Friday, March 19, 2021



An international Sunday school lesson commentary

For Sunday March 21, 2021


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(Josiah’s rule in Judah)

(2 Kings 22)


   The book of Second Kings chronicles the history of the “divided kingdom” (Northern Israel and Judah) of Israel from 850 B.C. all the way up through the destruction of Samaria by the Assyrians in 722 B.C., and the final annihilation of Judah by Nebuchadnezzar and his Babylonian forces in 586 B.C.

    Events in Israel and Judah were dramatically affected by emerging powers from the north. And even though GOD held back the Assyrians during the time of King Ahab, by 586 B.C., neither Israel, nor Judah existed anymore as a nation. In fact, by 605 B.C., Babylon had already begun to devastate Judah and re-settle its population with its own citizens.

    Leading up until that time, most of Israel’s kings had sinned mightily against GOD, and some, like Ahab and Manasseh, had actually sinned more than the pagans that had dwelled in the land before them. Very few walked faithfully in the ways of GOD, and only Hezekiah, Jehoiada, and Josiah actually instituted religious reforms.

    In 2 Kings 22, we see an eight-year-old Josiah, ascending to the throne of Judah where he would reign for the next 31 years. He did what was right in the sight of the LORD and did not turn aside from HIS righteous ways. In the eighteenth year of his reign, he ordered the restoration of the temple of the LORD which Solomon had built more than a century earlier. It would become the final revival for Judah, who would be conquered by Babylon just four years later.

    Unfortunately, this final revival of Judah still failed to reform the hearts of its people. That is evidenced by what the prophet Habakkuk, who lived during that time, states in his book, in his plea to the LORD, concerning the state of the nation, just prior to Nebuchadnezzar’s initial invasion of Jerusalem (Habakkuk 1:1-4).

    In verses 14-20, King Josiah sent several priests led by Hilkiah, the father of the prophet Jeremiah, to the newer section of Jerusalem that was situated in the lower elevation of the city, to consult with the wise prophetess known as Huldah. Huldah was the wife of Shallum, the son of Tikvah. She relayed to the priests, GOD’s message of impending doom that surely awaited HIS defiant chosen people, Israel, and they brought that message back to King Josiah.

    And even though King Josiah re-instated the Passover celebration in grand fashion, exterminated all mediums, idol gods, psychics, and every other kind of idol worship throughout Judah, the anger of the LORD still burned against Israel, because of all the great sins of King Manasseh before him. However, because Josiah had humbly repented of the sins and misdirection of the people under his regime, GOD held back the destruction of Judah until after his death.

    To develop a sense of who GOD is, and a desire to serve and worship HIM properly, can be a lifesaving, life-preserving thing. To those who undergo spiritual reform in their lifetime, GOD will often grant longevity, and always grant the spirit of peace.

    The religious reforms of King Josiah had temporarily removed the symbols of idolatry from Judah, however, only a severe dedication to discipline could have expelled idolatry from the hearts of the people. That same policy of discipline must apply to us today if we wish to please GOD, through our behavior at any time.

    It is impossible for one to do those things that are not in one’s heart. What is in one’s heart is exactly what is manifested through one’s outward behavior and actions, especially during pressure situations. People are like tubes of toothpaste, in that regard, when we are squeezed, what is in us, is what comes out.

    We must be careful not to take GOD’s wonderful salvation and grace lightly. It is as precious as the blood that our LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST shed to purchase it. We owe it to the WHOLE OF GOD to honor and praise HIM wholeheartedly. It is a spiritual obligation that GOD will not allow us to shirk, and HE will not hold blameless, those who fail to recognize HIM during their lifetime here on earth.

    We have only this life to get it right with GOD, and after we draw our final breath, all of our chances to reform ourselves will have been exhausted. The “right time” to come to GOD is always “right now”, and the “right way” to come to GOD is always “just as you are”.  


A Sunday school lesson by,

Larry D. Alexander



Larry Dell Alexander (1953–) - Encyclopedia of Arkansas




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Larry D. Alexander - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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Clinton Family Portrait - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia




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