Friday, July 31, 2020

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday August 2, 2020

Over 244,000 readers worldwide

(Faith and endurance)
(James 1:1-18)

   The epistle of James was written to the Jewish Christian Diaspora for the purpose of providing them with practical instructions to live by, concerning “the Christian way”. It contains many short, proverbial sayings, and reflects in a remarkable way, JESUS’ teachings from HIS famous “Sermon on the Mount”.
    Here in this letter, James, the brother of JESUS, addresses the issues of Pride, Greed, Discrimination, Lust, Hypocrisy, Mean-spiritedness, and Conformity to the World’s ways of behaving. He also stresses the need for Christians to “not just hear the Word of GOD”, but also “to actually practice doing and living the Word of GOD on a daily basis”.
    James believed that “professed Christians” should be able to “show the World an outer expression of the inner transformation that had taken place in their hearts”. The world needs to see how the Gospel of CHRIST really does change the lives of those who choose to follow JESUS and continue to walk in the newness of HIS light.
    Christians are to adhere to the ways of an unchanging GOD, and to stand with confidence in GOD continuously. We need to show the World, through our behavior on a daily basis, that Christianity really does produce the best men and women. And when our faith is tested, we should remain joyful, because “our troubles”, presents “our endurance”, with an opportunity to grow stronger than we ever were before (Vs.2-3).
    As followers of CHRIST, we need “wisdom” if we want to know what GOD wants us to do, and when we ask HIM to disclose HIS perfect Will to us, HE will gladly and plainly tell us, and, HE will never resent us for asking (v.5). When we ask GOD for things that are within HIS Will, we should be of the mindset that we know that HE will deliver it to us. For instance, if we ask for rain, we should not then turn around and leave home without an umbrella.
    In verses 9-11 James says that Christians who are poor should be glad, because when they came to CHRIST, GOD honored them with HIS eternal salvation. On the other hand, James says that Christians who are rich should also be glad, because when they recognized that they still need GOD, they became “humble enough” to have “eternal salvation” added to their “fading and temporal”, worldly treasures. As a result, they won’t have to fade away with all of their wealth and achievements of this life.    
    Here in this chapter of this doctrinal letter, verses 13-18, to be exact, James also offers us his analysis of, and solution to, “temptation”. He tells us that the gravitational pull towards evils such as “anger”, “striking out against one another”, or, our “surrender to the physical and emotional passions” that we feel, does not come from GOD. GOD “cannot be tempted to do wrong”, nor, does HE “tempt anyone of HIS greatest Creation, mankind, to do wrong”.
     The temptations that we encounter comes from one source, which is satan, who manipulates the “sin nature”, that we freely accepted from him the first time that we disobeyed GOD at the age of accountability. This conformance to our spiritually sinful nature leads us to physically evil actions, which leads us to death, or, to “temporary” (hopefully), or “permanent” separation from GOD.
    GOD, through HIS infinite wisdom, has put into place, two “temptation barriers” that help keep us on the straight and narrow. Those barriers are “HIS judgment”, and, “HIS goodness”. These two actions represent GOD’s way of balancing our fear with HIS love. GOD motivates us to obedience either by “fear of HIS judgment” (like in the case of David), or, by “our respect for HIS goodness” (like in the case of Joseph, Jacob’s son).
    Only that which is “good” and “perfect” comes from GOD (and this includes HIS judgment), and we should never be led to think otherwise. When we doubt or reject GOD’s goodness, we automatically become attracted to satan’s offers. The GOD WHO created all things “does not change”, “nor does HE cast shifting shadows”, as some of HIS creation (man) tends to do. Through HIS goodness, GOD chose to make us HIS children, by giving us “HIS OWN nature” from birth, and “HIS Word of Truth” to aid us through life.
    We, out of all creation, are “GOD’s prized possession”, and we are expected, by GOD, because we share HIS nature and HIS Truth, to live out our lives in that Truth, and, in HIS SPIRIT. And so, ultimately, the key to responding to trials, and resisting temptation, can only be found in a person’s “use of GOD’s nature”, and, “our reaction to GOD’s Word” (Vs.17-18). And always remember that:

·         GOD gives only good gifts
·         The way GOD gives is good
·         GOD gives continually
·         GOD does not change

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY DALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, July 24, 2020

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday July 26, 2020

Over 244,000 readers worldwide

(JESUS is the only way to the GOD in Heaven)
(John 14:1-14)

   In John chapter 14, JESUS continues to teach HIS disciples in private. Here HE focuses on trying to encourage them to wisely hold fast to the belief that HE has revealed to them exactly what GOD THE FATHER is like, through HIS actions and behavior. They already trusted in GOD the FATHER, and now HE was asking them to trust in HIM also, and to trust in HIM, just like trusting in the FATHER, would be  their “antidote” to a troubled heart.
    In the Greek, the word New Testament writers use for “promise” is “epaggello” (ep-ang-el-ee-ah), and it is “an announcement of divine assurance of good”. John 14:1-3 is arguably, one of the most beautifully written passages in, perhaps, the most beautifully written book, in all of Scripture. It comes in the form of a “divine promise” to those who wisely believe in CHRIST JESUS as their LORD and SAVIOR.
    Here in this passage, JESUS, first, encourages, and then, makes a promise to HIS faithful followers with these divine words; “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in GOD, believe also in ME. In MY FATHER’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would tell you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto MYSELF; that where I AM, there ye may be also” (KJV).
    This is a promise that is made at a time when the cumulative weight and effect of all the previous revelations that JESUS had laid upon HIS disciples, had begun to set in and depress them greatly. Remember, HE had already revealed to them that HE would go away, and, that they would not be able to follow HIM (John 7:34, 8:21, 12:8 & 35, and 13:33). HE had also revealed to them that HE would die (John 12:32-33), and, that one of them would betray HIM (John 13:21).
    Furthermore, JESUS had earlier revealed to Peter that he would deny HIM, not once, but three times before daybreak (John 13:38). And also, that satan would be working against them all (Luke 22:31-32), and, at that time, every one of them would fall away from HIM, due to their lack of faith, or “fear” (Matthew 26:31).
    And so, we see it is a statement that was much needed to try and comfort and allay the fears of what was about to befall HIS disciples in the coming hours, and very near future. It is wisely said that “a person’s heart is at the center of their personality and thoughts”, and that, “we must keep our hearts with all diligence”. Our soul’s sorrow is relieved when we trust in the Word of GOD, and CHRIST says, if you trust GOD, trust also in HIM.
    “I AM the WAY, THE TRUTH, and THE LIFE” is what JESUS said to a “doubting Thomas” in John 14:6. It is the sixth of JESUS’ seven great “I AM statements” that are found in the Gospel of John. JESUS tells us plainly that if we have seen HIM, we have already seen GOD, and if we “know” HIM and “have” HIM in our heart (at the center of our thoughts), we already possess “Eternal Life”.
    In the final analysis, all man ever really seeks is a better life for himself and his family. A man never seeks knowledge, just for knowledge sake, but rather, for what that knowledge can do to make his life more worth living. It is JESUS’ claim, throughout HIS ministry, that obedience to HIM is “the only true foundation” that we can securely build upon.
    It is also JESUS’ contention that life through HIM is the only life worth living. No one, HE says, can go to the FATHER, but by HIM, because, HE alone, is “THE WAY” to GOD. In HIM, we see exactly what GOD is like. And only HE, can usher us, into GOD’s OWN glorious presence, without fear, without guilt, and, without shame.
    Anyone who believes in CHRIST JESUS will desire to do the same work that HIS earthly ministry demonstrates to us that HE did. But JESUS says that “we can do even greater works” than HE did, and this is simply because many of us will have much more time on this earth than HE had, to do them.
    In addition, we are able to ask GOD for anything within HIS Will, and, “in the name of JESUS”, and HE will grant it, because all of JESUS’ work, during HIS earthly ministry, brought glory to HIS FATHER in Heaven (Vs. 12-14). And if we wisely follow JESUS, doing the same work that HE aspired to, and did, we too, will bring glory the SAME, “our FATHER, WHO art in Heaven”.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY DALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, July 17, 2020

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday July 19, 2020

Over 243,000 readers worldwide

(JESUS’ rejection at Nazareth)
(Mark 6:1-6)

   Mark chapter 6 contains five of the most familiar events of JESUS’ thirty-three year-long earthly residency and ministry, and this perhaps makes it the most dramatic chapter in all of the New Testament Scriptures. Here in this chapter we see:

·          “JESUS’ rejection in HIS OWN hometown of Nazareth” (Vs.1-6).
·         In verses 7-13 we see “JESUS sending out HIS disciples to preach and teach and cast out demons by themselves for the very first time”.
·         And then taking up at verse 14 we see John Mark’s account of “the death of John the Baptist”, the renowned “forerunner” for CHRIST JESUS, our LORD (14-29).
·         In verses 30-44 we see John Mark’s account of how JESUS famously and miraculously “fed 5000 men, along with their women and children, with only five barley loaves, and two fish”.
·         And then finally, we see this chapter, being brought to a close, with John Mark’s vivid description of JESUS’, now legendary, “Walk on Water”.  

    This week, however, we’ll zoom our focus in on the first of those five events, “JESUS’ rejection at HIS hometown of Nazareth. When JESUS returned to Nazareth, after picking up some steam preaching, teaching, healing, and casting out demons around the Palestinian countryside, HE was setting HIMSELF up for a very severe test. In fact, there is never a more severe critic of anyone, than those of one’s hometown, who have known you all of your life.
    However, this visit by JESUS was not meant to be a private one. It was, instead, a very wise decision by JESUS that would definitively show HIS disciples how they were to “handle rejection”. Here JESUS is returning to Nazareth as a Rabbi, and HE immediately went into the synagogue to teach the Word of GOD. Unfortunately for the Nazarenes, they greeted JESUS and HIS teaching with contempt, and actually took offense to HIM even returning there, in such a capacity.
    “Familiarity” quite often breeds “contempt”, and that was surely the case when JESUS returned home with “the Good News of the Gospel” on HIS lips. They refused to listen to HIM, perhaps, for two very human and unGODly reasons.  First of all, in their minds, JESUS was just a carpenter, a working man, just like them. And secondly, JESUS had grown up there in Nazareth, right before their very eyes, and so they couldn’t make the leap, that HE could be anybody even remotely special, and that is pretty much the way we view people today, in our churches, and, in our society. We tend to see only those “celebrities” who are created to serve the “world” in a meaningless capacity, such as entertainment, etc.
    However, we must be forever careful not to evaluate people in the Christian Church by worldly, external, or incidental standards, but rather, we should evaluate them by their native worth, that is motivated by their desire to do what is right by the biblical standards of GOD.
    This passage shows us that there can be no effective preaching or teaching in “the wrong atmosphere”, and in those days, Nazareth was clearly “the wrong atmosphere”. A person can never be healed spiritually, physically, or otherwise, if they refuse to accept the treatment necessary to make them whole again. One must, first and foremost, be receptive to education and treatment, and the job of that person who can cure them, can only be done if the person who needs the treatment will open the door to him, instead of slamming it in his face.
    Here JESUS wisely sought to prepare HIS disciples for “rejection while ministering”, and to show them how they should handle it, before sending them out into the world “as sheep among wolves”. HE would later instruct them, that, if any place would not offer hospitality, or listen to their message, they were to leave and “shake the very dust of that place, off of their feet”. JESUS goes on to tell them that, “Verily I say unto you, it shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in “the Day of Judgment”, than for that city” (KJV).
    This passage also serves to remind us, that, sometimes we can be too close to a person to see their greatness. When we look at people, we should remember too, that, “no one is outside the purpose of GOD”. GOD can and does, to some extent, use all human beings, and indeed, all of HIS Creation, for HIS OWN intents and purpose.
    One never knows who GOD may be using in their life to advance HIS mighty purpose, but it can help us to see and discern who those people are, by strengthening ourselves in the Word of GOD, and thereby arming ourselves with the knowledge and wisdom that will allow us to recognize the things of GOD when we see and hear them. We can then make the wise decisions that will “help”, rather than “hinder”, the work that has long ago been started, by CHRIST JESUS, our LORD.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY DALEXANDER- Official Website



Friday, July 10, 2020

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday July 12, 2020

Over 242,000 readers worldwide

(The boy JESUS)
(Luke 2:39-52)

   After Mary and Joseph had fulfilled all of the requirements (circumcision and dedication) of the Law of GOD following JESUS’ birth, they traveled the 65 miles back home to Nazareth from Jerusalem, where JESUS grew up healthy and strong. HE was filled with wisdom beyond HIS years, and GOD placed HIS “grace” (“charis”), or, “special favor” upon HIM (Vs.39-40).
    Exodus 12 details all of the instructions for the original “Passover Observance”, that was given by GOD to Moses and Aaron, while the Israelites were still in bondage in Egypt. The purpose of this observance was to remind “GOD’s chosen people” of the day of their release from 400 years of “chattel slavery” at the hands of the Egyptians. This “Passover Day Festival” was to be followed by a seven-day “Feast of Unleavened Bread”, every year, from that time forward.
    In JESUS’ day, and even now, devout Jews still adhere closely to this tradition. The entire eight-day celebration was later combined, and, as a whole, is now referred to simply as “Passover”. Every year, just as GOD had decreed, Joseph and Mary took their entire family to Jerusalem for the Passover festivities, and here in Luke 2, taking up at verse 41, Scripture tells us of the account of Mary and Joseph’s trip to and from the Passover celebration when JESUS was twelve years old.
    In verse 43, after the celebration was over, they began their three-day trek, back home to Nazareth. After nearly a day of travel however, they realized that young JESUS was not with them, among their caravan of family and friends. Franticly they hurried back north to Jerusalem to search for JESUS, and when they arrived there, they began searching all over town (except in the Temple) for an entire day and were unable to find HIM.
    On the third day, they finally decided to look inside the Temple, where they found the young lad sitting among the religious leaders discussing deep things concerning the Scriptures. All of the religious leaders, and Mary and Joseph too, were amazed at JESUS’ understanding of GOD’s Word, and HIS answers to the questions they proposed to them. In fact, this account tells us that HIS parents were “struck out of their minds” (“exeplagesan”) and did not know what to think about what they were seeing and hearing (v.48).
    Then Mary said to JESUS, “Son! Why have YOU done this to us? Your father and I have been frantically searching for YOU everywhere”. In JESUS’ response HE reveals to HIS parents, for the first time, that HE knew the difference between HIS earthly parents, and HIS true FATHER in Heaven. HIS response of “Didn’t you know I’d be in MY FATHER’s House?”, at that time, was not fully understood by Joseph, or Mary. However, as usual, Mary stored what JESUS had said to them, in her heart.
    In verse 51, in contrast to this earlier revelation of JESUS’ coming deity, we now get a glimpse of the “true humanity” of JESUS. Here Luke tells us that the trio (Joseph, Mary, and JESUS) returned home to Nazareth, and JESUS remained obedient to Mary and Joseph, despite HIS knowledge of HIS unique kinship to GOD (as HIS only begotten SON).
    JESUS continued to grow and “cut HIS way forward” (“proekoplen”) as a 100% human being, spiritually, mentally, and physically, and HE found favor with, both, man (HIS appointed earthly authority, including Joseph and Mary), and GOD (HIS FATHER in Heaven) WHO had permitted HIM to come to earth on a sacrificial mission to save all mankind.
    In fact, this passage, perhaps, stands out more, because of its emphasis on “JESUS’ humanity”. And, even though JESUS was beginning to realize, more and more, the significance of WHOM HE was, HE still wisely chose to live in submission to HIS earthly parents, as HIS FATHER in Heaven would want, and HE grew up as a typical Jewish boy would in those days.
    As Christians, it is just as important to believe JESUS was a “100% human being” while living here on earth, as it is to believe that HE is now “100% GOD” living in Heaven. In HIS humanity, HE wisely represented to us, the greatest example of what we ought to be, as GOD’s “figurative representatives”, here on earth. And, as our GOD, HE is our ETERNAL LORD and SAVIOR, and our “only bridge” into the Kingdom of Heaven. HE is the one and only “HYPOSTATIC UNION”, and also history’s one and only “Theanthropic Person”. And wisdom “requires” that we know and comprehend both of these undeniable facts.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY DALEXANDER- Official Website


Friday, July 3, 2020

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday July 5, 2020

Over 242,000 readers worldwide

(JESUS and John the Baptist)
(Matthew 11:1-19)

   Wisdom is shown to be right by what results from it, and GOD blesses those who are wise enough to not be offended by the reality of CHRIST JESUS, our LORD. In Matthew chapter 11, taking up at verse 1, after JESUS had finished giving instructions to HIS twelve disciples before sending them out to spread the Gospel, two of John the Baptist’s disciples came to inquire of JESUS whether or not HE was the MESSIAH that they had been waiting for.
    Here in this passage we see the theme of “disbelief” being introduced. John the Baptist was now in prison at the palace of Herod Antipas, awaiting his impending death, and had been hearing about all of the wonderful things that JESUS was doing throughout the Palestinian countryside. John, being imprisoned and cut off from his work, was no doubt discouraged and probably feeling “some kind of way” that someone else may be “high-jacking” his ministry even.
    This passage shows us that even people of great faith can be challenged and beset with feelings of doubt about what GOD is doing in people other than themselves, from time to time. John the Baptist was a man who had always lived in the open spaces of the wilderness where he had preached the most powerful ministry that any man had ever preached before JESUS came. However, he was now locked in a very small cell that had, no doubt, affected his judgment and reasoning to some extent.
    Like most of Israel, John probably expected JESUS to come and, not only rescue Israel from her sinful predicament, but also, to free her from her oppression by her Roman overseers. However, when JESUS came bringing “healing to men’s bodies”, and “salvation to men’s souls”, HE, in effect, had instead, begun “the work of Creation”, all over again, in all mankind, not just the Jews. And so, it was not “the wrath of GOD” that was on display in the world at this time, but rather, it was “the love of GOD” that was being highlighted, through JESUS’ ministry.
    When John’s disciples came upon JESUS, HE was in the midst of curing many people of their various physical afflictions and casting out demons. Here JESUS subtly affirms to John’s disciples that HE truly is the MESSIAH, as well as the CHRIST of history’s end. HE relates to his disciples in such a way that, when they delivered HIS message to John, he would have no difficulty believing it. JESUS turned from HIS work and told the men to “go back and tell John what you’ve seen and heard from ME”. And to also tell him in no uncertain terms that, “GOD blesses those who are not offended by ME”.
    JESUS no doubt made that statement, not only for John’s sake, but also for the sake of the religious hierarchy in Israel at the time, who had refused John’s message and baptism. Those religious leaders were thoroughly offended by John’s words and works, and now JESUS sought to help John to not fall into that same way of thinking, or attitude, toward HIM and HIS works. HE sought to encourage John and his followers through HIS actions, just as John had encouraged others through his.
    After John’s disciples had left, JESUS began to talk to the crowd, who had been steadily gathering, about the greatness of John. HE took advantage of this moment to testify of the importance of John’s ministry as HIS “forerunner”, and, to inform them that there had never been a more important prophet than John, in the history of the world. However, JESUS also stunned many in the crowd by saying that, as great as John was, his greatest pales in comparison to, even the least most important person, in Heaven.
    Here JESUS is not building up “the personal creation role” of John the Baptist in the “Kingdom Plan of GOD”, just to tear him down, but rather, HE is trying to make the point that, “being a great prophet here on earth” is not nearly as important as being “a member in the Kingdom of Heaven”. Even the least significant person in Heaven, will have a greater spiritual capacity than the greatest men of GOD here on earth.
    John the Baptist had a “preparatory ministry” that much resembled that of an “Elijah”, whom Scripture said would appear before CHRIST’s first advent, and indeed, JESUS said that he was “Elijah” (Vs.13-14). The devil’s resistance to GODly forces make it difficult for ordinary men to maintain a life that they are not called to by GOD to lead. However, spiritually strong individuals who are “called by GOD” can withstand and overcome the gravitational pull and forces of this world.
    Christianity has been preached since the time of John the Baptist, and the Kingdom of Heaven has been forcefully advancing ever since. And now today, more than ever, violent people attack the very order and concept of CHRIST JESUS, and in fact, we now see the very beginning of “apostasia” (a great falling away), or, “all-out rebellion against GOD”, even in these united states of America.
    This “falling away” from GOD leads to man’s desire to eventually do away with his own “law and order” in his own community and governments (“anarchy”). In this country, this movement towards anarchy is being fueled by “racial pride”, a tool of satan that takes our focus off GOD and puts it firmly upon ourselves (worshiping our “race” instead of “worshiping GOD”), and this “apostasy” (rebellion against GOD’s law and order), the Bible says, is the first step toward the end of this Age (2 Thessalonians 2:1-12).

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY DALEXANDER- Official Website