An international Sunday school lesson
Sunday February 7, 2021
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and the Samaritan woman)
In the Greek, the word New Testament writers use for
“longsuffering” is “makrothumia” (mak-roth-oo-mee-ah). It describes a spirit
that never grows irritated, never despairs, and never regards anyone as being
beyond salvation. In the Gospel according to Saint John, in chapter 4, verses
1-42, the author of GOD writes of JESUS’ journey alone, into Samaria, a land
that was rarely, if ever, traveled through by the Jews in those days.
JESUS and HIS Disciples had left Judea
after the Disciples had done some baptizing there, and they were heading back
to Galilee. On the way, JESUS sent HIS Disciples to get food, and HE HIMSELF,
continued on into the Samaritan village of Sychar, in the vicinity of the land
that Jacob had willed to his son Joseph (Gen. 48:21-22). It was also where
Jacob’s Well is located.
In verse 4 of this passage, the Apostle
John tells us that JESUS “had to” go through Samaria, even though we know that
there was an alternate, more frequently traveled route that the Jews would
take, just east of the Jordan River, through neighboring Perea.
The Jews hated the Samaritans, and the
Samaritans did not like the Jews. They had harbored ill-feelings towards each
other since the days when the Assyrians, under the rule of King Shalamaneser,
defeated Israel and King Hoshea, Israel’s last GODly king. The Assyrians took
over the capital city of Samaria and exiled the Israelites to Assyria (2 Kings
The Assyrians then replaced the Israelites
with groups of people from Babylon, Cuthah, Avva, Hamath, and Sepharvaim, and
resettled them in Samaria and various other towns throughout Israel. The
descendants of the Jews, who married and mixed with those Assyrian groups,
became the hated Samaritans of JESUS’ day.
While these Samaritans were worshipers of
the same GOD as the Israelites, they continued to worship at Mount Gerizim,
where Moses, Joshua, and the Jews worshiped (Deut. 27:12 & Josh. 8:33)
prior to coming to the “promised land”. However, since the time after King David
moved the worship center to Jerusalem, the “pure breed” Jew’s had been
worshiping there. The Samaritans were hated simply because they were “half
breed” Jews, and thus, no better than Gentiles in the minds of the pure-breed
However, we see in verse 12 that the woman
JESUS encountered at Jacob’s Well, still considers Jacob as her forefather, and
claims her Jewish heritage. What we see here in John chapter 4, is an attempt
by JESUS, to show HIS Disciples, and the world, including future generations,
that, the new Gospel that HE preached would be embraced by both Jews and
Gentiles alike. HE sought to show that prayer is made for all men, regardless
of race, and that, for the coming “Christian Way”, there would be no such thing
as an enemy, except satan, in all the world. No one would be left outside of
the love of CHRIST, and no one has ever been outside of the purpose of GOD. GOD
wishes all mankind to be saved.
We also see in this passage, JESUS
introducing us to “The Five Laws of Persuasion”.
(Vs. 7-9)
(Vs. 10-12)
(Vs. 13-15),
(Vs. 16-18)
(Vs. 28-29)
The Samaritan woman that JESUS met at the
well that day, like many of us, thirsted and longed for that thing in her life,
that she felt was lacking. She had drunk from the wells of many men, five
husbands, to be exact, and was currently “shacking up” with yet another man
when she finally had this surprising and unexpected, life-changing encounter
with JESUS.
The Disciples returned just as the woman
was leaving, and they were puzzled as to why JESUS was even talking to a woman
alone, and they were, perhaps, even more disturbed that the woman was a
Samaritan. JESUS had broken many life-changing barriers by venturing into
Samaritan territory that day, and no doubt his disciple’s feet were touching
Samaritan soil for the very first time. However, if they were to train to
become fishers of men, they would have to first understand that JESUS’ offer of
salvation would extend to everyone, both to the Jews, and, to the much-hated
Gentiles and Samaritans.
The woman went eagerly back to Samaria to
witness of her life-changing event at Jacob’s well, and though she, herself
still had many questions, nevertheless, her life had now been jump-started in a
new direction. She had come to the well that day, no doubt, filled with shame
for living a life that had, to that point, ostracized her from the other women
of her community. However, she left the well having a new lease on life that
one can only receive by coming to the end of one’s self and coming face to face
It seems as if GOD has placed this longing
and thirst, inside of each of us, innately from birth, and the only way to
satisfy that longing or thirst, is by seeking, and ultimately finding HIM. It
is for the purpose of GOD that man was ever created in first place. And just as
no man has ever created anything that was not for his own purpose or benefit,
so it is with GOD. Man was created to serve GOD, and until we grasp and
understand that we will just continue to meander around, searching for physical
answers, to problems, that have always been spiritual.
Sunday school lesson by,
D. Alexander
Larry Dell Alexander (1953–)
- Encyclopedia of Arkansas
D. Alexander's Books and Publications Spotlight
D. Alexander - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
D. ALEXANDER- Official Website
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