Friday, June 26, 2020

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday June 28, 2020

Over 241,000 readers worldwide

(Wisdom is complete and perfect and lacks nothing)
(Proverbs 9)

   Morality does not appeal to the senses the way “folly” does, because folly appeals more to our “sin nature”, and is in fact, “moral rebellion” against GOD. Folly is fueled by sin nature, which is fueled by “emotions that are “out of control” such as “anger”, “greed”, “lust”, “gluttony”, and “envy”, which dominates most human beings in any given generation.
Folly can overcome us if we are not in tune to “GOD’s Word” and utilizing great “self-control”. The Word of GOD is the only thing that will keep us from falling, and transform our lives, “for the better”.
    The Book of Proverbs is difficult, if not impossible to outline, because it is a collection of “wisdom sayings” on many subjects in life. It teaches us how to develop a disciplined life toward GOD, and how to always do that which is “just and fair” toward each other as human beings. By contrast, it also teaches us that folly is undisciplined and sensuous, and brings those who choose it, into a miserable life, and most often, leads us to an early grave.
    In Proverbs 9, taking up at verse 1, we see the writer’s mentioning of seven pillars. These pillars are “figurative” and do not represent any seven principles of wisdom. The number 7 in the Bible represents “completeness and perfection”, and here Solomon is saying in the most poetic way, that, “wisdom lacks nothing”, and is “complete” and “perfect”.
    In this chapter of Proverbs, “wisdom” and “folly” are portrayed as two women who are rivals, each preparing a feast and inviting all people to come and join them, partaking of their offerings. Wisdom is “a responsible woman of character”, while folly is represented by “a prostitute who is serving stolen food”. Wisdom “appeals to the mind”, while folly “appeals to the senses”. The satisfaction offered by folly is “only temporary”, while the satisfaction offered by wisdom “lasts forever”.
    The banquet described in verses 1-5 offers interesting parallels to the banquet that JESUS describes in one of HIS parables in Luke 14:15-24. Although many people planned to go, they fail to make it because they become distracted by other activities that seem to be more important at the time, or, by false teaching.
    It is important that we remember GOD’s wisdom as being the most important thing, and not our worldly desires, or the church teachings and preaching that tickle our fancy, and only temporarily satisfies our senses, or our desires to do what we really want to do. Our desires to find churches that agree most with our lifestyles will be the downfall of most people who think they are “already saved” from eternal damnation.
    Wisdom begins with “knowing GOD”. Through wisdom, GOD gives us insight into the life that HE HIMSELF created. Knowing GOD does not just mean “knowing facts about HIM”, but rather, it means, because of what we know, “we stand in awe of HIM”, and desire to “have a personal, experiential, relationship with HIM also.
    When we read Proverbs 7, 8, and 9 together, we see a choice being offered up to us from the Almighty GOD of Creation. HE is inviting us to make wise choices in the life that HE has given us. Wisdom sends out an invitation to each and every one of us, and it has always been available to all who seek it.
    The SPIRIT (the HOLY SPIRIT) and the Church (the true Church that is headed by CHRIST JESUS) say “Come”. Unfortunately, the spirit of satan and the World says the same. The HOLY SPIRIT in GOD’s people will always lead us toward CHRIST. However, the “sin nature of satan” in us, will always try to tug us back toward false teachings and the World.
     If we surrender to the pleasures of the flesh, we automatically choose to become friends of this World, and become spiritually unfaithful to GOD. However, if we set ourselves against satan, he is unable to prevail against the power of the HOLY SPIRIT that is given to us by GOD for choosing HIM.
    Every man and woman are born into this world, where sin already exists (not with sin in us). However, we must remember that we are all born with “GOD’s Nature” in us, not “sin nature” like we are so famously taught by false teachers and preachers, mostly because of their misinterpretation of Psalm 51:5. We acquire sin nature when we first dis-obey GOD at an age of accountability. GOD’s Nature (that is re-awakened by the HOLY SPIRIT) in us, is greater than he who is in the World (our chosen sin nature from satan).
    We must never get so engrossed in “the times”, that we forget about “eternity”, and never let our concern for “Worldly Affairs” completely distract us from remembering that there is a GOD WHO is actually in control. All of the “issues of life” and “death” are in GOD’s hands, and whenever HIS call comes for us as individuals to “come”, be it morning, noon, or night, may it find us full of wisdom, and indeed, ready to go.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY DALEXANDER- Official Website



Friday, June 19, 2020

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday June 21, 2020

Over 241,000 readers worldwide

(Wisdom calls for us to hear)
(Proverbs 8)

   People who say they seek GOD the Creator, and FATHER of our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST, but will not receive HIS available wisdom, are prone to walk with “a spiritual limp”. In Proverb 7 Solomon wrote symbolically about “the call of the adulteress”, or, immoral woman’s call to the men of the city, and how it would be “very unwise” for man to accept her invitation. There Solomon was using symbolism to show how, without wisdom and discernment, a man (GOD’s appointed leader) can slide into all kinds of immorality and cause the destruction of a society by neglecting, ceding, and even abusing his leadership role.
    It was Peter C. Craige who wrote: “When people cease to care, then religion, morality, social customs and values, all cease to function as mortar, that holds together a society, and maintains ancient faith”. Here in Proverbs chapter 8, Solomon’s female personification of wisdom is depicted as the “virtuous woman” and is a sharp contrast to the “adulterous woman” that is depicted in chapter 7.
    In chapter 7 “the adulterous woman” goes out into the streets to seduce the young man and divest him of his moral compass. Here in chapter 8, however, “wisdom”, “the virtuous woman”, is seen in the same streets offering herself up to all who will willingly receive her life-giving wisdom. We see displayed here in this chapter, the sterling characteristics that are found or contained only in wisdom.
    In verses 6-8 Solomon tells us that the virtuous woman, wisdom, speaks that which is right and true, and hates wickedness and deception. Those who love wisdom cannot exist with a wicked, “lying and deceitful spirit”. Secondly, in verse 12, the king tells us that “wisdom is always associated with prudence, knowledge, and discretion”. Wisdom provides a person with “good judgment”, and good judgment leads one to discover the treasures of knowledge and discernment.
    In verse 13 we see that “wisdom hates pride and arrogance”. Pride and arrogance are nourished through our pursuit for “respect” in the world. Instead of desiring to “love” and “loving one another”, we spend most of our time trying to garner respect the way Lucifer did, while he was in Heaven. In fact, the more respect he garnered, the more he desired to be in the position of FATHER GOD. His desire and pursuit of respect grew into his now eternal desire to be “worshiped”.
    That is why Solomon says in Proverbs 28:21a that; “To have respect of persons is not good”. Even GOD “is not a respecter of persons”. Actually, only HE can receive respect, and only HE can give it. As GOD’s greatest creation we are to “worship only GOD”, “love people”, and “use things”, and we must never get that order “twisted”. Only GODly wisdom can protect us from the evil mindset of “pursuing respect”, instead of “giving love”. It is literally impossible to “pursue respect” (which is an act of selfishness) and “give love” (an act of unselfishness) at the same time.
    Wisdom always walks in the path of righteousness and justice, and the book of Proverbs also offers up the benefits of wisdom in all of its chapters. Throughout these wisdom writings of Solomon we learn how wisdom protects us (Proverbs 2:11-12), how it prolongs life and brings prosperity (Proverbs 3:1-2), and how, along with riches and honor, it brings us peace (Proverbs 3:16-18). Wisdom allows us to have a good night’s sleep, because it leaves us without fears, and even when we do stumble, we do not fall (Proverb 3:24).
    GOD says that wisdom is primary and fundamental, and that it is the foundation upon which, all life is built. That is why both Paul (Colossians 1:15-17, and John (Revelations 3:14) allude to some of the statements being made by Solomon here in this book of Proverbs to describe what they, and many other Believers and scholars feel is JESIUS’ spiritual presence at the very beginning of Creation.
    When we read Proverbs 7, 8, and 9 together, we see a choice being offered to us from the Almighty GOD of Creation HIMSELF. HE is inviting us to make wise choices in the life that HE has given us. HE sends out an invitation of wisdom to each and every one of us, and it has always been available to all who seek it. Specifically, the call of wisdom here in this chapter seems to be directed at those who tend to be simple and foolish, because they are the ones who are most in need of wisdom’s services.
    Both, “the adulteress”, and, “lady wisdom”, is available for the choosing. However, the results of getting to know them are “polar opposites”. One, the adulteress, leads to an eternally painful death, or, “burning in Hell”, while the other, wisdom, will lead, not only to a long and prosperous life here on earth, but also ultimately, to an eternal life in Heaven, with the ONLY WISE GOD, and our SAVIOR, through JESUS CHRIST.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY DALEXANDER- Official Website


Friday, June 12, 2020

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday June 14, 2020

Over 240,000 readers worldwide

(The benefits of wisdom)
(Proverbs 2)

    The Book of Proverbs, in the Holy cannon of GOD, consists mostly of the writings and wisdom that GOD freely granted to Solomon, the son of David, and the third king of Israel. It contains an enormous amount of practical instructions for “right living”, according to the Word of the LORD. The general principles of the Book of Proverbs are relevant to all people, for all times.
    These principles have universal application, and their importance in Scripture is manifested in the fact that they share, along with the rest of the bible, a unique view of the Almighty GOD. And while “wisdom literature”, in the Old Testament times, was not primarily intended to teach “religious truths”, these writings here in the Book of Proverbs do, however, reflect the culture’s “exalted view” of GOD in those days.
    Largely, the literary applications, now referred to by scholars as “the wisdoms writings of the Scriptures”, are contained in “the poetic books of the Bible”, which are, along with this book of Proverbs, Job, Ecclesiastes, and several of the Psalms. Through each of the literary forms that are found in these books, GOD teaches us important, undeniable truths about HIMSELF, as well as about us.
    There seems to be no distinction between the prophets who wrote these wonderful messages, where it concerns their common call for “wise righteous living”, or their ever-important invitation for us to for us to be “wise children of GOD”. When we begin to make prudent decisions in life, we are, quite literally, demonstrating our fear of the ONLY WISE GOD WHO created, and “re-created us spiritually”, through JESUS CHRIST, our forgiving and saving LORD.
    Also, at one and the same time, when we demonstrate GODly wisdom, we are demonstrating our faith that GOD will bless us because we are willing to do what is right according to HIM. Thus, the theme of this book of Proverbs can be summed up in one powerful sentence; “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge and wisdom”.
    The name “Solomon”, which means “peace”, inherited the throne of Israel from his father, David. His rule as king is now distinguished as the only peaceful, united, kingdom (he ruled over both, northern Israel, and Judah) in the history of Israel, and he ruled for 40 years.
    Solomon, most likely, began his reign as king, while still a teenager. One night, early in his reign, the LORD appeared to him in a dream and offered to give him anything that he requested, because of his obedience and dedication to HIM, thus far. Solomon asked the LORD for “the wisdom to properly rule over HIS people in Israel”, and GOD bestowed upon him “more wisdom than HE has ever given any man, before or since.
    In addition, because of the “unselfishness” of his request, GOD also granted Solomon more riches than he had ever given anyone before that time. And so, these proverbs were born out of “the divine wisdom and understanding” that GOD imparted to this young king, that night as he slept on his bed in the palace of his father, David.
    In the Old Testament Hebrew, the word most often used for “wisdom” is “chokmah” (khok-maw), and it is “good sense and skill (discernment) in decision-making”. It tends to focus attention on one’s basic approach to life, especially concerning the “values” and “commitments” that are expressed in one’s lifestyle, or “walk”.
    Here in Proverbs chapter 2, Solomon begins to speak to his reader concerning the benefits, or “value” of pursuing wisdom. Here he carefully identifies the nature of wisdom and lists its many advantages. In verses 1-5 we see his use of eight verbs to stimulate our sense of thought. For simplification, we will use the “New Living Translation” version of the bible as we investigate his approach.
    In verse 1 we see the use of the verbs “listen” and “treasure”. The first step to obtaining any knowledge of anything valuable requires that we, first, “listen”. And once we hear, we must then retain, store up, or, “treasure” that which we heard.
    In verse 2 Solomon urges us to “tune” in and “concentrate” on wisdom. In other words, he wants us to focus in on learning until we develop complete knowledge and understanding of that which GOD is trying to teach us.
    In verse 3 Solomon says that we should “cry” out for this insight and understanding of that which we seek to know. We should go to GOD in prayer for help with all our decision-making, and in verse 4 the wise king urges us to “search” for knowledge and understanding, as if we were searching for hidden treasure.
    Finally, in verse 5 Solomon tells us that if we do these things that are mentioned in verses 1-4, we will “understand” what it means to fear the LORD, and we will “gain” knowledge of GOD. The LORD desires to grant mankind wisdom that will consistently overcome the “foolishness” of this world.
    If we are to desire wisdom, we must be willing to put forth the effort that it takes to obtain it. Acquiring wisdom involves being receptive, hearing with the ear, and applying with the heart. We must always be diligent, ever searching for the truth, through GOD’s Word and instructions. Seeking and valuing wisdom will always result in a person’s understanding the importance of fearing of the LORD, WHO is the source of the wisdom that we seek.
    In verses 7-10 we see some of the “moral benefits of wisdom”. Whether we realize it or not, wisdom gives us positive, health-inducing moral benefits. It keeps us out of harm’s way and contributes to our holiness and spiritual and physical well-being. Wisdom is a matter of the heart (the way we think) and therefore it influences, through our mindset, the way we behave (our moral conduct) physically.
    Sound judgment (wisdom) leads to success and victory over the evil influences that we oftentimes face in life. Wisdom forms a shield around us and protects us, while, at one and the same time, it allows us to deal equitably with others (right, fair, and just) as we go along our Christian Walk.
    In verse 11 we see a general statement about wisdom that sort of links verses 7-8 with verses 12-15. There it states, “Wise planning will watch over you. Understanding will keep you safe”. Through the protection GOD’s wisdom and discretion, one can avoid hooking up with those men and women who indulge in, and rejoice in, evil practices that lead to, first, spiritual, and then later, physical death (Vs.16-19).
    In verses 20-22 we see this wise closing advice that reads as follows; “Follow the steps of good men instead, and stay on the paths of the righteous. For only the upright will live in the land, and those who have integrity will remain in it. But the wicked will be removed from the land, and the treacherous will be destroyed”. Amen.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY DALEXANDER- Official Website


Friday, June 5, 2020

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday June 7, 2020

Over 239,000 readers worldwide

(Wisdom begins with seeking the LORD)
(Proverbs 1)

   The book of Proverbs is a collection of practical wisdom that was garnered over the span of many centuries. It deals with many diverse matters and situations ranging from the disciplining and rearing of children, to social justice, and from how to deal with the foolishness of this world, to how to wisely handle money, wealth, family, and personal relationships. It also teaches about politics, sexual behavior, and religion, and its theme is that, “the fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge and wisdom”.
    This book of Proverbs can have the same effect on a person’s every-day life that the book of Psalms can have on a person’s spiritual and devotional life. It teaches that there is “special wisdom” that is revealed to us by GOD, and, that there is also “innate wisdom” (common sense), that is instilled inside of each of us, by GOD. Each of these sources of wisdom must play a significant role in our overall existence, and, on the choices that we are faced with making, on a daily basis.
    When these wisdom writings are followed and applied diligently, they can make even the simple-minded seem cleaver, and can even give mature knowledge and purpose to the young. GOD, by sharing some of HIS nature with us (in this case, “Wisdom”), has given all human beings a moral insight. HE has given each of us an innate knowledge of what is right, and what is wrong, and so we all have an innate sense of what “just and right behavior really is”. It is deeply ingrained in each of us and we can readily find many expressions of moral teachings in any society, no matter where in the world we may travel.
    In Proverbs chapter 1, verses 1-7, the writer’s purpose and theme are explained. Here it tells us that, these wisdom writings are for “teaching and development of a disciplined lifestyle under GOD”. The text helps us to focus our attention on what is important to GOD, as far as how HE wants us to approach life’s issues, values, and commitments. The wise person is always sensitive to what GOD wants, and how GOD wants us to apply and enjoy that which HE has provided for us, be it a person, place, or thing.
    In verses 8-19, we see “a father’s exhortation for his children to accept and acquire wisdom”. Our actions always speak louder than our words, and this is especially true in the home. Our children learn all, or at least, most of their values, morals, and principles by observing their parent’s behavior in various day-to-day situations, be they good or bad. When parents exhibit a consistent earnest dependence on, and reverence for, the Almighty GOD, their children are likely to develop that same attitude themselves.
    We should always let our children see our reverence toward GOD and teach them those principles that are “right according to the Word of GOD”. We must, also, always strive to give the worship of GOD an important place in their lives. Our teachings must be such that, it causes our children to be drawn to GODly people, places, and things, and not be attracted to those situations that rob them of the best possible life for themselves, and, for their children, who come after them.
    In verses 20-33, “Wisdom personified” shouts from the streets of the city to all who will listen. Here he seems to be wondering out loud, just how long mankind will refuse his assistance in life, ignoring his advice. In verse 22 “the simpleton” that is depicted, is not a person who has a “mental deficiency”, but rather, is a person who has a “character deficiency”. He is not “stupid”, but rather has, over time, become unable to tell, “that which is right”, from “that which is wrong”.
    GOD wants desperately to pour out HIS “Spirit of Wisdom” upon any and every member of HIS greatest creation, which is mankind. However, too many of us refuse to take HIM up on HIS “free offer” (Vs.21-23). If we wish to understand what it takes to become wise in this life, we can truly start by “spiritually digesting” the instructions that shout to us from the pages of this book.
    In order to receive GOD’s advice, we must be willing to listen, and refuse to let pride get in our way. Pride causes us to think higher of ourselves than we, in reality, think of GOD. That kind of attitude leads us down a “path of self-destruction”, which, thereby, puts us in a position where we are forced to eat the bitter fruit that is harvested as a result of trying to lives our own way.
    Only a simpleton (fool) turns away from GOD, and to himself. By doing so, he chooses “eternal damnation” over “eternal life in paradise with GOD”. His own complacency, in the end, will destroy him. However, for all those who believe in, and actually heed the Word of GOD, there will be peace and safety, and they will be “divinely unaffected” by “the fear” that is introduced into our lives by the wiles of satan.       
     A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY DALEXANDER- Official Website