Friday, February 21, 2020

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday February 23, 2020

Over 230,000 readers worldwide

(Teaching about prayer)
(Luke 11:5-13)

    In the Gospel of Luke, chapter 11, verses 5-13, JESUS gives us two parables that teach us that prayer grows out of a persistent, experiential relationship with GOD. In verses 5-8 HE teaches us a “good lesson” by using the “bad example” of a man who does not want to be bothered, and who refuses the petition of a neighbor because he felt that it was too late at night for someone to come calling for a favor.
    Here JESUS states: “Suppose you went to a friend’s house at midnight, wanting to borrow three loaves of bread. You would say to him, “A friend of mine has just arrived for a visit, and I have nothing for him to eat”. He would call out from his bedroom, “Don’t bother me. The door is locked for the night, and we are all in bed. I can’t help you this time”. But I tell you this_ though he won’t do it as a friend, if you keep knocking long enough, he will get up and give you what want so his reputation won’t be damaged” (NLT).
    JESUS goes on to say: “And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will be given what you ask for. Keep on looking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And the door in opened to everyone who knocks (Vs 9-10) (NLT).
    JESUS then shows the contrast of the ways of a loving GOD, WHO wants us to pray to HIM, no matter what time it is, or how many times we need to ask. Here JESUS is encouraging us to be persistent, not in order to change GOD’s mind, but rather, as a way of being steadfast in praying, so that we might receive our every need.
    We can always rest assure that GOD will grant, through prayer, all of our needs, simply because HE knows what they are, and HE knows that “our needs can never harm us”. However, on the other hand, GOD often does not grant some of the things we want, simply because, oftentimes, those very same things will harm us, even though we may not think so at the time. On those occasions when our “wants” and “needs” are one and the same, GOD is more than happy to grant our petitions. HE will always grant that which is good for HIS children, and always decline to grant those things that are not.
    However, JESUS reminds us in verse 13b that, the greatest gifts that GOD can bestow upon anyone is the gift of “salvation” and “the HOLY SPIRIT” through CHRIST JESUS our LORD. And with that in mind, let us, at all times, be inspired to continue to go to the LORD in prayer, and quite literally, we must do so, without ceasing, because, if we are honest with ourselves, our need for GOD, will never cease.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY DALEXANDER- Official Website

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