Friday, March 26, 2021



An international Sunday school lesson commentary

For Sunday March 28, 2021


Over 264,000 readers worldwide



(The contest on Mount Carmel)

(1 Kings 18:1-40)


   The books of First and Second Kings were originally one book in the Hebrew scriptures. They were named such because they recorded and interpreted the reigns of all of the kings of northern Israel and Judah except Saul, Israel’s first king. Saul was not of the line of the Davidic kings appointed by GOD, but rather, was chosen by the people of Israel in contrast to GOD’s will for them.

    The Septuagint, the first Greek translation of the Old Testament, divides “Kings” into the two parts we still have in our modern translations today. However, in the Septuagint, they are called “Third” and “Fourth Kingdoms”, and the books of First and Second Samuel are called “First” and “Second Kingdoms”.

   The title “Kings” is derived from Jerome’s “Vulgate”, the first Latin translation of the Hebrew scriptures which was written about 600 years after the writing of the Septuagint. Jerome’s translation was commissioned by the Catholic Church for their own personal use, and he titled the writings, “The Book of Kings”.

    First and Second Kings chronicle three major historical periods in Israel’s past: “the United Kingdom” under the rule of David and Solomon, “the Divided Kingdom”, which followed the rebellion of northern Israel (ten tribes) against Judah before they were carried off into captivity by Shalmaneser and the Assyrians in 722 B.C., and “the Surviving Kingdom” of Judah prior to and during their devastating defeat at the hands of Nebuchadnezzar and his Babylonian forces in 586 B.C.

    First and Second Kings also chronicles the lives of several courageous prophets, particularly, “Elijah” and his divinely chosen protégé, “Elisha”. In first Kings 18, during the final year of a three-year drought that had been imposed upon Israel by GOD, we see the well-known “prophet of courage”, Elijah, being informed by the LORD to go and pay a visit to the evil king Ahab, who, at that time, ruled over Israel.

    Elijah was instructed by GOD to tell Ahab that the drought would soon be over. This drought and famine had been directed at Ahab and his evil wife, Jezebel, who had killed several of the LORD’s priests, and replaced them with prophets of the male idol god, “Baal” and his female counterpart, “Asherah”.

     When Elijah arrived in Samaria, he instructed “the man of GOD” there, Obadiah, who was in charge of the king’s palace, to go to his king and tell him that he was there to see him. Obadiah reluctantly does so, and King Ahab came out to meet with Elijah. Elijah tells the king to assemble all the prophets of Baal and Asherah (850 in all) at the foot of Mount Carmel.

    Then Elijah proceeds to put on a demonstration that would prove to the king once and for all, that his LORD is the only wise and powerful GOD of the universe. And by the time Elijah had concluded his demonstration, all the people of Israel who watched, were in agreement. Elijah then commanded the people to seize all the false prophets of Baal and Asherah, who had failed miserably in their counter demonstrations, and take them down to the Kishon Valley and kill them all.

    There were obviously many people in northern Israel who still believed in the LORD, however, most of Israel, had apostatized, or rebelled against the LORD and abandoned their faith. This well-known account of Elijah’s contest with the prophets of Baal and Asherah at the foot of Mount Carmel is of extreme historical importance to Israel.

    First of all, after this confrontation, Elijah had proven himself as the spokesman for GOD, to whom Ahab must submit. Ahab had abandoned the ways of GOD and taken up the worship of the gods of his wife, Jezebel, whose father, Ethbaal III, was widely believed to be the very personification of the idol god Baal himself. Secondly, the extent of the apostasy in Israel as a whole, can be seen in the sheer number of false prophets (850), who were used to service the spiritual needs and demands of the people that had followed King Ahab into idolatry.

    That day Elijah stood in front of the people of Israel and challenged them to end their double-minded practices of “straddling the fence” between GOD and the Baals, a fence that in all reality, belongs to satan. He demanded that they make a choice that very day, and either choose GOD, and hold to HIM entirely, or choose the Baals, and follow them.

    When GOD created man, HE blessed him with the unique ability, among all HIS creation, to choose between “right” and “wrong”. HE could have made us all like “robots” that were compelled to stay within HIS Will. However, HE chose instead to give us “wills that are free”, mortal mental capabilities and freedom to make up our own personal minds about HIM.

    In the years since that time, we have been purchased with the high price that is the blood of our LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS, the CHRIST. We need only to recall, as Elijah did, the great and wonderful things that GOD has done for us in our undeserving existence. We need to recognize GOD for WHO HE is, and then make “the only wise choice” we have available to us, and that is to love, worship, and serve only HIM, with our whole heart, soul, mind, and physical strength. The choice will always be ours, until GOD says, that it is not.    


A Sunday school lesson by,

Larry D. Alexander



Larry Dell Alexander (1953–) - Encyclopedia of Arkansas




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Larry D. Alexander - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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Clinton Family Portrait - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Friday, March 19, 2021



An international Sunday school lesson commentary

For Sunday March 21, 2021


Over 264,000 readers worldwide



(Josiah’s rule in Judah)

(2 Kings 22)


   The book of Second Kings chronicles the history of the “divided kingdom” (Northern Israel and Judah) of Israel from 850 B.C. all the way up through the destruction of Samaria by the Assyrians in 722 B.C., and the final annihilation of Judah by Nebuchadnezzar and his Babylonian forces in 586 B.C.

    Events in Israel and Judah were dramatically affected by emerging powers from the north. And even though GOD held back the Assyrians during the time of King Ahab, by 586 B.C., neither Israel, nor Judah existed anymore as a nation. In fact, by 605 B.C., Babylon had already begun to devastate Judah and re-settle its population with its own citizens.

    Leading up until that time, most of Israel’s kings had sinned mightily against GOD, and some, like Ahab and Manasseh, had actually sinned more than the pagans that had dwelled in the land before them. Very few walked faithfully in the ways of GOD, and only Hezekiah, Jehoiada, and Josiah actually instituted religious reforms.

    In 2 Kings 22, we see an eight-year-old Josiah, ascending to the throne of Judah where he would reign for the next 31 years. He did what was right in the sight of the LORD and did not turn aside from HIS righteous ways. In the eighteenth year of his reign, he ordered the restoration of the temple of the LORD which Solomon had built more than a century earlier. It would become the final revival for Judah, who would be conquered by Babylon just four years later.

    Unfortunately, this final revival of Judah still failed to reform the hearts of its people. That is evidenced by what the prophet Habakkuk, who lived during that time, states in his book, in his plea to the LORD, concerning the state of the nation, just prior to Nebuchadnezzar’s initial invasion of Jerusalem (Habakkuk 1:1-4).

    In verses 14-20, King Josiah sent several priests led by Hilkiah, the father of the prophet Jeremiah, to the newer section of Jerusalem that was situated in the lower elevation of the city, to consult with the wise prophetess known as Huldah. Huldah was the wife of Shallum, the son of Tikvah. She relayed to the priests, GOD’s message of impending doom that surely awaited HIS defiant chosen people, Israel, and they brought that message back to King Josiah.

    And even though King Josiah re-instated the Passover celebration in grand fashion, exterminated all mediums, idol gods, psychics, and every other kind of idol worship throughout Judah, the anger of the LORD still burned against Israel, because of all the great sins of King Manasseh before him. However, because Josiah had humbly repented of the sins and misdirection of the people under his regime, GOD held back the destruction of Judah until after his death.

    To develop a sense of who GOD is, and a desire to serve and worship HIM properly, can be a lifesaving, life-preserving thing. To those who undergo spiritual reform in their lifetime, GOD will often grant longevity, and always grant the spirit of peace.

    The religious reforms of King Josiah had temporarily removed the symbols of idolatry from Judah, however, only a severe dedication to discipline could have expelled idolatry from the hearts of the people. That same policy of discipline must apply to us today if we wish to please GOD, through our behavior at any time.

    It is impossible for one to do those things that are not in one’s heart. What is in one’s heart is exactly what is manifested through one’s outward behavior and actions, especially during pressure situations. People are like tubes of toothpaste, in that regard, when we are squeezed, what is in us, is what comes out.

    We must be careful not to take GOD’s wonderful salvation and grace lightly. It is as precious as the blood that our LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST shed to purchase it. We owe it to the WHOLE OF GOD to honor and praise HIM wholeheartedly. It is a spiritual obligation that GOD will not allow us to shirk, and HE will not hold blameless, those who fail to recognize HIM during their lifetime here on earth.

    We have only this life to get it right with GOD, and after we draw our final breath, all of our chances to reform ourselves will have been exhausted. The “right time” to come to GOD is always “right now”, and the “right way” to come to GOD is always “just as you are”.  


A Sunday school lesson by,

Larry D. Alexander



Larry Dell Alexander (1953–) - Encyclopedia of Arkansas




Larry D. Alexander's Books and Publications Spotlight


Larry D. Alexander - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website


Clinton Family Portrait - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia




Friday, March 12, 2021



An international Sunday school lesson commentary

For Sunday March 14, 2021


Over 264,000 readers worldwide



(The fall of Jericho)

(Joshua 5:13-6:20)


   The book of Joshua is the first of the so-called “historical books” of the Holy Bible. The others are Judges, Ruth, 1st and 2nd Samuel, 1st and 2nd Kings, 1st and 2nd Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther.

    The book of Joshua gives the account of how the Israelites conquered the land of Canaan under the spiritual and military leadership of Joshua, “the prophet of conquest”. GOD chose Joshua to succeed Moses and to lead the people across the Jordan River, and into “the promised land”.

    Joshua, whose name means “YAHWEH saves” was also charged by GOD to assign by lot, all the parcels of the land of Palestine to eleven of the twelve tribes of Israel (the descendants of Jacob, excluding Levi). The priestly line of Levi was not to own any land, but instead, were to be supported by all the other tribes while they themselves would serve GOD exclusively in the coming Church.

    Joshua’s appointment marked the beginning of a 450-year period during which a succession of judges would rule over “GOD’s chosen people”. This period would end with the prophet Samuel, the last judge of Israel, who would then, by GOD’s instruction (because the people of Israel requested it), appoint Israel’s first king (Saul). Samuel was later instructed by GOD to replace Saul with HIS beloved “David”, the youngest son of Jesse, thus beginning the dynasty of “the Davidic Line” of kingship rule.

    The book of Joshua serves to remind us of “the faithfulness of GOD”, and how, through our obedience to HIM, we are able to win in both spiritual and military warfare, and claim HIS promises for, and in, our everyday lives. It is very appropriate how this book opens with a description of GOD’s preparation of this young leader for his “personal creation role” and calling within HIS divine plan.

    Joshua’s divine calling required him to be faithful, strong, and courageous. GOD’s promises can only be claimed by carefully following HIS laws and instructions, and as Joshua walks the path that GOD defines for him, the LORD is with him wherever he goes. And so, we see that, here in this biblical account, obeying the whole law of GOD becomes the dominant theme for Joshua of his own life experiences as leader over Israel.

    Here in Joshua chapter 5, taking up at verse 13, as Joshua and his army approached the city of Jericho, he looked up and saw the figure of a man (“a theophany of CHRIST”) facing him with a sword in HIS hand. Joshua walked up to HIM and asked was HE “friend or foe” and the man replied, “neither one”, but rather, “I AM the COMMANDER of the LORD’s army”.

    Immediately Joshua fell, face-down to the ground in reverence, saying, “I am at YOUR command”, “What do YOU want YOUR servant to do?”. The COMMANDER of the LORD’s army then instructed Joshua to “Take off your sandals, for this is holy ground.” And Joshua complied to the LORD’s command.

    And so, in Joshua chapter 6, the LORD now speaks to Joshua through HIS COMMANDER, telling him that the tightly shut gates of Jericho would be opened, and that HE would give him victory over Jericho, the next city that stood in the way, in his pursuit to conquer the land of Canaan. In fact, the COMMANDER says that the very walls of Jericho would collapse by supernatural means if they followed HIS specific instructions to the letter (Vs.1-5).

    We often think of Joshua as being just an excellent military leader, and we do not always consider the fact that he was also a great prophet. He is remembered mostly for his actions with a sword, more so than he is as a man who strongly proclaimed GOD’s messages to HIS people. However, GOD spoke through Joshua and gave many instructions and directions to the Israelites after HE called Moses, “the prophet of deliverance” home to be with HIM.

    In this passage, the people obeyed everything that Joshua received from the LORD, and they did not sway from HIS instructions, not one iota (Vs.6-20). They understood, by faith, that the city of Jericho was being conquered by GOD’s power, and not through their own power and might. And before their victory was ever physically realized, it had already become an accepted spiritual reality, based on their faith in GOD, and their belief that Joshua’s leadership role came, from GOD.


A Sunday school lesson by,

Larry D. Alexander



Larry Dell Alexander (1953–) - Encyclopedia of Arkansas




Larry D. Alexander's Books and Publications Spotlight


Larry D. Alexander - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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Clinton Family Portrait - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia





Friday, March 5, 2021



An international Sunday school lesson commentary

For Sunday March 7, 2021


Over 263,000 readers worldwide



(True and false prophets)

(Deuteronomy 18:15-22)


   The title, “Deuteronomy”, comes from “the Septuagint”, the ancient Greek translation of the Old Testament, and it means, quite literally, “second giving of the law”. Deuteronomy is the fifth and final biblical book that is attributed to the writings of Moses. It is, in essence, his farewell speech to the people of Israel following their 40-year journey on the desert, after being emancipated from 400 years of slavery in Egypt.

    Here Moses repeats much of the content from his second book of writings, now called Exodus. However, some of the content in Deuteronomy contains a special relevance to those few Israelites who would eventually enter into “the Promised Land” of Canaan and drive out its previous pagan inhabitants.

    In the biblical Greek, the word used for “messenger” is “aggellos” (ang-el-los), and it describes “one who brings news or tidings by divine order from GOD”. Deuteronomy 18 comprises the climax of a series of instructions concerning the various leadership positions that would be provided by GOD to offer guidance to HIS people in future times. And while this passage lays out a foundation for the ministry of many prophets to come in Israel, there is also seen here, a singular form of the prophecy of a coming MESSIAH, CHRIST JESUS, WHOM the people should, most importantly, surely listen to.

    Moses is the prototype prophet that was commissioned by GOD as HIS spokesperson. He communicated a “life-shaping” word from the LORD that would stand as “law” for GOD’s people, for all times. And while HIS “written word” was left through Moses, GOD also provides “supernatural guidance”, in very specific situations, that may not necessarily be covered in the law.

    Taking up at verse 15 of this passage, Moses tells us that the LORD would raise up a prophet from among the people of Israel, similar to himself, who must be heeded. He is not specific, however, in identifying this prophet, but rather, did leave us with certain distinctive characteristics. For instance, the coming one would be a man steeped in the knowledge of GOD’s covenant laws and would speak with unprecedented authority.

    Biblical prophets were called from all walks of life, speaking very unpopular words during times of high apostasy in their own specific eras. Their deep sense of divine appointment often moved them into life-threatening situations, even when their prophecies were forecasted many, many years in advance, with 100% accuracy. In every generation, the people of GOD had evidence that HIS prophets were genuine and did speak with HIS authority.

    The voice of the LORD at Mount Sinai had so frightened the people that they requested that they never have to experience it again, for fear they would die (v.16). GOD granted the Israelites request and since that time, has only used prophets to relay HIS messages to HIS people as a group. However, GOD told them that HE fully expected them to obey HIS “sent word” or HE would deal with them personally as HE had before.

    With this new request granted and in place, any false prophet claiming to have a word from GOD would be killed. And GOD further states how the people could tell the difference between a “true” and a “false” prophet. HE says that if a prophet claims to predict something in HIS name, and it does not happen, HE did not give that prophet the message. That prophet would have spoken on his own, and therefore, should not be feared (v.22).

    To heed the words GOD speaks through HIS prophets implies a reaction of obedience to those words. If those words are not ensued by obedience, then one has not truly listened with his or her heart (mind). The cost of rejecting GOD’s word is great, and HE will always call that disobedient person into account through various judgments that we might rather live without.


A Sunday school lesson by,

Larry D. Alexander



Larry Dell Alexander (1953–) - Encyclopedia of Arkansas




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