An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday December 16, 2018
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(Praise the LORD WHO loves and redeems us)
(Psalm 103)
The “Christian Hope” has,
throughout the history of the Church, served as motivation to make life on
earth, conform more fully with the Word of GOD, just as it was presented to us
by JESUS CHRIST (not by confused Christian denominations), during HIS three-year
ministry of preaching and teaching, here on earth. All the information we have
comes to us, from those who actually saw JESUS’ miracles performed, and, who
actually heard HIM teach.
However, in Psalm 103 we see that the believer’s hope in GOD began way
before the first century Christian Church was born, as here King David praises
the LORD after looking back on the mercies that HE had bestowed upon himself
and Israel over the years. He was inspired by his “hope in GOD”, even then, and
he celebrates his deliverance in the words of this psalm, which also seems to
serve as an answer to his “prayer of being overwhelmed” in Psalm 102.
Here in this passage David speaks to the benefits of serving GOD with “every
fiber of our being”, our whole “heart”, “soul”, “mind”, and “physical strength”.
We should never forget the good things that GOD does for us, and HIS goodness only,
should motivate us to worship and obey HIM consistently and fervently.
In verses 3-7 we are reminded in this day, of how GOD forgives all of
our sins and heals all of our sicknesses. HE not only ransoms us from death,
through the vicarious sacrifice of CHRIST, but HE also surrounds us with love
and tender mercies, by assigning HIS angels to protect us while we are “being
saved”. GOD regenerates the lives of believers, by lending us the help of HIS
HOLY SPIRIT, and, HE grants righteousness and justice to all those believers
who are treated unfairly.
“revealed HIS character to us”, through the life of JESUS CHRIST our SAVIOR,
WHO was born of a woman, Mary, and once lived as a 100 % human being, here on
earth. HE is merciful and gracious; slow to anger, and full of unfailing,
“agape” (unconditional) love, especially toward those who fear HIM. And to
those who fear HIM, HIS love is greater than the heights of the heaven (v.11).
GOD, deserves our constant praise and worship, because HE is our creator,
as well as our redeemer, through JESUS CHRIST, HIS SON and greatest figurative
representative ever to walk the face of the earth. HE has dealt with us, not as
we deserve, but rather, as HIS powerful grace, mercy, and sovereign authority
allows HIM to do. HE has the power to remove out rebellious acts far from us
when we decide to repent and admit to ourselves that we need HIM in our lives.
GOD understands fully how weak we are, because HE made us to depend on
HIM as a child depends upon HIS parents. Our days on earth are limited, and
when we’re gone, it becomes, to all but a few people, as if we have never been
here at all. However, the love of GOD remains with those who fear HIM, forever.
GOD extends HIS salvation to our children’s children, if, we are faithful to
HIM and desire to pass down a legacy of faith in JESUS CHRIST to the next
generation (Vs.14-18).
LORD has made the heavens HIS throne, and from there, HE rules over all things
that HE made. Even, and especially the angels in HIS family, mighty creatures
of GOD themselves, who carry out HIS plans, and listen to all of HIS commands,
praise HIM all day long as they serve HIM and do HIS Will (Vs.19-22).
GOD’s “forgiveness” is the primary expression of HIS compassion toward
HIS needy humanity, which HE created for the purpose of serving HIM. The verses
in this psalm explain clearly “the nature of forgiveness” that we “vertically”
receive and enjoy from GOD, from Heaven, and must learn to “horizontally” extend
to others, while living here on earth.
A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander
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