Friday, November 1, 2019

An international Sunday school lesson commentary
For Sunday November 3, 2019

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(Paul’s final advice to the Corinthians)
(2 Corinthians 13:1-10)

   There can be no coercive work involved in ministry in the Christian Church. The authoritative spiritual powers granted by GOD do not include an element of coercion. True Christian spiritual leaders are, in reality, only “spokespersons” for CHRIST. CHRIST speaks through them, and anyone who refuses to listen is not just ignoring the messenger, but rather, in reality, is ignoring GOD. However, because GOD gave us wills that are free, everyone must freely choose to follow or reject CHRIST voluntarily.
    Here in 2 Corinthians 13, the Apostle Paul, under the authority of JESUS CHRIST, warns the Church at Corinth of a third visit that he planned to make in the near future. He had already warned those who had violated their pledges to CHRIST, that, there would be a great rebuke delivered by him when he got there, because of their continued sin and clinging to their old lifestyles, which were outside of the precepts and principles of the Christian way.
    When people looked at Paul, they saw, quite literally, a petite, very diminutively, frail, and battered individual who had been beaten down by various persecutions from an anti-CHRIST society (2 Corinthians 11:22-33). And to top it off, by his own admission, Paul wasn’t a very good speaker (2 Corinthians 10:10) like many of the false “super apostles” (as he called them – 2 Corinthians 12:11) were. Yet here in verse 3 Paul says that he can give the people all the proof they need in order to know and understand that CHRIST speaks through him.
    Paul didn’t want the Corinthians to get it twisted or confused, and start comparing what they saw in him physically, as a picture of what CHRIST is like physically. Only his messages, actions, and behavior should show them what CHRIST is like, not his physical appearance and stature. He wanted them to understand clearly that CHRIST is not weak in HIS dealings with them, but rather, HE is a mighty power among them.
    Although it may have seemed to the people of Corinth that CHRIST died on the cross in weakness, it was more important that they realize that now HE lives among them by the might and power of GOD the FATHER. And so, while Paul himself may seem weak in appearance, the might and power of GOD lives within him, and in all of the people who work with him. As a result, he and his fellow workers could use that mighty power in dealing with them and their foolishness every single day.
    In verse 5 the Apostle Paul then urges the Church at Corinth to “judge” (anakrino judgment), or, “examine” themselves to see if their faith is indeed a “saving faith”. They need to see for themselves if their faith is a “genuine faith” that moves them to “positive actions” toward one another, and toward “obedience to GOD”. Paul further states that, an unbeliever must be able to see a difference (marked improvement) in their new lifestyle, as opposed to the lifestyles that they used to lead.
    Paul also says that, if they cannot tell if CHRIST was among them, using their current behavior and lifestyle as a barometer, that means that they, by way of their own examples before the world, had “failed the test”, and are “not approved” (“adokimoi” (ad-o-kim-ohee) in the biblical Greek), by GOD (Vs.5-6).
    Paul’s second visit to the Church at Corinth had been a very humbling experience for both he, and his fellow workers, because of the offensive way in which they were treated, and, because of the way that some in the church had fallen away from the teachings of CHRIST JESUS. He admonished the Corinthians of the consequences of choosing to live their lives contrary to the principles of CHRIST JESUS (backsliding), after openly pledging themselves to HIM as their LORD and SAVIOR.
    It is always the responsibility of the Christian to “never oppose the truth”. In fact, the Christian must always choose to follow and stand by the truth, regardless to where it leads, and regardless to whom it convicts, be it family member, friend, or perceived enemy. Remember, GOD glorifies HIMSELF through us when HE can use the backdrop of our weaknesses and witness as fuel to perform great deeds before mankind.
    Paul closes out this second letter to the Corinthians by encouraging them to rejoice, change their ways, encourage each other, and live in harmony and peace through CHRIST JESUS with each other. In other words, Paul advises the Church to “aim for perfection” (“katartizesthe” (kat-ar-tid-est-he) in the biblical Greek), starting by recognizing that they need GOD, repenting, and putting themselves back into a position of “favor” with GOD. That way they can be used by GOD for good works, and only then, will “the GOD of love and peace” abide with them.
    It was Paul’s sincere desire that the Corinthian Church behave in such a way, that, the love of GOD, the grace of JESUS CHRIST, and the fellowship of the HOLY SPIRIT, could abide with them, without being continuously grieved by them, through their unholy, worldly behavior and lifestyle.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website


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