Friday, September 13, 2019

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday September 15, 2019

Over 213,000 readers worldwide

(GOD provides our daily bread)
(Exodus 16:1-15)

   In the biblical Greek the word used for “faith” is “pistis” (pis-tis), and it means “to rely upon with an inward certainty” and “to trustfully submit to the evidence of authority”. In the New Testament Scriptures it describes the truthfulness of GOD, and a reliance on JESUS the CHRIST for salvation, and the HOLY SPIRIT for teaching and guidance.
    Faith is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see, whether it be physical or mental. GOD has always given HIS approval to people based on their faith. If fact, by faith we understand that the entire universe was formed at GOD’s command, and that what we now see, did not come from anything that can be seen. Everything originated from the mind of GOD (see Hebrews 11:1-3).
    “Faith” is believing to a point of knowing, and feeling absolutely assured and secure in the promise that GOD will always provide our daily needs (GOD the FATHER), deliver us into salvation through JESUS CHRIST (GOD the SON), and direct us with a fail-proof daily guidance, teaching, and counseling through GOD the HOLY SPIRIT.
    The exodus of the Israelites from Egypt demonstrated plainly that they did not trust GOD despite the constant evidence of HIS power and authority over man and nature. It also demonstrated GOD’s unconditional love for HIS chosen people, and HIS willingness to give them a fresh new start in “a land of promise” that they could call their own.
    This journey out of “chattel slavery” also demonstrated the need for a divinely instituted “law” and “order”, with clear standards and discipline, for all those who chose to disobey GOD by seeking to go their own way, and, for all those who wanted to live GOD’s way. However, because GOD is a “just” GOD, HE did not punish the rebellious acts of HIS people in the wilderness, until HE had clearly laid out those standards which showed them what HE defined as “right”, and, what HE defined as “wrong”.
    And finally, this journey out of Egypt clearly demonstrates “how quickly the human mind forgets”. Here in chapter 16 of the book of Exodus, just two months after GOD had delivered the Israelites out of the cruelty of their unjust servitude, they begin to complain bitterly about their, much improved situation, even beginning to “idealize” their miserable past of the previous 400 years of grimacing under the finger of Pharaoh.  
    Here in this passage, in the first 12 verses, we see the occurrence of the Hebrew term “lon’l”, which means “grumble against”, 6 times (Vs. 2, 7-9, 12). It indicates “an overwhelming attitude of bitterness and hostility”, in this case, against GOD, WHO had just delivered them out of bondage in Egypt. When we fail to see GOD in our circumstances, we unwittingly become “negative” in our attitude towards everything and everyone around us. However, if we see GOD as being in control, and we confidently commit to being obedient and attentive to HIS voice, HE will fill our minds with optimism and hope, and ultimately deliver us from our troubles.
    All grumbling and complaining finds its roots in “a lack of faith in GOD”. Without GOD in our lives, we are compelled by satan to put all of our trust in man, and of course, over time, man will ultimately disappoint us. It was never “GOD’s plan” for man to trust in himself, and that is why the Word of GOD never instructs us to do so.
    It is the GOD within man (GOD’S Nature) that we can trust and be able to identify, through having a close relationship and communion with GOD ourselves. Without a personal relationship with GOD ourselves, we won’t be able to make the kind of decisions that are always beneficial to us as we strive to move forward in this life.
    GOD’s instructions regarding the blessings of HIS “manna from Heaven” were very specific. GOD gives us certain specifics in all of HIS blessings, so as to highlight, any “lack of faith” that we have to specifically deal with, “personally”. Remember, even GOD’s great servant Job, who walked closely with GOD all the days of his life, eventually had to deal with “fears” that kept his faith in GOD from being “complete”. That is why GOD allowed satan to test him with many tragedies that “Job always feared” would come upon him anyway. As “good” and as blessed as Job was, he had never completely trusted in “GOD’s protection” (Job 3:25-26).
    The very first example that JESUS demonstrated to us, even before HIS three-year ministry of teaching began, here on earth (Matthew 4:1-11), was to “trust GOD’s provision” (Matthew 4:1-4), “trust GOD’s protection” (Matthew 4:5-7), and finally, we must “trust GOD’s plan” (Matthew 4:8-10). This kind of faith and trust is absolutely necessary if we are to keep satan away from us (Matthew 4:11), and have any chance at all, of overcoming this world, as JESUS did. We must rely on the superior power of GOD, just as JESUS did, while we represent GOD in a 100% human body here on earth, just as JESUS did.
    The same way that we “pay no attention to GOD” in our society today, is the exact illustration of how the Israelite’s careless and rebellious attitude toward GOD assured their doom in the “Desert of Sin” (v.1), way back then. Even though man has never been totally faithful to GOD, GOD has always been totally faithful to us. HE is committed to helping HIS greatest creation survive, be holy, and endure to the end where salvation awaits us. And GOD’s law was introduced to discipline us, and to help us grow toward this goal. However, without faith, it is impossible to do so.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

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