Friday, July 6, 2018

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday July 8, 2018

Over 166,000 readers worldwide

(Practicing justice, mercy, and faithfulness)
(Matthew 23:1-4 and 23-26)

      From the time the written Word of GOD was first handed down to man through Moses until now, man, through his own human ingenuity, has always tried to twist it to fit his own chosen denominational lifestyle. Man has constantly sought a way that we can make a god in our own “distorted spiritual image”, instead of humbling ourselves in obedience, under the GOD, WHO made us in HIS.
    And as we continue to offer up to GOD our own various versions of what we think Christianity should be like in our minds, GOD will continue to sit back and let us spank our own selves with mortal doctrines that cannot possibly govern us into anything near righteousness, or eternal life with HIM.
    Throughout JESUS’ three-year ministry here on earth, HE was constantly challenged by Church leaders who had incorporated their own private doctrines ahead of the principles and concepts of “the GOD” in Heaven, WHOM they say they desire to follow, worship, and adore. These Church leaders lived in the most blessed generation of all time, because many of them got to actually see and hear JESUS’ teachings, and see HIS lifestyle examples, first hand, up-close, live, and in person.
    JESUS already understood what most religious leaders fail to understand, even in this day and age, and that is the fact that no human being is capable of compiling a list of rules and regulations that every human being can totally and perfectly benefit from by observing. Man, because of his own mortalities and imperfections, will never be able to spiritually rule over another man. In fact, it is because we are human that it is impossible for us to concoct such a system of rules and laws that will perfectly avoid all the pitfalls in a church, or, in a secular society.
    In short, man, who is, in every sense, created by GOD, and for GOD, needs the CREATOR in order to exist and survive in continued peace, joy, and prosperity. GOD, in HIS advance wisdom, has already made it impossible for man to unite in perfect harmony under himself. For we, who were created by GOD, can only unite under HIM by being in perfect agreement and obedience to HIS Word. GOD has never needed, nor been interested in incorporating our “human ingenuity” in HIS plans, especially for “The Church”. He only requires “our obedience”.
    Taking up at verse 1 of Matthew chapter 23, JESUS cautions both, HIS disciples, and the crowd who had gathered before HIM that; “The teachers of religious law and the Pharisees are the official interpreters of the Scriptures. So practice and obey whatever they say to you, but don’t follow their example. For, they don’t practice what they teach. They crush you with impossible religious demands and never lift a finger to help ease the burden”.
    The Scribes and the Pharisees were big on “ceremonial law”, those denominational decrees which they manufactured themselves, through their “human ingenuity” and cleaver thinking. They laid upon Israel, literally hundreds of laws, called “customs of the elders”, that weren’t even written down until hundreds of years after the crucifixion of JESUS (circa A.D. 400).
    These rules and regulations often had nothing to do with the Word of GOD, but rather were only presented to people as if they were “bible”. That is why JESUS HIMSELF did not observe, nor respect them. These regulations were “humanly impossible to obey” anyway, because they found their origins in satan, and satan always wants us to think that “it is impossible to obey GOD”.
    These religious leaders would simply take one of GOD’s laws, and through their human ingenuity, they would exaggerate it many times over, to make it sound completely impossible to achieve unless, of course, you were “one of them” (a Pharisee or Scribe).
    In verse 23 of this chapter, JESUS shines the spotlight on another one of the Pharisees many flaws in the way that they operate under GOD, disregarding “justice”, “mercy”, and ”faith”. Here HE points out the distorted way in which they regarded tithing and giving. Even though they were teachers of the law of GOD, they did not completely comprehend the true reason as to why GOD institutes and emphasizes the importance of “giving”.
    Giving trains us how to address and practice applying justice, mercy, and faith in our lifestyle. We are to be just and merciful toward our fellowman, just as GOD is just and merciful to each of us, and, by doing this, we show our faith in GOD to take care of all of our needs, because we care for the needs of others.
    When sin entered into the world, one of GOD’s judgments on man was that HE “cursed the ground” (Genesis 3:17). Everything that we see existing in the world originates from that “now cursed” ground, and therefore, everything man makes or raises from the ground also contains that curse.
    However, GOD, through HIS boundless mercy and grace, instituted “giving” (tithing, sharing, and reacting positively to the human need all around us), as the only method by which we can overcome the curse of the earth. Giving, which is the sharing of one’s possessions and one’s self (unselfishness), is “the only way to counteract the curse on the produce and products of the earth that was brought on by the “selfishness” of Adam and Eve, which brought sin into humanity.
    When we give at least 10% of our earnings, and we are willing to share our time, talents, and prosperity with those who are in need, we take the curse off of that which we give, and, off of all that which we retain for ourselves and our family’s need. In addition, JESUS says in effect that, “through our generosity here on earth, we store up treasures for ourselves in Heaven!” (Luke 16:9). It is a formula that, if used, would, quite literally, mean death to “greed”, selfishness, and “poverty” in the world.
    In verse 25-26, JESUS warns the religious leaders of how terrible it will be for hypocrites who are so careful to “clean the exterior of the body” or, maintain a good outward appearance for others to see, but the inside is filthy and full of greed and self-indulgence. HE then suggests that they clean the inside (the heart, soul, and mind) first, and then, the outside will become clean also.
    What JESUS is saying here to the religious leaders is that, “what came first to us as human beings” is the inside, not the outside, and that, the part of us that is the most important to our existence once we are born into this world, is the inside, the “eternal parts”.
    GOD actually constructed our “innermost being” first, our core layers, which are, “our heart” (the center of our thoughts, where GOD must be kept), “our soul” (the human spirit, where GOD placed HIS “nature” and the “compassion” to regulate it with), and, “our mind”, (our self conscience, which was made to be dictated to by our heart and soul). The mind is the center for our self-conscience, pattern of thought, moral compass, and decision making.
    The final part of our being is the “human flesh” (the only part that is not “eternal”), the outer part, the only part which can be seen, or “sensed” (seen, heard, felt, smelled, or even tasted) by others. What’s inside of us, the unseen spiritual part, actually determines what we do in the physical. In other words, our innermost spiritual make-up is actually manifested outwardly through our behavior, which can be seen and felt by others.
    And so, since man always, 100% of the time, does that which is in his heart, GOD uses our heart (the center of our thoughts) as “the barometer” by which HE judges us. It is an absolute “fool proof” system. That is also why JESUS teaches that we attack sin in “the thinking stages” where it can be brought under control without consequences. That is also why JESUS says here that, if we clean the inside first, placing our thoughts on the things of GOD, our actions, the things that we do in the physical with our bodies, will also be GODly.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander  

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

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