An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday May 12, 2019
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teaching about our human struggles with sin in chapter 7, Paul now shifts gears
and tells us that, “we don’t have to lose our lives to those struggles”. If we
have, and obey, the SPIRIT of CHRIST living in us, there is no condemnation awaiting
us at the end of this earthly life. The power of the life-giving SPIRIT of GOD,
has freed us from the power of sin that leads to death (Romans 8:1-2).
GOD sent HIS Law to us by Moses, to act as
a mirror that will expose to us, our own sinful nature. HE wanted us to see
just how far we were from HIS divine standards. Once we were able to see for
ourselves how we weren’t functioning in the righteousness that GOD intended for
us to function in, in our own strength, HE then sent HIS only begotten SON,
JESUS CHRIST, in 100% human form, in a final attempt, to save us from
GOD ultimately destroyed “sin’s dominion
over us”, by way of JESUS’ human vicarious sacrifice on the cross. Now, HIS requirements
under HIS law can be fully accomplished for those who choose to abandon the old
master (our sin nature), and take up residence with the new master (JESUS),
living in the SPIRIT of GOD (Romans 8:3-4).
When we are dominated by our “sin nature”
we only think about sinful things. However, if we allow ourselves to be
controlled by the HOLY SPIRIT, we will soon begin to share the mind of CHRIST,
thinking only of those things that please our FATHER GOD. Letting our minds dwell
on sinful things can only lead us to death. But when we allow the HOLY SPIRIT
to control our mind, HE leads us to life and peace. The “sin nature” in us is
hostile toward GOD, and is incapable of pleasing GOD, because it cannot, and
will not, ever allow us to obey GOD’s laws (Romans 8:5-8).
The term “Christian” is not just something
that we can declare ourselves to be. We actually have to have the SPIRIT of
CHRIST living in us, having a positive GODly effect on our behavior and
character, if we are to be “true Christians. If we don’t reflect the image of
JESUS CHRIST through our behavior, then, we are not really Christian at all, no
matter how many times we declare it. Real Christians, act like it (Romans 8:9).
When we become Christians at heart, even
though our bodies succumb to death because of sin, our spirit is still alive
because we have been made right with GOD through JESUS CHRIST. And even though
our human bodies will eventually perish, the SPIRIT of GOD, WHO raised JESUS
from the dead, lives in us. And, just as GOD raised JESUS’ human body from the
dead, HE also gives life to our mortal bodies, because we follow HIM in
character and obedience to GOD the FATHER (Romans 8:10-11).
Because the HOLY SPIRIT lives within us, we
don’t have to obey our sinful nature any longer. In fact, if we continue to
give way to its urgings, we run the risk of being permanently separated from
GOD forever when this life here on earth comes to an end.
if we adhere to the promptings of the HOLY SPIRIT in us, we will be able to
overcome the gravitational pull of our sin nature, and will gain eternal life
with GOD in the end. Only those who are being led by the SPIRIT are “children
of GOD” (Romans 8:12-14). We must begin to live as though we are children of
the Almighty GOD, who are adopted into HIS family, and call HIM father. In
fact, as Christians, the HOLY SPIRIT speaks deep within our hearts, reminding
us that we are GOD’s children.
Remember, as true Christians, we share all
of the treasures of GOD, and JESUS is ours too. However, with those privileges
comes the responsibility to also share in CHRIST’s suffering, as long as we are
walking in the righteousness, while living in this life here on earth. We must
be willing to “drink from the cup” which JESUS drank from, during HIS human
lifetime, here on earth (Romans 8:15-17).
A Sunday school lesson
Larry D. Alexander
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