Friday, February 22, 2019

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday February 24, 2019

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(GOD is our refuge and fortress)
(Psalm 91)

   Psalm 91 is a psalm of protection, a psalm of praise for security. It testifies of the benefits of trusting in GOD, and how GOD watches over the believer and even promises, and indeed, guarantees our safety through the trials and tribulations of this life.
    This psalm is a lovely testimony concerning a security in life that can only come from GOD. No man can guarantee us such divine security. From the opening line, “Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty”, the psalmist speaks with a confidence that can only come from having an experiential relationship of friendship with GOD.
    The expressions “Most High” and “Almighty” suggests that the unknown writer of this psalm truly understands GOD’s position of sovereignty as ruler over all that we see in this world. The use of the word “shelter”, in verse 4, brings to mind “anthropomorphisms” of the protection of an eagle that hides her young under her wings to shield them from harm and danger.
    GOD’s faithful promises act as armor and protection from all of the harmful events of this world which, of course, HE ultimately controls. In verses 5-6 the psalmist offers words of encouragement advising us “… not to be afraid of the terrors of the night, nor fear the dangers of the day, nor dread the plague that stalks the darkness, nor the disaster that strikes the midday” (NLT).
    With GOD as our protector, we don’t have to fear the unknown, that which we cannot see because of the cloak of darkness, nor do we need to fear those things that we can see in the brightest part of the daylight hours. And even though a thousand may fall all around us, those wicked events will not affect us physically. Instead, as people of GOD, we will be a witness to how the wicked are punished (Vs.7-8).
    If we make the LORD our “refuge” (“mahseh” – “shelter from danger”), no evil can conquer us, and no plague can come near to where we live. GOD’s appointed angels are put in place to protect those who believe on HIM. We will be able to overcome any obstacle that satan may try to place before us, in cloak of darkness, and or, in the midday light. HE will, quite literally, lead us by the hand and ultimately, keep us from stumbling (Vs.9-13).
    In the biblical Greek there is a wonderful sounding word that New Testament writers use for “promise”. That word is “eppaggelia” (epp-ang-el-lee-ah), and it is “an announcement of divine assurance of good”. The psalmist ends this section of the psalter with this seven-fold promise from the LORD, and here he shares this divine message for all to see and be encouraged by, for all time. In verses 14-16 he writes that the LORD GOD solemnly guarantees these things to those who follow HIM;

·         I will rescue those who love ME.
·         I will protect those who trust in MY name.
·         When they call on ME, I will answer;
·         I will be with them in trouble.
·         I will rescue them and honor them.
·         I will satisfy them with a long life
·         I will give them MY salvation.
    When we decide to get off “the road to destruction” and get on “the road to salvation”, taking the path that JESUS blazed through this dark world for us, the LORD GOD will “rescue us”, “protect us”, “answer our prayers”, “be with us”, “honor us” (honor our GODly works), “give us a long life” (because our life pleases HIM), and for those who endure to the end, HE will reward us by “giving us HIS spiritual salvation”, in Heaven.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander


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