Friday, July 5, 2019

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday July 7, 2019

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(Righteousness is light-shining which leads to rule-following)
(Matthew 5:13-20)
   After JESUS delivered HIS instructions on what the attitude of a Christian should be like, HE moves on to instruct on what “the role of a Christian” should be in their relationship within the world. The Christian has to have an impact on the world that, demonstrated through their behavior, manifests to the world, that “Christianity really does produce the best men and women”.
    Here in verses 13-16, JESUS uses “salt” and “light” to illustrate HIS point. The Christian, through their public and private behavior, has to create “a thirst” in other for more information about how they can also live a better life through a relationship with JESUS. Like salt creates a thirst for water in us, so the lifestyle of a Christian must create a thirst in others for the “living water” that can only be found in CHRIST JESUS.
    The Christian, also like salt, has to “preserve” the lives of others, through their teachings about CHRIST, first, in their own homes, and then, in their communities and abroad, if that be their calling. People everywhere are perishing from the lack of knowledge about GOD. The Word of GOD is the “cure” for what ails us spiritually, and it will “preserve” our lives if we “do” what we read. And the more we read and practice it, the “thirstier” we become for more knowledge
    A Christian must also be a “light” or beacon that shines and serves to help direct others into the safety that can only be found in CHRIST, our LORD and SAVIOR. Those that are “lost” in the world must be able to see our “light of hope” shining through the darkness of their existence, exposing to them, a path, that it far better than “the path to destruction” that they are currently on.       
   In verses 17-20 JESUS rejects the false charges of HIS religious critics, namely the Scribes and Pharisees, that, HE was seeking to abolish GOD’s laws and the writings of the prophets with HIS teachings. Here JESUS expresses HIS total allegiance to the writings and laws of the Old Testament, and in fact, just like the Mosaic Law itself, HIS teachings were aimed at appealing to the human spirit, exposing any behavioral habits that were contrary to GOD’s Will. HE sought to reveal those human attitudes, moral deficiencies, and motives that must be transformed, if we are to shape and harmonize our lives into a form and symphony that is pleasing to the eyes and ears of GOD.
    Time and time again, JESUS violated what the Jewish hierarchy called “our laws”. For instance, HE did not observe the silly “hand-washing” ritual that their law required, nor did HE refrain from performing HIS miraculous healings on the Sabbath Days. Sadly, in the end, JESUS was crucified, in part, as a law-breaker, because HIS rebellious acts defied the authority of the Scribes and Pharisees, and rendered their man-made rules and regulations worthless.
    The expression, “The Law”, was used by the Jewish religious leaders in four different ways. First, and perhaps, foremost, it meant “The Ten Commandments”. Secondly, it was used to describe the entire “Pentateuch” (the first five books of the Holy Bible). In fact, the word “Pentateuch” by definition means “the five Rolls”, or, “Scrolls”. These five law books (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy) which, are accredited to Moses as the author, were, to them, the most important part of Scriptures.
    Thirdly, the Jewish leaders liked to use the phrase, “The Law and the Prophets”, which meant, “the whole of Scriptures”. To them it was a comprehensive description of the entire Old Testament as they knew it at that time. And finally, and most commonly, they referred to the terms, “Oral Laws”, or “Scribal Laws”, which were more about them, than about GOD. It was these scribal laws that so infuriated JESUS (and later the Apostle Paul), that HE utterly condemned them for creating them.
   The Jewish scribes insisted that, out of GOD’s Law, it was possible to deduce a rule and regulation for every possible situation in life. And so they set about the business of dedicating their lives to reducing GOD’s great principles of law, down to literally thousands of rules and regulations, and then, they compelled the people of Israel to adhere to them.
    One of the results of their tampering with GOD’s Word was that, all manner of minor physical endeavors became classified as “work” that could not be engaged in on the Sabbath Day. For instance, they defined work as lifting any weight greater than that of a dried fig, a swallow of milk, or ink enough to write two alphabets. To carry anything above these weights on the Sabbath was considered by them to be a burden, and thereby, a violation of GOD’s Law.
    It was the Scribes who came up with these silly rules and regulations, and the Pharisees who enforced them. And so, to the strict orthodox Jew of the first century, serving GOD became a matter of them striving to keep these thousands of legalistic and very petty man-made laws, instead of just adhering to GOD’s Law, and GOD’s Law only.
    Here in this passage, JESUS makes it clear that HE doesn’t have a problem with Moses’ writings, nor the writings of the prophets. HE says that it is those laws that HE came to uphold, defend, and fulfill. It was the laws of the Scribes and Pharisees, the false teachers, whom JESUS had a problem with.
    JESUS tells these wicked leaders in verse 19 that, “If you break the smallest commandment and teach others to do the same, you will be the least in the Kingdom of Heaven. But anyone who obeys GOD’s Laws and teaches others to do the same will be great in the Kingdom of Heaven” (NLT).  
    Now focusing on this statement it sounds like maybe a false teacher can enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. However, there is “mercy” and “forgiveness” in this statement that is reserved for all sinners, as JESUS also came to be a propitiation for the repentant sinner’s iniquities. And so the Kingdom of Heaven, because of JESUS’ sacrifice on the cross at Golgotha, becomes the home of “all former sinners (everyone)” who comes to CHRIST, earnestly repenting and requesting forgiveness. Even false teachers who repent can enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but with less rewards.
    We know this because in the follow-up statement by JESUS in verse 20, HE warns that, “Unless you obey GOD better than the teachers of religious law and the Pharisees do, you can’t enter into the Kingdom of Heaven at all” (NLT). Most of the Scribes and Pharisees were extremely prideful and very unlikely to humble themselves, admit their wrongdoing, and repent and come to JESUS’ way of thinking. And so, by their own actions, they were making it impossible for themselves, to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. They had become sort of “a standard or model of what NOT to do” if you are going to be a follower, or, “child of GOD”, who will inherit the richness of the Kingdom of GOD.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D, Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website


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