Friday, December 27, 2019

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday December 29, 2019

Over 226,000 readers worldwide

(In prayer we praise GOD for HIS grace and presence)
(1 Chronicles 17:16-27)

   As I said in week 3 of this quarter, this chapter (1 Chronicles 17) stands as one of the most pivotal chapters in biblical history. It is here in these passages that GOD’s Covenant commitment promises to King David are announced and have the same history-shaping force as HIS ancient Covenant commitment with Abraham. In fact, as I said earlier, this “Davidic Covenant” can even be viewed as “a continuation” of the “Abrahamic Covenant”.
    After Nathan had delivered GOD’s message to David, commanding him “not to move forward with his idea to build a Temple for HIM in Jerusalem”, David went into the tabernacle (tent) and sat before GOD and prayed his, now well-known, “Prayer of Thanksgiving” that is featured here in 1 Chronicles 17, verses 16-27. Here David shows utter amazement at the evidence of GOD’s love for him, and he blesses GOD, and thanks HIM for HIS goodness. He then asks GOD to use HIS power to do what HE had promised in HIS Covenant offer to him.
    This event, following so closely behind the event of David’s moving of the Ark to Jerusalem and setting up daily worship, emphasizes the close relationship between “worship” and “blessings”. Those, who serve GOD wholeheartedly, can expect HIM to, not only bless them, but also, to send CHRIST JESUS into their lives with “the eternal blessings” of HIS perpetual presence.
    Doing “GOD’s Will”, on a daily basis, and building “a spiritual temple of worship” (personal relationship of friendship with GOD) “within our own bodies”, is far more important than building “a physical temple” to worship in. Our worship of GOD must be housed within us and exhibited through our daily behavior, and not necessarily inside of some imposing mortgaged-strapped edifice. David’s attitude toward prayer stands as an excellent example of how we should respond to GOD in worship on a regular basis.
    This prayer displays to us, two distinct qualities, which we must be able to earnestly exhibit in order to receive “GOD’s favor”. First of all, like David, we must be humble, despite our successes in life, acknowledging that we ourselves deserve nothing that GOD has ever given us (v.16).
    Humbling ourselves in prayer is a required feature if we are to be taken seriously by GOD. To go before GOD with a prideful attitude, or with an attitude of deservedness because of how great we feel we are, is blasphemous, and goes well beyond foolishness.
    And secondly, we must display complete earnest reverence for GOD, and yet, despite being humble, we must also have complete confidence in GOD that HE will deliver that which HE has promised us, good or bad (Vs.20-27).
    Our faith must be such that it exudes confidence that we believe to a point of knowing that GOD will always delivers those prayer requests that line up within the righteousness of HIS Word and HIS Will.
    An eternal GOD only deals in eternal blessings. It is a characteristic HE possesses that will not, and cannot, ever change. It actually pleases GOD to no end, to bless us and our family so that our lineage will never end in disaster. And remember, GOD already knows our specific, detailed, personal needs, even before we ask. Amen.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website


Friday, December 20, 2019

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday December 22, 2019

Over 225,000 readers worldwide

(Glorify GOD for what HE has done)
(Luke 1:39-56)

  In Luke 1, verses 39-45 of this passage we see that, just a few days after Mary had been visited by the archangel Gabriel, she traveled to the hill country of Judea, to the town where Zechariah, the husband of her cousin Elizabeth lived. When she entered their house and greeted, a now six-month pregnant Elizabeth, the sound of her voice caused the child (John the Baptist) that her cousin was carrying, to leap in her womb with joy.
    Being filled with the HOLY SPIRIT, Elizabeth herself gave a cry of joy and exclaimed to Mary, “You are “blessed” (in the Greek “eulogeo”, which means “well-spoken of”) by GOD above all other women, and your child is blessed. What an honor this is, that the mother of my LORD should visit me! When you came in and greeted me, my baby jumped for joy the instant I heard your voice! You are blessed because you believed that the LORD would do what HE said” (Vs.42-45) (NLT).
   Here in Luke 1:46-55, we see a passage that, over the years, has become one of the great hymns of the Christian Church as a whole. This passage is known world-wide as the “Magnificat”. “Magnificat” is a term taken from the “Latin Vulgate”, the first Latin translation of the bible, written by Jerome at the end of the fourth century A.D., and it means, “My soul doth magnify the LORD”.
    This song of praise, composed by Mary, the mother of JESUS, praises GOD’s favor on her, and, her people (Vs. 51-55). Some scholars tend to doubt that a young uneducated country girl, such as Mary, could have composed such a wonderful and prophetic poem as this. However, even common sense dictates that she, or anyone else, who knows and understands GOD in spirit, and who is in “a close personal relationship with GOD”, and are fairly familiar with the Old Testament passages which are alluded to in this song, is capable of expressing these thoughts of praise that we find here.
    Apparently, Mary saw herself as a part of the GODly remnant that had served her LORD with all diligence. We see in verse 47, for instance, where she calls GOD, “my Savior”, shows she had a deep intimate relationship and knowledge of HIM. She also speaks of GOD’s “faithfulness”, “power”, “holiness”, and “mercy” in verses 48-50, showing that her relationship with GOD was an experiential one.
    This timeless stretch of biblical literature, has, contained within it, “four distinct parts” which should be noted by every reader. First, there is “great personal adoration and thanks to GOD” (Vs. 46-48). In the biblical Greek, the word “makarizo” (mak-ar-id-zo) is used in verse 46 for “blessed”, and it actually means “supremely blest”, or, “beatified”. It describes, in this passage, what it is like to be “indwelt by GOD, and thereby, fully satisfied”. Mary was completely satisfied and honored by the wonderful, and unexpected way, in which GOD chose to use her body for HIS purpose.
    Then secondly, there is “a celebration of GOD’s attributes” (Vs. 49-50). Mary celebrated GOD’s goodness and she cherished all that HE had done for her, and she also appreciated the fact that HIS mercy extended beyond her and throughout all generations, for all times.
    Thirdly, we see her “acclaim GOD for correcting “pride”, “social injustice”, and “economic disparities” (Vs. 51-53). In these three verses we see “GOD’s three great moral revolutions”. These moral rebellions can also be found in the make-up of the entire Word of GOD, and, in the make-up of Christianity.
    We see first of all in this segment, “GOD’s revolution against pride (v.51), where Mary notes that, “GOD scatters the proud and haughty ones” (NLT). When Christianity is practiced properly, it automatically means “death” to pride. A person cannot possibly set their life beside the life of CHRIST without, first, tearing every ounce of pride from him, or herself.
     Next, we see “GOD’s revolution against social injustice” (v.52) where Mary says, “HE has taken the princes from their thrones and exalted the lowly” (NLT). When Christianity is practiced properly, it means “death” to social injustice. It puts an end to race, labels, and prestige, because what CHRIST did for one, HE intended for all. No man is favored in the eyes of GOD, but also, we can call no man worthless, or common, for whom JESUS CHRIST has died. HE died for “all mankind in general”, and “all Christians, in particular”.
    And then, there is “GOD’s revolution against economic disparity” (v.53) where Mary proclaims that, “HE has satisfied the hungry with good things and sent the rich away with empty hands” (NLT). When Christianity is practiced properly, it means “death” to economic disparity and greed. A Christian society is a community of believers who dares to have too much, while others don’t even have enough. The attitude of a believer in CHRIST JESUS, is one that desires to have more, in order that they may have more to give away.
    In the fourth and final part (Vs. 54-55), we see “Mary giving GOD praise for the mercy shown to Israel”.  There she cites, “How GOD has helped HIS servant Israel! HE has not forgotten HIS promise to be merciful. HE promised our ancestors, Abraham and his children, to be merciful to them forever” (NLT).
    Even at her young age we can clearly see that Mary knew for sure that her blessing and charge of giving birth to the SON of GOD was not all about her, but rather, it was about a covenant promise that was established with Abraham and her fore-fathers, long before she was ever thought about. 
    It was William Barclay who wrote, concerning this wonderful passage of scripture, that, “There is loveliness in the Magnificat, but within that loveliness, there is also, dynamite”. And he was right. And so Mary went on to birth our LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST, and JESUS CHRIST birthed Christianity into the world, and Christianity birthed a revolution in mankind against pride, social injustice, and economic disparity, and mankind must now take up that fight, and continue that revolution throughout the world.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, December 13, 2019

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday December 15, 2019

Over 224,000 readers worldwide

(The LORD’s Covenant promise to David)
(1 Chronicles 17)

   1 Chronicles 17 stands as one of the most pivotal chapters in all of biblical history. Here in these passages, GOD promises to King David are viewed as a “Covenant commitment” that has the same history-shaping force as HIS ancient Covenant commitment with Abraham. In fact, this “Davidic Covenant” can even be viewed as “a continuation” of the “Abrahamic Covenant”.
    Like the Abrahamic Covenant, this Davidic Covenant contains several built-in elements. First of all, it promises that David would be a great king. Secondly, it promises that GOD would provide a secure place for HIS people, “Israel”, and subdue all of their enemies. And finally, it promises to continue “the Davidic Line of Kings” forever, and that David’s son (Solomon) would build, “an earthly home” for HIM, and also that “HIS SON” (JESUS), would build “an eternal kingdom” for HIM, and would exercise an everlasting rule.
    After David had completed construction of his great cedar palace, he was struck by the great disparity between the place where he lived, and the place of residence he had erected for “the Ark of the Covenant of GOD” in the tent below. And while he had certainly shown his dedication to GOD by bringing the Ark to Jerusalem and setting up a place of worship for HIS people, David was bothered by the thought that his place of residence was far more lavishing than that of the GOD he worshipped and adored.
    And so, David calls on Nathan the prophet (instead of calling on GOD HIMSELF), for advice on what he should do to improve and elevate the place of the LORD GOD of Israel (how soon we forget our lessons learned in suffering due to our insufficient use of our faith relationship with the LORD). David wanted to build an even more lavishing place for the Ark of GOD, where the people could come to worship HIM.
    Fortunately, “GOD knows our hearts” and HE would later reward King David for HIS sincere thoughts and desires toward HIM. However, before we make any move or decision in life, no matter how good our intentions are, we should always, first, go to the LORD for consultation in prayer.
    If we will remember, David had just gotten himself in trouble a few months earlier by consulting others, instead of GOD, regarding the movement of the Ark to Jerusalem (1 Chronicles 13). And even though this time he did go to the prophet of GOD for advice, David’s personal relationship with the LORD should have given him the confidence he needed to go directly to GOD for consultation on this matter. Nathan, also without consulting GOD first, instructed David to “Go ahead with what you have in mind, for GOD is with you” (v.2) (NLT).
    However, that same night, perhaps in a dream, GOD came to the prophet Nathan and gave him a prophesy of a dynasty that would begin with David’s son Solomon, and never end, with HIS OWN SON, CHRIST JESUS, as ruler forever. HE instructed Nathan to go and tell this to David “And now I declare that the LORD will build a house for you----a dynasty of kings! For when you die, I will raise up one of your sons, and I will make his kingdom strong. He is the one who will build a house---a temple for ME. And I will establish his throne forever. I will be HIS FATHER, and HE will be MY SON. I will not take MY unfailing love from HIM as I took it from Saul, who ruled before you. I will establish HIM over MY dynasty and MY Kingdom for all time, and HIS throne will be secure forever”.
    After Nathan had delivered GOD’s message to David, David went into the tabernacle (tent) and sat before GOD and prayed his, now well-known, Prayer of Thanksgiving (Vs.16-27, and also 2 Samuel 7:18-29). Here David shows utter amazement at the evidence of GOD’s love for him. There he blesses GOD and thanks HIM for HIS goodness, and then, he asks GOD to use HIS power to do what HE had promised.
    This event, following so closely behind the event of David’s moving of the Ark to Jerusalem and setting up daily worship, emphasizes the close relationship between “worship” and “blessings”. Those, who serve GOD wholeheartedly, can expect HIM to, not only bless them, but also, to send CHRIST JESUS into their lives with “the eternal blessings” of HIS perpetual presence. And the more faithful the worship, the sooner the times of joy begin.
    Doing “GOD’s Will”, on a daily basis, and building “a spiritual temple of worship” (personal relationship of friendship with GOD) within us, is far more important than building “a physical temple” to worship in. David’s attitude toward prayer stands as an excellent example of how we should respond to GOD on a regular basis.
    This prayer displays to us, two distinct qualities, which we must be able to earnestly exhibit in order to receive “GOD’s favor”. First of all, like David, we must be humble, despite our successes in life, acknowledging that we deserve nothing that GOD has ever given us (v.16). And secondly, we must have complete confidence in GOD that HE will deliver that which HE has promised us, good of bad (Vs.20-27).

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website


Friday, December 6, 2019

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday December 8, 2019

Over 223,000 readers worldwide

(David’s song of praise)
(1 Chronicles 16)

   After King David had delivered the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem and placed it in the special tent that he had prepared for it, all the people of Israel sacrificed burnt offerings and peace offerings there before the LORD. David then blessed the people in the name of the LORD and gave a “food gift” of a “loaf of bread”, “a cake of dates”, and “a cake of raisins” to every man and woman in Israel! (Vs.1-3)
    Following his distribution of the food gifts, David appointed Asaph and a group of Levite musicians to lead the people in worship before the Ark of the LORD, asking for blessings, and giving proper thanks and praise to the GOD of Israel (Vs.4-6). David also gave them the words to “a song of thanksgiving to the LORD”, which he had written for them to perform on this special occasion.
    This hymn of thanksgiving is actually a compilation of passages from several psalms that David had earlier written, which probably suggests how important those earlier messages were. Here David weaves together from them, a very beautiful hymn that seeks to teach the hearers some very important spiritual lessons about GOD.  
    Contained in verses 8-36 of this passage are the words which David wrote. These words were written to teach the people of Israel how to praise the LORD for all of HIS personal qualities (Vs.8-11), to celebrate GOD’s works on our behalf (Vs.12-13), to observe GOD’s historical Covenant commitment (Vs.14-22), and to recognize how we should exult GOD’s glory and strength, and have faith that HE will continue to express HIS power and majesty to us in future times (Vs.23-36).
    All Christians should, on a regular basis, proclaim the greatness of GOD in HIS ears. We have to let the whole world know just what GOD “has done”, “is doing”, and “will do” for those who follow HIM through this life. We must continue to seek HIM vigorously and earnestly throughout our lives here on earth, and then rejoice in what we find.
    When we observe the wonderful works that GOD has done on our behalf, after first “sharing HIS nature” with us during “creation”, we are in need of no other fabricated, man-made religious entities, which we tend to conjure up through our various wants, beliefs, and denominational doctrines. To seek refuge within any other god except “GOD the CREATOR of Heaven and Earth”, is only an extension of “self-worship”.
    GOD the FATHER of our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST, continues to stand by HIS Covenant commitment which HE has made to thousands of generations. The same covenant HE made with Abraham, HE extended to Isaac, and confirmed it to Jacob as a decree. HE also extended it to all future generations who choose to believe and have faith in HIM. HE will continue to provide for, protect, and lend safe passage, to all who, even, in this day and age, cling to the “VINE” that is CHRIST JESUS, and endure there until the end.
    All the nations of the world will have to come to recognize that JESUS CHRIST is LORD. They will have to confess that fact before they leave this world and enter into, either, “the Kingdom of Heaven”, or, “into the pits of Hell”. And so, we all may as well voluntarily bring our worship before HIM, where it belongs, right now, and worship HIM in all HIS splendor.
    In verses 34-36 David ends his song of praise and worship with these words; “Give thanks to the LORD, for HE is good! HIS faithful love endures forever. Cry out, “Save us, O GOD of our salvation! Gather and rescue us from among the nations, so we can thank YOUR holy name and rejoice and praise YOU”. Blessed be the LORD, the GOD of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting!” (NLT)
    And all the people shouted “Amen!” and praised the LORD.  

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website