Thursday, December 24, 2020



An international Sunday school lesson commentary

For Sunday December 27, 2020


Over 258,000 readers worldwide



(John the Baptist prepared the way)

(Matthew 3)


   John the Baptist preached repentance to change man’s direction in life away from sin, and towards the loving arms of the ALMIGHTY GOD in Heaven, the FATHER of our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST. He was the cousin of JESUS, and one who came bearing a strong message that smacked of the traditional Old Testament prophets in its deliverance. And while John’s stern dress and warnings were familiar, his practice of baptizing those who were willing to repent, was something new, and it drew much excitement from the Jewish populace, as well as from some in the Jewish religious leadership.

    Here in Matthew chapter three, the apostle Matthew deliberately skips over JESUS’ childhood, and picks up HIS story on the banks of the River Jordan, where John the Baptist was engaging in his daily practice of baptizing converts and repenting backsliders, who were openly willing to confess to being a follower of the GOD of Israel, and the coming CHRIST, the MESSIAH.

    In the New Testament Greek, the word used for “messenger” is “angelos”, and it describes one who brings news or tidings by divine order from GOD. John, the Baptist, was sent by GOD to warn and prepare HIS people for the imminent arrival of CHRIST JESUS, the long-awaited, MESSIAH. GOD was about to bless the world with another of HIS distinctive acts, and the people had to be ready to respond, by openly demonstrating their faith and repentance through a changed, more GODly behavior.

    Their new commitment was to be initiated and verified with a “water baptism” that would symbolize their pledge to GOD to live a new life that would reflect the example of the coming CHRIST. John’s water baptism was not the ritual cleansing bath that had been traditionally practiced by the Jews for centuries, but rather, it was an innovative act that was to be distinct in both the literal, and figurative sense.

    First of all, John’s baptism was a means by which a person could publicly identify themselves with the message of GOD through John. It also provided the repenting participant with a forum of public confession of their need for a change of heart, and into a lifestyle more representative of the GOD they claimed to want to serve. And finally, one could openly express their willingness to welcome CHRIST into their lives as their coming LORD and SAVIOR.

    And even though John’s baptism is not the same as the “Christian baptism” we perform today, in its nature and intent, the commitment to accept CHRIST is the same. Their commitment was to accept CHRIST as the coming MESSIAH (HIS first advent), and our Christian baptism symbolizes our public commitment to a union with CHRIST in HIS death and resurrection (Romans 6:3-5), which encompasses HIS second coming.

    Our baptism serves as an implicit admission of our sins before GOD. However, JESUS, WHO was sinless, was baptized to show us the truth of John and his message, as being from GOD. It was JESUS’ way of standing up for what is right and representative of the FATHER in Heaven. HE was standing up to fulfill the righteousness of GOD, and nothing more.

    GOD, in turn, responded with a voice from Heaven, after HE had been silent for some 400 years (the time span between the end of the Old Testament writings, and the beginning of the New Testament “Christian Church Era”). And HE stood up for JESUS, just as JESUS had stood up for HIM, identifying JESUS as HIS beloved SON in a public announcement that served to usher in the “Messianic Age” (Matthew 3:17).

    As Christians, the duty falls to us to take courage, and to go out and share GOD’s wonderful Gospel with dignity and respect, declaring JESUS’ unique identity and “hypostatic union” to all who are willing to listen. And just as GOD empowered JESUS, and John the Baptist, similarly, HE will empower us with the HOLY SPIRIT, and, in addition, HE will go before us to prepare the hearts of those to whom we may encounter and witness to, along the way.


A Sunday school lesson by,

Larry D. Alexander



Larry Dell Alexander (1953–) - Encyclopedia of Arkansas




Larry D. Alexander's Books and Publications Spotlight


Larry D. Alexander - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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Clinton Family Portrait - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia




Friday, December 18, 2020



An international Sunday school lesson commentary

For Sunday December 20, 2020


Over 258,000 readers worldwide



(A humble beginning)

(Matthew 2:1-12)


   The “Illustrated Dictionary of the Bible” describes the “wise men” mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew in chapter 2, verses 1-15 as “Astrologers” who came from the Persian Empire. In “the Septuagint”, the ancient Greek translation of the Old Testament, the term rendered “wise men” is “Magoi” (Mag-ohee), and it too, also translates as “Astrologers”.

    The Greek historian, Herodotus, who wrote in the fifth century B.C., identifies “Magi” as a group of Medes who had priestly duties in the Persian Empire, and were grouped with the likes of “magicians and sorcerers”, who served as advisers in the Babylonian Royal Court. Their duties also included interpreting dreams for the king.

    Here in this passage of Matthew 2, it is men of this ilk that traveled to Palestine from the east in pursuit of a “legendary star” that had been talked about down through the ages, as being the “first sign” of the coming of the long-awaited “MESSIAH”, WHO would serve as the King of the Jews, and the SAVIOR of “the accepting World”.

    These particular astrologers, while pursuing their interest and observation of the stars, had, in addition, also received an unexpected sign from the GOD of Israel. Here the LORD has apparently broken through their “misguided evil system of forecasting through the stars”, in order to bring attention to one of HIS OWN supernatural events, which, in this case, is the announcement of the eminent arrival of HIS only begotten SON, JESUS the CHRIST, upon the Earth.

     And while not all scholars agree on the timing of the arrival of these wise men into Palestine, it is generally agreed that their arrival came shortly after the birth of CHRIST in the tiny village of Bethlehem. It is also generally agreed that this contingent of wise men, despite their backgrounds, had listened to Israel’s GOD with open hearts and minds.

    Also we see in this passage, that, after these men’s encounter with Joseph, Mary, and baby JESUS in Bethlehem, they did not return to King Herod to give him a report as he had requested that they do, regarding the whereabouts of the trio (Vs.7-8). Instead, they returned home a different way, which showed that they were continuing to listen to the voice of GOD for guidance.

    In verse 1 of this passage we see that JESUS was born in the town of Bethlehem in Judea during the reign of King Herod the Great. Herod reigned over Judea from circa 37B.C. to 4 B.C. He was a descendant of Esau, the brother of Jacob, who was the father of the nation (twelve tribes) of Israel. His direct relationship to Esau’s line caused him to be immediately resented by the Jews of Jacob’s line of descendants, and Herod also resented their belief that they were of a higher pedigree than he came from.

    When the Magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem, Herod got word that they were inquiring about the whereabouts of “the newly born King of the Jews”. Herod was deeply disturbed by their referencing the young CHILD this way, as were the Jewish hierarchy of leading priests and teachers of religious law in Jerusalem (Vs.3).

    The men asked the Jewish leaders “where did the prophets say the MESSIAH would be born”, and they were told that HE would be born in Bethlehem, a tiny village just 7 miles west of Jerusalem (Vs.5-6). In the meantime, Herod sent a private message to the “wise men” asking them to come and see him. At this meeting, Herod was able to learn the exact time when the men first saw the “star” that they had been following, which strangely moved in the opposite direction of all the other stars (east to west) (v.7).

    Herod told the men to go to Bethlehem and search carefully for the “CHILD”, and when they find HIM, to come back and tell him HIS whereabouts, so that, he too, can go and worship HIM. However, Herod really wanted to know where the baby, JESUS, was, so that he could send men to kill HIM, because he saw HIM as a threat to his throne in Jerusalem (v.8).

    After their meeting with Herod, the wise men went on their way, continuing to follow the star that had led them to Jerusalem. The star now led the men to Bethlehem where they came to, and entered into the dwelling where Joseph and Mary resided, and they saw the “CHILD” (“paidion” – small child, toddler), JESUS, WHO was a toddler by then, and they fell down before HIM and worshiped HIM (Vs.10-11).

    The men then opened their treasure chests, which they had brought with them, and gave gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to baby JESUS. Afterwards they were warned by GOD in a dream, not to go home the same way that they came, and not to return to King Herod’s palace (Vs.11b-12).

    Taking up at verse 13, we see that after the wise men had departed from the home of Joseph and Mary, an angel of the LORD appeared to Joseph in a dream, instructing him to flee to Egypt with Mary and JESUS, and to stay there until further divine notice from GOD. Joseph left for Egypt that very night, and they stayed there until King Herod’s death in 4 B.C. This set the stage for the prophesy spoken by the prophet Hosea to be fulfilled, where he says, “I called MY SON out of Egypt” (Hosea 11:1).  

    Herod was furious when he learned that the wise men had outwitted him, and he sent his soldiers to Bethlehem to kill all the male children who were two years of age or younger. This was because the wise men told him that the star had first appeared about two years earlier. Herod’s brutal action fulfilled the words of the prophet Jeremiah who said, “A cry of anguish is heard in Ramah – weeping and mourning unrestrained. Rachel weeps for her children, refusing to be comforted – for they are dead” (Jeremiah 31:15).

    Ironically, this mass slaughtering of innocent male children is mentioned only here in the biblical canon. Even the great Jewish historian Josephus doesn’t give any reference to this unfortunate, ungodly incident. Perhaps because of the massive amount of human annihilation that is accredited to King Herod’s legacy, such as killing his own wives and children, this slaughter of Hebrew children is held as insignificant by that generation in Rome. In fact, it was once said that it was better to be Herod’s pigs than to be his relatives.

    After Herod’s death, an angel of the LORD appeared to Joseph again in a dream in Egypt, and informed him that Herod had died, and that he could now, return to Judah. However, when Joseph learned that Herod’s son, Archelaus, was still alive, he was afraid. Then, in another dream, an angel appeared to him and instructed him to go to Galilee and live in the town of Nazareth where he and Mary would raise JESUS and HIS siblings. This move also served to fulfill the prophesy which was implied over the years that “the MESSIAH would be called a Nazarene”.  


A Sunday school lesson by,

Larry D. Alexander



Larry Dell Alexander (1953–) - Encyclopedia of Arkansas




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Larry D. Alexander - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website


Clinton Family Portrait - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia






Friday, December 11, 2020



An international Sunday school lesson commentary

For Sunday December 13, 2020


Over 257,000 readers worldwide



(The birth of JESUS the MESSIAH)

(Matthew 1:18-25)


   In the Gospel according to Matthew, in chapter 1, verses 18-25, the apostle gives us his account of the birth of our LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST, in the small village of Bethlehem. In the Greek, the word used for “espouse” or “engagement” is “mnesteuo” (mnace-tyoo-o) and it is an engagement that was far more serious than what we have in our society today. In fact it is “a formal stage of a marriage contract” that, if broken by engaging in sexual intercourse with anyone, including the contracted parties themselves, would be considered “adultery” and grounds for divorce, or annulment.

    During this “espousal period”, usually one year, the contracted parties could not live or sleep together. They would remain separate in their parent’s homes as a demonstration of the faithfulness to their pledge of purity to one another. Mary and Joseph were in this one-year waiting period when Mary became impregnated by the works of the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD.

    Joseph was upset at first, because he himself, had not yet received a word from GOD, concerning his important role in the annals of human history. However, he would soon find out, through a dream, that he would play a major role in this “distinctive act of GOD”, that would serve in bringing about salvation for all mankind. He would be charged with raising “the CHILD” that would eventually “free mankind” from under the dominion of their own “sin nature”.

    The birth of CHRIST JESUS is considered by believers to be the greatest miracle ever performed by GOD, in the history of mankind. And ironically, it is a miracle that went virtually unnoticed by all but a few chosen servants, who were careful enough to keep their minds and hearts focused on the CREATOR, the GOD of Heaven and Earth.

    If JESUS had been conceived just like any other child, then, HE would not be GOD’s begotten SON. It was necessary that HE be born of woman and have an earthly mother, but not appropriate that HE be born of an earthly father. HIS earthly mother is what makes HIM human, and HIS FATHER in Heaven is what makes HIM GOD. HE is both 100% man, and 100% GOD, and is thus, the “Hypostatic Union”.

    Few Christians today look at Bethlehem as a burial place, but rather, they look at it as the “birthplace of life”, the true life, that is found only in JESUS CHRIST. Because of JESUS’ humble birth into humanity over 2000 years ago, and because HE died for us and then rose again, we now can look forward to a bright future in the glorious presence of the ALMIGHTY FATHER in Heaven, if we choose to. There, we can live forever in a place where death does not exist, and, where tears never fall.

    In the book of Isaiah in chapter 9, verses 6-7, the prophet describes, more or less, the universal reign of the MESSIAH. There Isaiah tells us that all the governments of the earth will rest on the shoulders of JESUS, and HE will be called “WONDERFUL COUNSELOR”, “MIGHTY GOD”, “EVERLASTING FATHER”, and “PRINCE OF PEACE”. HIS ever-expanding peaceful regime will never end. HE will rule forever with fairness and justice from David’s throne, and the passionate, faithful commitment of the Almighty GOD will guarantee this.

    The contrast that presents itself in the latter part of Isaiah Chapter 9 (Vs. 8-21) shows the ruination and destruction we face when we continue to disobey and rebel against GOD. Israel’s tragic history is marred by such rebellion against the LORD, from the beginning. However, the remnant of the obedient has always been afforded the protection, grace, and mercy from GOD that was necessary to overcome those periods of HIS judgment on those who refused to submit to HIS authority.

    GOD has always intervened upon the lives of men, even though it has most often been wittingly, or unwittingly ignored. GOD reveals HIS glory to us, from the inside out, as HE works from the hearts of men, through the lives of men. A man of GOD proves that he is such, with his own life, and not just, with words. A person of the world has eyes but cannot see the things of GOD. He also has ears, but he cannot hear GOD’s message. He has a heart, but it is a heart for the world.

    Until a man can come to the end of himself, he cannot possibly perceive, nor understand the things of GOD. He has no hope, and thereby, must continue to dwell in the darkness that he has become accustomed to living in. In order to receive and experience the full and eternal benefits of GOD’s plan for us, we must remain attached to the LIVING VINE, that is, CHRIST JESUS, while living in the world.


A Sunday school lesson by,

Larry D. Alexander



Larry Dell Alexander (1953–) - Encyclopedia of Arkansas




Larry D. Alexander's Books and Publications Spotlight


Larry D. Alexander - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website


Clinton Family Portrait - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia





Friday, December 4, 2020



An international Sunday school lesson commentary

For Sunday December 6, 2020


Over 256,000 readers worldwide




(Matthew 1:1-17 and Hebrews 1)


   The Apostle Matthew begins his Gospel account with a genealogy that is intended to serve as “a record of origin” of the ONE he believes is “the anointed ONE of GOD”. The name, “JESUS”, which means, “savior” in English, “JEHOVAH is salvation” and “MESSIAH” in Hebrew, and “CHRIST”, in the biblical Greek, all denote the Anointed ONE WHO is the SON of the LIVING GOD, and SAVIOR of the accepting world.  

    In Matthew 1, verses 1-17, this original disciple of JESUS identifies key ancestors in the line of CHRIST, with special emphases on HIS descent from King David of Israel. This information is critical because the Old Testament stresses the fact that the promised MESSIAH would come from David’s line.

    Matthew also wants us to understand that this descendent was conceived by a unique work of the HOLY SPIRIT in fulfillment of one of the most unusual prophecies in Old Testament Scriptures. His genealogy account answers the most important questions that a Jewish person, or anyone else, might rightfully ask about anyone claiming to be the anointed SON of the LIVING GOD.

    Hebrew genealogies typically skip generations and are often arranged in groups so that they can be memorized more easily. Here in Matthew’s account of JESUS’ genealogy, he uses groups of 14. This may be symbolic of the numeric value of the name “David”.

    In Hebrew numerology the letters in the name “David” adds up to “14”. It is believed by some scholars that this is why Matthew chose to use only 14 generations in each of the three periods listed. Listing JESUS in the last series of 14 would probably be something that is significant to the Jewish readers of that day, whom, Matthew sought to convince of JESUS’ fulfillment of the promises of “the Davidic Covenant” from GOD to David in the book of 2 Samuel in chapter 7.

    Long ago, GOD spoke “many times and in many different ways” (polymeros kai polytropos) to our ancestors, through the prophets. However, today, GOD continuously speaks to us through HIS SON, JESUS CHRIST, WHO is personified in “the Holy Scriptures”.

    “Prototokas” is the Greek word that is used in chapter 1, verses 2, and 6, of the book of Hebrews, for the term “SON”. Throughout the New Testament, it is a word that is only used in reference to JESUS HIMSELF, and it means, quite simply, “FIRSTBORN”. It is a technical theological term that “affirms JESUS’ supreme rank and unique relationship and position in the family of GOD”. That is why, even the angels of GOD, worship the SON.

    The “right hand” is the traditional place of power and authority in the biblical sense, and so, JESUS not only possesses eternal life and existence, by being at the right hand of GOD the FATHER in Heaven, HE also exercises all of the power and authority of Heavenly Deity. As FIRSTBORN, GOD promised everything to the SON as an inheritance, and through HIM, HE made the universe and everything in it.

    In the New Testament Greek, the word used for “brightness” is “apaugasma” (apow-gas-mah), and it is a “brilliance”, “effulgence”, or “light”, which is reflected from one place, or object, to another place or object”. JESUS is the “LIGHT” that wants to shine on all mankind, and gives each of us that light, so that we too, can shine that light on  someone else, making them able to see their way through the darkness that presses to  dominate this world. And so, here in Hebrews 1:3, that is the word that is being used by the author of GOD to describe JESUS CHRIST in his original Greek rendering.

    Also in verse three, the author uses another interesting Greek term to depict JESUS. That term is “charakter” (khar-ak-tare), and it means “express image”. It is from that word that we derive our English word “character”. It is “an exact copy, or representation of”, and, it is like “a seal”, “an impression, or stamp”.

    Here the author attempts to establish the person of JESUS CHRIST as being superior to any other prophet, or intermediary that GOD had sent prior to HIS coming. He also sought to affirm that JESUS is truly “the SON of the living GOD”, and, is the “exact spiritual image” of GOD HIMSELF. And so, in JESUS, and through HIS behavior, we are able to see exactly what GOD is like.




Hebrews 1:4-14


   In Hebrews 1:4-14, the writer turns his efforts toward proving that JESUS is also superior to angels. In verse 4, he says, in effect, that, JESUS’ superior name serves to add to HIS credentials. In biblical times, a person’s name often summed up who they were. The name “JESUS” means “JEHOVAH is salvation”, and thereby, the very term “SAVIOR” makes HIM eternally superior to any angel, just simply by way of HIS more excellent name.

    Verses 13 and 14 serve to remind us of the most important reason why angels should not be the focus of our worship. And that reason being, is that, angels are only “servants of GOD”. Most of them are “spirits” sent from GOD to care for those who will eventually receive salvation. I say “most of them”, because satan also commands a host of angels. We are told of this fact in both Matthew 25:41, and Jude 1:6.  Therefore, it is JESUS, not angels, WHO should always be the focus of our Faith.

    In the final analysis, the true meaning of life is contained in the person of CHRIST JESUS. HE is our “direct access” to GOD the FATHER in Heaven. However, we must listen closely for the meaning of the truth we have heard about HIM, lest we be in danger of drifting away from the ALMIGHTY GOD HIMSELF.

    If GOD is able to spin the Universe into orbit, tell the sun where to rise, and the oceans where to stop, then certainly, HE can satisfy our quest for the meaning of our existence, direct our path through this life, and, at one and the same, save our souls, and secure us for all eternity, through CHRIST JESUS, our RISEN LORD.


A Sunday school lesson by,

Larry D. Alexander



Larry Dell Alexander (1953–) - Encyclopedia of Arkansas




Larry D. Alexander's Books and Publications Spotlight


Larry D. Alexander - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website


Clinton Family Portrait - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia




Friday, November 27, 2020



An international Sunday school lesson commentary

For Sunday November 29, 2020


Over 256,000 readers worldwide



(A warning against prejudice)

(James 2:1-13)


   To show partiality to the rich discriminates against the poor, and, is evil (James 2:1-9). Yet, publicly it is more often than not, the poor, whom we see swooning over, and showing their envy and worship for, “the rich and famous”. Here in James chapter 2, the brother of JESUS tells us that it is the rich who oftentimes slander the name of, and show little or no reverence for, CHRIST JESUS our LORD and SAVIOR (James 2:5-7).

    GOD has chosen the “poor in spirit” to be “rich in faith”, not the “financially poor”. In other words, those who realize their need for JESUS, no matter how rich or poor they are in “the material sense”, will be given the kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 5:3). To be poor in spirit is “to humble one’s self before GOD”, and “show a need for HIM”, no matter how little, or how much wealth one may have accumulated in this life.

    In James chapter 2, verses 1-13, the Christian Church leader issues a warning against, discrimination, prejudice, and even favoritism that is based on what a person may own. There is no special merit in being poor however, except that it is a proven fact that the poor are more likely to choose GOD, because of their more intense focus on their day to day needs.

    The wealthy tend to grow a dependence on their riches which covers their day to day needs and leaves them more time to focus on their own wants. More often than not, riches can corrupt character in a person, which drives them to “exploit the poor” and “despise the spiritual” (James 2:6-7). It is said that “out of a hundred people who “can stand adversity”, only one of that hundred “can stand prosperity”.

    Warren W. Wiersbe once wrote, “The way we behave toward people indicates what we really believe about GOD”. Whether we realize it or not, we cannot separate “human relationships” from “divine fellowship”. If we say we love GOD and hate any human being, we are lying to ourselves about our love for GOD. If we can’t love our fellowman, which we see every day, we can’t possibly love a GOD, WHOM we cannot see.

    GOD’s law, which was presented to us by HIS servant Moses, is “a multi-faceted expression of HIS will”. Violating any aspect of GOD’s law makes us “sinners”. We have all violated GOD’s law at one time, or, the other, and, we all continue to do so, some perhaps on a daily basis. Violation of GOD’s law renders a person “a lawbreaker” no matter how petty we feel our violation may be. Even something as simple as “favoritism” is not considered “minor” in GOD’s sight. GOD considers it serious because it violates HIS command for us to “love one another the way HE HIMSELF loves us”, which is “unconditionally”.

    GOD does not have a “favorite sin”, nor, does HE feel that one sin is lesser or greater than the other. If you blow up a balloon, and write on that balloon with a pen, every sin that you can think of, and then, stick a pen on any of those sins that you have written on the balloon, the whole balloon will burst. That is a picture of how GOD feels about sin. If a person commits any sin at all, he or she violates “the whole law of GOD” (Vs.10-11).

    The same GOD WHO says, “Do not commit adultery”, or “Do not engage in homosexual behavior” also says, “Do not murder”, and “Do not steal”. If a person commits either one, he or she has violated the whole law of GOD, and GOD is not pleased by their actions, one, any less, or any more, than the other. 

    We, as Christians, rich or poor, must all learn to walk in faith and put more emphasis on the “eternal things” that await us, than we do on the “temporal things” that we feel will make us happy now. We know that if our “earthly house”, that was built by the hands of man is lost, we still have an eternal house, that is built by the hands of GOD in Heaven, that can never, ever, be lost.


A Sunday school lesson by,

Larry D. Alexander



Larry Dell Alexander (1953–) - Encyclopedia of Arkansas




Larry D. Alexander's Books and Publications Spotlight


Larry D. Alexander - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website


Clinton Family Portrait - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia




Friday, November 20, 2020



An international Sunday school lesson commentary

For Sunday November 22, 2020


Over 255,000 readers worldwide



(Sharing possessions with the right motive)

(Acts 4:32-5:11)


   In Acts chapter 4, verses 32-37, the author Luke presents to us a vivid description of how the Christian Believers had become of one “heart” (“kardia”) and mind, and they all shared in the belief that, the possessions with which GOD had blessed them with, were not their own, but rather, they only held those possessions in stewardship to GOD. They were to respond to each other in love, with those possessions.

    The people of the newly founded Christian Church seemed to grasp quite clearly, and very warmly that “the true Christian only desires more so that they can have more to give away. They fully understood the concept of GOD that teaches us “when we give according to GOD, we actually take “the spiritual curse” off of that portion which we keep.

    This attitude allowed the Christian community of the first century to share their possessions “unconditionally” with each other in, both, a social, and neighborly capacity. The work of the HOLY SPIRIT in each individual made them more sensitive to identifying with those who were in a state of desperate need, and as a result, “there was no poverty among them”. They were freely willing to sell, up to and including, all of their possessions, if necessary, in order to come to the aid of their fellowman.

     In this passage, Luke also introduces us to a man named “Joseph”, who was also called “Barnabas”, which by interpretation means “son of encouragement”. He earned the name “Barnabas” by way of his special ability to encourage others through his positive GODly words and actions. He was from the tribe of “Levi”, but came from Cyprus, an island located in the northeastern Mediterranean Sea, about sixty miles off the coast of Syria.

    Barnabas is the person who first introduced the Apostle Paul to the Christian Church at Jerusalem (Acts 9:26-28), and then later to the Church at Antioch of Syria in Acts chapter 11 (v.25). In fact, Barnabas even traveled with Paul for a year, during his first missionary journey, before falling out with him over differences involving John Mark, Barnabas’ cousin, and the eventual author of the Book of Mark.

    However, despite Barnabas’ falling out with Paul, he clearly continued to demonstrate JESUS’ image of encouragement throughout his lifetime. His presence, leadership, and encouragement to those in the early Church was instrumental in its development and survival. He became a very necessary ingredient in the “Body of CHRIST” in its infancy stages, as it struggled to mature into a viable representative of the ideology of GOD, here on earth.

    In this passage, in verse 37, Luke tells us that Barnabas sold a field that he owned back on the island of Cyprus and gave the entire proceeds to the Church to distribute to those who were in need. He did this as “a sacrificial gift” and as a way to encourage and inspire others in the Church to embrace “sacrificial giving” in the Christian community.

    Every Christian has the same potential and opportunity as Barnabas had, to become active, effective, earnest workers in the Christian community. We can each do our part according to our own personal financial, physical, and mental capabilities that GOD has blessed us with. And just like in the early days of Christianity, we too must work to build and add on to GOD’s great undertaking through CHRIST JESUS our LORD and SAVIOR.

     Failure in our honesty, talent, and diligence amounts to sin against GOD. It was the great violinmaker Antonio Stradivari who said, “If my hands slacked, I would rob GOD”. In Acts chapter 5, verses 1-10, Luke gives us a vivid example of a couple who “failed in their honesty”, because “they were driven by their jealousy” of the respect that had been won by Barnabas and others when they sold their possessions to make contributions to the poor (Acts 4:32-37).

    Here scripture tells us that there was a man named Ananias, who, along with his wife Sapphira, sold some of their property, with the intention of giving the proceeds to the needy in the church. However, after selling the property they decided that they would keep some of the proceeds for themselves. Of course, there is nothing wrong with this type of action, because the money was theirs to do with as they wished. The problem came when they decided to deceive the church into thinking that they were giving the Apostles all of the proceeds they had received from the sale of their property.

    In this particular passage, we see just one of the many ways we, as professed Christians, grieve the HOLY SPIRIT. Here we see, even by the New Testament standard of “grace”, just how our sins toward one another, as harmless as they may seem to us, will not be taken lightly by GOD. After we accept CHRIST and receive the gift of the HOLY SPIRIT from our FATHER GOD, each time we contemplate sin thereafter, we grieve the HOLY SPIRIT within us, as well as offend CHRIST JESUS WHO died for us, and we also show a lack of reverence for GOD THE FATHER, WHO created us.

    Ananias and Sapphira weren’t condemned because they failed to give all, but rather, they were condemned because their deceit re-introduced the hypocrisy that had corrupted so many in the church that operated under the banner of Judaism. Christianity, the only religion that is a product of GOD’s mind, was intended to be “that faith which reflected GOD’s image more clearly to man”, here on earth.

    This new Christian doctrine was to instill new hope in the hearts and minds of GOD’s greatest creation, man. It would be a hope that would forever serve as motivation to make life on earth conform more fully with HIS Word, just as it was presented to us by JESUS CHRIST, during HIS lifetime here on earth.

    In Acts 5:3-4 Peter says to Ananias, “…why have you let Satan fill your heart? You lied to the Holy Spirit, and you kept some of the money for yourself. The property was yours to sell or not sell, as you wished. And after selling it, the money was also yours to give away. How could you do a thing like this? You weren’t lying to us but to God!” (NLT).

    As soon as Ananias heard these words, he fell dead. Three hours later, his wife Sapphira came in, not knowing what had happened to her husband. When Peter asked her, “Was this the price you and your husband received for your land? She replied, “Yes, that was the price”. Peter then rebuked her, and she, as well, fell dead.

    The LORD’s response to this situation was intended to put fear in the hearts of those who might attempt to deceive HIS Church through “the spirit of hypocrisy”, both then, and, in the future (Acts 5:13). This passage serves to show us that GOD will not hold blameless, those who attempt to deceive the Church for personal financial gain, or reasons, nor, will HE hold blameless, those who use the Church for self-promotion, especially when it is brought on by jealousy, as Ananias and Sapphira attempted to do.

    GOD never intended for HIS Church to look like, or conform to the World, but rather, HE intended for the World to transform itself to look like HIS Church, which is, by the way, supposed to reflect the image of CHRIST JESUS. And when we try to do it any way, other than GOD’s way, we will always grieve the HOLY SPIRIT in the process.


A Sunday school lesson by,

Larry D. Alexander



Larry Dell Alexander (1953–) - Encyclopedia of Arkansas




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