Friday, January 19, 2018

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday January 21, 2018

Over 148,000 readers worldwide

(GOD hears and acts on the prayers of the righteous)
(Daniel 9:1-19)

   In 539 B.C., 66 years after Daniel had been taken into Babylonian exile by King Nebuchadnezzar, Darius the Mede, at age 62, overthrew Nebuchadnezzar’s successor, King Belshazzar, in a coupe that launched the beginning of the “Medo-Persian Dynasty”. It was an event that had been revealed to the Belshazzar, in fact, on the night of his death, through Daniel’s interpretation of his, now famous, “Handwriting on the Wall” dream (Daniel 5:13-31). This overthrowing of the Babylonian Kingdom was a part of GOD’s plan, as HE was now preparing the way for the liberation of the Jews from exile that had been in captivity in Babylon since the year 605 B.C.
    Moved by the Medo-Persian’s victory over the Babylonians, Daniel searched the Scriptures to try and clearly understand this momentous event of which he had so obviously played a role in. He needed to know just how this event would affect himself and his people in the near future. He already understood that Darius’ victory was a signal that the Jew’s captivity in Babylon was nearing an end, but he didn’t, however, grasp the full ramifications.
    As Daniel searched the writings of the prophet Jeremiah, he is made aware that the city of Jerusalem must lie desolate for seventy years before they could return to it. It was Daniel’s study of the Scriptures that led him to pray a prayer of confession and repentance that was heard by GOD at the very moment that he began to pray (Daniel 9:23).
    Daniel’s wearing of sackcloth and sprinkling of ashes over his body symbolized his “mournful grief” and “GODly sorrow” for his sins, and, the sins of Israel. In Deuteronomy 28, Moses lays out the criteria by which GOD would deal with HIS covenant people regarding sin, or disobedience. There, he spells out to everyone that obedience will bring blessings, and disobedience will bring curses, or discipline. One of those forms of discipline would be to subjugate the Jews to Gentile dominance (Deuteronomy 28:48-57). However, the Word also says that, if they returned to the ways of GOD, their nation would be restored to blessing (Deuteronomy 30).
    In Daniel’s prayer, he confesses the sins of Israel, and also, he identifies himself with those sins, just as though he were personally responsible for them. The sins of Israel, like all sin, are a personal rebellion against GOD. Still, GOD, by way of HIS abounding grace, had sent prophet after prophet, to plead with the Israelites to return to HIM. However, they had steadfastly refused to do so.
    After having prayed for the removal of GOD’s wrath, Daniel then prays for GOD’s favor, mercy, and forgiveness. The whole world was now mocking Jerusalem and GOD’s people because of “the defeated state of existence” that they had lingered in now for almost 70 years. Daniel asked that GOD would put an end to their shameful condition and desolation for HIS OWN namesake, not because they themselves deserved any help or mercy.
    Here Daniel is basing his request on “GOD’s great mercy”, and not on “the righteousness of Israel”, because Israel, in and of itself, had no righteousness. Daniel was showing his concern for GOD’s reputation in the world, and wanted GOD to glorify HIMSELF to the world, by restoring the Israelites to prominence, who were privileged enough to represent HIS mighty name here on earth, but had failed to live up to their role of responsibility.
    Oftentimes, we lack sincerity and remorse when we confess our sins before GOD. But it is sincere confession and repentance that appeals to the mercy of THE ALMIGHTY. We, as Christians, are stirred to repentance in various ways, however, when we come to GOD for help and forgiveness, we must all approach GOD with reverence, trust, and GODly sorrow in our hearts, not just own our lips.
    Daniel called GOD “great” and “awesome” and he also stressed GOD’s “faithfulness” to HIS fallen people. By focusing on GOD’s great sovereignty over all things concerning our existence, we automatically acknowledge our sincere reverence and trust in HIM to help us in our times of need. When we sincerely repent, GOD’s mercy immediately begins to gravitate to us.
    “Divine Love” is the motivation behind everything that GOD does for us, and we are to love GOD in return by obeying HIS “divine commands”. GOD always answers the prayers of those who righteously seek HIM, and, HE responds very graciously to a sincere prayer of repent. And as long as we continue to righteously seek GOD, our prayers will be prayers that are immediately heard by “The ONE WHO sees us from on High”, our FATHER, WHO is in Heaven (Daniel 9:23).

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY DALEXANDER- Official Website

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