An international Sunday school lesson
Sunday December 13, 2020
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birth of JESUS the MESSIAH)
In the Gospel according
to Matthew, in chapter 1, verses 18-25, the apostle gives us his account of the
birth of our LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST, in the small village of Bethlehem.
In the Greek, the word used for “espouse” or “engagement” is “mnesteuo”
(mnace-tyoo-o) and it is an engagement that was far more serious than what we
have in our society today. In fact it is “a formal stage of a marriage contract”
that, if broken by engaging in sexual intercourse with anyone, including the
contracted parties themselves, would be considered “adultery” and grounds for
divorce, or annulment.
During this “espousal period”, usually one
year, the contracted parties could not live or sleep together. They would
remain separate in their parent’s homes as a demonstration of the faithfulness
to their pledge of purity to one another. Mary and Joseph were in this one-year
waiting period when Mary became impregnated by the works of the HOLY SPIRIT of
Joseph was upset at first, because he
himself, had not yet received a word from GOD, concerning his important role in
the annals of human history. However, he would soon find out, through a dream,
that he would play a major role in this “distinctive act of GOD”, that would
serve in bringing about salvation for all mankind. He would be charged with
raising “the CHILD” that would eventually “free mankind” from under the
dominion of their own “sin nature”.
The birth of CHRIST JESUS is considered by
believers to be the greatest miracle ever performed by GOD, in the history of
mankind. And ironically, it is a miracle that went virtually unnoticed by all
but a few chosen servants, who were careful enough to keep their minds and
hearts focused on the CREATOR, the GOD of Heaven and Earth.
If JESUS had been conceived just like any
other child, then, HE would not be GOD’s begotten SON. It was necessary that HE
be born of woman and have an earthly mother, but not appropriate that HE be
born of an earthly father. HIS earthly mother is what makes HIM human, and HIS
FATHER in Heaven is what makes HIM GOD. HE is both 100% man, and 100% GOD, and
is thus, the “Hypostatic Union”.
Few Christians today look at Bethlehem as a
burial place, but rather, they look at it as the “birthplace of life”, the true
life, that is found only in JESUS CHRIST. Because of JESUS’ humble birth into
humanity over 2000 years ago, and because HE died for us and then rose again,
we now can look forward to a bright future in the glorious presence of the
ALMIGHTY FATHER in Heaven, if we choose to. There, we can live forever in a
place where death does not exist, and, where tears never fall.
In the book of Isaiah in chapter 9, verses
6-7, the prophet describes, more or less, the universal reign of the MESSIAH.
There Isaiah tells us that all the governments of the earth will rest on the
shoulders of JESUS, and HE will be called “WONDERFUL COUNSELOR”, “MIGHTY GOD”,
“EVERLASTING FATHER”, and “PRINCE OF PEACE”. HIS ever-expanding peaceful regime
will never end. HE will rule forever with fairness and justice from David’s
throne, and the passionate, faithful commitment of the Almighty GOD will
guarantee this.
The contrast that presents itself in the
latter part of Isaiah Chapter 9 (Vs. 8-21) shows the ruination and destruction
we face when we continue to disobey and rebel against GOD. Israel’s tragic
history is marred by such rebellion against the LORD, from the beginning.
However, the remnant of the obedient has always been afforded the protection,
grace, and mercy from GOD that was necessary to overcome those periods of HIS
judgment on those who refused to submit to HIS authority.
has always intervened upon the lives of men, even though it has most often been
wittingly, or unwittingly ignored. GOD reveals HIS glory to us, from the inside
out, as HE works from the hearts of men, through the lives of men. A
man of GOD proves that he is such, with his own life, and not just, with words.
A person of the world has eyes but cannot see the things of GOD. He also has
ears, but he cannot hear GOD’s message. He has a heart, but it is a heart for
the world.
Until a man can come to the end of himself,
he cannot possibly perceive, nor understand the things of GOD. He has no hope,
and thereby, must continue to dwell in the darkness that he has become
accustomed to living in. In order to receive and experience the full and
eternal benefits of GOD’s plan for us, we must remain attached to the LIVING
VINE, that is, CHRIST JESUS, while living in the world.
A Sunday school lesson
Larry D. Alexander
Larry Dell Alexander (1953–)
- Encyclopedia of Arkansas
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