Friday, June 28, 2019

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday June 30, 2019

Over 204,000 readers worldwide

(Kingdom living will always be counter-cultural)
(Matthew 5:1-12)

   JESUS’, now famous, “Sermon on the Mount” demonstrates the “standard of righteousness” that GOD demands from each of us who profess to be interested in dedicating our lives in service to HIM. Some of these standards are laid out to us in general terms, while others are very specific. There are also others that are apocalyptic in nature, as they refer to eschatological events in future times.
    In Matthew chapters 5-7, the Apostles Matthew highlights JESUS’ most well-known sermon. It is a discourse which took place on a mountaintop, somewhere in Galilee, and probably near Capernaum, around 2000 years ago. There JESUS begins HIS sermon with a series of statements that serve to gradually shape the attitude of those who desired to follow HIM.
    In the New Testament Greek, the word used for “blessed” is “makarios” (mak-ar-ree-os), and it describes a “joy” which finds its secret within itself. It is a feeling of security that is serene and untouchable. It is “self-contained” and is “totally independent and immune” to the oppressions of this world. It is an attitude that is not affected by “the chances and changes” of everyday life, and is, in fact, “a Heavenly state of being” that JESUS is speaking of here in this passage of verses 1-12. Here, for the first time ever, JESUS introduces to the world, HIS list of “beatitudes”, which are designed to shape the character of the Christian, from within.
    The word “beatitudes” comes from the Latin word “beatus” (be-at-us), and here it concerns “one’s Christian character, which, as I said, has to flow from within”. Here in this passage, if one looks closely, he or she can clearly see the difference between “happiness” and “joy”.
    We already know, through our many life experiences, that happiness is “a very temporal state of being”. In fact, it tends to leave us every time that something goes wrong in our lives. Every time we experience problems and adversity, happiness is the first thing out the door. That is why GOD does not promise us happiness, but rather, HE assures us that, with HIM, we will always have a “joy” that will transcend the sorrows and trials of this world.
    Only satan wants us to be “happy” with the things of this world, which with, through our sins, we have given him control over our lives. GOD, on the other hand, wants to bless us by giving us a joy that cannot be found in our pursuit of the people, places, and things of this world, but rather, can only be found in CHRIST JESUS, WHO strengthens us from within.
    In JESUS, we will be able to experience the bliss of “a permanent joy” that nothing in this world can change, or take away from us. However, reading through this list of “beatitudes”, one can envision a mountain of “self” that one has to first “get over”, in order to reach the state of mind, or, obtain the attitude, of a person who desires to be pleasing to GOD, and who can experience the comforts that only CHRIST can give us.
    Picture yourself at the foot of a mountain, ready to begin your ascent to the top, and beyond to the bottom of the other side. The first beatitude JESUS gives us is “Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven”. A person who is “poor in spirit” is a person who “realizes and admits their need for GOD”. This is the first step that a person must make in order to come to GOD. One must first “come to the end of oneself, where JESUS is waiting to receive us into HIS glorious protection and salvation.
    JESUS then says, “Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted”. To “mourn”, in this sense, is to “earnestly repent” for having lived a life that is not pleasing to GOD. This is when your “heart” (“kardia”- the way we think) tells GOD that you are now ready to “change your mind” about the way you’ve lived so far, and now, wish to begin living by the “human examples” of CHRIST JESUS, WHO is now, because of HIS “perfect” life example here on earth, our LORD.
    Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth”, is the next beatitude that is uttered by JESUS. The step that one must now take is the step into “humbleness”, as GOD always blesses those who are gentle and lowly, and divested of “pride and “arrogance”. Meekness, from the Greek, “praus” (“prah-ooce), is “power under control”, not weakness. Pride and arrogance fuels “human ingenuity”, and there is no room for human ingenuity in the Church of CHRIST, there is only room for “obedience to GOD’s Word”, which is already written, and does NOT need to be tweaked by man with his human thoughts and ideas.
    Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled”. At this step we can now begin to see over the top of the mountain that is “one’s self”, as we now seek to learn more about how we can walk in the righteousness of CHRIST JESUS. We begin to hunger and thirst after fairness, to, and for others, and we seek to live “a just life” with others at all times.
    Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy”. It is here that we begin our descent down the other side of the mountain. We begin to show mercy to others, and in turn, GOD begins to show more mercy towards us. We are now, in effect, actively more and more reflecting HIS image to others, through our own behavior.
    Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see GOD”. At this point we are now manifesting a “heart” (“kardia” – the way we think) for GOD, and can see more clearly what GOD is like. We begin to “share the mind of CHRIST” in our thinking, and we look at the human life of JESUS with greater understanding.
    Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of GOD”. The person who has “a heart for GOD” also has “a mind for “peace”. They actively seek peace through their positive actions and attitude toward others, in and outside their homes. He or she works for peace in the home, the Church, and, in the community, using their knowledge of GOD, and their faith in GOD, as their “moral compass”. A person who has reached this stage can now handle, quite efficiently, the three battles that every human being must engage in, in life; “the battle within themselves between “reason” and “passion”; “our battles with each other”; and, “our war with GOD HIMSELF”, by way of our personal disobedience and sins against HIM.
    And finally, “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven”. Now that we are over “the mountain of self”, it is time to go to work serving “the GOD WHO sees us”, and, WHO saves us from ourselves. We are now fully equipped spiritually, to triumph over the persecutions that will surely follow us, because we now live lives that are “adverse to the world”.
    And those persecutions will continue to beset us, because the SPIRIT of GOD now lives within us, and we have been made right with GOD, because of our belief in, and practice of, HIS Holy Word and disciplines. We are no longer compatible with “the world way of thinking”, being controlled by our “sin nature”, but rather, we have fully “repented” (“metanoia” – “changed our minds”), and now “share the mind of CHRIST”, in our thinking (Romans 8:9-11). And JESUS says that we should be “Be joyous about it! Be very glad! For a great reward awaits you in Heaven. And remember, the ancient prophets were persecuted too” (Matthew 5:12).

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

Friday, June 21, 2019

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday June 23, 2019

Over 203,000 readers worldwide

(The freedom of a new life in CHRIST JESUS)
(Colossians 2:1-15)

   While the Apostle Paul was imprisoned in Rome, he wrote this letter to the church at Colosse, a city which he himself had not yet visited. He had come to know the believers there while he was still living in Ephesus during his second missionary journey. It was around this time, that he began to receive word about the “strange antichrist doctrines and theories” that had infiltrated their church, such as witchcraft, astrology, magic, and yes, Judaism, which was intent on downgrading CHRIST JESUS to the rank of just another angel.
     This letter was carefully and brilliantly written by Paul to serve as proof that JESUS was actually GOD in human form while HE existed here on earth. HE was the greatest example ever, of what GOD HIMSELF is really like. GOD is the CREATOR of all things, and through HIM we have everything we need to survive, both, physically, and more importantly, spiritually.
    In verse 1 of chapter 2, Paul gives us a glimpse into his own heart, as he expresses the agony of his struggle that he was going through for the Colossians and other Christians whom he had never met face to face. Here he compares or associates the Colossians with the church at Laodicea, one of the three towns with whom they shared a vicinity (the third being Hierapolis).
    It is not enough just to have love for humanity, but one must also have love and belief in CHRIST JESUS, lest that love become just mere sentimentality. The true Christian clearly has a double commitment in this life, for he or she must first be committed to CHRIST JESUS, and then one must also be powerfully committed to their fellowman.
    In verses 2-3 Paul shares his goal with the believers of Colosse. Here he tells them that his goal is that “they will be encouraged and knit together by strong ties of love” (vs. 2a-NLT). However, in verses 2b-3, he reveals to them the most important part of that goal which is for them to “have full confidence because they have complete understanding of GOD’s secret plan (the Christian Church) which is CHRIST HIMSELF. In HIM lies hidden all of the treasures of wisdom and knowledge”.
    And so we see here that loving each other and loving CHRIST has to be synonymous with each other. For CHRIST tells us in Matthew 25, verses 31-46, that, when HE returns, HE will judge us according to how we reacted to human need in our lifetime. In other words, HE will judge us based on how we put our love for our fellowman into action.
    We as human beings, should never be led away into doctrines (including so-called Christian denominations) which are developed by human minds. We should, instead, make a greater effort to adhere to the things that come direct from the mind of a supreme GOD (the Holy Bible) WHO knows all things that are conducive to living a life that can tap into the power that HE has given to us as HIS greatest creation. JESUS, WHO is the greatest of the greatest, clearly demonstrated that “power” (“exsousea”- “authority”) to us, time and time again, while HE lived here on earth.
    Beginning in verse 4 of this letter to the Colossians, here in chapter 2, Paul tells us why we must be committed to gaining complete knowledge and understanding of the Word of GOD, and he  implores the believers here to stay away from strange, “empty philosophy” (“pithanologia”) and “high-sounding nonsense” (“ecstatic speech” – more popularly known today as “speaking in tongues”) that come from “human thinking”, and, from the evil powers of this world, respectively (v.8).
    JESUS represented to us, the fullness of GOD in a human body (v.9), and we are made complete through our union with HIM. JESUS is LORD over all rulers and authority in the whole universe (v.10), and HE is LORD over both, the physical, and, the spiritual life. Our belief in HIM infuses in us, a spiritual life that will persist, even after physical death (Vs.11-12).
    Baptism is a public act that symbolizes our being buried with CHRIST, and then, being raised into a new life because we believed, that, through the mighty power of GOD, WHO raised JESUS from the dead, we will also be raised from the dead to be with HIM. Our acceptance of CHRIST cuts away at “the gravitational pull” that the world has on our sinful nature, and puts us on the road to a new life of seeking to know GOD more and more with each passing day (Vs.13-15).
    In these verses the Apostle Paul clearly shows the adequacy of the work that JESUS did as a 100% human being here on earth. Because of what HE did, our sins are forgiven, and the evil work of satan was conquered, or nullified. However, we can only enjoy CHRIST’ conquest when we repent and request forgiveness from GOD for our sins against HIM.
    There are few things in this world that are universally available to all human beings, regardless of their race, nationality, gender, or social or economic condition. Of those few things, “the Salvation of men’s souls” stands alone as the most valuable thing that any man can acquire. And because of what CHRIST JESUS did, this greatest of assets, is free!

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

Friday, June 14, 2019

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday June 16, 2019

Over 203,000 readers worldwide

(CHRIST is the perfect sacrifice)
(Hebrews 9:11-28)

   JESUS CHRIST, our LORD and SAVIOR, has now entered into the perfect sanctuary that was not made by human hands, but rather, by the hand of GOD. There HE has become High Priest over all that is good. Once and for all time HE has carried HIS OWN blood into the Most Holy Place in Heaven, and with it, HE has secured our salvation forever.
    Under the old law, the blood of goats, bulls, or rams could offset the defilement of human sins temporarily. How much more effective then, must the blood of CHRIST be in purifying the human heart from deeds that had long led man to death. Now the bloodshed of CHRIST is continuously allowing man to re-establish personal relationships of friendship with GOD, whenever he is willing to repent and turn from his sin.
    Here in chapter 9, the writer prompts his readers to recall that all elements of the Mosaic Covenant had special meaning, in that, it reflected the realities in Heaven. But our HIGH PRIEST, JESUS, entered into Heaven itself, bearing HIS OWN blood, and by HIS OWN sacrifice, obtained for us, the greatest gift of all time, salvation. JESUS is the mediator of the New Covenant, a covenant that was activated by HIS OWN death on the cross.
    In Old Testament times, animal blood sacrifices were the standard requirement by GOD for the sins of man. In essence, the institution of this requirement by GOD indicates that sin merits death. However, GOD was willing to accept an animal sacrifice as a substitute for the more valuable life of the human sinner. Hebrews chapters 8-10 teaches us that the system of Old Testament sacrifices was actually an “object lesson” used by GOD to aid us in the understanding of the coming sacrifice of HIS only begotten SON, JESUS, the CHRIST.
    The Old Testament sacrifices had an “external effectiveness”, but JESUS’ sacrifice at Golgotha has an “internal effect” that cleanses the conscience that bounds us to the guilt of our past. We are no longer overcome with a past that renders us inadequate to function in the present and keeps us from moving forward to a brighter future with GOD.
    When a person dies and leaves a Will, no one can collect on the benefits of that Will, until there is proof that the person who wrote that Will is actually dead. Likewise, under the old covenant, GOD required the blood of certain animals as proof of the death of a person’s sinful desire, and the blood confirmed a person’s desire to instead, be obedient to the covenant. Afterwards, a person was able to collect on the benefits of GOD’s Will, which was founded in HIS forgiveness, and from that point forward, strive to walk in righteousness with GOD.
    The blood of animals was sufficient to purify things here on earth, and by the sprinkling of animal blood on the altar of GOD, man was allowed to continue to live here on earth. However, the real things, which are only found in Heaven, had to be purified with a far better sacrifice than the blood of unblemished animals. It took the blood of an unblemished man to meet the requirement of GOD to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, and that perfect sacrifice could only come in the person of JESUS CHRIST.
    However, first, JESUS had to become a man, born into the world like all other human beings, so that HE could suffer through everything man has to suffer through here on earth, overcome it, and then, present HIMSELF faultless before HIS FATHER GOD as the perfect sacrifice for the sin atonement of all persons, past, present, and future, once and for all time.
    And just as it is appointed by GOD that each person dies only once, after which, comes judgment, so too, CHRIST died only once as a sacrifice that took away the sins of the people who choose to believe in HIM. JESUS will come again, but not to deal with our sins again. This time HE will bring with HIM, the salvation that is promised to all those who believe, and eagerly await HIS return, and judgment for all those who don’t.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

Friday, June 7, 2019

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday June 9, 2019

Over 202,000 readers worldwide

(JESUS’ death opened the door to eternal life with GOD)
(Mark 15)

   In Mark 14:53-65 and 15:1-15 John Mark gives us his account of the “Trials of CHRIST JESUS”. There, we see JESUS, first standing trial before the “Sanhedrin”, the group that was the religious authority of the day, and subsequently we see HIM before the Roman Procurator of Judea, Pontius Pilate.
    During the time of JESUS’ trials, six in all, when we combine the synoptic gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke together, we can see that the powers of the Sanhedrin were limited. And even though they had full power over all religious matters, according to Jewish records, judgment in matters of life and death had been taken away from the Jews by Julius Caesar decades earlier.
    While it is true that sometimes, as in the case of Stephen (Acts 7:54-60), (where they stoned him to death), the Jews did take the law into their own hands. However, legally, they had no right to apply the death penalty to anyone in those days, because Palestine was under the rule of the Roman Empire. That is why they needed to bring JESUS to Pilate, a Roman official, to be crucified (John 18:31).
    The key word here in this passage is “Crucifixion”, as the Sanhedrin wasn’t so concerned about observing Roman law, as the stoning of Stephen proves, but rather, in this case, they also wanted to discredit JESUS, and ensure that HE wouldn’t become Martyred by HIS OWN death.
    Crucifixion on a cross was considered to be the same as being hung from a tree. The Jews believed that anyone hung from a tree was “cursed of GOD”. They based this belief on what is written in Deuteronomy 21:22-23. Therefore, in their minds, Crucifixion (death by Roman method) would prove, once and for all, that JESUS could not have been the MESSIAH, and in fact, HIS manner of death would stand as proof that HE was, quite literally, “cursed of GOD”, and their own claims, being HIS opponent, would be vindicated.
    That is why the Apostle Paul has to explain in his letter to the Galatians (Galatians 3:13-14) years later, that, JESUS’ death on the cross actually “rescued” us from the “curse” pronounced by the law. There he was also referring to the statement in Deuteronomy 21:22-23, and is attempting to separate JESUS’ death on the cross from that context, and rightfully so.
    When JESUS was hung on the cross, HE took upon HIMSELF, the “curse” of our wrongdoing, and therefore the opposite occurred, and the curse became “a blessing” for all mankind. In other words, JESUS’ death on the cross actually broke the curse of our sin, and freed us spiritually to re-enter into a personal relationship of friendship with GOD. HE did not add to the curse, but rather, HE ended the curse.
    In Mark 15:21-37, John Mark gives us his dictated account of the “Crucifixion of CHRIST JESUS”. While the Apostles John and Matthew were eyewitnesses of the event, John Mark, on the other hand, wrote of the Apostle Peter’s recollections of the events surrounding JESUS’ death. Luke’s account is, by his own admission, a result of careful investigative work, and interviewing of the early Disciples, and other eyewitnesses to JESUS’ life and Ministry, here on earth. What follows, will be my attempt to incorporate these four accounts into one accurate depiction of this tragic and unjust event that is “the crucifixion of CHRIST”.
    All accounts begin with JESUS’ death walk to Golgotha (Skull Hill), where HE is ultimately crucified by Roman method. However, Mark, Matthew, and Luke include in their accounts of how, on the way, JESUS and HIS executioners make a divine encounter with a man called Simon, who is compelled by a Roman soldier to carry the cross of JESUS.
    Here we see, in Simon, a man who has come all the way from Cyrene on the continent of Africa to, no doubt, participate in the Passover Celebration, however, he instead, ends up unexpectedly becoming the first Gentile to perform a Christian mission, even though he was “forced” to do so by the Roman soldiers.
    We know now, as Christians that, picking up the cross of JESUS, and following HIM, can only be “a voluntary act” brought on by the desires of the human heart. And keep in mind also, that, it was not GOD who forced Simon to carry the cross of CHRIST JESUS, but rather, it was man. I wonder how many people still try to do that now (force people to follow CHRIST), in this, the twenty-first century.
    Great crowds of people followed as JESUS was being lead to HIS death, including many grief stricken women. As they were moving along, suddenly JESUS turned and said to them, “Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for ME, but for yourselves, and for your children. For, behold, the days are coming, in the which they shall say, blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bare, and the paps which never gave suck. Then shall they begin to say to the mountains, fall on us; and to the hills, cover us. For if they do these things in a green tree, what shall be done in the dry?”(Luke 23:28-31 - KJV).
    In those days, when a criminal was condemned to be crucified, he was taken from the judgment hall, and put in the midst of four Roman soldiers. The horizontal section of the cross was then laid upon the convicted person’s shoulders, and he was marched to the place of his crucifixion by the longest possible route. In front of him marched another soldier holding a placard, or “sign” stating what the convicted person’s crime was.
    In JESUS’ case, Pilate had the words, inscribed, “JESUS of Nazareth the KING of the Jews”. This was much to the dismay of the Jewish religious leaders, who tried to get him to change it to “HE said, HE was the KING of the Jews”. But Pilate probably saw this as his last chance to fire back at the Jewish religious leaders for forcing his hand in the whole ordeal with JESUS’ trial. And so, not only did he refuse to change it, but he also had the sign written in three different languages, Aramaic, Latin, and Greek.
    In Matthew 26:29, Mark 14:25, and Luke 22:18, JESUS promises HIS Disciples that HE will not drink wine again until HE drinks it new, with them in the Kingdom of GOD. In Psalms 69:21, the Psalmist tells us that JESUS would be offered sour wine to satisfy HIS thirst. We see Scripture being fulfilled in (Matt. 27:34 & 48, Mark 15:23 & 36, Luke 23:36, & John 19:29-30) where JESUS is offered wine on two occasions and refused to drink. These can also be viewed as final attempts by satan to trip JESUS up on HIS promise that HE had made to HIS Disciples, during HIS establishment of the New Covenant at the Last Supper.
    We see further fulfillment of Scripture, with the Roman soldiers gambling, or “casting lots” for JESUS’ clothing, (Matt. 27:35, Mark 15:24, Luke 23:34b, & John 19:23-24). This fulfills one of the seven Prophesies found in Psalms 22 (22:18), which states, “They part MY garments among them, and cast lots upon MY vesture” (KJV).
    There were two criminals, who were crucified with JESUS that day, one on each side of HIM. One, strangely enough, felt like he was in a position to mock JESUS. The other defended JESUS’ innocence, and thereby, became the last person directly saved by JESUS as a human being, during HIS earthly ministry (Luke 23:39-43).
    Standing near the cross that day, were Mary, JESUS’ mother, her sister Mary, the wife of Cleophas (who is said to be the same as Alpheus, the father of James and Joseph), Zebedee’s wife (the mother of James and John), Mary Magdalene, and the Apostle John. Looking down from the cross, and seeing HIS mother’s anguish, JESUS consigns her care into the hands of the Apostle John, the Disciple whom HE loved.
    The statement that JESUS made to Mary and John was the third of seven statements, or sayings, that JESUS made from the cross. Here, HE says to Mary “Woman, behold thy son”, and to John, “Behold thy mother” (John 19:26-27). The other six statements can be found in the following verses: Matthew 27:46, Luke 23:34, 43 & 46, & John 19:28b & 30a.
    At noon, darkness fell across the sky, and lasted until three o’clock. At that time JESUS speaks HIS sixth utterance from the cross, “tetelestai” (tet-el-es-ahee), the Greek word for “it is finished”, or “paid in full”. HE then bows HIS head and utters HIS seventh and final statement, “FATHER, into THY hands I commend MY Spirit”, and HE gave up the GHOST.
    There is an ensuing Earthquake, and simultaneously the curtains in the Temple were torn from top to bottom. Later the Jews went to Pilate to request that the bodies of the three be removed before the Sabbath, and that their legs be broken to expedite death. Pilate granted the request and the legs of the two criminals hanging beside JESUS were broken. However, they saw that JESUS’ body had already expired and they didn’t break HIS legs. One of the soldiers did, however, take a spear and pierce JESUS’ body in the side to ensure that HE was dead.
    In John 19:34, the Apostle John tells us that blood and water came from JESUS’ wound, after HE had been pierced with the spear. We know that normally, the body of a dead person will not bleed. It has been medically suggested by some doctors that JESUS’ experiences, physically and emotionally, leading up to HIS death, were so terrible, that HIS heart must have ruptured. When a person’s heart ruptures, the blood of the heart mingles with the fluid of the Pericardium which surrounds the heart. In all likelihood, the spear of the soldier pierced the Pericardium, or maybe both, causing the blood and water mixture to spew out.   
   This passage, by John, is final proof that JESUS was a real man, with a real body, bone of our bone, and flesh of our flesh. The water and blood, which flowed from JESUS’ side, were to John, and, should be to all Christians, a sign of the cleansing water of baptism, and of the cleansing blood that is commemorated and experienced in the LORD’s Supper.
     And so I conclude by saying, that, Pilate’s wavering during JESUS’ trial should never be mistaken for virtue. For, a quick look at his personal history shows us that he ultimately chose the path of least resistance, in order to save himself, from his own, self-imposed, troubled career. However, he should have known that the truth can never be compromised. We either hold fast to the things of GOD, or we allow ourselves to be deceived by satan.
    The Jewish leaders delivered JESUS into the hands of Pilate, and he tried to compromise. He even, on the surface, convinced himself that he had done all that he could, but actually he knew, even deeper in his heart, that he had long ago, tossed away the option to do the right thing. Jewish history implies that Pilate had unwittingly set himself up for blackmail by the Jewish hierarchy, and they now saw this as an opportune time to call in their chips.
    The permissive will of GOD allows for man to do many things, and ultimately, through JESUS’ death, we also receive, in addition, GOD’s wonderful and abounding Grace. However, GOD, through his wisdom, will never allow grace to “trump” TRUTH. The TRUTH presented itself to Pilate that day, in the person of JESUS CHRIST, and he ultimately decided to put TRUTH to death.
    And, as for the Jews, in order to carry out the death of JESUS, they abandoned every principal they ever had, especially, that day, when they uttered those infamous words to Pilate, as it is recorded in John 19:15, where they declare, “We have no King but Caesar”.
   That put the final “brush strokes” on a “tragic painting”, of a maddened mob that had been driven by anger. Driven by their hatred for JESUS, the Jews lost all sense of proportion, and they totally forgot about the mercy they had so often preached about in the Temple. They forgot all about justice, and in the end, denounced GOD, and professed Caesar.
    Never before in the history of man has hatred’s insanity presented itself to us more vividly, and hopefully, it never will again. There can never be “a right time” to do “the wrong thing”, as Pilate and the Jews ultimately did. In their case, they took the most beautiful LIGHT that ever did live, and then, they snuffed HIM out, on a cross.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander