Friday, December 22, 2017

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday December 24, 2017

Over 146,000 readers worldwide

(The heart of Christmas is worship)
(Matthew 2:1-12)

   The Illustrated Dictionary of the Bible describes “the wise men” mentioned in Matthew chapter 2 as “astrologers” who came from the Persian Empire. In the Septuagint, which is the ancient Greek translation of the Old Testament, the term “wise men” is translated from the Greek word “magoi” (mag-ohee), and it means “astrologers”, or, “people who study the stars”.
    The Greek historian, Herodotus, who wrote in the fifth century B.C., identifies the magi as a group of Medes who had priestly duties in the Persian Empire, and were grouped with the likes of magicians and sorcerers. They served as advisers in the Babylonian royal court, and also among their duties, they were called upon to interpret dreams for the presiding kings.
    Here in Matthew 2, it was men of this ilk that traveled to Palestine from the east in pursuit of a legendary star that had been talked about down through the ages. It was said that this star would be the first sign of the coming of the long awaited MESSIAH, WHO, would serve as the king of the Jews.
    These particular astrologers, while pursuing their career interest of observing the stars, had each received an unexpected sign from GOD that would lead them to stray from their normal course of studying. Here in this passage, GOD has apparently broken through their misguided evil system of forecasting through the stars for kings, to now, noticing an unusual, never before seen star, that traveled, not from east to west, as all other planetary movement goes, but rather travels from north to south.
    Not all scholars agree on the timing of the arrival of these Magi into Palestine, however, it is generally agreed that their arrival came shortly after the birth of JESUS in Bethlehem. It is also generally agreed that these men, despite their secular backgrounds, had listened to GOD with an open, unbiased heart and mind before eagerly setting out on their journey.
    In addition, to their eagerness to go to Palestine, the fact that, after their encounter with Joseph, Mary, and the baby JESUS in Bethlehem, these wise men did not return to King Herod to give him a report concerning their whereabouts, as Herod had requested that they do (Vs.7-8). Instead, they returned home a different way from the way in which they came. This fact serves to show that these men were continuing to listen to the voice of GOD for guidance, even on their journey back home to the Persian Empire.
    After the Magi had left, an angel of the LORD appeared to Joseph in a dream instructing him to take his family and flee into Egypt. He was to sojourn there and wait for further instructions. The angel told Joseph that King Herod was going to try to kill baby JESUS. Joseph listened and was obedient to the word of GOD. He left immediately and remained in Egypt until after the death of Herod in 4 B.C. (Vs.13-19).
    After Herod’s death, GOD called for Joseph to come out of Egypt, fulfilling the prophecy that was spoken by the prophet Hosea more than 700 years earlier (Hosea 11:1). The angel of the LORD returned to Joseph in a dream one night, and instructed him to return with his family back to Palestine (Jerusalem). Joseph was once again obedient to the word of GOD, and the baby JESUS was saved from all harm, as a result.
    However, later Joseph became concerned as to whether Herod’s son, Archelaus, would adhere to his father’s wishes and efforts, and try to find and take the life of JESUS also. In order to comfort and bring peace to the minds of Joseph and Mary, the LORD, for the third time, sent HIS angel to Joseph in a dream and instructed him to move his family to the tiny town of Nazareth were JESUS would be protected and would grow to be all GOD intended for HIM to be. This move also fulfilled another ancient prophecy which states, “JESUS would be called a Nazarene”.
    Joseph continued to be consistent in his obedience to the LORD, and he always trusted GOD’s voice, and responded positively to HIS guidance. He also seemed to be a man who was always willing to follow GOD’s lead immediately, without hesitation, whenever HIS divine guidance and instructions was offered to him.
    We may not know much else about Joseph, as Scripture doesn’t provide us with many other details of his life. However, one can clearly see, through the limited mentioning of him by the New Testament writers that, his desire and attention to being obedient to GOD was always at the forefront of his mind.
    We can still, to this day, take comfort in the thought that GOD is still guiding men and women just as HE guided Joseph and Mary in the first century A.D. And those who are prepared to shrug off the pressures and gravitational pull of this world, to respond to GOD with an open mind, will ultimately find salvation in JESUS CHRIST. Everyone who trusts in GOD will be guided by, and drawn to JESUS. In fact, JESUS says that no one can be drawn to HIM unless GOD the FATHER draws them (John 6:44).
    True Christians do not look at Jerusalem as “a burial place”, but rather, they focus their attention on Bethlehem as the “Birthplace of Life”, the “true life”, that can only be found in CHRIST JESUS. And because of HIS humble birth into humanity over 2000 years ago, and because HE died for all mankind in general, and all Christians in particular, and then, rose again, we can now look forward to a bright future in the glorious presence of the Almighty GOD the FATHER in Heaven, if we choose to. There we can live forever in a place where death doesn’t exist, and, where tears never fall.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website



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