite adult males were required to attend. It opened up with a sacred assembly on the first day, and all regular work ceased on that day. And the same was done on the special day of closing (the eighth day).  On each of the seven days during the Festival, offerings by fire were presented to the LORD.
    The Feast of the Tabernacles became known as the Feast of Shelters, because all native-born Israelites had to live in tents for the duration of this seven-day period. Through this GOD-appointed festival the people of each generation would be reminded of the time when Israel had to live in tents after GOD rescued them from slavery, out of the land of Egypt.
    The portion of the sacrifices, that were set aside to be eaten by the people, provided them with nourishment throughout the duration of the festival. In that way, GOD was literally viewed as the “Host”, and the eating of this food placed the worshipers under HIS protection and dependence.
    On the eighth day after the Festival of Shelters began, the people held the traditional closing ceremony and then Solomon sent the people home. They were all filled with joy and happiness because the LORD had been very good to David and Solomon and, to them as a nation. In all, the festivities lasted for fifteen days. It had begun in the seventh month (2 Chronicles 5:3), and probably on the fifteenth day of the month (Leviticus 23:39).
     These GOD-appointed festivals and gatherings, such as the “Festival of Shelters” (Feast of the Tabernacles), “Passover and the Festival of Unleavened Bread”, “Festival of First fruits”, “Festival of Harvest” (Feast of Weeks), “Festival of Trumpets” (Rosh Hashanah), and the “Day of Atonement” (Yum Kippur), are not just for the Jews, but rather they are for all “GOD’s people” to share in worship, and, in praise. They are meant to help us to focus on “our commonalities under GOD”, rather than on “our self-created differences”. Our aspirations as professed Christians should be to “unite as one under GOD”, and not, as one under our own various “so-called” “Christian denominations, which are all, by the way, a product of our own minds, not GOD’s.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

Friday, March 9, 2018

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday March 11, 2018

Over 154,000 readers worldwide

(GOD is worthy of our praise)
(2 Chronicles 6:12-42)

   In the biblical Greek, the word used for “promise” is “epaggelia” (ep-ang-el-ee-ah), and it is “an announcement of divine assurance of good”. In 2 Chronicles 6, verses 12-42, King Solomon, the son of David, prays a petition of dedication at the opening day of the newly built “Temple of the LORD” at Jerusalem. It was the fulfillment of a promise from the LORD to King David that one of his sons would build HIM a Temple (2 Samuel 7:12-13) using the plans that GOD had given to David before he died.
    After Solomon had finished the seven-year construction project at Jerusalem, he blessed the people and then stood upon a newly constructed special platform, and with his hands spread out before the altar of the LORD, he began to pray a “prayer of thanksgiving” to GOD for keeping HIS promise to his father David.
    Solomon then asked the LORD to continue bestowing HIS favor upon the Davidic Dynasty, because all the people had continued, up until that point, to be faithful and obedient in their service to HIM. Solomon clearly understood that GOD’s promise to his father David was conditional, and would always hinge upon their continued obedience to GOD.
    Here in this passage, Solomon’s prayer to GOD that HE will keep HIS promise is evidence of his faith, not unbelief. GOD has already promised to meet all of our needs, yet, we are still taught by JESUS to pray that GOD “give us this day, our daily bread”. Our prayers should always express our continued dependence on GOD. Such prayers give honor to GOD, especially when we express them with joy and regularity.
    Solomon was persuaded of GOD’s interest in human affairs, and that is why he prayed that the LORD would also recognize the temple as a focal point of HIS communion with Israel. He prayed that GOD would always respond to the prayers of the faithful, not only while in the temple, but also, in those times whenever they might be away from Jerusalem, and prayed while facing in the direction of the temple. Solomon knew that GOD would keep HIS promise to care for HIS faithful, no matter where in the world they might find themselves (Vs.18-21).
    Most of the troubles that Solomon prays about in verses 22-39, are self-inflicted and befall us as a result of sinful choices in life. Thankfully, GOD’s grace is greater than our failures. Only GOD can justify and declare the guilty innocent, restoring us after we’ve been defeated by sinful choices. HE can forgive us and, through HIS Word, transform us so that we will begin to desire right-living (Vs.22-27).
    GOD, makes us aware of our deepest needs, through testing, so that we might fear HIM more than we fear man, and the various ways that the world can affect and influence us, through constant daily pressures. HE hears us, even when we have alienated ourselves from HIM, and HE graciously answers our prayers when we finally realize that we need HIM, and then humble ourselves and repent (Vs.28-33).
    The Almighty GOD, through JESUS CHRIST, is the only ONE WHO can uphold us in our struggles, and then, actually restore us back into an experiential, personal relationship with HIMSELF, all after we have willingly abandoned HIS plan for us, as HIS greatest creation. Yes, if we pray here on earth, GOD will answer those prayers from Heaven (Vs.34-39). GOD, is worthy of our praise, and HE always delivers on HIS promises, whenever we keep our end of the bargain.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander


Friday, March 2, 2018

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday March 4, 2018

Over 153,000 readers worldwide

(Our obedience leads to GOD’s provisions)
(Genesis 22)

   Genesis 22 comprises the, now famous account, of Abraham’s “faith and obedience test” that is actually given by GOD to all those who profess to love, worship, and serve HIM, even to those here in this 21st century. However, in Abraham’s test, GOD instructs him to take his son, Isaac, to the land of Moriah (which means “bitterness of the LORD”) some 50 miles away (approximately 3 days journey) from his home in Beersheba.
    Mount Moriah is an elevated area in Jerusalem, then known as Salem, where Abraham once met with Melchizedek (Genesis 14:17-24). It is also the place where King Solomon would later build the first temple of GOD here on earth (2 Chronicles 3:1-2). By sending Abraham to Moriah, and with Abraham knowing the meaning and history of the name, GOD was setting the stage for Abraham’s greatest test of faith.
    Real tests from GOD often defies human logic, because, in order for a test of faith to be effective, it has to be composed of those elements that the flesh will vehemently be opposed to. The test has to present us with a genuine opportunity to choose between obeying the flesh (satan), or clinging to the SPIRIT (GOD). Through those tests, GOD is seeking to prove to us, for our own spiritual confidence, whether or not we are “true believers”, or just “professed Christians”.
    In order to serve GOD properly, we have to prove through our actions and behavior (not just through our mouth), that we love HIM more than our father, mother, sister, brother, children, or property here on earth (Mark 10:29-31), and be willing to give up any and all things (your whole life) for the kingdom, and for CHRIST’s sake, the way JESUS did for us.
    GOD never intended for Abraham to kill his son Isaac, but rather, HE was trying to prove to Abraham himself, if he would truly be willing to do it, if he had to. Our tests are never done for GOD’s sake, because GOD already knows the answer to all things. However, in order for us to serve HIM with complete confidence and faith, we ourselves have to know where we truly stand at all times, and how we will react in pressure situations when things aren’t going well, and we are beset with tribulations and persecutions from the world (satan).
    Several things in this passage confirm Abraham’s faith in GOD, and we’ll investigate some of those right now. First of all, GOD tells Abraham up front that he would be taking Isaac to Moriah to present him as a sacrifice to HIM (v.2). In those days, child sacrifices by pagan cultures, especially to the idol god Mollech, were very popular, and was almost certainly a ritual term that Abraham was familiar with. However, he also knew that it was something that his GOD detested and would never indorse among HIS people.
    Nevertheless, operating on total faith, Abraham got up early the next morning, saddled a donkey, and took Isaac, along with two of his servants and some wood for the sacrificial burnt offering, and set out on the 50-mile journey that had been designated by “the GOD of his faith”. We can assume that GOD requested this be done some 50 miles away so that Abraham would have at least three days to think about it, and have amble time to change his mind, and not go through with it, if he chose to. This was indeed, another part of the test.
    On the third day of the journey, Abraham could see from a distance, the place where GOD had instructed him to go, and so he directed his servants to stay where they were, and he traveled the remaining short distance alone with Isaac, and the supply of wood. He told them that they would go and worship, and would be back shortly.
    This was an astounding statement by Abraham that seemed to confirm his faith that GOD would keep HIS promise to him and would not actually kill the heir to that promise, which was Isaac, or, at worse, GOD would kill him, and then raise him from the dead. However, either way, his “faith reasoning” was that, he would not lose his son in this ordeal.
    Throughout Old Testament Scripture, and, in levitical law, the lamb is not only the animal most preferred for sacrificial offerings, but, over time, it has become the literal symbol of sacrifice. JESUS, WHO is the innocent lamb of GOD, voluntarily offered HIMSELF up as a sacrifice for all mankind. HE, quite literally, took our place “as payment” for our sins against GOD, past, present, and future.
    Here in Genesis 22, verses 6-8, Abraham places the wood for the burnt offering on “Isaac’s shoulder” and he took a lighted torch and a knife in his own hands, and the two of them begin to “walk to their final destination” (this is reminiscent of JESUS’ death walk from the courthouse to Golgotha, bearing HIS OWN cross). It was then that Isaac said to his father, “We have the wood and the fire, but where is the lamb for the sacrifice? Here Abraham responds with another statement of faith, “GOD will provide a lamb my son”.
    When they arrived at the place where GOD had told Abraham to go, he built an altar to the LORD and placed the supply of wood on it. He then tied Isaac up, and laid him on top of the wood and took his knife and raised it up over his head to kill him as a sacrifice to the LORD. At that moment “The ANGEL of the LORD”, which is a theophany of CHRIST in the Old Testament, shouted out to Abraham from Heaven, “Abraham, Abraham!”
    Abraham immediately stopped his downward motion with the knife and said, “I’m listening” (Vs.9-11). The ANGEL then told Abraham to “Lay down the knife. Do not hurt the boy in any way, for “now I know” that you truly fear GOD. You have not withheld even your beloved son from ME”.
    In the Old Testament, prophets were reformers of sort, who, not only delivered GOD’s Word, but also, at one and the same time, challenged the people to actually serve the LORD and obey HIS Word. They were called “men of GOD” or “seers”, and were distinguished by their holy lifestyle before men, under GOD. They were able to faithfully see beyond that which is natural in the eyes of man.
    JESUS wholly fitted the role of the Old Testament prophet. In fact, in the Old Testament, the future CHRIST served in the role of a prophet as “The ANGEL of the LORD” and even “The COMMANDER of the LORD’s Army” in Joshua 5:13-15. As a prophet, HE delivered many messages from GOD the FATHER to men such as Abraham here in Genesis 22:11-17, to Moses in Exodus 3:2-3 (the burning bush), to Joshua, to Baalam in Numbers 22:21-35, and, to the Israelites in general at Bokim  in Judges 2:1-5.
    The Scriptures teaches us that “the pre-incarnate JESUS” and “the incarnate JESUS” was not “all-knowing” (omniscient) as GOD the FATHER is. We see that here in this passage in the ANGEL’s response to Abraham, were HE says “now I know” that you truly fear GOD”, meaning that HE didn’t know how Abraham would respond to his test from GOD the FATHER beforehand. Also, JESUS tells us HIMSELF in Matthew 24:36 that HE was not all-knowing at that stage in HIS humanity, but was not granted omni-power, in Heaven and on earth, until just before HIS ascension back into Heaven, as “the Resurrected JESUS”, and SAVIOR of the world (Matthew 28:18).
    In verses 13-14 we see Abraham looking up and seeing a ram (symbolic of CHRIST) caught in a bush, a “sacrificial substitute” to replace his son, Isaac (mankind), on the altar of GOD. Here the concept of how GOD would later bring salvation to man, through HIS only begotten SON, CHRIST JESUS, is being introduced into the world. And Abraham named the place “The LORD will provide”. This name gave rise to a future popular Jewish proverb that would state “On the mountain of the LORD, it will be provided”.
    Then “The ANGEL of the LORD” spoke again to Abraham saying, “This is what the LORD says: “Because you have obeyed ME and have not withheld even your beloved son, I swear by MY OWN SELF that I will bless you richly, I will multiply your descendants into countless millions, like the stars of the sky and the sands on the seashore, they will conquer their enemies, and through your descendants, all the nations of the earth will be blessed---all because you have obeyed ME”.
    Abraham then traveled back to Beersheba and lived there for a long time. As this chapter ends, we see GOD already making preparations in the life of young Isaac, and we are introduced to his future wife, Rebekah, who had already been born to the youngest son of Abraham’s brother, Nahor, who was now living in the east. Rebekah’s father’s name was Bethuel. Stay tuned.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander