An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday February 17, 2019
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(Sing the glory of our almighty powerful
(Psalm 66)
The believer has become
mature when he or she is able to see GOD’s hand, not only in good times, but
also in suffering and pain. Psalm 66, like Psalm 65, is a psalm of thanksgiving
to GOD for HIS provisions, guidance, protection, testing, and deliverance.
The unknown psalmist here in this passage, is
probably writing a song to acknowledge and celebrate a festive occasion of some
sort that, also, will remain unknown to the modern-day reader. He is calling
for the whole earth to shout in joyful praises to the LORD GOD of Israel, and
to sing about the glory of HIS name (Vs.1-2).
66 is divided into two distinct sections. The first section (Vs.1-9), deals
with corporate praise and worship, and the second section (Vs.10-20) is a
reflection on the heart of an individual who is committed in his or her pursuit
of GOD. True people of GOD need to be ever mindful of HIS constant redemption
and deliverance of mankind through JESUS CHRIST our LORD.
in this poetic expression the psalmist calls for even the surrounding nations
to join Israel in praising her GOD. “All the earth” is urged to praise the LORD
in both “speech” and in “song”, and, to share in the jubilation with Israel,
for GOD’s awesome salvation for those who follow HIM. He calls for all the
nations to bless the LORD for HIS wonderful works and HIS preservation of, not
just Israel, but rather, all mankind in general (Vs.6-8).
verses 10-12, the psalmist reflects on how GOD had tested Israel with all sorts
of drudgery and oppressions, and had brought them through it all, and into a
place of peace and bountiful blessings. And so the writer seems to understand
completely how GOD works with the human side of HIS creation. GOD tests us like
silver, in order to refine us and purify us from our iniquities that serve only
to degrade us, and contaminate our souls.
verses 13-15, this able and qualified worship leader addresses the offers of animal
sacrifices to the LORD, and here he offers with his, a heart-felt explanation
of the specific reason for his offering. Here he says that it is to fulfill his
vows, those sacred vows that he made to GOD, while he was being tested by HIM
with deep troubles.
he brings to the altar of GOD, the very best that he had to offer, which is
something we should all do, even here in the so-called “Church Age”. We should
bring to GOD, the very best of what HE has blessed us with, not in animal
sacrifices, but rather, with the use of our bodies, mind, heart, and human spirit
(soul), showing appreciation for the work and sacrifice of CHRIST JESUS, our
verses 16-20 the psalmist addresses his audience with “a declarative praise”
and exhortation to all those who genuinely fear the LORD. Here he shares with
them, a personal testimony of what GOD had done for him. JESUS taught us on the
Mount of Beatitudes that, the first thing we must do, in order to begin, or,
enter into, “a right relationship with GOD”, is to “admit that we need HIM”. Here
the psalmist says that he cried out to the LORD for HIS help, praising HIM as
he spoke. It is an admission to GOD that he needed HIS help in order to overcome
his situation.
verse 18, he admonishes his congregation that “If I had not confessed the sin in my heart, my LORD would not have
listened”. “Repent” is the second step that we must make on our way to putting
ourselves on the Road to Salvation. It is how we begin to get over the mountain
that is, “ourselves”, which is the only thing that is separating us from GOD.
we “recognize that we need GOD” and then “earnestly repent”, GOD begins to
listen, and pays close attention to our prayers. And when a Christian learns
how to pray in the power of the HOLY SPIRIT (GOD’s Will), asking in JESUS’
name, our FATHER GOD in Heaven, because of HIS unfailing love for us, will
grant us the desires of our heart.
A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander
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