An international Sunday school lesson
Sunday November 8, 2020
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“the TRUE VINE”)
Throughout the Old Testament,
the analogy of the “vineyard” is used as a depiction of GOD’s beloved Israel.
However, this term is never used apart from the idea of degeneration. The
descriptions by Isaiah (Isaiah 5:1-7), Jeremiah (Jeremiah 2:21-22), Ezekiel
(Ezekiel 15 & 19:10-14), Hosea (Hosea 10:1), and King David (Psalm 80:8-13)
all stress the point of degeneration, or, a moral decline of GOD’s chosen
people (the church).
In John 15:1-16:4, the
author of GOD writes of JESUS’ instructions to HIS Disciples, that they should
be “rightly related” to HIM, to each other as Christians (15:11-17), and, to
the World of Unbelievers (15:18-16:4).
Christians are to have three respective duties. They are to;
Abide in JESUS (Vs.1-10)
Love each other (Vs.11-17)
Witness and testify to the World (Vs.18-16:4)
“I am the True Vine” is
the last of the seven, now famous, “I am” statements of our LORD and SAVIOR,
JESUS CHRIST that are found in the Gospel according to Saint John. The scene in
this particular passage, takes place on the eve of JESUS’ trials and subsequent
Crucifixion, by Roman method. Here JESUS seeks to relate and demonstrate to HIS
Disciples, and to us, just what GOD THE FATHER, and HE HIMSELF, expects from
HIS followers as Christians living in the world.
JESUS, as the “True
Vine”, fulfills that which GOD had intended for the Israelites and the world in
general. GOD is the Cultivator and Protector of all of life, human and
otherwise, and HE desires good fruit, from each of us. In fact, we see JESUS
stressing that point in 15:2-16, no less than eight times. The fruit, which GOD
expects from the human side of HIS creation, is obedience, righteousness, and
JESUS tells us that
every branch, or person in this case, that does not produce good fruit will be
cut off from HIS vine. Here we see that, every person (branch), who professes
to be a follower of CHRIST, is not necessarily a “true follower”, or “a producing
branch” of “THE TRUE VINE”. Such branches, or people, will be cut off from THE
TRUE VINE in the last day, or in the “time of harvest”. The great example of
this is Judas Iscariot. Although Judas Iscariot was a branch of THE TRUE VINE,
he was not a producing branch, or true follower. He did not produce good fruit,
and therefore, had to be cut off from THE TRUE VINE, and burned in the end.
In the Greek, the word
the Apostle John, and other New Testament writers use for “remain” is “meno”
(men-o), and it means “to stay in a given place, state of mind, relationship,
or expectancy”; and “to abide, continue, dwell, or endure”. This word occurs 11
times in this particular chapter of this Gospel account of John. The
fruitfulness, of which JESUS speaks of in this passage, can only occur, as a
result of HIS life being reproduced in ours.
In other words, our life
and behavior must reflect JESUS’ life and behavior, and we must “remain” in
HIM, or “continue” to reflect HIS image to others, through our own behavior,
throughout our entire lifetimes. We, as Christians, must prove to the world,
through our behavior, that Christianity really does produce the best men and
It is only by doing
this, can we be considered as “true followers”, or “producing branches” of the
“TRUE VINE” of GOD. If we remain, or abide in JESUS, we will continue to bear
good fruit. If we fail to remain in JESUS (on the VINE), in spite of all of
GOD’s tender loving care of the vineyard, we will be lopped off, and cast into
the fire to burn as useless wood.
In John 15:11-17, JESUS
moves on to instruct HIS disciples (and us), as to how we should “rightly
relate to each other” as Christians. Here, we see JESUS delivering to all who
seek to follow HIM, the only commandment that HE would ever give, and it is to
“Love one another, as I have loved you” (John 15:12). It is a commandment that
the Apostle John never forgot.
According to Jewish
folklore, the Apostle John, who lived longer than all of JESUS’ original twelve
Disciples, in his old age, had to be carried into the Temple, because he could
no longer walk. At that time, the Apostle’s sermon consisted of only one
sentence, “Little children, love one another”. It is one of the more lovely
stories in a Biblical Church history that consists of countless lovely stories
from the early Church. Every time I think of it, it nearly brings me to tears.
In John 15:18-16:4, JESUS
instructs us on how we should relate to the world. When we choose the Christian
walk, we automatically become strangers to worldly behavior. We are no longer
permanent residents of this earth, but rather, we become citizens of Heaven,
and therefore, the laws of GOD should become paramount to us.
Here in this passage,
JESUS warns of the hatred that the World will have for those who follow HIM. As
long as a person belongs to the World, the World will always love that person.
That is primarily because that person resembles the World through his or her
behavior, and to hate that person, would, quite literally, mean hating
The person who hates the
true Christian, hates JESUS, and thereby, hates GOD. Anyone, who is shown the
Word of GOD, and does not accept it, is guilty of denying CHRIST, who is the
“personification” of the Word of GOD, and therefore, is GOD.
We as Christians have a duty to go out into the world and share
the Gospel with dignity and respect. JESUS empowered us with the HOLY SPIRIT,
and GOD goes before us, to prepare the hearts of those to whom we may be
speaking. “Be of good cheer”, and “be not afraid” is what JESUS said to Peter
and HIS other Disciples that day in far off Palestine, where HE “walked on
water”, in order to give them encouragement to “remain in HIM”.
We are called to go out
into the world, and we don’t have to be afraid. JESUS will always come to us,
from across the storms of life, but we must continue to bear good fruit, by
remaining in HIM. If we fail to bear good fruit, as Judas Iscariot failed to,
we will be cut off from the “TRUE VINE” that brings with it, Eternal Life.
JESUS eternally
encourages us through these immortal words that HE spoke to HIS closest
disciples, just prior to HIS ascension back into HIS Heavenly Realm; “Go ye
therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the FATHER, and
of the SON, and of the HOLY GHOST: Teaching them to observe all things
whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I AM with you always, even unto the
end of the world” (Matthew 28:19-20 - KJV).
A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander
Larry Dell Alexander (1953–)
- Encyclopedia of Arkansas
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