Friday, October 9, 2020



An international Sunday school lesson commentary

For Sunday October 11, 2020


Over 252,000 readers worldwide



(Do not try to condemn others)

(Luke 6:27-42)


   In Luke chapter 6, taking up at verse 27, JESUS begins to teach about “the seven aspects” of “agape”, or “unconditional love”, in HIS, now famous, “Sermon on the Mount”. Because of our acquired and accepted “sin nature” (our desire to want to do wrong) from satan, these seven aspects are not automatically pursued by man, even though all of us are born with “GOD’s Nature” in us from the beginning. The pursuit of these holy aspects still requires a “supernatural interceding” from GOD, through the HOLY SPIRIT, to enable us to achieve such a state of required righteousness. These seven aspects include:


·         Loving our enemies

·         Doing good to those who hate us

·         Blessing those who curse us

·         Praying for those who mistreat us

·         Resisting the urge for revenge against those who we feel wronged us

·         Giving freely without expectation of being paid back

·         Always treating others, the way, we ourselves, want to be treated (“The Golden Rule”)  


    In order for us to successfully, and consistently do these things, especially to people that we don’t know or like , one has to be “inspired to love”, by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD. JESUS wants us to show the same attitude towards each other that GOD HIMSELF displays towards us.

    This kind of love will set us apart from the world and allow us to emulate the ways of GOD in Heaven, while living here on earth. Then our reward from Heaven will be great, because we will truly be behaving like children of GOD, WHO is kind to the “unthankful”, and, to those who are “wicked” (v.35b) (which at one time or the other, is all of us).

    In verses 37-38, JESUS outlines five areas that stand as proof of the “sowing and reaping” theme that so prominently permeates the pages of the Holy Scriptures. Here HE tells us that:


·         Mercy leads to mercy

·         Judgment leads to judgment

·         Condemnation leads to condemnation

·         Pardon will lead to pardon

·         Giving will lead to giving


    Our “actions and attitudes” always reflect back on us, and “true righteousness” is always revealed in our actions and attitudes towards each other. And just as a blind person can not lead another blind person to safety, and indeed, can not even hide the fact that they themselves are blind, so it is with the “unrighteous”.

    Our “unrighteousness” is also revealed in our actions and attitudes. And because the  “unrighteous” can only lead a person into “the dangers and pitfalls of unrighteousness”, we must first rid ourselves of our own “sin” (“unrighteousness”) before we can help someone else rid themselves of theirs.

    JESUS points out that, the person who criticizes another person, often has a greater sinful behavior pattern than the person that they are criticizing (Vs.41-42). The greatest reason why a person cannot “judge” (“krino”) another person, is because we are all under the “judgment” (“krino”) of GOD. Because we have all lived a sinful life under GOD, we are thereby not qualified to condemn another person for living the same kind of lifestyle that we have. We are all “equal in sin” with each other. Only CHRIST JESUS has qualified HIMSELF, as a 100% human being here on earth, to judge mankind. Amen.


A Sunday school lesson by,

Larry D. Alexander



    Larry Dell Alexander (1953–) - Encyclopedia of Arkansas




            Larry DAlexander's Books and Publications Spotlight


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