Friday, June 21, 2019

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday June 23, 2019

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(The freedom of a new life in CHRIST JESUS)
(Colossians 2:1-15)

   While the Apostle Paul was imprisoned in Rome, he wrote this letter to the church at Colosse, a city which he himself had not yet visited. He had come to know the believers there while he was still living in Ephesus during his second missionary journey. It was around this time, that he began to receive word about the “strange antichrist doctrines and theories” that had infiltrated their church, such as witchcraft, astrology, magic, and yes, Judaism, which was intent on downgrading CHRIST JESUS to the rank of just another angel.
     This letter was carefully and brilliantly written by Paul to serve as proof that JESUS was actually GOD in human form while HE existed here on earth. HE was the greatest example ever, of what GOD HIMSELF is really like. GOD is the CREATOR of all things, and through HIM we have everything we need to survive, both, physically, and more importantly, spiritually.
    In verse 1 of chapter 2, Paul gives us a glimpse into his own heart, as he expresses the agony of his struggle that he was going through for the Colossians and other Christians whom he had never met face to face. Here he compares or associates the Colossians with the church at Laodicea, one of the three towns with whom they shared a vicinity (the third being Hierapolis).
    It is not enough just to have love for humanity, but one must also have love and belief in CHRIST JESUS, lest that love become just mere sentimentality. The true Christian clearly has a double commitment in this life, for he or she must first be committed to CHRIST JESUS, and then one must also be powerfully committed to their fellowman.
    In verses 2-3 Paul shares his goal with the believers of Colosse. Here he tells them that his goal is that “they will be encouraged and knit together by strong ties of love” (vs. 2a-NLT). However, in verses 2b-3, he reveals to them the most important part of that goal which is for them to “have full confidence because they have complete understanding of GOD’s secret plan (the Christian Church) which is CHRIST HIMSELF. In HIM lies hidden all of the treasures of wisdom and knowledge”.
    And so we see here that loving each other and loving CHRIST has to be synonymous with each other. For CHRIST tells us in Matthew 25, verses 31-46, that, when HE returns, HE will judge us according to how we reacted to human need in our lifetime. In other words, HE will judge us based on how we put our love for our fellowman into action.
    We as human beings, should never be led away into doctrines (including so-called Christian denominations) which are developed by human minds. We should, instead, make a greater effort to adhere to the things that come direct from the mind of a supreme GOD (the Holy Bible) WHO knows all things that are conducive to living a life that can tap into the power that HE has given to us as HIS greatest creation. JESUS, WHO is the greatest of the greatest, clearly demonstrated that “power” (“exsousea”- “authority”) to us, time and time again, while HE lived here on earth.
    Beginning in verse 4 of this letter to the Colossians, here in chapter 2, Paul tells us why we must be committed to gaining complete knowledge and understanding of the Word of GOD, and he  implores the believers here to stay away from strange, “empty philosophy” (“pithanologia”) and “high-sounding nonsense” (“ecstatic speech” – more popularly known today as “speaking in tongues”) that come from “human thinking”, and, from the evil powers of this world, respectively (v.8).
    JESUS represented to us, the fullness of GOD in a human body (v.9), and we are made complete through our union with HIM. JESUS is LORD over all rulers and authority in the whole universe (v.10), and HE is LORD over both, the physical, and, the spiritual life. Our belief in HIM infuses in us, a spiritual life that will persist, even after physical death (Vs.11-12).
    Baptism is a public act that symbolizes our being buried with CHRIST, and then, being raised into a new life because we believed, that, through the mighty power of GOD, WHO raised JESUS from the dead, we will also be raised from the dead to be with HIM. Our acceptance of CHRIST cuts away at “the gravitational pull” that the world has on our sinful nature, and puts us on the road to a new life of seeking to know GOD more and more with each passing day (Vs.13-15).
    In these verses the Apostle Paul clearly shows the adequacy of the work that JESUS did as a 100% human being here on earth. Because of what HE did, our sins are forgiven, and the evil work of satan was conquered, or nullified. However, we can only enjoy CHRIST’ conquest when we repent and request forgiveness from GOD for our sins against HIM.
    There are few things in this world that are universally available to all human beings, regardless of their race, nationality, gender, or social or economic condition. Of those few things, “the Salvation of men’s souls” stands alone as the most valuable thing that any man can acquire. And because of what CHRIST JESUS did, this greatest of assets, is free!

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

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