An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday April 7, 2019
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(JESUS sends out the twelve apostles)
(Matthew 10)
In the biblical Greek
there are two words that are used for “power”. One of those words is, “dunamis
(doo-nam-is)”, and it is “physical power or might”. The other word that is used
for power is, “exousea” (ex-oo-see-ah), and it is “the power of authority, jurisdiction,
superiority, or control over another being or entity”. It is “authoritative power” that is extended to
someone in order that that person might be able to get things done in the
absence of the person who is actually in charge.
Matthew chapter 10, JESUS, WHO at this time had already declared that HE had
been given authority (power) by GOD the FATHER, over all the earth (Mark 2:10,
John 5:22 and 27, John 17:2), calls HIS closest disciples together and
delegates to them, some of that “authoritative power” (exousea), so that they
would be able to “cast out evil spirits” and to “heal every kind of disease and
giving them this spiritual authority over demons and the sicknesses that they
cause, JESUS sent HIS disciples out on their first mission without HIM being
physically present. Before sending
them out, however, JESUS, first, gives HIS eager group of aides, specific
instructions on how to travel light when they go, because the person, who
travels light, travels long, and, travels fast.
On this first mission, JESUS also instructed
HIS men to go and witness only to the people of Israel, whom HE calls, “GOD’s
lost sheep”. They were not to go to the Gentiles, or to the Samaritans, at
least, not yet. However, we know now that later on, HE HIMSELF, would minister
to them, and then posthumously, HE would commission Paul and many others to do
the same.
This first missionary
task would be an urgent undertaking, and the disciples wouldn’t have time to socialize
with people all over town. JESUS instructed them to make themselves guests in
only one home (v.11)(Luke 9:4), and if they weren’t welcome in a town or
village that they entered into, they were to “shake even the dust of that place
from their feet” and move on to the next city. They were not to linger in any
place that rejected GOD’s message and plan for them, as there could be no
preaching or teaching in the wrong atmosphere.
JESUS further
instructed HIS disciples that, when they were invited into someone’s home, they
were to give that home their blessing, and if the home ultimately displayed
unworthiness or rejection of their message, they were to take back that
blessing. And JESUS assured them that those people in those rebellious places
would be worse off in the end, than the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah back
in the days of Abraham (Vs.12-15).
disciples that HE was sending them out as sheep among the wolves, and HE warned
them to be as “wary as snakes”, and as “harmless as doves” while they were out
there performing their mission. HE warned them that they would suffer many
persecutions because of their allegiance to HIM, even in the Church, and while
all these things were happening, they should not worry so much as even what
they would say. For the HOLY SPIRIT would be there with them, instructing them
on all matters (VS.16-23).
In all
generations, the student shares the fate of the teacher, especially the home. What
a child is taught by a parent, good or bad, will always affect their life down
the line in some way. The parent, especially the father, should always make
sure that the things they teach their household in privacy are those things
that will not bring them shame in the public.
Teaching the family the things of GOD in the
privacy of the home will always be backed by the power and strength of CHRIST
JESUS and the HOLY SPIRIT before the world. The believer should never be afraid
to espouse those things loudly from the rooftops, which they have been taught
from the Word of GOD privately. Remember, people can only kill the body, which
is scheduled to die one day anyway, however, GOD, the holder of everyone’s
fate, can destroy, both, the body, and, the soul, in hell (Vs.24-28).
In verse 32-33
JESUS declares that, “If anyone
acknowledges ME publicly here on earth, I will openly acknowledge that person
before MY FATHER in Heaven. But if anyone denies ME here on earth, I will deny
that person before MY FATHER in Heaven”. JESUS says “HE did not come to
bring peace on earth” (in other words, “make us comfortable in our sin”), but
rather, HE came to separate us from the enemy (satan), who already resides in
every home, working through family members.
That is why we
must be able to love JESUS more than we love family members, and “we must take
up our own cross” (confess and take responsibility for our own sins) and follow
the ONE, JESUS, WHO can save us, and, our family members. However, if we try to
cling to “our old life”, which is destine for “eternal death in Hell” with
satan, we will forfeit the opportunity to find new “Eternal Life” in Heaven
with GOD (Vs.34-39).
Any household
that welcomes true men of GOD welcomes JESUS, and thereby welcomes GOD WHO
sends us. In fact, that household will receive the same reward that is
preserved for prophets who speak for GOD. And if we get in the habit of
welcoming GODly people (people who are seeking GOD) into our homes, we will, in
effect, store up treasures for ourselves in Heaven. We are rewarded for
everything that we do to aid GOD’s people, and promote GOD’s cause (Vs.40-42).
A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander
D. ALEXANDER- Official Website
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