Friday, November 27, 2020



An international Sunday school lesson commentary

For Sunday November 29, 2020


Over 256,000 readers worldwide



(A warning against prejudice)

(James 2:1-13)


   To show partiality to the rich discriminates against the poor, and, is evil (James 2:1-9). Yet, publicly it is more often than not, the poor, whom we see swooning over, and showing their envy and worship for, “the rich and famous”. Here in James chapter 2, the brother of JESUS tells us that it is the rich who oftentimes slander the name of, and show little or no reverence for, CHRIST JESUS our LORD and SAVIOR (James 2:5-7).

    GOD has chosen the “poor in spirit” to be “rich in faith”, not the “financially poor”. In other words, those who realize their need for JESUS, no matter how rich or poor they are in “the material sense”, will be given the kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 5:3). To be poor in spirit is “to humble one’s self before GOD”, and “show a need for HIM”, no matter how little, or how much wealth one may have accumulated in this life.

    In James chapter 2, verses 1-13, the Christian Church leader issues a warning against, discrimination, prejudice, and even favoritism that is based on what a person may own. There is no special merit in being poor however, except that it is a proven fact that the poor are more likely to choose GOD, because of their more intense focus on their day to day needs.

    The wealthy tend to grow a dependence on their riches which covers their day to day needs and leaves them more time to focus on their own wants. More often than not, riches can corrupt character in a person, which drives them to “exploit the poor” and “despise the spiritual” (James 2:6-7). It is said that “out of a hundred people who “can stand adversity”, only one of that hundred “can stand prosperity”.

    Warren W. Wiersbe once wrote, “The way we behave toward people indicates what we really believe about GOD”. Whether we realize it or not, we cannot separate “human relationships” from “divine fellowship”. If we say we love GOD and hate any human being, we are lying to ourselves about our love for GOD. If we can’t love our fellowman, which we see every day, we can’t possibly love a GOD, WHOM we cannot see.

    GOD’s law, which was presented to us by HIS servant Moses, is “a multi-faceted expression of HIS will”. Violating any aspect of GOD’s law makes us “sinners”. We have all violated GOD’s law at one time, or, the other, and, we all continue to do so, some perhaps on a daily basis. Violation of GOD’s law renders a person “a lawbreaker” no matter how petty we feel our violation may be. Even something as simple as “favoritism” is not considered “minor” in GOD’s sight. GOD considers it serious because it violates HIS command for us to “love one another the way HE HIMSELF loves us”, which is “unconditionally”.

    GOD does not have a “favorite sin”, nor, does HE feel that one sin is lesser or greater than the other. If you blow up a balloon, and write on that balloon with a pen, every sin that you can think of, and then, stick a pen on any of those sins that you have written on the balloon, the whole balloon will burst. That is a picture of how GOD feels about sin. If a person commits any sin at all, he or she violates “the whole law of GOD” (Vs.10-11).

    The same GOD WHO says, “Do not commit adultery”, or “Do not engage in homosexual behavior” also says, “Do not murder”, and “Do not steal”. If a person commits either one, he or she has violated the whole law of GOD, and GOD is not pleased by their actions, one, any less, or any more, than the other. 

    We, as Christians, rich or poor, must all learn to walk in faith and put more emphasis on the “eternal things” that await us, than we do on the “temporal things” that we feel will make us happy now. We know that if our “earthly house”, that was built by the hands of man is lost, we still have an eternal house, that is built by the hands of GOD in Heaven, that can never, ever, be lost.


A Sunday school lesson by,

Larry D. Alexander



Larry Dell Alexander (1953–) - Encyclopedia of Arkansas




Larry D. Alexander's Books and Publications Spotlight


Larry D. Alexander - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website


Clinton Family Portrait - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia




Friday, November 20, 2020



An international Sunday school lesson commentary

For Sunday November 22, 2020


Over 255,000 readers worldwide



(Sharing possessions with the right motive)

(Acts 4:32-5:11)


   In Acts chapter 4, verses 32-37, the author Luke presents to us a vivid description of how the Christian Believers had become of one “heart” (“kardia”) and mind, and they all shared in the belief that, the possessions with which GOD had blessed them with, were not their own, but rather, they only held those possessions in stewardship to GOD. They were to respond to each other in love, with those possessions.

    The people of the newly founded Christian Church seemed to grasp quite clearly, and very warmly that “the true Christian only desires more so that they can have more to give away. They fully understood the concept of GOD that teaches us “when we give according to GOD, we actually take “the spiritual curse” off of that portion which we keep.

    This attitude allowed the Christian community of the first century to share their possessions “unconditionally” with each other in, both, a social, and neighborly capacity. The work of the HOLY SPIRIT in each individual made them more sensitive to identifying with those who were in a state of desperate need, and as a result, “there was no poverty among them”. They were freely willing to sell, up to and including, all of their possessions, if necessary, in order to come to the aid of their fellowman.

     In this passage, Luke also introduces us to a man named “Joseph”, who was also called “Barnabas”, which by interpretation means “son of encouragement”. He earned the name “Barnabas” by way of his special ability to encourage others through his positive GODly words and actions. He was from the tribe of “Levi”, but came from Cyprus, an island located in the northeastern Mediterranean Sea, about sixty miles off the coast of Syria.

    Barnabas is the person who first introduced the Apostle Paul to the Christian Church at Jerusalem (Acts 9:26-28), and then later to the Church at Antioch of Syria in Acts chapter 11 (v.25). In fact, Barnabas even traveled with Paul for a year, during his first missionary journey, before falling out with him over differences involving John Mark, Barnabas’ cousin, and the eventual author of the Book of Mark.

    However, despite Barnabas’ falling out with Paul, he clearly continued to demonstrate JESUS’ image of encouragement throughout his lifetime. His presence, leadership, and encouragement to those in the early Church was instrumental in its development and survival. He became a very necessary ingredient in the “Body of CHRIST” in its infancy stages, as it struggled to mature into a viable representative of the ideology of GOD, here on earth.

    In this passage, in verse 37, Luke tells us that Barnabas sold a field that he owned back on the island of Cyprus and gave the entire proceeds to the Church to distribute to those who were in need. He did this as “a sacrificial gift” and as a way to encourage and inspire others in the Church to embrace “sacrificial giving” in the Christian community.

    Every Christian has the same potential and opportunity as Barnabas had, to become active, effective, earnest workers in the Christian community. We can each do our part according to our own personal financial, physical, and mental capabilities that GOD has blessed us with. And just like in the early days of Christianity, we too must work to build and add on to GOD’s great undertaking through CHRIST JESUS our LORD and SAVIOR.

     Failure in our honesty, talent, and diligence amounts to sin against GOD. It was the great violinmaker Antonio Stradivari who said, “If my hands slacked, I would rob GOD”. In Acts chapter 5, verses 1-10, Luke gives us a vivid example of a couple who “failed in their honesty”, because “they were driven by their jealousy” of the respect that had been won by Barnabas and others when they sold their possessions to make contributions to the poor (Acts 4:32-37).

    Here scripture tells us that there was a man named Ananias, who, along with his wife Sapphira, sold some of their property, with the intention of giving the proceeds to the needy in the church. However, after selling the property they decided that they would keep some of the proceeds for themselves. Of course, there is nothing wrong with this type of action, because the money was theirs to do with as they wished. The problem came when they decided to deceive the church into thinking that they were giving the Apostles all of the proceeds they had received from the sale of their property.

    In this particular passage, we see just one of the many ways we, as professed Christians, grieve the HOLY SPIRIT. Here we see, even by the New Testament standard of “grace”, just how our sins toward one another, as harmless as they may seem to us, will not be taken lightly by GOD. After we accept CHRIST and receive the gift of the HOLY SPIRIT from our FATHER GOD, each time we contemplate sin thereafter, we grieve the HOLY SPIRIT within us, as well as offend CHRIST JESUS WHO died for us, and we also show a lack of reverence for GOD THE FATHER, WHO created us.

    Ananias and Sapphira weren’t condemned because they failed to give all, but rather, they were condemned because their deceit re-introduced the hypocrisy that had corrupted so many in the church that operated under the banner of Judaism. Christianity, the only religion that is a product of GOD’s mind, was intended to be “that faith which reflected GOD’s image more clearly to man”, here on earth.

    This new Christian doctrine was to instill new hope in the hearts and minds of GOD’s greatest creation, man. It would be a hope that would forever serve as motivation to make life on earth conform more fully with HIS Word, just as it was presented to us by JESUS CHRIST, during HIS lifetime here on earth.

    In Acts 5:3-4 Peter says to Ananias, “…why have you let Satan fill your heart? You lied to the Holy Spirit, and you kept some of the money for yourself. The property was yours to sell or not sell, as you wished. And after selling it, the money was also yours to give away. How could you do a thing like this? You weren’t lying to us but to God!” (NLT).

    As soon as Ananias heard these words, he fell dead. Three hours later, his wife Sapphira came in, not knowing what had happened to her husband. When Peter asked her, “Was this the price you and your husband received for your land? She replied, “Yes, that was the price”. Peter then rebuked her, and she, as well, fell dead.

    The LORD’s response to this situation was intended to put fear in the hearts of those who might attempt to deceive HIS Church through “the spirit of hypocrisy”, both then, and, in the future (Acts 5:13). This passage serves to show us that GOD will not hold blameless, those who attempt to deceive the Church for personal financial gain, or reasons, nor, will HE hold blameless, those who use the Church for self-promotion, especially when it is brought on by jealousy, as Ananias and Sapphira attempted to do.

    GOD never intended for HIS Church to look like, or conform to the World, but rather, HE intended for the World to transform itself to look like HIS Church, which is, by the way, supposed to reflect the image of CHRIST JESUS. And when we try to do it any way, other than GOD’s way, we will always grieve the HOLY SPIRIT in the process.


A Sunday school lesson by,

Larry D. Alexander



Larry Dell Alexander (1953–) - Encyclopedia of Arkansas




Larry D. Alexander's Books and Publications Spotlight


Larry D. Alexander - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website


Clinton Family Portrait - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Friday, November 13, 2020



An international Sunday school lesson commentary

For Sunday November 15, 2020


Over 255,000 readers worldwide



(Emulating divine love)

(1 John 3:11-24, 2 John 4-11, 3 John 5-8)


   The first epistle of John is perhaps the most difficult book in the New Testament to outline. In fact, many scholars argue that there is no outline at all, and that John had no logical plan in mind while writing it. Here in this letter, he was most likely writing down his personal, yet divinely inspired thoughts, on various themes as they were put on his mind by GOD.

    In 1 John chapter 3, verses 11-24, John continues these divinely inspired ramblings by jumping back to the subject of “love one another”. However, here in this segment, he raises his plea to another level, as he urges his readers to transform their “words of love” into “GODly actions of love”. What does it profit a man to boast of his love and faith, if that love and faith does not compel him into action? (v.18)

    The fact that we cast everything over to GOD does not give us a right to sit back and do nothing, for the true Christian, can never be just a spectator. Love is not just having knowledge of GOD’s existence, but rather, true love comes from knowing GOD on a personal level through prayer, and a close, careful, and sober study of HIS Word.

    GOD’s love, is, quite literally, a reflection of HIS OWN heart flowing to us through CHRIST JESUS, our SAVIOR, and the infusion of the HOLY SPIRIT in us. When we love our Christian brothers and sisters as CHRIST commands us, it serves as proof that we have passed from death (permanent separation from GOD), into eternal life (new life in CHRIST). A person, that has no love for his fellowman, has not passed into the light, but rather, continues to linger on, in darkness.

    In verses 18-19 the apostle urges us to stop just saying that we love each other and start putting it into action. It is by our actions that we know when we are living in the truth, and knowing that, we can be confident whenever we stand before the LORD, even in those times when our hearts condemn us, as Peter’s did in John 21.

    In reality, the only way we can prove our love for JESUS is by loving others, and the best way to show our love for each other is in our actions towards one another. Love is the greatest privilege the world has ever known, and it is also the world’s greatest enduring thing, however, inevitably, love brings with it, the world’s greatest responsibility. From the beginning, GOD made “responsibility” to be the obverse “privilege”, and then, he made “love” to be inseparable from the two.

    In chapter 15 of the Gospel of John, verses 12-13, JESUS commands us to love one another as HE loves us, and there HE also tells us how to measure that love to see if it is sufficient enough to meet HIS demand. There JESUS states that, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends” (KJV).

    JESUS goes on to state that we are HIS friends if we obey HIM, and if we obey HIM, HE will no longer refer to us as “servants”, but rather, we will become members of HIS holy family and household of GOD (v.14). Looking back, we now know that for Peter and all the other disciples, love brought a cross that they all had the privilege and responsibility of bearing in their own way.

    Love always involves responsibility, and it always involves a sacrifice. We do not really love JESUS unless we are willing to take on HIS task and take up our own cross. We may never be able to write or think like the Apostle John or be able to travel to the ends of the earth and preach like the Apostle Paul. However, it is a certainty that we can all follow in the footsteps of Peter, by obeying the instructions of JESUS that were laid down to HIS disciples just prior to HIS ascension back into Heaven (John 21:15-17).

    In the first century and beyond, heavy Christian Church persecution dictated that the Believers use “code words”, or expressions, whenever they tried to communicate with each other in the various towns and cities where they had established Christian congregations (mostly “House Churches” in anonymous locations).

    Over in John’s second letter to the Christian Church, in verse 1, we find the code words “favorite mistress”, or “chosen lady” (eklektos kyria”) and her “children” (“teknon”). This expression is being used to hide the identity or exact location of the Church from those who sought to infiltrate it with worldly ideas and false teaching, to the end that it might be destroyed before it can take root. GOD does not wish for us to mix “the holy” with “the profane” (i.e. “miming” with “praise dancing” like in today’s professed Christian church), and the early Church went to great lengths to keep that from happening.

    John begins (v.4) by expressing his joy in how the newly founded network of Believers had been dedicating themselves to the righteous living and truth, that they had been introduced to, through the Word of GOD. Apparently, John had recently met with some of the members of that particular branch of the Church, and wanted to express how pleased he was with their Christian progress, and their behavior in the public forum. Here he reminds the Church to stay in keeping with the commandment of CHRIST JESUS to “Love one another”.

    John also reminded them of how some had gone out of the Church, who did not truly believe their reports about CHRIST, and were giving the world “a bad impression” of how “true Christians” really behave. They did not believe the “human example of perfection” that was presented by JESUS during HIS lifetime here on earth, which was intended to show the world that “Christianity really does produce the best men and women”.

    In this letter, John urges the Church to be diligent so that they might receive the full reward that they had worked so hard for (v.8). He tells them that they must never wander away from the teachings of CHRIST JESUS, and to always keep their fellowship with GOD, and CHRIST, intact (v.9).

    In verse 10, John warns Christians, that, if anyone comes to their church and does not teach the truth about CHRIST JESUS, do not even invite them into your home or encourage them in any way. JESUS perfectly obeyed GOD the FATHER as a “100% human being”, and HIS very life tells us that we should too. Anyone who encourages a deceiver, or false teacher, becomes a partner with them in all their evil works.

    All of the central teachings of Christianity hinges on the “100% humanity” and 100% deity of our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST. HE is the one and only “Hypostatic Union”, and the only way to GOD the FATHER in Heaven. HE is the one and only truth, and the one and only source of eternal life with GOD in Heaven. No one, who does not teach the humanity and deity of JESUS CHRIST, can ever be held up as a teacher of the Christian Faith.

    We close by taking a visit to the third letter of the Apostle John, in verses 5-8, where he says that Christians must take care of the LORD’s workers. This third letter, just like the previous two, places a strong emphasis on love, truth, and obedience to GOD. It also cites some of the challenges of the Christian Church in its infancy, that, in reality, still exists, in this day and age.

    In the first century, just like today, Church leaders tried to create “their own denominations”, and “build their own personal kingdoms” so that they themselves might “rule over other men”, while under the guise of serving CHRIST and promoting Christianity. They soon forget about being a part of the larger picture that requires us to obey GOD completely and allow CHRIST to serve in HIS role as head of the Church we say we pledge allegiance to.

    Also in the first century, innkeepers were not a beloved bunch, as they had long ago achieved the reputation of being “rip off artist”, who thrived on those who sought shelter from the elements and criminal danger, while they “traveled to and fro”, throughout the Roman Empire.

    In those days, many people traveled by foot to various locations for the purpose of business, religion, and leisure. It became much less of a burden, if one had a friend that they could count on to show them hospitality along their travels.

    In the “House church Era” of Christianity, those who were traveling for the LORD were trained to accept nothing from unbelievers, and all Christians were taught to provide hospitality to those who were partners with them in the truth (the work of CHRIST). They were not, however, to entertain, or show hospitality to those who sought to infiltrate the Church with worldly ideas, antichrist teachings, and worldly behavior.

    People who decided to join the Church had come to the attitude that they desired to “change their way of living” and were willing to adhere to the teachings of JESUS CHRIST, going forward. In fact, anyone who even denied the “deity” and “humanity” of JESUS CHRIST were not to be welcomed into the home, nor the Church, of Christian believers.

    Christians are to support one another in the work of CHRIST. To not do this is to work against CHRIST, and thereby, put oneself in allegiance with satan, who seeks to destroy the Christian Church. Here John is eternally stressing that all Christians be united in CHRIST, no matter where they reside. All fellow believers should, and in fact “must” work together for the good and protection of the integrity of the “Body of CHRIST’, which is “GOD’s Church”.


A Sunday school lesson by,

Larry D. Alexander



Larry Dell Alexander (1953–) - Encyclopedia of Arkansas




Larry D. Alexander's Books and Publications Spotlight


Larry D. Alexander - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website


Clinton Family Portrait - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia




Friday, November 6, 2020



An international Sunday school lesson commentary

For Sunday November 8, 2020


Over 254,000 readers worldwide




(John 15:1-16:4)


   Throughout the Old Testament, the analogy of the “vineyard” is used as a depiction of GOD’s beloved Israel. However, this term is never used apart from the idea of degeneration. The descriptions by Isaiah (Isaiah 5:1-7), Jeremiah (Jeremiah 2:21-22), Ezekiel (Ezekiel 15 & 19:10-14), Hosea (Hosea 10:1), and King David (Psalm 80:8-13) all stress the point of degeneration, or, a moral decline of GOD’s chosen people (the church).

    In John 15:1-16:4, the author of GOD writes of JESUS’ instructions to HIS Disciples, that they should be “rightly related” to HIM, to each other as Christians (15:11-17), and, to the World of Unbelievers (15:18-16:4).

Christians are to have three respective duties. They are to;


·         Abide in JESUS (Vs.1-10)

·         Love each other (Vs.11-17)  

·         Witness and testify to the World (Vs.18-16:4)


    “I am the True Vine” is the last of the seven, now famous, “I am” statements of our LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST that are found in the Gospel according to Saint John. The scene in this particular passage, takes place on the eve of JESUS’ trials and subsequent Crucifixion, by Roman method. Here JESUS seeks to relate and demonstrate to HIS Disciples, and to us, just what GOD THE FATHER, and HE HIMSELF, expects from HIS followers as Christians living in the world.

    JESUS, as the “True Vine”, fulfills that which GOD had intended for the Israelites and the world in general. GOD is the Cultivator and Protector of all of life, human and otherwise, and HE desires good fruit, from each of us. In fact, we see JESUS stressing that point in 15:2-16, no less than eight times. The fruit, which GOD expects from the human side of HIS creation, is obedience, righteousness, and justice.

    JESUS tells us that every branch, or person in this case, that does not produce good fruit will be cut off from HIS vine. Here we see that, every person (branch), who professes to be a follower of CHRIST, is not necessarily a “true follower”, or “a producing branch” of “THE TRUE VINE”. Such branches, or people, will be cut off from THE TRUE VINE in the last day, or in the “time of harvest”. The great example of this is Judas Iscariot. Although Judas Iscariot was a branch of THE TRUE VINE, he was not a producing branch, or true follower. He did not produce good fruit, and therefore, had to be cut off from THE TRUE VINE, and burned in the end.

    In the Greek, the word the Apostle John, and other New Testament writers use for “remain” is “meno” (men-o), and it means “to stay in a given place, state of mind, relationship, or expectancy”; and “to abide, continue, dwell, or endure”. This word occurs 11 times in this particular chapter of this Gospel account of John. The fruitfulness, of which JESUS speaks of in this passage, can only occur, as a result of HIS life being reproduced in ours.

    In other words, our life and behavior must reflect JESUS’ life and behavior, and we must “remain” in HIM, or “continue” to reflect HIS image to others, through our own behavior, throughout our entire lifetimes. We, as Christians, must prove to the world, through our behavior, that Christianity really does produce the best men and women.

    It is only by doing this, can we be considered as “true followers”, or “producing branches” of the “TRUE VINE” of GOD. If we remain, or abide in JESUS, we will continue to bear good fruit. If we fail to remain in JESUS (on the VINE), in spite of all of GOD’s tender loving care of the vineyard, we will be lopped off, and cast into the fire to burn as useless wood.

    In John 15:11-17, JESUS moves on to instruct HIS disciples (and us), as to how we should “rightly relate to each other” as Christians. Here, we see JESUS delivering to all who seek to follow HIM, the only commandment that HE would ever give, and it is to “Love one another, as I have loved you” (John 15:12). It is a commandment that the Apostle John never forgot.

    According to Jewish folklore, the Apostle John, who lived longer than all of JESUS’ original twelve Disciples, in his old age, had to be carried into the Temple, because he could no longer walk. At that time, the Apostle’s sermon consisted of only one sentence, “Little children, love one another”. It is one of the more lovely stories in a Biblical Church history that consists of countless lovely stories from the early Church. Every time I think of it, it nearly brings me to tears.




John 15:18-16:4


   In John 15:18-16:4, JESUS instructs us on how we should relate to the world. When we choose the Christian walk, we automatically become strangers to worldly behavior. We are no longer permanent residents of this earth, but rather, we become citizens of Heaven, and therefore, the laws of GOD should become paramount to us.

    Here in this passage, JESUS warns of the hatred that the World will have for those who follow HIM. As long as a person belongs to the World, the World will always love that person. That is primarily because that person resembles the World through his or her behavior, and to hate that person, would, quite literally, mean hating themselves.

    The person who hates the true Christian, hates JESUS, and thereby, hates GOD. Anyone, who is shown the Word of GOD, and does not accept it, is guilty of denying CHRIST, who is the “personification” of the Word of GOD, and therefore, is GOD.

We as Christians have a duty to go out into the world and share the Gospel with dignity and respect. JESUS empowered us with the HOLY SPIRIT, and GOD goes before us, to prepare the hearts of those to whom we may be speaking. “Be of good cheer”, and “be not afraid” is what JESUS said to Peter and HIS other Disciples that day in far off Palestine, where HE “walked on water”, in order to give them encouragement to “remain in HIM”.

    We are called to go out into the world, and we don’t have to be afraid. JESUS will always come to us, from across the storms of life, but we must continue to bear good fruit, by remaining in HIM. If we fail to bear good fruit, as Judas Iscariot failed to, we will be cut off from the “TRUE VINE” that brings with it, Eternal Life.

    JESUS eternally encourages us through these immortal words that HE spoke to HIS closest disciples, just prior to HIS ascension back into HIS Heavenly Realm; “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the FATHER, and of the SON, and of the HOLY GHOST: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I AM with you always, even unto the end of the world” (Matthew 28:19-20 - KJV).


A Sunday school lesson by,

Larry D. Alexander



Larry Dell Alexander (1953–) - Encyclopedia of Arkansas




Larry D. Alexander's Books and Publications Spotlight


Larry D. Alexander - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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Clinton Family Portrait - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia