Friday, February 26, 2021



An international Sunday school lesson commentary

For Sunday February 28, 2021


Over 263,000 readers worldwide



(Lydia of Philippi believes in JESUS)

(Acts 16:11-15, 40 and 1 Corinthians 1:26-30)


   Acts 16:1-15 chronicles the story of the beginning of the Apostle Paul’s second missionary journey, which, for the first time, would lead him into Europe. Along with Silas, and later, Timothy and Luke, Paul travels into the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedonia, which, at that time (around A.D. 50), was a province of the Roman Empire.

    The men had persistently tried to go north, deeper into the peninsula of Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey), but the SPIRIT OF JESUS, by way of some unexplained methods, had not allowed them to enter. With the issue of the basis of “Gentile inclusion into the Church” officially settled at the Acts 15 council, Paul, now sets out with Silas, (who had replaced Barnabas), on his second missionary journey.

    Paul and Barnabas had parted ways after a disagreement concerning Barnabas’ cousin John Mark. Paul had become disappointed with John Mark, because he abandoned them on their first missionary journey, while at Perga of Pamphylia (Acts 13:13). Barnabas and John Mark had already set sail for Barnabas’ homeland of the island of Cyprus to begin working their mission there.

    Meanwhile, Paul and Silas make their first stop in Derbe, and then, move on to Lystra, the home of Timothy, where Paul had preached on his first missionary journey and was stoned by an angry mob, and left for dead. The people there had thought that he and Barnabas were the Greek gods Hermes and Zeus after they had healed a cripple man. However, some Jews came down later from Antioch and Iconium and turned the people against them, causing them to have to flee to Derbe (Acts 14:8-19).

    While in Lystra, Paul and Silas met the young Disciple Timothy, whose mother was a Jewish believer, but whose father was a Greek. Timothy was well respected by the believers in Lystra and Iconium, and so Paul asked him to join them on their mission.

    Out of respect for the opinion of the Jews in that area who knew that Timothy’s father was a Greek, Paul arranged for Timothy to be circumcised before they left. The three men then traveled from town to town explaining the decision made by the Apostles and Elders at Jerusalem, during the Acts 15 council. That decision, of course, stated that “Gentiles did not have to be circumcised before becoming Christians”.

    Next, Paul, Silas, and Timothy traveled through the area of Phrygia and Galatia, as the HOLY SPIRIT would not let them go any farther into Asia Minor at that time. They traveled on to Mysia, and again, tried to go north, this time, into Bithynia, however, the SPIRIT OF JESUS compelled them, instead, into the city of Troas. It is here that one of the eventual authors of the New Testament, Luke, joins the journey, and it is here that GOD shows Paul a vision, telling him to go to Macedonia (Europe) and preach the Gospel there.

    So, the men boarded a boat and sailed from Troas to the island of Samothrace. They spent the night there, and, the following day, they landed in the port city of Neapolis. From there they went to the neighboring major city of Philippi, a Roman colony at that time, in the district of Macedonia, and they abided there for three days.

    On the Sabbath, they went down to the riverbank, where some people, who were worshipers of GOD, met to pray. They sat down to talk to some of the women, who had come together there. One of them, Lydia of Thyatira, who was a merchant of expensive purple cloth, and a devout worshiper of GOD, listened intently and opened up her heart to what Paul and his companions were saying about CHRIST.

    She immediately accepted what they were saying and was baptized, along with other members of her family. Lydia then insisted that Paul and his entourage come to her house as her special guests. She and her family had, that day, become the first Europeans in recorded Scripture to accept CHRIST into their lives, and this was truly a cause for celebration.

    And so, we see, at a time when it seemed that all doors were being shut to Paul and his companions, it turns out that GOD, in HIS infinite wisdom, had something much greater in store for those who were willing to work hard according to HIS will. It must have seemed strange to Paul, being blocked from the Roman province of Asia by the HOLY SPIRIT, but no one can ever know and understand the eternal plan of GOD.

    Ironically, as history would have it, Asia Minor would become the place that was to contain all of the recipients of the letters to the seven churches mentioned in the Book of Revelation by the Apostle John.

    Paul and his entourage were then compelled to go the route of Alexander the great, whom GOD had used some 400 years earlier to spread the Greek language and culture all over world. HE had by doing so, set the stage for the writing of the New Testament, of which Paul himself would be its most prolific writer.

    The world had already seen the translation of the Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures into what then had become the universal Greek language of the “Septuagint” (Greek version of the Old Testament) at Alexandria over 200 years earlier. And so, here we see GOD putting into motion, the wheels that would help move the teaching and preaching of the Gospel to new heights in generations to come.

    Paul, Silas, Luke, and Timothy all believed in the sovereignty of GOD over all things. And we can see, quite vividly, throughout the Book of Acts, how that belief impacted their everyday life and travels. And as for the Thyatiran woman, Lydia, and her family, they, in a very special sense, had become immortalized through their faith and belief in CHRIST.

    Lydia and her family will forever be remembered, as the first European family to accept our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST. And her first act as a Christian was, ironically, to invite other Christians into her home. It is the kind of human action that CHRIST had, years earlier, commanded us to perform. It is true that, before we can offer our love, charity, and ministry to people in the Church, and, in the world, we must first show, and be able to offer that same love, charity, and ministry to people within our own homes.

    Oftentimes we look at home as a place where we can go to shut the world out; however, equally, our homes should be a place with an open door. The effectiveness of our ministry at church is always predicated upon the life we live at home. The way to a changed home, church, job, and life, has always been, through a changed heart.   

   Over in 1 Corinthians 1 the Apostle Paul says that the words and message of the Christian Bible sounds foolish to those who are on their way to destruction. However, to those who are being saved, it represents, quite literally, the very essence and power of GOD. The Bible promises that GOD will utterly destroy human wisdom and discard their most brilliant ideas (v.19). For there is no room, especially in the Church, for “human ingenuity”, but rather, there is only room for “obedience”. 

     So where does that leave the world’s philosophers, scholars, and brilliant debaters? Here in verse 20, Paul says that they will be made to look “foolish” (“moros” in the Greek) by GOD, WHO will show their worldly wisdom to be total non-sense. A man will never find GOD through his own human wisdom. In fact, GOD uses the seemingly foolish preaching of HIS servants to save only those who choose to believe in HIM. The very definition of a “foolish” person, “moros”, here in this passage, describes one who looks at reality from a perspective that is distorted, because they fail to take GOD into account.

    GOD’s way always seemed foolish to the anti-CHRIST Jews, as they always wanted a “sign” from Heaven to prove it was true. And so, GOD used many miracles through HIS prophets, that could not be explained by “human reasoning”. And since they still could not wrap their inferior minds around it, they continued on in their unbelieving lifestyles.

    Equally, GOD’s way has always seemed foolish to the Gentile, as they could only allow themselves to believe in what agrees with their own worldly wisdom. When we say things like “JESUS was crucified”, anti-CHRIST Jews are offended and unbelieving Gentiles say, “Go away”, and that, “it is all non-sense”.

    The plans and things of GOD that worldly people call foolishness, is far wiser than the plans and things of men that are devised through “human ingenuity”. In fact, GOD often chooses things that the world considers foolish, in order that HE may shame those who think they are wise. He also sometimes uses powerless people to shame or bring down those who are considered powerful. GOD will sometimes even choose things that are despised by the world, and counted as nothing at all, and then, use those things, to “bring to nothing”, those things that the world considers important.

    And now, it is GOD alone, WHO has made it possible for us to be saved from ourselves, through CHRIST JESUS, of WHOM HE made wisdom personified. JESUS voluntarily gave HIS OWN life for the lives of we who were still embedded deeply in sin. And so, the person, who is proud enough to boast, can only boast about what JESUS has done for us, and not, what we have done for ourselves.


A Sunday school lesson by,

Larry D. Alexander



Larry Dell Alexander (1953–) - Encyclopedia of Arkansas




Larry D. Alexander's Books and Publications Spotlight


Larry D. Alexander - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website


Clinton Family Portrait - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia




Friday, February 19, 2021



An international Sunday school lesson commentary

For Sunday February 21, 2021


Over 262,000 readers worldwide



(Acts 18:1-17, 24-28 and Romans 16:3-4)

(Priscilla and Aquila)


   Throughout the Book of Acts, Luke introduces us to many people that were instrumental in the development and establishment of the early Church. Here in Acts 18, we are introduced to two more of those wonderful workers who helped shape the Christian Church movement in its infancy, during the first century. They became two of the Apostle Paul’s closest friends, and their names were Priscilla and Aquila. They were the husband-and-wife team who, quite literally, birthed in the “House Church concept” of early Christianity.

    Now we all know that Paul was a Rabbi, but what many do not know is, that, in addition to being a Rabbi, Paul was also a tentmaker, and this is something that he had in common with Priscilla and Aquila. They met while Paul visited Corinth during his second missionary journey, and he lived and worked with the couple during his stay there. And so, for the three of them, being missionaries for CHRIST, was just another of their common threads.   

    Perhaps, we will not find a more fascinating couple in all of Scripture, than Priscilla and Aquila. They were a very bold and defiant pair who stood against the antichrist elements that often reared its ugly head throughout the Roman Empire in the first century, mostly in the person of the Emperor Claudius, or later, the Emperor Nero.

    Most Christian Church services in those days, both teaching and worship, were held in private homes because, at the time, no Christian Church temples could be openly constructed. In fact, it was extremely dangerous to be a follower of CHRIST, or, an “Adherent of the Way”, as they were called then, and Christian worshipers would have to meet in secret locations to preserve their own lives, and to continue to teach the true Word to willing listeners.

    Priscilla and Aquila were also a curiously nomadic pair, as they were found wandering and moving from place to place throughout the Roman Empire. In the Book of Acts, we first find them in Rome (Acts 18:2), where they were ejected by the Emperor Claudius, as he sought to expel all Jews from Italy, in and around A.D. 52. Then, we find them in Corinth, where they first met Paul, and had him as a house quest, during his second missionary journey (Acts 18:1-3).

    Next, we see them in Ephesus (Acts 18:24-28), where they had traveled with Paul from Corinth. There, we find them instructing a Jewish scholar named Apollos, in the ways of GOD more accurately, educating him about the impact of CHRIST JESUS on humanity. Apollos, who was already well versed about CHRIST and baptism with water, needed to be informed about baptism with the HOLY SPIRIT.

    In Romans 16:3-5, Paul sends greetings to Priscilla and Aquila, who had now made their way back to Rome, and had opened, yet another House Church in their home there. Also, in Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians, which was written a couple of years earlier, he informed us that they were back in Corinth, where they were operating, still another House Church there (1 Corinthians 16:19).

    And then finally, in Paul’s second letter to Timothy, his last known written communication, he tells us that Priscilla and Aquila had set up a house church, once again, in the large port city of Ephesus (2 Timothy 4:19).

    And so, it doesn’t really seem to matter, where, we find this amazing couple, whenever, and wherever we do run across them, we always seem to find their home to be a place of Christian fellowship and service. Every home, in essence, should be a Christian Church, a place where, perhaps, JESUS could come any time to stay for a while. And for Priscilla and Aquila, wherever we find them, their home always seemed to radiate Christian friendship, fellowship, and love.

    Oftentimes we humanly look at home as being a place where we go to shut the world out. However, we need to always remember that, equally, our homes should be a place with an open door (Romans 12:13 & 1 Peter 4:9). We should always keep in mind that, an open door, along with an open heart, and an open hand, are three of the key characteristics in the Christian Faith. And so, we can see that, despite Priscilla and Aquila having appeared to always have lived a nomadic life, for them, working for the LORD in this manner, was a way of life.

    Upon this rock (concept), I will build MY Church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it”. That is what JESUS said to Peter in Matthew 16:18 (KJV). And, even though, we, as Christians, may never organize our churches in the same way, nor do we worship GOD in the same way, and in fact, we may never even believe in precisely the same things about Christianity. However, “Christian unity”, can and will, transcend all these differences, and bring GOD’s people together in fellowship and love. It is the kind of unity that JESUS prayed about in John 17, and, the kind of unity that Paul wrote about to the Churches, in all his doctrinal letters. It is a unity, not born, of bricks and mortar, but rather, it is a unity of personal relationships, not unlike the one we have already seen demonstrated, between the FATHER and the SON, as an example for us to follow, for all times.


A Sunday school lesson by,

Larry D. Alexander



Larry Dell Alexander (1953–) - Encyclopedia of Arkansas




Larry D. Alexander's Books and Publications Spotlight


Larry D. Alexander - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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Clinton Family Portrait - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Friday, February 12, 2021



An international Sunday school lesson commentary

For Sunday February 14, 2021


Over 262,000 readers worldwide



(The women who actively supported JESUS’ ministry)

(Mark 15:40 and 16:1-9, Luke 8:1-3, John 20:10-18)


   Not long after JESUS and HIS twelve disciples left the house of the Pharisee named Simon, they began their tour of the nearby cities and villages of Galilee announcing the Good News of the Kingdom of GOD. Along with them, came many of the women whom JESUS had healed or “cast out” unclean spirits from. The fact that these women were traveling with JESUS and HIS disciples probably stirred up “many bad rumors” in that day, as even it would, most likely, in this day and age. Perhaps more than a few would view this scenario as being a somewhat “scandalous situation”.

    Namely, among this group of women were Mary Magdelene, the lady from the small town of “Magdala”, from whom JESUS had cast out seven demons. Also, there was Joanna, the wife of Chuza, who was Herod’s business manager, a very important figure in the king’s regime; seeing a woman of Joanna’s position keeping company with someone of Mary Magdelene’s repute (prostitution) was very unlikely in those days, and even now.

   Then there was Susanna, and many others who were contributing from their own resources to support JESUS and HIS disciple’s ideology and biblical interpretation, and concept. All or most of these women were from diverse backgrounds, and in many ways represented what the coming Church of CHRIST must be like, in order to successfully impact the world, and move it towards “moral change” and “Christian unity”.

    In fact, Christian Unity will prevail in the end, despite the fact that we may come from diverse cultures, nations, genders, and social and economic backgrounds. In order to overcome this world, all mankind has to first, unite behind CHRIST JESUS, under GOD the FATHER WHO sent HIM to us, with help and guidance from the HOLY SPIRIT.

    In the Greek, the word New Testament writers use for “resurrection” is “anastasis” (an-as-tas-is), and it is “a moral recovery of spiritual truth”. It also means, in the physical sense, “to stand up again”. In John chapter 20, verses 1-18, Matthew 28:1-10, Mark 16:1-19, and Luke 24:1-12, these authors of GOD share their respective Gospel accounts of the Resurrection of our LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST.

    The Resurrection of CHRIST is the essence of the Christian faith, and the core of all of the Apostles teachings. All Gospel accounts tell us that it was early in the morning of the first day of the week, while it was still dark, when JESUS’ body was discovered missing. And by combining all four Gospel accounts, we can see that Mary Magdalene, Mary, the mother of James and Joseph, Salome, who was Zebedee’s wife and the mother of James and John, and Joanna, the wife of Chuza, Herod’s business manager, all went to the tomb of JESUS to anoint HIS body for burial, with spices.

    Perhaps, in all of Scripture, no one had ever loved JESUS as much as Mary Magdalene did. HE had done something for her that no one else could ever do, and she never forgot it. It was the custom of the Jews to visit the tomb of a loved one for three days after the body had been laid to rest. They believed that, for three days, the spirit of the deceased person would hover around the tomb, and only departed when the decomposing body became unrecognizable.

    The day following JESUS’ Crucifixion was the Sabbath, which is our Saturday, so to visit on that day would violate the Sabbath law. That is why their first visit had to occur on that early Sunday morning. The original Greek writings of the New Testament authors tell us that, it was during “proi” when they visited the tomb.

    The Jews divided their nights into four watches. The first night watch was from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., the second watch was from 9 p.m. to 12 a.m., the third watch was from 12 a.m. to 3 a.m., and the fourth and final watch was from 3 a.m. to 6 a.m. It was during this forth watch, called “proi”, that, the women came to the tomb.

    Tombs, in those days, were “cave-like” compartments that had been carved into the side of a hill, or mountain, and then, covered by a circular shaped rock, which rested, in a slanted groove that had been carved out, along the front opening of these compartments. This extremely heavy rock had to be rolled uphill to open, and downhill to close. So, we can envision that it was much harder to open than it was to close.

    In addition, Matthew tells us that JESUS’ tomb was also sealed by Roman officials, at the request of the Jewish leaders (Matthew 27:62-66). They also placed guards out in front of the tomb. Matthew also records that there was a great earthquake associated with an angel of the LORD, who came down from Heaven and rolled away the stone from the entrance of the sepulcher, and then, sat on it. This apparently frightened the Roman guards so much, that they actually fainted (Matthew 28:2-4).

    When the women arrived at the tomb, they were shocked and frightened by what they saw. However, the angel was able to allay their fears and invite them to look into the cave, so they could see that JESUS was no longer there. He then urged them to go and tell JESUS’ Disciples the good news, that, JESUS had arisen from the dead, just as HE had said that HE would.

    The women then ran and found Peter and John, who were still somewhat puzzled, and were thinking someone had broken into the tomb and removed JESUS’ body (John 20:2). Peter and John then ran to the tomb, and with John arriving first, he looks in and sees JESUS’ body wrappings lying there in the tomb; however, he sees no body.

    Peter then arrives and actually goes into the cave, where he too, only sees the cloth that had enwrapped JESUS’ body. When Peter saw this, he remembered and realized what Scripture had said, and, what JESUS had said about rising from the dead after three days, and he believed, and they went home.

    John tells us in 20:11-18, that afterwards, Mary Magdalene was standing outside the tomb weeping, and as she wept, she peered inside the cave. She saw two white-robed angels, sitting at the head and foot of where JESUS’ body had lain. One of the angels asked her, why was she crying? Mary, still not understanding, replies, “Because they have taken away my LORD, and I don’t know where they have put HIM”.

    Just then, she noticed someone standing behind her, that, she thought was the gardener (she did not recognize, at that time, that it was JESUS, probably because her eyes were filled with tears). “Sir”, she said, “If you have taken HIM away, tell me where you have put HIM”. JESUS then speaks to her, and she apparently recognizes HIS voice and runs to hug HIM. However, JESUS tells her not to cling to HIM, because HE had not yet ascended to HIS FATHER. Mary then ran to find the Disciples once again, but this time, to tell them that she had actually seen the risen LORD.

    We see throughout these “Passion Narratives” of the Bible, that this lady, Mary Magdalene, was always there, in the vicinity, of our LORD and SAVIOR. She was there at the foot of the cross, when JESUS’ earthly life expired, on that infamous Friday in world history (John 19:25). She was there when JESUS’ body was wrapped and entombed, by Joseph of Arimathea (Matthew 27:61, Mark 15:47) and Nicodemus (John 19:39-40).

    And she was also there when the empty tomb was discovered, early that Sunday morning. And so, it was only fitting, that she became the first person on earth, ever to see the “RISEN LORD”. It is a distinction that she would never have to share with anyone else.

    What a wonderful earthly reward she had received for her unparalleled love for, and faithfulness to, the SON of the ONLY WISE GOD. And her example of undying faith in GOD is one of the great Sunday school lessons of all times. It is a lesson that every Christian should learn, and then, keep in their hearts to use as fuel, to propel them through their Christian journey here on earth, and into an “Eternal Life” in Heaven with GOD the FATHER, and, CHRIST JESUS, our LORD.


A Sunday school lesson by,

Larry D. Alexander



Larry Dell Alexander (1953–) - Encyclopedia of Arkansas




Larry D. Alexander's Books and Publications Spotlight


Larry D. Alexander - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website


Clinton Family Portrait - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Friday, February 5, 2021



An international Sunday school lesson commentary

For Sunday February 7, 2021


Over 261,000 readers worldwide



(JESUS and the Samaritan woman)

(John 4:1-42)


   In the Greek, the word New Testament writers use for “longsuffering” is “makrothumia” (mak-roth-oo-mee-ah). It describes a spirit that never grows irritated, never despairs, and never regards anyone as being beyond salvation. In the Gospel according to Saint John, in chapter 4, verses 1-42, the author of GOD writes of JESUS’ journey alone, into Samaria, a land that was rarely, if ever, traveled through by the Jews in those days.

    JESUS and HIS Disciples had left Judea after the Disciples had done some baptizing there, and they were heading back to Galilee. On the way, JESUS sent HIS Disciples to get food, and HE HIMSELF, continued on into the Samaritan village of Sychar, in the vicinity of the land that Jacob had willed to his son Joseph (Gen. 48:21-22). It was also where Jacob’s Well is located.

    In verse 4 of this passage, the Apostle John tells us that JESUS “had to” go through Samaria, even though we know that there was an alternate, more frequently traveled route that the Jews would take, just east of the Jordan River, through neighboring Perea.

    The Jews hated the Samaritans, and the Samaritans did not like the Jews. They had harbored ill-feelings towards each other since the days when the Assyrians, under the rule of King Shalamaneser, defeated Israel and King Hoshea, Israel’s last GODly king. The Assyrians took over the capital city of Samaria and exiled the Israelites to Assyria (2 Kings 17).

    The Assyrians then replaced the Israelites with groups of people from Babylon, Cuthah, Avva, Hamath, and Sepharvaim, and resettled them in Samaria and various other towns throughout Israel. The descendants of the Jews, who married and mixed with those Assyrian groups, became the hated Samaritans of JESUS’ day.

    While these Samaritans were worshipers of the same GOD as the Israelites, they continued to worship at Mount Gerizim, where Moses, Joshua, and the Jews worshiped (Deut. 27:12 & Josh. 8:33) prior to coming to the “promised land”. However, since the time after King David moved the worship center to Jerusalem, the “pure breed” Jew’s had been worshiping there. The Samaritans were hated simply because they were “half breed” Jews, and thus, no better than Gentiles in the minds of the pure-breed Jews.

    However, we see in verse 12 that the woman JESUS encountered at Jacob’s Well, still considers Jacob as her forefather, and claims her Jewish heritage. What we see here in John chapter 4, is an attempt by JESUS, to show HIS Disciples, and the world, including future generations, that, the new Gospel that HE preached would be embraced by both Jews and Gentiles alike. HE sought to show that prayer is made for all men, regardless of race, and that, for the coming “Christian Way”, there would be no such thing as an enemy, except satan, in all the world. No one would be left outside of the love of CHRIST, and no one has ever been outside of the purpose of GOD. GOD wishes all mankind to be saved.

    We also see in this passage, JESUS introducing us to “The Five Laws of Persuasion”.


·         “Attention” (Vs. 7-9)

·         “Interest” (Vs. 10-12)

·         “Desire” (Vs. 13-15),

·         “Conviction” (Vs. 16-18)

·         “Commitment” (Vs. 28-29)


    The Samaritan woman that JESUS met at the well that day, like many of us, thirsted and longed for that thing in her life, that she felt was lacking. She had drunk from the wells of many men, five husbands, to be exact, and was currently “shacking up” with yet another man when she finally had this surprising and unexpected, life-changing encounter with JESUS.

    The Disciples returned just as the woman was leaving, and they were puzzled as to why JESUS was even talking to a woman alone, and they were, perhaps, even more disturbed that the woman was a Samaritan. JESUS had broken many life-changing barriers by venturing into Samaritan territory that day, and no doubt his disciple’s feet were touching Samaritan soil for the very first time. However, if they were to train to become fishers of men, they would have to first understand that JESUS’ offer of salvation would extend to everyone, both to the Jews, and, to the much-hated Gentiles and Samaritans.

    The woman went eagerly back to Samaria to witness of her life-changing event at Jacob’s well, and though she, herself still had many questions, nevertheless, her life had now been jump-started in a new direction. She had come to the well that day, no doubt, filled with shame for living a life that had, to that point, ostracized her from the other women of her community. However, she left the well having a new lease on life that one can only receive by coming to the end of one’s self and coming face to face with CHRIST JESUS. 

    It seems as if GOD has placed this longing and thirst, inside of each of us, innately from birth, and the only way to satisfy that longing or thirst, is by seeking, and ultimately finding HIM. It is for the purpose of GOD that man was ever created in first place. And just as no man has ever created anything that was not for his own purpose or benefit, so it is with GOD. Man was created to serve GOD, and until we grasp and understand that we will just continue to meander around, searching for physical answers, to problems, that have always been spiritual.



A Sunday school lesson by,

Larry D. Alexander



Larry Dell Alexander (1953–) - Encyclopedia of Arkansas




Larry D. Alexander's Books and Publications Spotlight


Larry D. Alexander - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website


Clinton Family Portrait - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia