Friday, December 21, 2018

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday December 23, 2018

Over 183,000 readers worldwide

(JESUS is GOD’s promised gift)
(Luke 1:26-38 and 2:22-35)

   In the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, the archangel, Gabriel, returns to earth to deliver yet another message from GOD. This time he visits the tiny town of Nazareth in Galilee, the home of a young teenaged “virgin” (“parthenos” in the Greek) named Mary. Mary was engaged to marry a man named Joseph, who was a descendant of King David. Gabriel’s charge, on this visit, was to give young Mary shocking news of GOD’s plan to bless the world through her, with the “Immaculate Conception” of our LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST, WHOM HIMSELF would be “the ULTIMATE MESSAGER”.
    The long-awaited “MESSIAH” WHO had been forecasted by ancient prophets such as Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel and the likes, would now be sent by GOD to usher in a “New Covenant” that would liberate all mankind from under the dominion of sin. It would be a covenant that would allow anyone, who believes in HIM, to receive the gift of eternal life, through their faith. It would then become the duty of all of HIS followers to build their spiritual foundation on that “most high” faith.
    As Christians, they would then have to learn to pray and communicate with GOD in the power of a, soon-to-come, HOLY SPIRIT (worship in Spirit), WHOM JESUS would later send. And after HIS ascension back into Heaven, through regular “Holy Communion” services, we were to always acknowledge and remember the conditions of this covenant, under which the love of GOD has called us, and of which, JESUS HIMSELF, signed with HIS OWN blood.
    In verse 28 Gabriel greeted Mary saying, “Greetings favored woman! The LORD is with you!” Confused and disturbed, Mary struggled to try and understand just what the appearance of the angel before her meant. Sensing her fear, Gabriel sought to calm her by saying, “Don’t be frightened, Mary, for GOD has decided to bless you! You will become pregnant and have a son, and you are to name him JESUS. HE will be very great and will be called the SON of the MOST HIGH. And the LORD GOD will give HIM the throne of HIS ancestor David. And HE will reign over Israel forever; HIS kingdom will never end!” (NLT)
    Then Mary wondered out loud, asking Gabriel, “But how can I have a baby? I am a virgin”. Gabriel then explains to her that, “The HOLY SPIRIT will come upon you, and the power of The MOST HIGH will “overshadow” (“episkiazo” in the Greek) you. So, the BABY born to you will be holy, and HE will be called the “SON of GOD” (“Prototakas”, which means, “first born”) (Vs.34-35).
    In order to understand further what the angel, Gabriel was telling Mary, the word “overshadow” which is “episkiazo” in the original Greek, has a duel meaning, and in this case both meaning do apply. First it means “to make insignificant”. Here the angel is telling Mary that the child she will borne is “infinitely more important than herself”.
    Secondly, “episkiazo” means, “to envelope (fully cover) with a “preternatural (beyond the normal course of nature) covering or influence”, or a haze of brilliancy”. In other words, GOD would place a supernatural covering around Mary to protect her during the course of her pregnancy, from the wiles of satan, and his last ditch efforts to prevent, or delay the entrance of JESUS into the world.
    Suddenly Mary’s “confusion and fear” turned to “joy and appreciation”. She then responded by saying, “I am the LORD’s servant, and I am willing to accept whatever HE wants. May everything you said, come true” (v.38).
    When we believe in GOD, in all HIS fullness, holiness, and eternal righteousness, it becomes easy to accept whatever HE sends our way. We then understand that HIS tests are not meant to make us fail, but rather, are sent to make us strong, so that we may become better warriors in the Army of CHRIST.
    Mary accepted the message that GOD sent her that day through HIS angel, Gabriel, and as a result, every generation since, has called her blessed. We can’t help but acknowledge the “favor” (“charise”) that GOD showed her, by way of HIS bestowing upon her, such a divine role, in HIS divine plan and works.

Luke 2:21-25

   In Luke chapter 2, taking up at verse 21, we see that eight days after JESUS was born, HE was taken to Jerusalem for the “Naming and Circumcision Ceremony” according to the Jewish Rite and Covenant with GOD concerning all male children. Baby JESUS’ name, however, had already been given to HIS mother Mary by the archangel Gabriel before HE was even conceived, and so here, only the circumcision was needed (Luke 1:31).
    Now it was time for “the purification offering” that was also required by the Law of Moses after the birth of any child. However, the Law also says that, if a woman’s first child was a male, he would have to be dedicated to the LORD in a special “dedication ceremony” that required that they bring “animal sacrifices”. And in order that every family would be financially able to obtain an animal sacrifice, GOD only required parents to bring, either a pair of turtledoves, or, two young pigeons.     

Luke 2:25-35

   There was a righteous and devout man of GOD named “Simeon”, who was filled with the HOLY SPIRIT, and who had waited patiently on the LORD for many years, just so he could see the MESSIAH WHO would come to rescue Israel, and indeed, the whole world, from the grip of their own sin. The HOLY SPIRIT had already revealed to him that he would not die until he had seen the MESSIAH with his own eyes.
    On the day that Mary and Joseph came to the temple, the HOLY SPIRIT led Simeon there so that GOD’s promise would be fulfilled. Simeon took Baby JESUS into his arms and praised GOD, and proclaimed the words of Scripture contained in Luke 2:29-32, that have came to be known as “The Nunc Dimittis” from the Latin Vulgate, which is interpreted, “Now let me depart”. There Simeon declares;

“LORD, now I can die in peace! As YOU promised me, I have seen the SAVIOR YOU have given to all people. HE is a light to reveal GOD to the nations, and HE is the glory of YOUR people Israel!” (NLT)

    Joseph and Mary, of course, were amazed at what Simeon had proclaimed about their SON, JESUS. Simeon then blessed the couple and further said to Mary,

“This CHILD will be rejected by many in Israel, and it will be their undoing. But HE will be the greatest joy to many others. Thus, the deepest thoughts of many will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your very soul” (Vs34-35) (NLT)

    Here the Prophet Simeon is informing Mary that she would be emotionally torn by the coming opposition to her SON JESUS, by both, the professed Church, and, by the World. JESUS would later manifest HIMSELF as the very source of our salvation, and that salvation would be extended, not only to the Jews, but also to the Gentiles of the world. JESUS would come to be known as “the SAVIOR of the whole world”, and not just the world of HIS earthly generation. HIS “salvation offer” would also extend to every generation, past, present, and future, who would ever live, in the history of this world.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

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