Friday, December 6, 2019

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday December 8, 2019

Over 223,000 readers worldwide

(David’s song of praise)
(1 Chronicles 16)

   After King David had delivered the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem and placed it in the special tent that he had prepared for it, all the people of Israel sacrificed burnt offerings and peace offerings there before the LORD. David then blessed the people in the name of the LORD and gave a “food gift” of a “loaf of bread”, “a cake of dates”, and “a cake of raisins” to every man and woman in Israel! (Vs.1-3)
    Following his distribution of the food gifts, David appointed Asaph and a group of Levite musicians to lead the people in worship before the Ark of the LORD, asking for blessings, and giving proper thanks and praise to the GOD of Israel (Vs.4-6). David also gave them the words to “a song of thanksgiving to the LORD”, which he had written for them to perform on this special occasion.
    This hymn of thanksgiving is actually a compilation of passages from several psalms that David had earlier written, which probably suggests how important those earlier messages were. Here David weaves together from them, a very beautiful hymn that seeks to teach the hearers some very important spiritual lessons about GOD.  
    Contained in verses 8-36 of this passage are the words which David wrote. These words were written to teach the people of Israel how to praise the LORD for all of HIS personal qualities (Vs.8-11), to celebrate GOD’s works on our behalf (Vs.12-13), to observe GOD’s historical Covenant commitment (Vs.14-22), and to recognize how we should exult GOD’s glory and strength, and have faith that HE will continue to express HIS power and majesty to us in future times (Vs.23-36).
    All Christians should, on a regular basis, proclaim the greatness of GOD in HIS ears. We have to let the whole world know just what GOD “has done”, “is doing”, and “will do” for those who follow HIM through this life. We must continue to seek HIM vigorously and earnestly throughout our lives here on earth, and then rejoice in what we find.
    When we observe the wonderful works that GOD has done on our behalf, after first “sharing HIS nature” with us during “creation”, we are in need of no other fabricated, man-made religious entities, which we tend to conjure up through our various wants, beliefs, and denominational doctrines. To seek refuge within any other god except “GOD the CREATOR of Heaven and Earth”, is only an extension of “self-worship”.
    GOD the FATHER of our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST, continues to stand by HIS Covenant commitment which HE has made to thousands of generations. The same covenant HE made with Abraham, HE extended to Isaac, and confirmed it to Jacob as a decree. HE also extended it to all future generations who choose to believe and have faith in HIM. HE will continue to provide for, protect, and lend safe passage, to all who, even, in this day and age, cling to the “VINE” that is CHRIST JESUS, and endure there until the end.
    All the nations of the world will have to come to recognize that JESUS CHRIST is LORD. They will have to confess that fact before they leave this world and enter into, either, “the Kingdom of Heaven”, or, “into the pits of Hell”. And so, we all may as well voluntarily bring our worship before HIM, where it belongs, right now, and worship HIM in all HIS splendor.
    In verses 34-36 David ends his song of praise and worship with these words; “Give thanks to the LORD, for HE is good! HIS faithful love endures forever. Cry out, “Save us, O GOD of our salvation! Gather and rescue us from among the nations, so we can thank YOUR holy name and rejoice and praise YOU”. Blessed be the LORD, the GOD of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting!” (NLT)
    And all the people shouted “Amen!” and praised the LORD.  

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

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