international Sunday school lesson commentary
Sunday April 12, 2020
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(A resurrected SAVIOR)
(1 Corinthians 15:1-11)
the biblical Greek the word used for “resurrection” is “anastasis”, and it is
“a moral recovery of spirit truth”, and in the physical sense, it means, “to
stand up again”. The sins of Adam and Eve ushered “physical death” into the
world, and by contrast, the resurrection of CHRIST JESUS brought “spiritual
life”. Adam, the first man, came from the dust of the earth, while JESUS, the
second man, came from Heaven (1 Corinthians 15:47).
It was William Barclay who wrote,
“Cleverness can never be the basis of true religion, and true religion can
never be the product of a man’s mind”. The resurrection of CHRIST is the
essence of the Christian Faith, and, is the core of all of the apostle’s
teachings, and mine.
No man is capable of producing or
concocting a “True Religion”, or “Faith”. Only GOD, the CREATOR of Heaven and
Earth, is capable of meeting the qualifications necessary, and setting the
examples that every man can benefit from, 100% of the time. Man, through his
imperfections, will never be able to spiritually rule over another man, and so,
“Christianity” remains as the only true religion, simply because, it is the
only religion that is “a product of GOD’s mind”.
In 1 Corinthians 15, the Apostle Paul
offers us an indebt understanding of the subject of “the resurrection of CHRIST
JESUS”, and the powerful impact that that resurrection has on those who choose
to believe in HIM in this world. The resurrection is guaranteed through the
sacrifice of CHRIST JESUS, the author and finisher of the only true faith,
He begins by reminding the Corinthians in
particular, and the world in general, of the important teaching that he had
passed on to them in a previous time, regarding the resurrection of CHRIST. He
then tells them of the many witnesses to that resurrection, which included
himself, Peter, James, and many more, including all the other apostles.
Corinthians 15:12-33
In verses 12-19 Paul embarks upon a
logical argument explaining the centrality of the resurrection of CHRIST to the
Christian Faith, and the belief that because of that resurrection, all who die
believing in HIM will also be raised from the dead, and into eternal life with
GOD, just as HE was.
Our hope in CHRIST, “the Christian Hope”,
is not just for this life, but rather, it is for the eternal life yet to come
in Heaven. That is why true Christians are not “miserable people”, but rather,
to the contrary, we are people who retain unshakable joy while still living
here on earth.
It is a true fact that JESUS has been
raised from the dead, and HE became the first fruit of a great harvest of
believers who will be raised to life again, after HIM. And just as death came
into the world through Adam, resurrection from the dead into eternal life with
GOD has been ushered in by JESUS CHRIST.
Everyone dies because of their relationship
to Adam, but everyone can live again, eternally, through their relationship
with CHRIST JESUS. Death will be the last enemy of man to be destroyed, or “nullified”
(“katargeo”), and so, we must not be fooled by unbelievers. Remember, “bad company
corrupts good character” (v.33), and so we have to come to our senses and “quit
living in sin” (v.34), by coming to know GOD on a personal and experiential,
“lifesaving” level (Vs.20-34).
Corinthians 15:35-56
Paul concludes this chapter with the
analogy of the “dead seed” that is planted and then, through nourishments from
GOD, once again becomes “a living thing”, full of life and growth, producing
life-giving food, and even more seeds for future growth. However, the dead seed
(lost person) had to first fall into the hands of a sewer (a witness) who could
introduce it to “new life” (JESUS) by planting it firmly into the nourishment
of GOD (The Word). Death is then swallowed up by victory, and its sting (sin)
is taken away (Vs.35-58).
person who has met and accepted the “Risen LORD” will be able to live forever
in the joy of HIS presence. They will be able to come to rest in the knowledge
that nothing can ever again separate them from HIS saving grace. And so, we
should be able to see quite clearly now how no man can give another man that
kind of religion. It is something that only GOD is capable of doing. That is
why the Christian can “believe”, “share”, and “rejoice” in the saving power of
Through the birth, ministry, passion,
death, and resurrection of JESUS CHRIST, GOD is saying to us, as only HE can,
that HE loves us with an everlasting love that can withstand all of the
suffering that this world has to offer.
Sin is the sting that results in death, and
the law gives sin its power (v.56). How we thank GOD, WHO gives us “victory”
over sin and death, through JESUS CHRIST our LORD. With GOD, it is possible for
us to make “a moral recovery of a spiritual truth” found only in HIM, and when
we accept that TRUTH, we become fully able “to stand up again” and live forever
in the presence of the ALMIGHTY GOD in Heaven.
A Sunday school lesson
Larry D. Alexander
LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website
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