Friday, January 29, 2021



An international Sunday school lesson commentary

For Sunday January 31, 2021


Over 261,000 readers worldwide



(Prophesying down through the biblical centuries)

(Luke 2:36-38, Acts 2:14-21, Acts 21:1-14)


   In Luke chapter 2, the prophetess “Anna” was a woman who, quite literally, lived in the temple of GOD at Jerusalem. She was one of the last in a long line of ancient prophets and prophetesses who, both, warned and encouraged generations of believers, and non-believers, about the coming of a MESIAH WHO would re-connect mankind into a personal relationship of friendship with GOD the FATHER in Heaven.  

    Anna was the daughter of a man named “Phanuel”, who was a member of “the tribe of Asher”. She was also a widow whose husband had died seven years into their marriage. After her husband’s death, she had remained in the Temple, praying and fasting day and night, and was now herself, 84 years.

    While another prophet, Simeon, was yet talking to Mary and Joseph, Anna came over and began praising FATHER GOD in Heaven. She then went throughout the Temple witnessing to everyone she knew, who had been waiting in eager anticipation for the promised KING, JESUS, WHO had now arrived to save the accepting world from their sins.

    After Joseph and Mary had fulfilled all of the requirements of the LORD at the Temple, they left the presence of this prophet, and they set out on their 65-mile trip back to their home in Nazareth of Galilee. It is there where JESUS grew up healthy and strong, filled with wisdom well beyond HIS years. And GOD placed HIS special “favor” (“charis”, which means “grace”) on HIM as HE grew in obedience to HIS Word.

    In later years we see, over in the book of Acts, taking up at chapter 2, verse 14, the now chosen Apostle Peter proclaiming the Good News of a “Risen LORD” using several references from the Old Testament Scriptures, and explaining them in his “kerugma style” of preaching. Here he reminds the people in the assembly of GOD of how the ancient prophets, namely Joel, had foretold of the “first advent” of JESUS CHRIST, and the arrival of the HOLY SPIRIT.

    In this passage Peter recites the words of Joel when he states, “In the last days, GOD said, I will pour out MY SPIRIT upon all people” (Joel 2:28), and also that, at that time “anyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved” (Joel 2:32). Peter goes on to tell the crowd that GOD publicly showed HIS endorsement of JESUS by doing wonderful miracles, wonders, and signs through HIM.

    Peter says that everyone, Jews and Gentiles, who participated in JESUS’ crucifixion, had actually followed a pre-arranged plan by GOD when they collectively nailed our LORD and SAVIOR to the cross at Golgotha. GOD then released JESUS from the horrors of HIS death and raised HIM back to life again. And so, we see that “death” could not keep JESUS in its grip because GOD, our FATHER in Heaven, is always in control of things, past, present, and future, even now (Acts 2:14-22).

    In Acts 21, in verses 1-14, as the Apostle Paul and his entourage pressed on toward Jerusalem during his third and final missionary journey, they say goodbye to the elders of Ephesus at Miletus, and then, re-boards their cargo ship and sails on to Caesarea. When they arrived at Caesarea, they stayed at the home of Phillip the evangelist, who, twenty years earlier had been one of the seven men chosen by the congregation at Jerusalem to administer the food program, just prior to the death of Stephen (Acts 6:1-6).

    During their three-day stay with Phillip and his three prophetic daughters, a man named Agabus, the prophet who had predicted “the great famine” in the Roman Empire at a meeting of the believers back in Antioch of Syria (Acts 11:28), arrived in Caesarea from Judea. During his visit, he took Paul’s belt from his waist, and used it to bind his own hands and feet. He then prophetically declared, through the power of the HOLY SPIRIT that, “the owner of this belt will be tied and bound the same way by the Jewish leaders at Jerusalem, and then, he will be turned over to the Romans”.

    When Paul’s entourage heard this, they begged him not to go to Jerusalem. Paul then declared that, even though their weeping broke his heart, not only was he ready to go to jail for CHRIST, but he was also ready to die for HIM. When it became clear that they were not going to be able to deter Paul from pressing on toward Jerusalem, they ceased their pleading and weeping, and gave him their blessings.

     JESUS CHRIST once said, in HIS reply to the pharisees when tried to get HIM not to go to Jerusalem by telling HIM that Herod Antipas wanted to kill HIM. JESUS told them to “Go tell that fox that I will keep on casting out demons and doing miracles of healing today and tomorrow; and the third day I will accomplish MY purpose. Yes, today, tomorrow, and the next day I must proceed on MY way. For it wouldn’t do for a prophet of GOD to be killed except in Jerusalem” (Luke 13:32-33)

    In this passage we see clearly the parallel between Paul and CHRIST JESUS WHO called him. They both had an unwavering commitment to do GOD’s Will. In both instances we see their own Jewish people would be the ones who would hand them over to the Gentiles who would make them suffer greatly before killing them. And while this passage serves to highlight Paul’s heroic attitude, it also reminds us that we too, are committed to, and are called to follow the example of CHRIST, no matter where HE might lead us. And make no mistake about it, HE does not always lead us into what we consider to be “safe territory”.


A Sunday school lesson by,

Larry D. Alexander



Larry Dell Alexander (1953–) - Encyclopedia of Arkansas




Larry D. Alexander's Books and Publications Spotlight


Larry D. Alexander - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website


Clinton Family Portrait - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia









Friday, January 22, 2021



An international Sunday school lesson commentary

For Sunday January 24, 2021


Over 260,000 readers worldwide



(The prayer of JESUS)

(John 17)


   After JESUS had ended HIS private teachings to HIS disciples in the Upper Room, HE left them with the profound statement, that, “HE had overcome the world”. HE then looked up toward Heaven and began to pray, perhaps, the greatest prayer that has ever been prayed here on earth. It is the prayer of an over-comer, and JESUS is certainly the greatest over-comer of all times.

    Here in John 17, verses 1-5, JESUS begins this prayer by praying for HIMSELF, however, in doing so, HE is also praying for us. As GOD’s greatest servant, JESUS had every right to pray for the help HE needed from GOD to glorify HIS name. HIS request for glorification includes:


·         Sustaining HIMSELF in HIS upcoming suffering,

·         Acceptance of HIS vicarious sacrifice,

·         Raising HIM up again, and then,

·         Restoring HIM to HIS pre-incarnate glory.


JESUS had finished all of HIS other divine work, and now HE was ready to take on HIS final assignment so that HE could return back home to HIS FATHER WHO sent HIM.

    We, as Christians, now know and understand that, for JESUS, the only way back to glory was through the cross, and so it must be, for those of us, who follow HIM. With open eyes, JESUS accepted the circumstances of the cross, so that whosoever believes in HIM, from that day forward, would not perish, but rather, would have everlasting life with our FATHER in Heaven also.

    When JESUS speaks of HIS actions bringing glory to GOD, HE is referring to the majesty and loveliness of GOD the FATHER that has been manifested through, what HE HIMSELF has done, and will do, in obedience to the FATHER. And after the FATHER has resurrected HIM from the dead, that act will also reflect the true majesty of HE HIMSELF, as the GOD-appointed SAVIOR of all of mankind.

    This also lets man know that, when we obediently perform GOD’s will, GOD will joyfully express HIMSELF through us also. And so, we see here quite clearly, that, even we can display the same beauty and majesty that CHRIST JESUS displayed for the FATHER, when we pray for the strength to be able to obediently perform our appointed duties for the LORD, here on earth, in this life.

    JESUS’ disciples obeyed the Word of GOD and HE praises them for it here in HIS prayer to the FATHER. JESUS loved them all the more for their avid, positive response to GOD’s Word. HE had prayed for them, even before HE chose them, and now, this final prayer of intercession clearly reveals HIS loving concern for their continued well-being, after HIS departure from earth, back into Heaven.

    These disciples were HIS original flock, given to HIM by GOD the FATHER, and HE had taken good care of them, during their three years together. HE had also been successful in taking them out of the world, and into a spiritual place, where HE HIMSELF had always dwelled. And while they were not perfect, they were all committed, (except Judas Iscariot) and passionately devoted to JESUS. They now, all believed in JESUS’ oneness with the FATHER, and their faith was clearly manifested in their obedience to HIS teachings.

    This section of the prayer (verses 6-19) focuses not only on the safety of the disciples, but also on the safety of all believers, who have chosen to come out of the world and into the realm where JESUS lives. Our safety has always, and will forever depend on the nature of GOD, and not on our own conduct, or character.

    When JESUS was with HIS disciples physically, HE always kept them safe, and they could always depend on HIS presence in their time of need. HE guided them then, the way the HOLY SPIRIT now guides us, and we, in addition, can still rest assure that JESUS is, even now, still praying for us from HIS Heavenly vantage point.

    We do not ever need to walk around feeling sad and beaten down by the rigors of this world. We can, instead, be filled with joy, because our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST has overcome the world, and HE is taking everyone with HIM, in victory, who chooses to come and share in HIS Kingdom.

   This final segment of JESUS’ prayer (verses 20-26) is for future believers who will choose to come to HIM through the teaching of HIS Word. In this, the “Church Age”, every converted Christian came to be that way directly because of the work and witness of JESUS’ original disciples. We see, all through this prayer, how JESUS goes out to the ends of the earth to save our otherwise, lost souls from the pits of Hell.

    First, HE started with HIMSELF. Then HE moved on with HIS petition for HIS disciple’s safety, and now, in the final section of this great petition, we see JESUS praying for the unity of all Christians, for all times, no matter where in the world they reside. And just as each high priest of Israel bore the names of the twelve tribes in GOD’s presence in the tabernacle, so now does JESUS, in the Church Age, as the GREAT HIGH PRIEST, carry the names of all present and future believers into the glorious presence of the ALMIGHTY GOD in Heaven.

    JESUS’ request is a request for a “Christian unity” that will transcend all the differences that can be found among the Christian Church, as a whole. And even though we may never organize our Christian Churches in the same way, and we may never worship GOD in the same way, JESUS prayed that Christian Unity would forever transcend all these denominational differences and bring all men together in fellowship and love.

    The kind of unity that JESUS is praying for here in John 17 is also the kind of unity that the apostle Paul would later write about to the Churches, in all of his doctrinal letters. It is a unity, not born of bricks and mortar, but rather, it is a unity of “personal relationships”, not unlike the one that we have already seen between the FATHER and the SON, which serves as an example to us to follow, for all time.

    All believers belong to one body in CHRIST, and our spiritual unity is to be clearly shown through our behavior, or the way we live. The spiritual unity of the FATHER and the SON is to be patterned in the Church. Without union with CHRIST JESUS, the Christian Church can do nothing, in itself.

    “Christianity” is the only true religion, because “Christianity” is the only religion that is a product of GOD’s mind. The disciples’ union with CHRIST resulted in the whole Christian community’s belief in GOD the FATHER in Heaven. The glory of the Church was born at the cross, but the unity in the Church was born before that, and it is personified in the spirit of JESUS and HIS original disciples.

    All in all, we see four petitions for believers being included in this magnificent prayer. They are:


·         “Preservation” (John 17:11)

·         “Sanctification” (John 17:17)

·         “Unity” (John 17:11, 21-22)

·         “Participation” (John 17:24)


    After JESUS prayed this prayer, HE would speak no more to HIS disciple, until after HIS “Passion” and Resurrection. And so, we see HIS last words to HIS faithful, were not words of HIS despair, but rather, they were words concerning their survival, and HIS “Glory”.


A Sunday school lesson by,

Larry D. Alexander



Larry Dell Alexander (1953–) - Encyclopedia of Arkansas




Larry D. Alexander's Books and Publications Spotlight


Larry D. Alexander - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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Friday, January 15, 2021



An international Sunday school lesson commentary

For Sunday January 17, 2021


Over 260,000 readers worldwide



(JESUS heals a paralyzed man)

(Mark 2:1-12)


   Several days after working HIS way through the area of Galilee, healing many along the way, including a man with leprosy, JESUS returned to Capernaum. The news of HIS arrival spread quickly through the town, and soon the house where HE was staying became packed with visitors from all around.

    As JESUS taught the Word of GOD to them, four men arrived carrying a paralyzed man on a mat with them. Unable to get to JESUS through the crowd the men, because of their strong faith in what JESUS could do for their friend, decided to climb up on top of the house, dig a hole through the clay roof, and lower the paralyzed man down through the hole right in front of where JESUS was sitting. Realizing their faith, JESUS said to the paralyzed man, “MY son, your sins are forgiven”.

    Here in Mark chapter 2, verse 5, the word John Mark uses for “forgiven” in his original Greek writing is “aphiemi” (ap-i-mee), and it means, quite literally, “to send away” or “wipe away”, in this case, “sin”. Those who argue that JESUS never claimed to be GOD can simply choose to ignore this passage. However, true Christians know, and even the Pharisees taught, that only GOD can “send away” or “wipe away” our sins.

    In this passage, JESUS clearly makes the claim that day, through HIS actions, from this little house in Capernaum where HE, first, healed this paralyzed man “spiritually”, by forgiving his sins, and then, healed him “physically”, enabling him to pick up his mat and walk in a normal human fashion from that day forward.

    This miraculous event serves to remind us that, the first thing JESUS does for each of us is to say, “thy sins be forgiven thee”. The true essence of JESUS’ life is that, through HIM, we see clearly depicted, GOD’s attitude towards mankind, HIS greatest creation. It is not an attitude of always desiring to apply stern judgment, but rather, it is an attitude of discipline through “perfect love”, having a heart that eagerly yearns to forgive us. And while GOD will never change HIS rule of life for us, HE will always, through tests and time, try to gradually move us back into HIS Will, so that we can inherit eternal life in Heaven with HIM.

    The Pharisees had always taught and stressed to ailing people, that the reason they could not heal them was because GOD hadn’t forgiven them of their sins yet. And since forgiveness had to come first, they themselves are to blame for remaining in their own sickness. And so, according to their teaching, the ailing person had to first, convince GOD to forgive them (because only GOD can forgive sin) before it would be possible for them to step in and do the work of physical healing to that person.

    Here in this passage, JESUS, whom the Pharisees argued “was not of GOD”, debunks their self-made excuses and lies, and proves before the packed house of onlookers that HE was truly “sent by GOD. Here HE, first, “forgave” the ailing man of his sins, like only GOD can do, and then, HE “healed the man physically”, and thereby, confirming HIS authority from GOD WHO sent HIM.

    And so, we see in this lesson, that, our burden should not be “a fear that GOD will not keep HIS promise of forgiveness”, for the GOD of creation cannot lie. Our responsibility lies in our “willingness to earnestly repent” for our sins, so that we may obtain GOD’s gracious forgiveness and mercy.

    The word “repent” in the biblical Greek “metanoia” means “a change of mind”, however, it is a change of mind “before we sin”. We must learn to change our mind about sin “while we are still in the thinking stage” about it. We must understand that “true repent” is “a thing of the heart”, not just words coming off our lips. GOD is “kardiognostes” (kar-dee-og-noce-tace) “a heart knower”, and HE determines our sincerity by reading our hearts, not our lips.


A Sunday school lesson by,

Larry D. Alexander



Larry Dell Alexander (1953–) - Encyclopedia of Arkansas




Larry D. Alexander's Books and Publications Spotlight


Larry D. Alexander - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website


Clinton Family Portrait - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia




Friday, January 8, 2021



An international Sunday school lesson commentary

For Sunday January 10, 2021


Over 259,000 readers worldwide



(The first disciples)

(Luke 5:1-11)


   It is said that the earth is full of miracles that are waiting only for the human eye that can see them. JESUS is always waiting for the tired soul who is just one attempt away from the success that can be found in getting to know HIM. In Luke chapter 5, taking up at verse 1, we see JESUS preaching on the shores of the waters of the Sea of Galilee, and great throngs of people pressed toward HIM to hear the Word of GOD.

    The body of water, by which JESUS stood that day, was called by three names according to scripture. It was called “the Sea of Galilee”, “the Sea of Tiberias”, and “the Lake of Gennesaret”, by which it is called here in this passage in the King James Version. As the crowd continued to grow, JESUS turned and saw two empty boats docked at the water’s edge. HE walked over and climbed into one of those boats, which belonged to Simon Peter, a commercial fisherman, and sat down, and continued to teach.

    When JESUS had finished speaking to the crowd, HE turned and instructed Peter to “go out into the deep waters and let down your net and you will catch many fish”. Peter, who was a master fisherman, told JESUS that the fish weren’t biting today, and that “we worked hard all last night and didn’t catch a thing. But if YOU say so, we’ll try again” (NLT).

    Peter did as JESUS instructed and took his boat back out into the deep waters and, this time they caught so many fish that they filled the boat completely. Then he called out for his other partners, James and John, the sons of Zebedee, to bring the other boat, and they filled it up with fish also. In fact, the boats were so full of fish that they were on the verge of sinking, and they struggled to make it back to the shore.

    Although JESUS had already been introduced to some of these disciples earlier, this passage tells us that they did not all immediately come on board with HIM full-time until after this miraculous fishing account had taken place here in verses 4-7. In fact, when Simon Peter realized what had happened, he fell to his knees before JESUS and said, “Oh LORD please leave me, I am too much of a sinner to be around you”.  JESUS then said to Simon, “Don’t be afraid! From now on you’ll be fishing for people!” And as soon as they came ashore, Peter, James, and John began to follow JESUS in earnest, full time.

    When Peter fully recognized just who JESUS was, he went from addressing HIM as “master” (as in “superior” or “teacher”) to addressing HIM as “LORD”, as in being “the SON of the LIVING GOD”. And like Peter, when we come to understand who JESUS really is, it also exposes to us, who we really are, flawed individuals who are sorely in need of HIM. JESUS is the only ONE WHO can rescue us from our self-imposed damnation and deliver us into a right relationship of friendship with GOD, our FATHER in Heaven.

    JESUS’ teachings and miracles combined to prove HIS authority from GOD over all the earth, and these expert professional fishers of the sea, eventually became fishers of the men and women who lived on dry land. JESUS taught them how to teach men, to teach men, to teach men …., from generation to generation, for all time.


A Sunday school lesson by,

Larry D. Alexander



Larry Dell Alexander (1953–) - Encyclopedia of Arkansas




Larry D. Alexander's Books and Publications Spotlight


Larry D. Alexander - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website


Clinton Family Portrait - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Friday, January 1, 2021



An international Sunday school lesson commentary

For Sunday January 3, 2021


Over 258,000 readers worldwide



(JESUS rejected at Nazareth)

(Luke 4:14-30)


   After teaching in several synagogues in the region of Galilee, JESUS returned to HIS childhood hometown of Nazareth filled with the power of the HOLY SPIRIT. His ministry had begun to pick up steam, and HE had already gained some degree of notoriety throughout the surrounding countryside.

    Upon arriving at the village of Nazareth, as had become HIS custom, JESUS entered the synagogue on the Sabbath and stood and read from the scriptures. HE was handed the scroll that contained a prophetic message from Isaiah (Isaiah 61:1-2). HE unrolled the scroll to the place where it says: “The SPIRIT of the LORD is upon ME, for HE has appointed ME to preach the Good News to the poor. HE has sent ME to proclaim that the captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the downtrodden will be freed from their oppressors, and that the time of the LORD’s favor has come…” (NLT).

    JESUS rolled up the scroll and handed it back to the attendant. HE then went and sat down in the pews, as everyone gazed at HIM intently. We may or may not notice that JESUS stopped reading in the middle of a sentence, and did not read the last part (“…and with it, the day of GOD’s anger against their enemies”) that actually concerned GOD’s judgment. That is because, on this particular occasion (HIS first advent), JESUS did not come to “judge”, but rather, this time, HE only came to “save”. Here JESUS is saying, in effect, that HIS “judgment will be reserved for HIS second coming”.

    By coming back to Nazareth, JESUS put HIMSELF to a very severe test, because there is never a more severe critic of a person, than is the people, whom, one grew up around, or with. However, this was not meant to be a private visit, because this time, JESUS came as a rabbi, and so we see HIM going directly to the synagogue to preach and teach, just as a rabbi should. Unfortunately, the people of Nazareth greeted JESUS with contempt, and even seem to take offense to HIM even coming there’

    It has often been said that “familiarity breeds contempt”, and certainly that seemed to be the case here in JESUS’ hometown of Nazareth. Here the people refused to listen to JESUS, because in their minds, JESUS was just a carpenter, a working man just like them. HE had grown up there, right before their eyes, and they couldn’t make the leap that HE could be anyone even remotely special, and certainly not the MESSIAH whom people were claiming that HE was.

    And so, there can be no preaching or teaching in the wrong atmosphere, and on that day in Nazareth, the atmosphere was clearly wrong. A person can never be healed if they refuse to accept the treatment necessary to make it so. One must be receptive to what is being offered if they are to be delivered back into a state of mental, physical, of spiritual health and well-being.

    In this passage JESUS was actually attempting to show HIS disciples how to handle rejection once HE sends them out into the world to evangelize, and HE started with HIS hometown of Nazareth in order to show them that this might be as good as gets when they were ready to begin the work of introducing the world to the concepts of Christianity. The places in which you are most familiar, is oftentimes the places where you can be most strongly rejected.

    This account in the Gospel of Luke serves to remind us that, sometimes we can be too close to a person, to see just how that person is being used by GOD for HIS purpose. When we look at people, we should remember first that, no one is outside the purpose of GOD. As Christians, we must learn to be concerned about everyone, because one never knows who GOD may be using to advance us into HIS Kingdom. We only need to be able to recognize the things of GOD that can reside in any human being, and then, make the decision to help, rather than hinder them from their work for the cause of CHRIST JESUS.


A Sunday school lesson by,

Larry D. Alexander



Larry Dell Alexander (1953–) - Encyclopedia of Arkansas




Larry D. Alexander's Books and Publications Spotlight


Larry D. Alexander - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website


Clinton Family Portrait - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia